A Highland Home A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Two (12 page)

BOOK: A Highland Home A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Two
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Angus didn’t say anything about their host, but threw Rowan a look with raised eyebrows. When he took her hand to lead her into the kitchen, he saw Conall’s eyes flick to their linked hands before falling back to his search. Even if it hadn’t been Angus’s intention and it was far more feral and territorial than his normal attitude, he was happy to mark Rowan as his in front of a potential rival.

The kitchen was large and nicely redone, though a bit modern in style for Angus’s tastes, with sleek dark cabinets, grey quartz counters and contemporary stainless fittings. Not surprising, Piper followed them, her tail whipping around her skinny body. They found a few cans of soda in the fridge, and didn’t bother looking around for glasses. Rowan gave him a smile, but like him, she seemed a bit on edge.

She had a lot riding on what Conall found-while he hoped they came up empty. If he could just figure out whether there was anything to be worried about, he’d then know if he should be helping her find her father or hindering her search.

He pulled her to him, nestling her under his chin, as she slipped her arms around his waist. He breathed deep, her scent of wood fires and peonies filling his head and sending his pulse racing. “It’ll be all right, love. Dinnae fash yerself.”

She shook her head. “What if he can’t find her? I’ll have few other options for figuring out who my father is.”

How the hell was he supposed to keep her from looking for him without ruining things between them? “Och, love. We’ll manage.”

She pulled back and looked at him her brow furrowed. “You mentioned my mother was engaged to Conall’s dad. Do you think he might know something?”

Angus shrugged, wondering once again how he’d keep her from finding her father. “He was yer mother’s betrothed. I don’t know how much information she would have given him under the circumstances.” Truth was, Iona may very well have told her fiancé about Rowan’s father, and he may also know why Rowan’s mother left Scotland so scared. Angus might have to pay him a visit-alone. Just until he had more information to go on.

She let out a weary sigh, her shoulders sagging. “Yeah… I guess she may not have gone into any detail, given that she’d cheated on him.”

He wanted to groan. He hated to see her looking so defeated. “Maybe Conall will find something. Ye can’t lose hope, love.”

She nodded and then leaned her head against his chest, quiet for a while. “I’m glad I have you here with me, Angus. With my life being such a mess, taking things slow might actually work.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear it.” He kissed her, only to have Conall interrupt from the other room, his voice carrying through the home.

“I think I found something.”

Angus managed to give her a smile as they rejoined Conall, even though his heart sank with worry. 

“I found it awfully odd that there’s so little information to be found on Imogen Murray-especially since it’s not a terribly common name. There are a few others of course, but not much on this one here. A little more digging revealed why. Are ye familiar with Highland Atlantic Enterprises?”

Angus nodded, and Rowan looked to him for answers. “They’re huge around here and have their fingers in just about everything. Made most of their money in oil drilling off the coast.”

“Aye, that’d be them. Well, Imogen Murray is the daughter of HAE’s founder-and mind ye, it’s still a privately held firm. Big money-and that’s exactly why ye weren’t able to find anything. They keep themselves and their business out of the news, and their information and lives confidential. Her father, Fergus Murray, has quite the reputation for being a ruthless businessman.”

“So… does this mean you weren’t able to find her?” Worry tainted Rowan’s voice, her entire body stiff.

“I didn’t say that, did I?” A smirk sprung to Conall’s lips as a printer came to life in the far corner of the room. “Here’s her information. Name, address, phone, as well as some basic details on the rest of the family. Wasn’t sure what ye needed, so figured it’d be best to have more information than not enough.”

Conall went over to his printer and grabbed the pages, straightened them with a quick tap and then stapled them. “Here ye go.”

Rowan took the papers, her voice unsteady with emotion. “I can’t thank you enough, Conall. I totally owe you for this.”

“Glad to help.” Conall gave her a smile. “And don’t think I won’t call on ye for payment when I need a dog sitter.”

She beamed at him, papers in hand. “You know where to find me.”

Angus had to bite back his jealousy at seeing Conall give her the hope she so desperately needed, when all he could do is stand in her way. What the hell was he doing? He was playing a dangerous game, and if it went wrong, he knew he’d lose her. Yet he had to keep her safe. He’d never forgive himself if something happened to her.

They bid Conall thanks and farewell, and hopped in the car to head to Rowan’s. She vibrated with excitement, leaving him to force a smile to his lips, his insides torn. Why the bloody hell did his mother give him such a task? Didn’t she realize the position she’d be putting him in? And yet he knew, she’d not have asked if she hadn’t been truly concerned. 

He pulled down her drive just moments later, his smile more genuine this time around. “Shall I see ye in?”

“I’d love that.” The way her eyes sparkled with mischief and she bit her bottom lip erased his worries and made him think of trouble he’d be happy to get in.

Angus grabbed her bag from the back of his car and followed her inside. She picked the mail that had been fed through the mail slot in the door and then dropped her camera and bag in the living room, quickly flicking through the envelopes in her hand as she wandered towards the kitchen.

.” She tore the envelope open and pulled out the letter, quickly reading it, a smile jumping to her lips. “I’m officially a gallery owner. The agent was able to rush all the paperwork through.”

He swept her off her feet in a hug and spun her around, loving the way she laughed. “Congrats, love. Now ye can get started on fixing it up.”

At least dealing with the locals would be a hell of a lot easier than keeping her from finding her father and deceiving her.

“I think this calls for a celebration.” Rowan slipped her arms around his neck, and pulled him in close, all her excitement pouring into a deep kiss.

By the gods, he wanted her something fierce. She smelled of sultry wood fires, and with her lush curves pressed against him, it was all he could do to keep control. But this was part of the game he enjoyed playing, and like he’d told her, he was a patient man.

Taking control, he slipped his hands into her hair, and slowly pulled her away just enough to shift his kisses down her neck before nipping at her ear. “Slow, love. Remember.”

“Screw slow.” Her mouth found his again as she ran her hands down his chest and to his hips, pulling him close.

Lightheaded with need, he mustered all the strength he could to resist her. He took control of the matter by spinning her around in his arms, so her back nestled against his chest, his arm pinning her to him. With his lips at her ear, he teased her, nipping as he spoke. “That’s not what we agreed to, love.”

She squirmed that luscious arse up against him in frustration, driving him mad. But when she tried to spin back around, he tightened his hold, once more slipping his fingers into hair. Gently, he pulled her head to the side, and unable to resist, nipped and kissed his way up the length of her long neck. Her purrs of need had his jeans going tight. He took several deep breaths to steady himself and then did his best to set the pace, lest he chuck it all and take her there on the kitchen table. Once she softened in his arms, he turned her enough to kiss her, gentle and sweet, making sure to set the pace.

Her arms went around his neck as she nipped at his lips, nuzzling him. “Are you sure?”

His hands drifted to the small of her back as he breathed deep to take in her scent. “Ye know I want ye, but this is for the best. We’ve got all the time in the world, love. And when I have ye-in a most thorough and complete manner-it’ll be because ye’re ready for something serious. Until then…”

She sighed. “We’ll take it slow.”

“Besides, we have more important matters to take care, like getting yer gallery set up.”

“And don’t forget about finding Imogen.” She dug out the papers Conall had given her, as they sat down at the table. “It says she’s in East Stratshire. Is that close by?”

“That’s not too far from Glasgow. It’d be about a two, two and a half hour drive.” Angus checked his watch, relieved it was too late to go out, though he had his doubts he’d be able to keep her from going come morning. “It’s already evening, love. No point in attempting it tonight.”

“Tomorrow then? If they’re as private a family as Conall suggests, it might be easier to just show up, versus calling, which would give them the chance to avoid us.”

“Aye, I suppose we could. In the meantime, why don’t we go have a look at yer gallery? Ye can start planning things out, and make a list of the things ye’ll need. That way when we’re going through Glasgow tomorrow, we can pick up some supplies.”  There’d definitely be a larger selection in Glasgow than locally, and it’d speed things up if they didn’t have to place orders. The sooner he could get her distracted with working on the gallery, the better off he’d be.

“Just give me a minute to grab a few things.” Rowan returned with a bag slung over her shoulder, and then grabbed her camera. “Ready.”

There were clouds starting to come in by the time Angus parked in town, and the strong smell of the ocean rolled in as the tides changed, pungent yet familiar. “Once we’re done, I’m treating ye to dinner.”

Linking his hand with hers, they walked towards the gallery. The streets were relatively busy with people heading out to grab a bite or wrapping up their days. Angus nodded in greeting to most of the people they passed, and it quickly became clear that most were wondering about Rowan. He was seldom seen wandering about hand in hand with another-let alone with Iona Campbell’s daughter. The rumors would be flying.

Truth was he didn’t care about the rumor mill-as long as it didn’t cause Rowan problems. He was still worried about the reception she was getting from the locals, and didn’t know if their relationship would make it better or worse. They would, however, have him to deal with if they treated her wrong-not that she’d likely tell him.

She unlocked the door to the storefront which would soon house her gallery. It really would be a lovely space once they got it fixed up. Whatever she dreamed up, he was sure it’d look amazing.

Angus took measurements of the area while Rowan made up some sketches and took photos. Though they said little, they seemed to find a rhythm, doing their own thing but consulting with each other when need be.

Finishing up his measurements, Angus propped himself up against the desk she was using to sketch things. He looked over at her work, impressed not only with the sketch itself but the design she was planning. “That’ll look incredible when it’s done, and really shouldn’t be that difficult to accomplish. I can’t imagine it taking more than a few weeks.”

“I really can’t wait to get this place open. I’ll have to order the art supplies for the classes, but I’ll be ecstatic if I can get the gallery finished.” She swiveled in her chair, a smile on her lips as she slipped her arms around his waist. “This might call for a celebration.”

“A celebration, is it?” The mischievous glint in her eye told him exactly what she had in mind. “Ye’re such a troublemaker.”

She got to her feet and nestled herself between his stretched out legs, her body brushing up against his. “Me?
.” Leaning against him, she nuzzled him, her breath hot against his skin when she spoke, tickling his ear and making his pulse race. She left him dizzy and desperate for her. “You on the other hand are nothing

“I might have to prove ye right-but not today, love. Ye can keep trying, but like I said, I’m happy to set the pace and be patient enough for the two of us.” Even if it killed him. By the gods he’d need looser pants if they kept this up much longer.

She pursed her lips. “You’re no fun. You know that?”

“Och, now I wouldn’t go passing a judgment like that just yet.” He nipped at her ear, making her shiver and squirm against him.


“Now that, I won’t deny.”

Chapter Eleven


Rowan took a deep breath to try and calm her nerves as Angus parked the car, and they walked up the steps to the front door of Imogen’s small manor house. They had found the gates at the driveway’s entrance pushed open and overgrown with vines, as if they were seldom used. A lucky break, since she didn’t want to have to convince Imogen to let a stranger in over some intercom.

Now that she was finally going to meet her mother’s roommate, uncertainty had her completely on edge. As if sensing her unease, Angus gave her hand a squeeze. It was easier knowing he’d be at her side, and no matter what, he had her back.

Rowan hadn’t even knocked when she heard shouting and the door was yanked open. Not paying attention, the man shouting over his shoulder plowed into her. He grabbed her arms to keep them from going down the stairs in a tangle of limbs as Angus shot a hand out for additional support.

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