A Highlander's Obsession (Highlander's Beloved) (21 page)

BOOK: A Highlander's Obsession (Highlander's Beloved)
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Hamish shifted in his seat and crossed his arms. “I dinna ken what’s so bloody funny. Especially when it’ll probably be yer feckin’ dick flappin’ in the Highland wind she’ll be writing about.”

Once he stepped inside Iverson Manor, the sensual timbre of Paisley’s voice lured Creighton down the hallway toward the solarium. When he turned to enter the room, he raised his telepathic shield so Paisley couldn’t hear his thoughts. He had to protect her from all the turmoil in his mind regarding the honesty of Malcolm and her grandmother—and his guilt for erasing her memory. He wanted to trust Effie, he truly did, but to protect his sleuth, he needed evidence of her innocence. His uncertainty would only cause Paisley distress.

Yet wasn’t Angus’s will ironclad? When Creighton stopped at the lawyer’s office this afternoon, James Aiken assured him there was no way the stipulations could be broken. If these two women had plans with the oil companies, they certainly didna seem upset that their plans had been foiled by one clever auld Scot and his lawyer.

Paisley’s warm smile unknotted the tense muscles in his shoulders as he crossed the threshold into the sun-drenched glass room. He walked behind her chair and placed his hand where her slender throat met her shoulder. The rapid pulse near her collarbone kissed his fingertips. Her body’s silent response to his touch pleased him … and so did the sight of her slim skirt riding high on her thighs.
Beautiful. Ours

“Ladies, how was yer tour? What do ye think of the house?”

“Gram’s been making plans.” Paisley pushed her owlish frames up her nose. “She loves to redecorate.”

“Does she now?” He inclined his head and brushed a kiss over Paisley’s lips. She tasted of blueberry tea and chocolate and—God help his bear—honey.
Sweet lips. Ours

“Indeed I do.” Effie patted the empty spot next to her on the love seat. “Come sit here and give me your advice. Maybe you know of some people to recommend. I’m going to need a good
wallpaper hanger, a painter, Internet access, and new furniture. Oh, and a man to oversee all the remodeling.” She poured a cup of tea and extended it to him. “Do you know of anyone honest who could help?”

He sat next to Effie and added several spoonfuls of honey to the steaming brew. “I do. Let me make some inquires among my clan members.” His nose twitched at the delicious aroma of smoked salmon.
Eat. Hungry
. To satisfy his inner bear, he piled salmon sandwiches on his plate and tucked into the snack. By the time he’d finished what remained of the Highland toffee, he’d somehow agreed to hanging all of the wallpaper himself. Between the food and Paisley’s shapely legs ending in those feckin’ red stilettos, how could a man concentrate on what he was hearing or saying?

Their ride back to the lodge was so full of chatter, Creighton could have sworn there were eight people in the SUV instead of three. Effie provided animation while Paisley oozed serenity. Would he be able to erase the blonde’s composure tomorrow after the dance, hold her close and touch and kiss every part of her delectable body? He couldna wait to make love to her again.

“Paisley, would ye be up to a stroll when we return to the lodge?” Time alone with her would lift his soul.

“I’ll need to change clothes first, but I think I’d enjoy that. Would you show me the moat up close?” She pushed her glasses up her nose and aimed her blue eyes at him, full of questions and wonder.

God, she was adorable. Whoever said men didn’t make passes at girls who wore glasses was an asinine fool. Obviously, that person had never met his Paisley. Had she asked for the moon, he’d have found a way to give it to her. He wrapped his hand around hers and brought it to his lips to kiss her knuckles, her skin so soft he wanted to touch every part of her. “Aye. I can, if ye wish.”

* * *

Fiona met them at the door with a message for Gram to call her solicitor. Creighton’s mother led Gram to her office so she could use the lodge’s phone.

Creighton tugged Paisley into his arms and inclined his dark head to brush his lips along the sweet spot beneath her ear. A shiver of delight danced over her skin. How he knew she had a
sensitive area there when she’d been ignorant of it all her life was beyond her. She fought the urge to snuggle against his solid frame and lost. His warmth blanketed her, seeping in so deep even her heart roused from its emotionless sleep.

Something about him—and she’d yet to determine what it was—attracted her and made her experience a longing she’d never had with Alex or the other men she’d infrequently dated. What was it about this man whose strong arms enveloped her and whose lips did glorious things to her neck? Yes, he was handsome. He had a commanding air, as though he assumed his wishes would automatically be fulfilled—something that both irked her and turned her on at the same time. He also had a caring side, and a dash of wicked humor. To her surprise, she responded to all facets of his personality, especially his very masculine element that summoned the power of her femininity.

His lips, soft and persuasive, covered hers and absorbed her sigh. Yet, for all the excitement he stirred in her soul, his embrace was like coming home after a long and rough journey.

“Change yer clothes,
. I’ll meet ye right here.”

She was eager for some time outside near the animals and, yes, with Creighton too. “Okay.”

Once in her room, she exchanged her skirt and stilettos for jeans and boots.

Before she headed downstairs, she checked her voice mail. “Look, Paisley, I’m sorry I was so abrupt yesterday.” Alex. “Don’t be taken in by a Scot who only wants to add an American to his line of conquests. There’s no way he could understand your … ah … uniqueness the way I do. You know I’ve always had your best interests at heart. A gift like yours is rare and should be used to everyone’s advantage. Especially yours. Please call me back.” She thumbed the delete function.

There hadn’t been one mention of his missing her, nor one word of love or hint of affection. Only her gift. Would it ever end? She powered up her laptop and opened her email. After writing a letter officially resigning her position as head veterinary assistant of Alex Bristol’s Veterinary Services, she hit Send and breathed a sigh of relief. She’d just severed all ties with the man who’d sought to use her gift for his gain. How had she allowed their working relationship to transform into a loveless engagement?
What a simple fool I’ve been

So fearful of others’ reactions to her gift, she’d nearly isolated herself from the rest of the
male gender. How would she explain it all to a man? “Yes, I’m a veterinary assistant. I live with my grandmother and I travel frequently to talk to animals.” During the three years she’d worked for Alex, she’d slowly clued him in, and he’d been receptive to her gift. Somehow, his sudden proposal seemed her one chance at having a husband and family. She shook her head before opening the door and leaving her suite. What a cold marriage she would have had with Alex. Thank God all that was behind her.

Creighton met her at the bottom of the steps, and his wide smile ignited a matching one of her own. “Here’s something to help keep ye warm while we walk.” He wrapped a plaid scarf around her neck, the wool as soft as a baby blanket.

She fingered the supple material, touched by his caring gesture. “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of your scarf.”

“Ye dinna ken, lassie. ’Tis a scarf for ye. A present. A widow in our clan weaves the tartan and makes such things for clan members. I stopped by her place this afternoon.” He placed his hand at the small of her back and escorted her outside, holding the door for her as she passed through. “Our tartan looks good snuggled against yer neck. Although I’d rather it were me lips.”

A giggle erupted from Paisley. “You’re such a flirt.”

His lips twitched and humor danced in his dark eyes.

“But you can’t keep giving me things. You sent me flowers yesterday.”

Creighton wrapped an arm around her waist as they descended the stone steps to the driveway of the lodge. “I plan to woo ye.” He glanced away for a few seconds and tucked her closer to his side. “Openly declaring me feelings might be a mistake, but I’ve never been one to play games. Social graces aren’t me strong suit. What’s that American expression? What ye look at is what ye have?”

She glanced at Creighton out of the corner of her eye and chuckled. “I think you mean what you see is what you get.” God, he was so cute in his rugged Scottish way.

He inclined his head and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Aye, lassie. I do.”

This strong Scot smelled of pine and ginseng and … she sniffed again … strawberries, how odd.

Their boots crunched on the gravel as they strode toward the castle’s moat. The call of a bird rasped from nearby before it took flight, chestnut wings brilliant in the setting sun. A chilly gust glided across her cheeks, announcing a cool evening that approached like a silent, creeping
animal. Scotland was slowly bringing out the fanciful part of her nature, something she’d fought to suppress back in the States, where people were so often prone to look down on a person, if he or she were different.

“Scotland has a way of calling to my intuitive, whimsical side.”

“Aye. There’s no other country like her.” Pride warmed Creighton’s words. “She’s rugged and strong, yet beautiful, full of myths and legends. What does the country say to ye,

“She tells me to open my heart and soul to all the possibilities her beauty presents, to not be so rigid.” Paisley shot him a sideways glance. “But my practical, rigid nature is screaming at me to get my head on straight and find some purpose in life.”

A rabbit scurried to the left of them and stopped. His nose rose and twitched.
She’s here. The American is here
. He ran into the brush.

“What purpose does yer practical side seek?” Creighton’s words distracted her from thinking about the rabbit’s words.

“I just resigned from my job while I was upstairs.”

Creighton stopped. “Oh?” His fingertips pushed a strand of hair from her forehead. “Dare I hope ye plan on moving to Iverson Loch permanently?”

“That’s what Gram wants. I guess it’s what I want too.” She raised her hands and let them drop to her sides. “I don’t know. This trip has changed my life, and I’m struggling to handle it. In many ways, I’m a creature of habit. Altering everything I’ve become accustomed to scares me. I just couldn’t work for Alex any longer, now that the engagement is over. Agreeing to marry him was a colossal mistake.”

His dark eyes bore into hers. “Ye didna love him, then?”

She shook her head. “I thought I did, but when he started pushing me to capitalize on my—” She snapped her mouth shut and studied the tops of her boots. She’d nearly divulged her secret. Surely Creighton would think her a whack job if he discovered she could converse with animals.

He stepped closer and their thighs touched.

Desire swirled in her stomach then dipped low. His hand cupped her cheek and she turned into its warmth.

“Capitalize on yer what, sweetheart?”

Could she share? What would he think of her if she did? If he truly wanted to woo her, as he claimed, she owed him the honesty of what she was. “I’m afraid to tell you.” She focused on the force of his dark eyes and stole a little strength from them. “I have an ability that is very rare. It’s something I don’t like to talk about. Only a few people know what I can do.”

With his gaze locked on hers, his fingers coiled around her wrist. Slowly, he brought her hand to his lips, where he pressed a kiss to her palm. Her knees weakened and she clenched his coat tightly with her other hand to keep from dissolving into a puddle of feminine goo. Dear God, the clout of his nearness practically pilfered the breath from her lungs.

“Tell me. Tell me the entirety of what troubles ye. Surely ye know I would never turn me back on ye. Not fer any reason. Fer the moment I set eyes on ye, my soul came alive.” He wrapped his long arms around her and pulled her close, his lips kissing first one corner of her mouth and then the other. “Ye own my heart, beloved. Ye and no one else. Canna ye tell ye are me obsession?”

Oh my God

The man was so intense, he scared her. In many ways, he was a stranger. In others, he seemed like someone she’d known forever. She tried to step away from him, but his hold on her tightened.

“You shouldn’t say such things to me. We barely know each other.” Her attraction to him was both strong and sweet, and she feared it. She’d never imagined herself worthy of the kind of devotion this Scot seemed willing to bestow upon her. This was all so new, so overwhelming after Alex repeatedly told her she lacked the femininity to beguile a man. His remark that she was too bookish to be desirable was something that hovered over her like a sullen storm cloud hanging low in the sky. Were Creighton’s feelings real, or was he playing her for a fool? She pressed her palms to his chest. “I won’t be toyed with or used for however long I’m here.”

Creighton’s eyes hardened. His expression turned feral. A low growl rumbled. “Used? Used, is it?” He thrust the fingers of one hand through her hair, wrapped them in the strands at the back of her head and tugged, forcing her to look into his eyes. “Do ye think the laird of the Mathesons would lower himself to use a woman? To declare his intentions for any female he dinna respect and adore?”

His lips hovered near hers, his breath minty with a tang of blueberry tea. His dark eyes hooded with craving. When his thick lips swooped down to lay siege and possess … dear God,
when they made passionate contact with hers … all rational thought took flight on winged feet. Need, anger, or maybe both vibrated from him while every hormone within her body chanted his name. His lips conquered while his teeth nipped and his tongue soothed.

He pulled back once to angle her head. “Aye, I’ll toy with ye, lassie. Ye can be sure of that.” His grip on her tightened. “And when I’m through, ye’ll bloody well know ye belong to me. Me and no one else.”

She gasped at the passion pouring out of him before he plundered her mouth again.

BOOK: A Highlander's Obsession (Highlander's Beloved)
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