Read A Guardians Passion Online

Authors: Mya Lairis

A Guardians Passion (4 page)

BOOK: A Guardians Passion
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Fenris stilled behind her and then withdrew his hold. To Freya’s surprise they both withdrew from her. Fenris sat up against the headboard, looking down at her. “Sorry,” he muttered, chest heaving. “Of course, you are exhausted. Weak. I can respect that. You are carrying our cub. Just like you were chopping wood this morning and helping with the front desk half the day.”

Refusing to acknowledge the snarky comment, Freya tried to straighten the covers over her. She closed her eyes to the pouting disappointment of Rayne and was preparing to soak into her victorious slumber when the sound of a hand slapping the mattress caught her attention.

“Rayne,” Fenris commanded. “Come.”

The bed dipped intently as Rayne cautiously climbed over her to the other side of the bed.

Her ears soon picked up the soft, wet suckling sounds of kisses and the deep moans and hitched cries of her alpha ravishing their beta.

be strong for me tonight, Rayne?” Fenris growled. “This female has me hard enough to drive nails.”

Rayne sighed with halfhearted reluctance. “But Fen—”

“I know. I know. She’s exhausted though. Suck my nipples instead. Bite hard.”

Rayne gave a broken whine, but the sound of moist lips upon flesh quickly filled the room. Fenris’s rumbling hisses pierced Freya straight to the bone.

She opened her eyes and discovered Rayne sprawled over the length of Fenris’s body. Fenris was cupping the back of Rayne’s head. Rayne was suckling heartily while gripping the width of Fenris’s shaft, and Fenris was staring at her. Rayne looked at her through the corners of his eyes, lashes batting softly. He parted his lips and withdrew his mouth from Fenris’s nipple but not before dragging his tongue slowly, tantalizingly, around the swollen, red nub of flesh. She could almost hear the command that had not been given to her—to cast slumber aside and fight.

She rose up on an elbow and glared, unable to refuse the challenge before her. “Did I tell you how much I hate both of you, you fucking curs? You are not about to be all moaning and fucking each other senseless beside me.”

Fenris gave a toothy grin, distended white canines gleaming. “Consider it a dream, and by the scent of you, a very wet one.”

Rayne slid up his alpha’s body to rest his head on Fenris’s shoulder. His eyes shone with a hopeful glimmer.

“Both of you are really some kind of evil.”

The accusation didn’t seem to faze Fenris one bit. He placed a hand beneath Rayne’s chin and stole a quick kiss from his beta, who gave a devilish giggle. “Rest up, my warrior,” he said to her. “Rayne will tend to me.” He slapped Rayne hard on the ass, drawing a yelp from their beta.

Freya forgot about slumber as jealousy awoke within her. Seeing Rayne trembling and submissive, she couldn’t help but wish that she was the one causing him to shudder. Fenris looking like the king cock didn’t do much for her calm either. She recalled her mother’s words.
“A big, strapping dog like that will wear you the fuck out.”
Her mother hadn’t been wrong, but then Freya had always been stubborn. “I’m fine.”

“I’ll remember that after our son is born.” Fenris grinned, condescension in the curl of his lips. He waved a hand, gesturing for Freya to lie down. “You’re weary.” He turned back to their beta wolf. “Isn’t she, Rayne?”

Rayne shook his head to the contrary. He reached over, his long, narrow fingers searching for the edge of the covers, which he pulled down to Freya’s waist. He slid his hands beneath the heavy spread and searched lower.

Freya knew where Rayne’s hand would go but did nothing to stop it. She wanted it. And even locked in a staring war with Fenris, Freya couldn’t disguise the pleasure she felt at Rayne’s fingers delving beneath the band of her boy shorts, two in particular discovering the fur of her pussy and gliding within her folds.

She gave up all hope of slumber as Rayne massaged the awakened nub of her clit. As a current of bliss flowed throughout her, Freya could have screamed when the pleasure was suddenly snatched away. She opened her eyes to discover Fenris gripping Rayne’s wrist, holding it hostage.

“Rayne! Bad boy,” Fenris chided. “Your alpha should punish you for that. She told you that she was tired.”


His eyes flashing 100 percent wickedness, Fenris added, “But she wanted to sleep. She probably wants to be well rested to hit the weight room first thing—bench-press a few hundred or something.”

“I can fuck you both
haul weight in the morn.”

Like a key tripping a lock, the gates opened. Rayne moved off Fenris to pull the covers to the end of the bed while Fenris reached over and drew an elongated nail down the front of her tank top, splitting it in two.

Freya closed her eyes, refusing to acknowledge another defeat. So what? She had fallen prey again, she told herself as her heavy, aching breasts met the brisk air within the room. She let the darkness be her shield as she felt her shorts being removed. Fenris lifted her and pulled her atop him to straddle his girth. She felt his enormous paws gripping her ass.

When she opened her eyes and looked down at her alpha, Freya felt lost. He was by far the most powerful being she had ever encountered, yet not even the intense love reflected in his eyes could calm her. He was and had always been dangerous. Yes, she relished the power plays between them, but with every day, her losses had become more and more frequent. It was the urge to be content with his power over her; that was her greatest challenge.

Rayne quickly covered her back and pressed kisses upon her shoulders. His arms encircled her, and he cupped the weight of her tits, thumbing the throbbing ends of her nipples with his fingers.

Freya tried to move back against Rayne, eager for his massage, but Fenris interjected. He grasped her thick mane and brought her down to meet his lips.

Freya grabbed hold of his silky blond strands in kind, knowing the devastation that would occur once her lips found those of her brute. Instead, she took the initiative, wanting her alpha to know there was still fight in her. It was all she could do to yank his head back and seal her lips over his. Savoring the taste of his lips, she easily invaded his mouth to get at the delicacy of his tongue.

Fenris rumbled beneath her, the sound flowing down into her throat, turning on every stimulant receptor within her body. Dueling with his tongue gave her the illusion that she might be able to take control, that she might be able to stand against him. Even as she allowed her fingers to roam down the center of his furred chest, delved lower to grasp the intimidating club of his cock, Freya knew that she didn’t have the strength to win the war between them. The odds were stacked against her with Rayne sucking upon the back of her neck, his arms beneath hers and his fingers stroking her breasts, her belly, setting her flesh to flame.

And the cock-whipped bitch of the year award goes to…

In a battle, Freya was fighting not to deny the electrocution of passion but to break free of her reservations and give in, to finish what they had started.

She took hold of the root of her alpha’s erection and guided the heavy weight of his sex inside her body, wanting the connection more than her next breath.

Fenris aided her with his fingers, claws sheathed. He distracted her from the incredible sensation of fullness by playing with her pussy lips, stroking the slick, slippery flesh, rubbing not softly as Rayne had done, but with bold, intimidating caresses. Her alpha was stretching her body, so deep and hot, Freya could barely suppress a groan. Controlling her shuddering hips was even more of a failure, yet still there was fight in her. Freya coiled her tongue around Fenris’s and sucked hard. Holding great bunches of his hair in her hand, she sought punishment. A strong reprimand was her goal, but it barely fazed the giant beneath her.

Rayne moved around to her front with a trail of kisses from her shoulder blade to her arm. Cradling Freya’s back, he managed to get at Freya’s left breast, which he soon latched upon. Sucking eagerly for the milk, he caressed the swell of her belly.

The odds were stacked too high for her to surmount. Barely withstanding Rayne’s hot, hungry lips pulling upon her nipple and Fenris slowly rocking his shaft within her, with Bun jostling for comfort inside her, the sensations were too much for Freya.

Then she felt the sharp pain of a hard smack upon her ass.

The pain set her body aflame, coursing straight down to her already fevered sex. She broke free of Fenris’s lips with a shout.

“Yes,” Fenris hissed excitedly. “That’s my girl. That’s my baby.”

Freya had no retort, not even as Fenris began a slow drive up and an even slower pull back. Her inner walls clutched his length. She was frightened of both the loss and the gain as she gave herself over, clasping Fenris’s shoulder with one hand and gripping the breadth of Rayne’s back with the other for what stability she could get. “Can’t even get one night.”

“Again with the complaining. You really want us to stop?” Fenris asked. “Just say the word, baby. Rayne will pay for it, though. I’m so hard right now, and it’s because of you. I breathe for this,” he added, and as if he needed to prove it, he gripped her hair and showed her how to initiate a kiss, how to ruin lips and steal breath.

Freya had never been the kind of woman to swoon, not until she met the giant Nordic wolf. He would never release the full brunt of his power upon her, she knew, but even what little he did demonstrate was more than she could handle. His kiss could obliterate thoughts, and when he freed her, lips sore and tingling, she could do little more than whimper her last attempt at a plea. “Fen…”

Appearing just as ravished, Fenris said nothing, but Rayne had words. Freeing up her leaking tit, he muttered against the curve of her shoulder. “Freya, let us love you, my alpha. Let Fenris, let me take care of you. Relax. We’ll get you your rest.”

It was the furthest thing from Freya’s mind as Fenris started a slow hammer of a pace. “Fuck.”

“Hmm, yeah,” Fenris snarled, clutching her to him with only slightly less pressure because she was with child. “More?”

Freya replied to her alpha with a string of nods and was immediately answered by the powerful upward drive of Fenris’s hips.

At the first true thrust, hard and deep, Freya reeled, the muscles of her sex both shy and wanting. The beast of arousal woke within her, draining the energy from her limbs to fulfill the selfish wanting of her hips. Weak in every other aspect, Freya had no worries as Rayne returned behind her.

Rayne stabilized her, his chest firm against her back. Freya felt his fingers penetrate her, slick with his precum, she was certain. Between her beta stretching her ass, making her ready for his lust, and her alpha pistoning within her, Freya was open and ready for what she knew was about to come.

Rayne removed his fingers from her body and sidled close. Although his cock was slightly thinner, it was no shorter than Fenris’s, pressing errantly between the cheeks of her ass for entry. He reached around to grab her heaving breasts, his favorite toys, as he eased inside her body.

Freya gripped Fenris’s shoulders, even as she pushed back into Rayne. The searing burn of Rayne’s penetration was always a shock, a lightning strike that was only calmed by the magic of his copious precum soothing her for the invasion. Freya gave herself up not only to the pleasures of her mates but to the addictions of her own body: pain and pleasure! It was a whirlwind she had grown accustomed to.

was too trite a word for the elation they ignited in her—delirious pleasure blossoming around her like an all too perfect narcotic. Control was a thing of dreams as her males rendered her vulnerable.

That her child seemed accomplice to their onslaught, shifting and playing within her, only taxed Freya further as her breasts were not her own. Her lips were not hers, and she certainly had no control of her breathing. Her body obeyed others despite her wishes, and with the synchronized thrusting of Fenris and Rayne, cocks feeling like one entity invading her, Freya felt her heart stop, her body clench, and her soul frantically attempt to flee through orgasm.

By the fourth wet explosion, she hardly recognized herself as the mewling, shaken female who lay spent between her loves. Gone was the warrior, the fighter, to be replaced by a glowing hot vessel awed by the sweat-shining perfection of her sated wolves. As Fenris gently guided her down to the bed to lie beside him, Freya felt herself succumb as she had many nights before. Soaked, drained, and oblivious to her condition, she fell into darkness. Possessive arms closed around her, front and back. While she knew that she was secure between her two males, that she should have been the happiest female in the world, she wasn’t.

* * * *

Seated in the kitchen at the great table, Freya ignored her platter of apple pancakes, bacon, fruit, and oatmeal. She didn’t need to be in any sort of hurry. Fenris had gone into town with one of his brothers, and Rayne was in his workshop using alchemy to create more of the products that Benna and the elite so deeply craved. Gaea had taken up her post in the bar, and everyone else was well into their workdays.

It was Rayne who had greeted her with hot, heaping portions that morning as if she couldn’t possibly make her own damn breakfast. Freya shooed him to his work. With her housecoat pulled tight around her, she was angered by being the last one in the lodge to awake.

With others already bustling about and doing chores she might have, Freya resigned herself to the kitchen. She had reading to do.

Freya pulled the pamphlet that Benna had given her the night before from her pocket. She cracked open its folds and read through the descriptions of panels and events. Casting aside her opinions of the Sohon empire, Freya was desperate, and it wasn’t her mates’ fault. As a warrior-wolf, fighting had been easy. Being beloved, however, was a little more than she could cope with. The pampering, the adoration, and the concern were suffocating her. If she couldn’t handle Fenris and Rayne, and the chaos that her life seemed to be spinning into, then how would she cope once Bun arrived?

BOOK: A Guardians Passion
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