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Authors: Diana Preston

A Higher Form of Killing (57 page)

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“I pledge . . . 1917.”: Ibid., p. 705.
“improve . . . battle.”: General E. Ludendorff,
The General Staff and Its Problems
, vol. 1, p. 305.

Finis Germaniae
”: Quoted Tuchman,
The Zimmermann Telegram
, p. 141.
“I order . . . Wilhelm I. R.”:
Official German Documents
, vol. 2, p. 1210.
“Bernstorff . . . tonight.”: Quoted Tuchman,
The Zimmermann Telegram
, p. 151.
“Make war . . . Arizona.”: The text of the Zimmermann telegram is in
Official German Documents
, vol. 2, p. 1337.
“The present . . . birth.”: Baker,
Woodrow Wilson—Life and Letters
, vol. 6, pp. 510–514 for Wilson’s speech.
“No man . . . to him”: Note by Eddie Bell on Admiralty staff, undated, Hall Collection, Churchill College Archives.


“freshly . . . horseradish.”: Account of Lieutenant Safford, U.S. Marine Corps, given to
Sausalito News
“blisters . . . burns”: Ibid.
“amazing success.”: Transcript of Haber’s meeting with representatives of the German chemical industry, May 15, 1918, MPG, Va5/HC/522.
Today a derivative of mustard gas is a prime component of some forms of chemotherapy used to treat cancer.
“congested and swollen . . . a few . . . substance.”: Quoted Harris and Paxman,
A Higher Form of Killing
, p. 24.
“the incessant . . . coughing.”: WO 142/99 report dated 7/22/1917.
“great . . . choke.”: V. Brittain,
Testament of Youth
, p. 395.
“Our new . . . duds.”: The two quotes in this paragraph are from F. Richards,
Old Soldiers Never Die
, pp. 240 and 292.
“Was I . . . hard.”: Corporal Ivor Watkins quoted Arthur,
Forgotten Voices of the Great War
, p. 262.
“would often . . . lard”: Account of Lieutenant Safford, U.S. Marine Corps, given to
Sausalito News,
“the reduction . . . million.”: Quoted Harris and Paxman,
A Higher Form of Killing
, p. 27.
“There was . . . mules.”: Sergeant Major Richard Tobin quoted Arthur,
Forgotten Voices of the Great War,
p. 243.
The U.S. commander of the first six destroyers, when wounded as a midshipman in the 1900 Boxer Rebellion, had found himself in the bed next to a severely wounded British captain called John Jellicoe, later the victor of Jutland in 1916.
“the oceans . . . bare.”: Massie,
Castles of Steel
, quoting Doenitz, p. 733.
“an invention . . . hydrogen.”: Quoted Major R. Fredette,
The First Battle of Britain
, 1917–18, p. 4.
“it caught . . . fell.”: Quoted I. Castle,
London 1914

, p. 68.
“poor devils”: Civilian pacifist and organizer of women’s trade unions, Helen Bowen Pease, IWM/(S)/821 (reel15).
“We shivered . . . unconscious.”: Quoted
Midnight Raiders
“the day . . . London.”: Quoted I. Castle,
London 1914

, p. 85.
“head . . . gutter”: Easdown and Genth,
A Glint in the Sky
, p. 100.
“disastrous results”: French’s letter to the War Office of June 5, H. A. Jones,
The War in the Air
, vol. 5, p. 25.
“The thundering . . . our lives”: W. Aschoff,
Londonfluge 1917
, p. 37.
“the green . . . London.”: Ibid., pp. 41–42.
“the blasts . . . scatter.”: Ibid., p. 42.
“what looked . . . red.”:
Evening News
, February 2, 1935.
“tongues of flame”: Ibid.
“the continued . . . wounded.”: Ibid.
“tremendous crash . . . the heart of England . . . a magnificent . . . sun.”:
New York Times
, July 2, 1917.
“an elderly . . . dead . . . In a trench . . . barrow.”: Siegfried Sassoon,
Memoirs of an Infantry Officer
, p. 250.
“the noise . . . voices.”: Ivy Major,
Evening News
, January 31, 1935.
“driven . . . earth”: Quoted Hyde,
The First Blitz
, p. 138.
“many of . . . we could.”:
New York Times
, June 14,1917.
“In the . . . people . . . It was . . . utmost strength.”: Aschoff,
Londonflüge 1917
, p. 43.
“sated . . . flight . . . a great success.”: Ibid., p. 48.
“blot out”:
June 18, 1917.
“it would . . . execration.”:
June 15, 1917.
“the English . . . London.”: Quoted Hanson
First Blitz
., p. 114.
“had made . . . his own . . . snugly . . . put out.”:
Evening News
, March 11, 1935.
“aider and abettor . . . more deadly aeroplane”: M. Macdonagh,
In London During the Great War
, p. 219.
“pitiful . . . cage.”:
Evening News
, February 4, 1935.
“cracking . . . frequently.”: Sir M. Campbell and J. W. Day,
Speed: The Authentic Life of Sir Malcolm Campbell
, p, 42.
“had been . . . posts.’ ”: M. Macdonagh op. cit., p. 258.
“a flash . . . raids came.”:
Evening News
, March 4, 1935.
“a sound . . . crying.”:
Evening News
, February 27, 1935.
“more disposed . . . peace.”: Quoted Hanson, op. cit., p. 333.
“What I want . . . toy.”: Quoted Budiansky,
Air Power
, p. 100.
“the panic . . . Cologne”: AIR 1/460/15/312/99. (Report of British Consul General, Rotterdam, June 11, 1918.)
“I would . . . inaccuracy.”: Quoted Strachan,
First World War (A New Illustrated History)
, p. 305.
“the Americans . . . scales.”: Ibid., p. 283.
“a land . . . honey”: Binding,
A Fatalist at War
, p. 208.
“There must . . . to the end”: Quoted C. Barnett,
The Great War
, p. 172.
“kneel . . . democracy”: Quoted Massie,
Castles of Steel
, p. 765.
“the black . . . army”: Quoted Strachan,
The First World War (A New Illustrated History)
, p. 309.
“Whole bodies . . . the rest.”: Quoted Barnett,
The Great War
, p. 183.
“Their aeroplanes . . . end.”: H. Sulzbach, Ninth Division, German Army, Arthur,
Forgotten Voices of the Great War
, p. 292.
“a cup of . . . English tea.”: Quoted Mcdonagh,
The Last Kaiser
, p. 419.
“The armistice . . . lost.”: Quoted Arthur,
Forgotten Voices of the Great War
, p. 313.


“having provoked . . . war.”: British Commission, quoted Willis,
Prologue to Nuremberg
, p. 58.
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