A Highland Home A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Two (3 page)

BOOK: A Highland Home A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Two
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“I don’t scare easily, Angus.” She managed a smile, determination in her gaze. Maybe he did know more than he was letting on.

“Happy to hear it.” His smile widened and his eyes sparkled with mischief. “I need to see a client just north of here. Don’t suppose ye’d like to join me? I won’t be long, and would be happy to show ye around the place afterwards. Maybe take ye out for a bite.”

“Only if you let me buy. I owe you big time for all you’ve done.” It would be the perfect way to check out the area, since she was a bit iffy about driving herself. Not only was she not familiar with the area, but the car in the garage was a stick shift, and she didn’t trust herself to not screw up the whole driving-on-the-opposite-side-of-the-road thing.

“Bring yer camera, aye? There are some gorgeous views where we’ll be heading, and the fog may even clear up for ye.”

The excitement of a new life and adventure bubbled inside her. Soon… she’d find the answers she was looking for. She’d find her father.


Chapter Two


Angus concluded his examination, pulled off his gloves and tossed them into his bucket. “Tonight or tomorrow, I’m guessing.”

He ran his hand over the mare’s abdomen, swollen with the bairn within. The skin was taut like a drum, the muscles beneath like stone. The contractions had yet to start, but he suspected it wouldn’t be long.

“She’ll manage it just fine, I’m sure, but I’ve got yer number should I need it.” Robbie McNally pulled an apple from his pocket with a weathered hand and fed it to Craggy, his favorite mare. He then tilted his head towards Rowan with a sly grin, as she wandered by the fence off in the distance, camera already out. “Who’s the lass, Angus? Ne’er seen ye bring anyone around before. She’s a pretty thing with all that red hair. Always been partial to it myself. But be fair warned-they tend to be the fiery sort. Independent too.”

Angus ignored Robbie’s laugh and jesting. “That’s Rowan, a family friend. Just moved here from Vermont.”

“Aye? Vermont?” Robbie’s eyes narrowed with thought, before going wide. He then cocked his head back to look at her again. “Ye’re not telling me she’s Iona’s girl, are ye?”

“She is.” Angus felt his back go up. “And I’m telling ye now, whatever happened with her ma is in the past, and she’s got nothing to do with it. She knows nothing of it, aye?”

“She’ll find out soon enough once word spreads. Ye best keep yer distance, lad. Ye don’t want that sort of trouble.” Robbie shook his head and ran a hand over his bristled chin.

Angus leaned in, annoyed. “Whatever happened decades ago with her ma has nothing to do with her. Ye hear me? She’ll be shown the highland hospitality we’re known for. You make sure of it, and be sure to let the others know too, or they’ll be dealing with me.”

Robbie put his hand up. “Calm yourself, lad. I’m not going to run her out of town. But ye may want to warn her, aye? The Stewarts won’t be happy about it and neither will anyone else in town, once they find out who she is. Things like that don’t tend to die off easily.”

“People need to let it rest. These days, no one would give any of it a second thought.” He grabbed his bucket and medical kit, his movements tense. “Let the others know-I’ll not tolerate any nonsense.”

“I’ll pass it on, lad. Just don’t go falling for her, aye?”

Angus spun on him, every muscle knotted tight. “And why’s that, Robbie?”

Robbie put up both hands and shook his head. “Forget I said anything. I’ll call ye if there’s any trouble with Craggy. If not, ye’ll hear from me once the wee one’s born.”

“Aye. I’ll see ye then.”

Angus headed back to his Rover and tossed his things in the back, his shoulders still tight. His mother had warned him that Rowan wouldn’t get a warm reception, but he hadn’t quite believed her. It had been so long ago, and even if there was a lot more to the story, children were often born out of wedlock, and other than a bit of gossip, no one gave a rat’s arse.

They’d eventually warm up to her once they got to know her-of that he had no doubt-and until then, he’d do his best to protect her from the truth. The last thing he wanted was for her to not feel welcome when she’d just arrived.

Rowan was already wandering over. “Did ye get any good pictures?”

The smile on her face melted away some of his anger-but not all. People would see past what happened with her mother, and would see Rowan for who she was. They just better do it quick, because he’d not have her feeling uncomfortable in a place that should feel like home.

Her brow furrowed as she laid a gentle hand on his arm. “Is everything all right?”

Surprised she’d notice, he forced himself to let it all go, pushing a smile onto his face. “Just getting hungry is all. Would ye like to get a bite?”

She smiled at him, her eyes dancing in the sunlight over a sea of freckles. “Only if you let me buy. I still owe you, yeah?”

“Och, well, if ye’re buying then we might as well have a pint with our meal, too.” He gave her a wink, happy to see her smiling.

“Well, you’ve certainly earned it.”


Settled in a corner of the local pub, Angus set a few pints in front of them and slid into the booth across from Rowan. They’d made it there just in time. Soon after arriving, a bus of tourists pulled up and unloaded. The small pub was now bustling, barely a seat to be had.

He handed her a menu, not bothering to take one for himself. He’d been coming here for as long as he could remember, and other than the specials written on the chalkboard, the changes were kept to a minimum. “Their burgers are good. And ye can’t go wrong with the fish and chips. They use fresh-caught from the local fishermen right here at the harbor.”

“Sounds perfect.” She closed her menu and gave him a smile as she looked around the place, taking it all in. “Is it always this busy?”

“That friend I mentioned and his fiancé? They recently found a diamond and emerald necklace of huge historical importance. It’s tucked away someplace safe until they can figure out where they’ll be putting it on display, but it put our little town on the map. The tourism has picked up as a result, despite the weather still being cold. I suspect the number of tourists will only increase as we head further into spring. Ye could sell yer photos to them, if ye wanted. Make yerself a good chunk of change, I’d imagine.”

Her eyes sparkled, as if lit from within, the green of them like a stormy sea. “It’s a thought. I’ve always wanted to open a small gallery and studio-not just for my own work, but to help other artists. Maybe teach a few classes. Might be worth looking into once I get settled. I hadn’t realized Dunmuir had so many visitors.”

By the gods, all those months of emailing back and forth had gotten to him. And to now have her sitting there at arm’s length, beaming at him… it left him needing to take a deep breath to steady himself.

Lara showed up at their table to take their order, her eyes darting to him in question. “Are ye ready to place yer order?”

Angus tilted his head at Rowan, so she’d order. “The fish and chips, please.”

Angus took Rowan’s menu and set it aside behind the napkin holder. “Make that two.”

Lara jotted it down, and then pinned him with a stare and a cocked eyebrow. “So, Angus, are ye not going to introduce us?”

There’d be no stemming the flow of gossip now that Lara was in the mix. At least she was young enough to not know of Rowan’s mother-not that there weren’t other issues to deal with. “Lara, this is Rowan Campbell. Rowan, Lara Graham, the keeper of this fine establishment.”

“A pleasure. Campbell, eh? And how do ye know our dear Angus?” Lara wasn’t exactly warm and inviting, but she was always a bit harsh whenever Angus came in with any woman other than his Ma or sister.

“He’s a good friend.” It became clear that Rowan had picked up on Lara’s tone. With a smile she reached out and gave his hand a quick squeeze. “Been truly indispensable. I couldn’t have made the move here without his help.”

“So ye’re staying then? At the Campbell cottage?”

“I am. It’s a lovely area and town.”  Rowan gave Lara a wide smile. “And everyone’s been so friendly. I know it’ll feel like home in no time at all.”

Angus had to bite back a laugh. Rowan had played Lara perfectly, putting an end to any escalation and diffusing the situation by calling to Lara’s obligation to be hospitable. He loved that she already felt at ease. Might make it easier for her if things got difficult.

“Aye. I’m sure it will. I’ll put yer order in, then.” And with that, Lara was off.

Rowan was now staring at him with amusement. “Ex-girlfriend of yours?”

He barked out a laugh. “Aye, but we were just kids-still in secondary school, and it didn’t last more than a few months.”

Her tone was teasing, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Well, you certainly made a lasting impression. Did you leave all the girls heartbroken?”

“Me?” He leaned forward, his elbows on the table as he closed the distance between them. “Nae, love. I was always the one nursing a broken heart.”

She didn’t pull away, but rather held her ground, despite the energy that seemed to spark and crackle between them, leaving the air charged. “I don’t believe it, Angus Macleod.”

Freckles, porcelain skin, deep red curls, and full kissable lips. By the gods, he was a goner. “Nothing but the truth, though it’s all for the best.”

Her eyes narrowed with curiosity. “And why’s that?”

“Cause it leaves me single for when the right lass comes along.” So incredibly close. He could see the flecks of brown in her green eyes, and the intelligence there. Could breathe in her scent. She smelled like the forest, like peonies and wood fires, cedar and jasmine. It left him wanting to bury his head against the curve of her shoulder.

“Is that so?” A smile tugged at her lips, but he saw her quickly get it under control.

“Aye, it is.”

She sat back and picked up her napkin, folding it absent-mindedly, her eyes on what she was doing, even when she spoke. “And what if you get your heart broken again?”

“It’s the chance we all take, is it not?” With her mood turning towards the serious, Angus figured a change in subject was probably best. “Ye said ye hadn’t seen the stones yet. Is that correct?”

“I’m afraid I went the other way when I took my walk this morning.” Her eyes then drifted past him to the crowd beyond. “Speak of the devil; there’s Conall.”

And no seat to be had in the entire place. Angus hoped Conall would turn around and walk away, but he knew he’d not be that lucky. His worst fears came true as Conall wandered over in their direction, looking for a table.

When Conall spotted them, Rowan gave a quick wave in response to his head nod. With a look of apology at Angus, Rowan shifted over in the booth and addressed Conall. “You’re welcome to join us if you’d like. I doubt there are any available seats.”

“I appreciate it.” Conall slid in next to Rowan. “Angus. How ye been?”

Angus tried to swallow his annoyance, knowing full well that if not for Rowan’s company, Conall would rather sit on the floor than with him. And what of the bad blood between their families? He guessed Conall was willing to put it on hold in the presence of a pretty face. At least that was something.

Angus decided he’d try his best to be civil-for Rowan’s sake. “Been well. And you? Heard ye have a new dog.”

“Aye. My sister left the pup with me when she took the job in Paris-though I half-suspect she left just to get away from the crazy mutt. She sends her regards, by the way.” Conall stared at him as if to judge his reaction. Or was it purely to annoy him?

“I’m sure she’ll enjoy Paris. It suits her.” It’d been at least a year or two since he’d last seen Moira, and a good five years since their relationship ended. “As for the dog, make sure ye bring her by if she’s not up to date with her vaccinations.” 

“She’s up to date.” His tone was clipped, his eyes hard.

Before they could say another word, Lara showed up at their table. “Well, I ne’er thought I’d see the day. Look at the two of ye sitting together and not killing each other. The only thing marring the vision is that ye look like two hungry dogs fighting over the same bone, despite there being plenty of others to choose from. Typical.”

Conall glared at her. “Are ye going to take my order or did ye come here just to annoy us?”

Lara threw back her head and laughed. “Ye always were a feisty one.” To Rowan she added, “Ye’ll have to let me know if that feistiness extends into the bedroom.”

Quit harassing my customers and do yer job.” Lara’s father scowled at her from behind the counter as he pulled a pint.

“What’ll ye be having then?” Lara glared at Conall, as if it was his fault she got in trouble.

“Burger and a pint, if you’d be so kind.” Once Lara had gone, Conall turned his attention to Rowan. “Has Angus been showing ye around the place?”

“He has, though we’ve only just started.” Rowan glanced over at Angus, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

“Aye, we’ll head to the stones from here and then maybe wander down the coast.”

“Well, if ye need anything, I’m just down the road from ye. I’d be happy to help, especially since I owe ye for Piper. I’d ne’er have caught that mutt if it weren’t for yer assistance.”

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