Read A High Price to Pay Online
Authors: Sara Craven
with Melanie, and know that he no longer belonged to her.
Not that he ever had, she thought sadly, but for a while she had been
able to pretend.
She had taken refuge on the window seat in her bedroom, but now she
was beginning to get cramped and even a little chilly. With a slight
start, she realised she had been sitting there for over an hour. She got
down stiffly, shaking the creases out of her dress, then paused,
immobile, her attention totally arrested as the door opened and Nick
walked into the room.
'Don't look so startled,' he advised cynically as he closed the door
behind him. 'You can't pretend you weren't expecting a visit from me.'
She found a voice from somewhere. 'And I thought I'd made it clear
that I didn't want to be disturbed.'
'Perhaps I chose to consult my own wishes instead,' he said. 'I have to
talk to you, Alison, and this seems to be the only place where I can be
guaranteed not to have some kind of audience.'
'I don't want to talk,' she protested. 'I—I'm not feeling well.'
The dark brows lifted. 'Then your upset clearly isn't the temporary
thing you tried to make out. I'd better get you a doctor.'
'No!' She was aware of the panicky note in her voice, and made a grab
for composure. 'I don't need a doctor. Just some rest.'
'Then why aren't you in bed already?' he demanded. 'Stop twitching
like a cat on hot bricks. I'll say what I have to say, and then get out, if
that's what you want.'
'That is precisely what I want.' She lifted her chin and met his gaze
full on.
'That sounds remarkably like a gauntlet being thrown down,' Nick
remarked softly. 'I'm tempted to test your stony resolve, my sweet.'
Alison took a step backwards. 'Leave me alone,' she said bleakly.
'This confrontation was your idea, not mine.'
'That's certainly true,' he agreed. 'I get the impression that no power
on earth could make you voluntarily agree to be alone with me.'
She shrugged. 'Why should I make a secret of it? And why should it
matter to you anyway? I'm sure you don't go short of—alternative
His eyes narrowed. 'I don't think there's anything to be gained by
pursuing that particular line,' he said coolly. 'Although it fits in with
what I've come to say to you, in a way.' He paused. 'I think it's
obvious to us both that things can't continue as they are. I think the
time has come to put an end to this travesty of a marriage, and…'
'And you want a divorce?' Alison interrupted. Speaking the actual
words herself might make them easier to bear. 'Yes—I agree. And as
soon as possible.'
There was a long, almost stunned silence. Eventually Nick said, 'Just
like that?'
'Did you think you were such a great matrimonial prize that I'd hang
on to you at all costs?' Alison queried, investing her tone with icy
sarcasm. 'No, I'm as keen to regain my freedom as you are. I think a
clean break is best. I—I shan't make any demands on you. I'm
working, and I get a reasonable salary. I don't want alimony.'
'You're not being offered it,' he said curtly. 'And I think the whole
matter requires a little more discussion, although I can understand
why your freedom, as you put it, should suddenly seem to attractive
to you. Perhaps while you still bear my name, you and your lover
could restrain your public demonstrations of affection.'
She stared at him. 'What the hell do you mean?'
'I like the injured tone,' he said cynically. 'I'm sorry I didn't warn you I
was arriving today, so that you could be a little more discreet. As it
was, I was an interested eye-witness as you and Thwaite took your
fond farewell of each other in full view of the entire market square.'
'I don't know what you think you saw,' Alison began, but he
interrupted, his voice savage.
'I don't think, darling, I know. I saw you kiss him, and I had plenty of
time to observe the way he was looking at you. He's clearly besotted
with you.'
'You're totally mistaken,' she protested. 'That— that was just a
friendly gesture.'
'Oh, stop all this injured innocence,' Nick snapped with cutting
impatience. 'I suppose I should have expected it. You did warn me,
after all, my darling, that you weren't prepared to live like a nun. And
we both know, don't we, how deeply those still waters of yours run.
It's a pity you couldn't have found yourself a more exciting lover.' He
walked forward, and again Alison was forced to retreat. He said,
'Perhaps we should compare notes, although my experience of you
may well be more limited than his. Does he know, for instance, that
when you reach your climax, your eyes change from cool hazel to
bright green, like a, little cat's?'
Blood burned its way into Alison's face. She lifted her hands and
pressed them to her ears. 'Don't,' she begged. 'You're wrong—quite
wrong. And—even if ...' She hesitated.
'Yes?' he prompted chillingly. 'What were you going to say?'
Her teeth sank into her lower lip for an instant. 'That—you have no
cause to reproach me. Or are you trying to pretend that you've been a
model husband since our marriage?'
'I don't know what a model husband is,' he said coolly, it sounds very
'And that sounds very evasive.' Her voice shook a little. 'But there's
no need to play with words, Nick. You see—I know.' She swallowed.
'I know that you've been seeing Melanie secretly.' As his face
darkened, she went on hastily, 'Oh, I don't blame her. She's very
young and impressionable, and you must seem very glamorous to her.
I always knew she tended to have a—a crush on you. And in all ways,
she'd make you a more suitable wife. I—I don't pretend otherwise.'
There was a silence. Then, 'That's very gracious of you,' he drawled.
'You've really got it all worked out, haven't you? Melanie for me, and
Thwaite for yourself. How civilised! We could make up a four at
She winced. 'Don't! Isn't it better to try to be— civilised about these
Nick shrugged. 'That depends on your viewpoint, I suspect. Besides,
civilisation is only a veneer, my sweet. Threaten any one of us, and
you'll find pure caveman underneath. Or has no one ever warned you
about that?' He took another step forward.
The edge of the bed was pressing against the backs of her legs and she
couldn't retreat any further.
'Please don't do this.' She was ashamed to hear how tremulous her
voice sounded. 'I suppose your pride is hurt because I want out of this
marriage as much as you do.'
'Now that I doubt,' he said harshly. 'And I think my pride will survive,
even if a little dented. God forbid that I should keep you tied to me
and miserable.'
There was a note in his voice that seared along her nerve-endings.
She said, 'This way, neither of us need be miserable again.' She
couldn't meet his gaze. 'And now that we've said—all we need to
say—perhaps you'd go, and leave me in peace.'
'Peace?' Nick asked savagely. 'What's that? I don't think I've known a
moment of it since I laid eyes on you. You'll have years of—peace
ahead of you, if that's what you want, once we've been through the
divorce court. But in the meantime, we're still married to each other,
and I intend to take full advantage of the fact!'
His arms went round her, dragging her against him, then she was
crushed—suffocated under the burning pressure of his mouth.
She tried to struggle, to push him away, but he was too powerful, too
determined, lifting her off her feet to put her down on the bed,
following her down while that endless, draining kiss still went on.
She could hardly breathe. She certainly couldn't speak or resist, and
suddenly she knew she didn't want to. If this was to be their farewell
to each other, then, however it had begun, she would cherish, every
moment of it.
When at last Nick took his mouth from hers, she didn't speak. Instead,
she lifted her hands and stroked his hair, following the growth of its
springing thickness down to the nape of his neck, her fingers sliding
round to caress the strong column of his throat.
He drew a deep, unsteady breath and began to touch her in turn, his
hands rediscovering the slender curves of her flesh, the delicate
planes and angles of her body's bone structure through the thin
material of her dress.
He handled her, she thought dazedly, as if she was some rare and
precious object, all too easily broken. Yet she was broken
already—control, pride, self-respect all smashed to tiny pieces on the
wheel of her yearning for him.
Already in these few brief moments she was faint with wanting him,
her head light, her body, heavy and languid, welcoming the
hardening, urgent pressure of his against her. It was a need she
recognised and shared.
Nick sat up, lifting her with him, holding her for a long time breast to
breast while his lips touched her face in a myriad tiny kisses, falling
like honeyed fire on her responsive mouth. At last he turned her
gently in his arms, and she felt his fingers part the smooth fall of her
hair, and his lips touch the back of her bared neck. She shivered as his
mouth traced a path down between her shoulder blades to the
neckline of her dress. He took the metal tongue of her zip between his
teeth and tugged it down, his hands stroking the dress from her
shoulders, letting the fabric fall in a soft pool around her hips. He
unhooked her bra and slipped the fragile straps down her arms, so that
there was no further impediment to the passage of his mouth down
the long delicate curve of her spine.
Alison arched her back in instinctive, sensual delight, and gasped as
his hands slid round her to cup the urgent thrust of her breasts, his
fingers a warm torment on the sensitive peaks. She made alittle sound
in her throat as her whole body convulsed in wanton physical craving.
She twisted round to face him, kneeling on the bed, pushing away the
crumpled dress with shaking hands, watching him, her eyes fever-
Nick shrugged off his jacket and tossed it to the floor, unknotting his
tie with swift taut movements. She waited while he took the thin gold
links from his cuffs, but when he began to unbutton his shirt, she
stopped him. She was trembling violently, and it made her clumsy,
tugging impatiently at the fabric as she freed the buttons, but at last it
was done, and she could touch him as she wanted to, stroking the
palms of her hands across the width of his shoulders and down over
his chest, watching the flare in his eyes as her fingertips stroked and
caressed. She leaned forward and kissed him, sliding the tip of her
tongue along his lower lip, brushing his nipples deliberately with her
He took her by the hips, his hands sliding inside her lace briefs to find
the silken flesh beneath, moulding and exploring until he reached the
warm, moist eagerness of her, and lingered. She moaned, moving
restlessly against his hand, urging him to pleasure her.
Reality had totally receded. There was nothing in the world but this
room, this bed, this man, his weight pressing her down into the
softness of the mattress, his mouth exploring the naked vulnerability
of throat and shoulders and breasts, his whole being tautly
concentrated on the warm, sensual frenzy his caresses were arousing
in her.
She wanted so much more—tried to tell him so in a voice she barely
recognised as her own. Nick lifted himself away slightly, freeing
himself from the remainder of his clothes, and then he was with her as
she had yearned for him to be, her body melting and supple as she
received him, his strength and warmth encompassed in her grace.
Their mouths met and clung heatedly, mirroring the passionate
exchange of their bodies. Alison discovered reserves of desire in
herself, depths of response she had never suspected she was capable
of. She clung to Nick, arms and legs twined fiercely round him, her
hands stroking the sweat- dampened skin of his back as he urged her
with him beyond all the limits of experience, beyond any wildest
The release, when it came, was anguished, almost frightening in its
intensity. She was crying out soundlessly, her body splintering in an
intensity of pleasure, holding him closer and closer as she tried to
absorb the moment and make it last for ever.
She thought deliriously, He's mine. And then, ice closing round her
heart, she remembered ...
And with remembrance came a bitter shame that she had allowed this
to happen—wanted so desperately for it to happen.