A Hero's Reward (12 page)

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Authors: Amy Morrel

BOOK: A Hero's Reward
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She blinked a bit:

“I thought you'd want the light
out, don't you?”

“Margaret, I love to look at you.
I'd like to see all of you. Admittedly I had that chance before but I
wasn't thinking about looking at you that time, there were more
important things to take care of. This time I want to see all of you
and be able to truly see you and remember.”

“If that's what you want.”
She said softly.

Margaret sounded timid once again, it
was a drastic change from earlier in the evening.

“What's wrong? Was it something I

“No, but Freddy used to insist on
the lights out anytime we had sex after I'd had Jack. He kept telling
me he didn't want to see my fat belly and all the stretch marks and

“Margaret, look at me.” she
did, “I'm aware that a woman's body changes when she has a
child. My ex-wife had two children. Please note, two, not one. So
obviously a woman who has had a child is not a turn-off to me, nor do
I find the changes that occur in a woman's body from giving birth to
be a problem. Looking at you, I can tell you your stomach isn't fat
now, even if it was before. Heck, the artist Rubens would have called
you scrawny.

I can't see any stretch marks yet but
if I do, I'll make love to them also. They are badges of honor won by
bringing a life into the world. I see your eyes when you talk about
Jack, so I know you shouldn't regret them since they're a mark of his
passage into the world.

I want to watch your eyes as I show you
some of the things that you've missed out on. I hope to see them fill
with ecstasy and joy. I want to devour your body with my eyes and
paint a picture of you in my brain that will last forever. However,
if it will make you happy, I'll turn the lights out again instead.”

“No, keep them on. I keep
forgetting just how different you are from what I learned to expect
men to be like. Pleasantly surprised as it were, please do what you
were just talking about.”

Greg slowly walked to the side of the
bed and sat. He removed his shirt and shoes, then slid his pants off.
Under those he had on a pair of cotton boxers. He left those on for
the moment but slid his socks off. He moved his legs onto the bed.
Leaning over he ran his hand through Margaret's hair briefly. Her
brown tresses were shoulder length with a natural wave running down
their length. Her skin was pale where the sun didn't reach it but her
face and lower arms were a light brown shade that suggested that she
would tan in the slightest bit of sun.

As he stroked her cheek he noted that
her face was a touch weathered but the lines of sorrow he had seen
before were beginning to fade. Her skin, which looked as though it
should be rough and dry, was actually smooth beneath his fingertips
as he ran them across her cheeks, her forehead, her chin, and finally
her lips. He leaned in and his own lips replaced his fingertips in
caressing her lips. His hands naturally slid behind her neck as the
kiss deepened.

Greg allowed himself the luxury of
losing himself in the kiss. For more than a minute he just pressed
his lips to hers, reveling in the feel of his skin touching hers.
Then his tongue became somewhat inquisitive, it slid out to gently
flick against her lips. First the top lip, and then the bottom.
Finally he moved it to the middle of her lips and gently pushed so it
slid into her mouth. She spread her lips apart slightly to allow his
tongue entry into her mouth. Slowly and gently he explored what he
could reach of her mouth, ending with her own tongue. Their tongues
entwined for a few moments before his slid back out of her mouth.
After another few seconds of enjoying plain skin to skin contact Greg
broke the kiss and leaned back up.

Margaret's face held a look of
contentment. Her eyes were closed and her face was relaxed, a small
smile playing about the edges of her lips.

“That was wonderful, it took me
right back to before Freddy, when I was dating normal boys.”

“I'm glad, I was worried that I
might've forgotten how to do some of this but it came back easily,
just like riding a bicycle.”

Greg had retrieved his hands from
behind her neck and now put them to use running a featherlight
fingertip down the front of her neck and out the length of her
shoulder, pushing her robe aside on the way, then down her arm to her
hand. He raised her hand to his mouth, kissing each fingertip in
turn. He set her hand back down and moved back to her torso. From the
base of her neck he ran a fingertip down her pale, soft skin to the
upper slope of a breast. Now he could see some of the stretch marks
she had spoken of. He leaned in and placed his lips against the top
of a silvery scar. Moistening his lips he traced its path with lips
and tongue. Raising his head he repeated the process until all of the
scars on this breast had been kissed and licked. He gently slid the
robe from her other shoulder and once more ran his finger down her
skin. This time he ran down to the slope of her other breast. He
repeated the process on the markings of this breast as well. All the
while Margaret had taken a sharp breath and was holding it for what
seemed like forever before exhaling and repeating the sequence. When
he had finished kissing her scars and lifted his head again she

“They really don't bother you, do
they? You weren't just lying to make me feel better?”

“Margaret, I wouldn't lie to you.
I have no reason to do so and even if I did, remember what I said
about believing honesty is the best policy? I lost my first wife when
I told her I had no desire to ever obtain any form of political power
or fame. I came to the conclusion that I was better off without her
but still, honesty cost me my first marriage. If I was honest enough
for that to happen, do you think I'd have started casually lying

“No, but... I'm sorry for
doubting you Greg, but I only know how Freddy was, and he'd lie at
the drop of a hat. My father lied to my mother also, not as much as
Freddy did to me but still. I caught him quite a few times and my
mother just didn't want to hear about it when I tried to tell her.
These are the only two men I've known very well, and I keep trying to
view you in their mold. You weren't made from the same mold; I'm
sorry I have to keep learning that over and over.”

“That's fine, there's no need to
apologize. Where were we? Oh yes...”

Greg's voice trailed off as his mouth
came into contact with the upper slope of her breast. He began to
kiss each tiny section of flesh, moving his way from side to side and
breast to breast in a generally downward pattern. When his lips
reached her areola his hands came into play again. Once again
featherlight touches from his fingertips stroked her. This time the
touches were on her nipples. He stroked the tips gently and then he
stroked up and down their lengths as they grew from the attention.
Meanwhile his lips continued kissing her, now her areolae were the
subject of their attention and every two or three kisses he'd slide
his tongue out to gently lick her skin.

His mouth tingled with the taste of her
and his nose filled with her scent. His fingers were fascinated by
the rubbery, yet firm, texture of her nipples and so they continued
their attentions. But now they were gently pinching her nipples, his
fingertips stroking them with more pressure, and occasionally tugging
in a gentle stretch. He found himself unable to get enough of her.
Her taste and scent filled him. His fingers reveled in touching her
and his ears strained to hear the tiny exhalations and gasps that his
attention to her nipples drew from her. His eyes ran the length of
her torso. His senses were overwhelmed. This woman was everything he
wanted at the moment, the rest of the world be damned.

Eventually Greg moved his hands so they
cupped her breasts. The sag to them told him that she wasn't a
teenager anymore and that she had given birth to, and breastfed, a
child. While other men might have found that unattractive, he gave it
a bit more thought. She had had a child, she hadn't mentioned wanting
to have another one. That meant that she truly wanted to be right
where she was and doing what she was doing, with him. She had no
other motive to be there but her desire to be with him. It was a
heady intoxicant to him, who had been so long without a woman.

His fingers stroked the underside of
her breasts, cupping them and hefting them. His hands slowly tried to
familiarize themselves with every square inch of them. Eventually,
though, he was distracted from her breasts. Her scent had taken on a
musky, primeval quality. He finally realized that the new odor was
coming from her pussy. It wafted to his nostrils, overwhelming the
similar but more mild scent of the rest of her. It called to him and
he answered. He worked his way down her belly, it wasn't fat but
neither was it the scrawny nothingness of a supermodel's stomach.
There was a pleasant rise to it, not enough to sag when she stood
upright but enough that he was sure that she was neither starving nor

His tongue paused for a moment at her
navel, poking into its depths. Margaret let out a true giggle instead
of a laugh, it only lasted for a moment but the bright sound brought
a smile to his face as his tongue backed out of her navel to continue
to the target that called to him.

When he reached the top of her pubic
area he noted that she didn't have a tangled, unruly bush like many
women he had encountered before his first marriage. She wasn't shaved
but she had trimmed it to a short half inch length that would neither
be pokey and prickly nor would it get in his way very much. The scent
of her, heavy with the musk that told of physical desire, completely
filled his nostrils now and his tongue hastened on its way.

When his tongue hit the top of her slit
she spoke tremulously:

“What are you doing?”

“I'm planning on eating you out.
Let's see, that's a colloquialism for cunnilingus in case you were

“Are you sure? I mean, that's
where I pee from.”

“Have you ever done this before?”


“Then would you trust me enough
to let me try please? I enjoy it quite a bit and I'm guessing that
you will also. Trust me on this. Don't think about it, just feel it
and then make your judgment after.”

“If you say so, we can try it.”

Greg leaned in and began to run his
tongue up and down her slit. Taking extra care to stroke her clit
hood and the edge of her labia as he did so. Before he had completed
a full sweep down and back up her gasp filled his ears.

“Okay you were right. I'll just
shut up and enjoy myself now.” she said rapidly.

Greg focused in on his task at hand.
First he worked her slit with the tip of his tongue. The edges of her
labia barely protruded from her slit. He worked hos tongue between
them to get the taste of her pussy into his mouth. She was moist but
not wet, not yet anyhow. Once he had the taste of her filling his
mouth, he switched to her labia again, stroking the edges up and down
with his tongue. After a few minutes of that, he could see the
muscles in her inner thigh relaxing. Once she had relaxed he moved
his attention upward. He licked her clit hood, using enough pressure
that she was sure to feel it. He gently nipped the edge, drawing it
upward with his teeth to gently expose her clitoris to the cooler air
of the room. Her breath had sped up by this point and there were
frequent gasps for his ears to savor.

Greg moved his hands into play again
now. He rubbed his thumbs along the edges of her labia while
stretching his index fingers up to either side of her clit hood. He
used his fingers to push her clit hood upwards, exposing the small
nodule of her clitoris beneath. His tongue dove in, going for direct
contact with her clitoris. As he pushed it around with his tongue,
her gasps grew louder. He used the tip of his tongue to push against
the small nodule, pushing it to one side or the other with more
pressure than he had been using. An actual moan escaped her lips at
that. He drew his head back and slid one of his thumbs up from her
labia to her clitoris. As he pressed against the small mound of flesh
firmly, he begin to twirl the tip of his thumb in tiny circles.
Margaret's back arched and a loud cry escaped her lips.

Greg paused, removing his hands from
her body. He stayed pressed close to her side to maintain skin
contact but stopped actively trying to stimulate her. Margaret was
shuddering and continued to do so for a minute or so.

“What was that?” she asked
in wonderment.

“I believe that it was your first
orgasm. Have you never felt like that before?”

“No, not at all. I'm so glad I
trusted you. My god, is that what I've been missing all these years?
I can't believe I turned thirty years old a couple of months ago and
I've never felt like that before.”

“That's okay, I'm more than happy
to help you feel like that again and again, whenever you like.”

“Let me just lie still here for a
few more minutes so I can enjoy the sensation. Then you can keep
doing whatever you want to me. Especially if it might mean that I get
that again.”

“I can't guarantee it, but I'll

“How did you know? I mean, know
what to do to me to cause that?”

“Well, I've been sexually active
a long while. I started at fourteen, so I have twenty-two years of
experience. You pick up a few tricks over time. That's one of the two
most common ways for women to orgasm. The other is with penetration
and since you told me you never had, well I gathered that you hadn't
orgasmed from penetration from what you told me. I thought it was
worth a shot. Plus I wasn't lying, I really enjoy that, mostly from
the pleasure I get to bring to my partner.”

Margaret sprawled on the bed, a dreamy
look on her face. Greg simply watched her for the moment, paying
attention as her face slowly lost the dreamy look. Once it started
getting back to normal, he moved his hands in closer again.

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