A History of Zionism (111 page)

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Authors: Walter Laqueur

Tags: #History, #Israel, #Jewish Studies, #Social History, #20th Century, #Sociology & Anthropology: Professional, #c 1700 to c 1800, #Middle East, #Nationalism, #Sociology, #Jewish, #Palestine, #History of specific racial & ethnic groups, #Political Science, #Social Science, #c 1800 to c 1900, #Zionism, #Political Ideologies, #Social & cultural history

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Chapter 5: The Unseen Question
Ahad Ha’am,
Nationalism and the Jewish Ethic
, New York, 1962.
P.P. Plsberg, ‘Hashe’ela ha’aravit …’,
Shivat Zion
, Jerusalem, 1956.
G. Gntonius,
The Arab Awakening
, London, 1938.
A.A. Arlosoroff,
Yoman Yerushalayim
, Jerusalem, 1949.
M. Mssaf,
Hatnua ha’aravit be’eretz Israel vemekoroteha
, Tel Aviv, 1947.
Beayot Hayom
, Jerusalem, 1944-8.
M. Meilinson,
Bime Masa
, Tel Aviv, 1930.
D. Den Gurion,
Anakhnu veshekhnenu
, Tel Aviv, 1931;
Sichot im manhigim aravim
, Tel Aviv, 1967.
Y. Yen Zvi,
Hatnua ha’aravit
, Jaffa, 1921.
M. Mentov (ed.),
The Case for a Bi-national Palestine
, New York, 1946.
N. Nentwich,
For Zion’s Sake
, Philadelphia, 1954.
R. Rinyamin (ed.),
Al Parashat Darkenu
, Jerusalem, 1939.
M. Muber and others (ed.),
Towards Union in Palestine
, Jerusalem, 1947.
A. Aohen,
Israel vehaolam ha’aravi
, Merhavia, 1964.
Disturbances in May 1921
, Report of the Commission of Enquiry, London, 1921.
A Study of Jewish, Arab and British Policies
(2 vols), New Haven, 1947.
J.J. Jobman,
David Eder
, London, 1945.
Z. Zabotinsky,
, vols 4 and 7, Jerusalem, 1947, 1953.
J.J.J. Neffries,
Palestine the Reality
, London, 1939.
F.F. Fisch,
Palestine Diary
, London, 1938.
J. Jlatzkin (ed.),
Die Araberfrage in Palästina
, Heidelberg, 1921.
S.S. Sevontin,
Le’aretz Avotenu
, Tel Aviv, 1924-8.
R. Lichtheim,
, Stuttgart, 1970.
J.J. Jagnes (ed.),
Arab-Jewish Unity
, Jerusalem, 1946;
Like All Nations
? Jerusalem, 1930; (ed.),
Palestine – Divided or United
? Jerusalem, 1947.
N. Nandel, ‘Turks, Arabs and Jewish Immigration …’,
Middle Eastern Affairs
, London 1965; ‘Attempts at an Arab-Zionist Entente, 1913-14’,
Middle Eastern Studies
, April 1965.
J. Jarlowe,
Rebellion in Palestine
, London, 1946.
M. Medzini,
Esser Shanim Shel Mediniut Eretz Yisraelit
, Jerusalem, 1928.
M. Mrenstein,
A Plea for Arab-Jewish Unity
, London, 1946.
Correspondence with the Palestine Arab Delegation
…, Cmd. 1700, London, 1922.
Palestine Royal Commission
(Peel Report), Cmd. 5479, London, 1937.
Palestine Royal Commission
(Peel Report),
, London, 1937.
M. Merlman, ‘Chapters of Arab-Jewish Diplomacy 1918-22’,
Jewish Social Studies
, 1944.
Report of the Commission on the Palestine Disturbances of August 1929
, London, 1930.
Y. Yo’i, ‘Attempts of the Zionist Organisation …’,
, 3-4, 1967; ‘The Zionist Attitude …’,
Middle Eastern Studies
, 1968.
A. Auppin,
Pirke Khayai
(3 vols), Tel Aviv, 1968.
H. Hamuel,
, London, 1945.
A. Aaphir,
Unity or Partition
, Jerusalem, 1937.
Sefer Toldot Hahagana
(2 vols), Tel Aviv, 1954-9.
E. Eereni (ed.),
Jews and Arabs in Palestine
, New York, 1936.
M. Mharett,
Yoman Medini
, Tel Aviv, 1968.
, Jerusalem, 1930-3.
Y. Yhimoni,
Arvie Eretz Israel
, Tel Aviv, 1947.
M. Mmilansky,
Prakim betoldot hayishuv
, Tel Aviv, 1954.
L. Ltein,
The Balfour Declaration
, London, 1961;
Memorandum on the Report of the Commission on the Palestine Disturbances
, London, 1930.
Stenographisches Protokoll
2-17, Zionisten Kongress.
R. Rtorrs,
, London, 1937.
Y. Yashitz,
Ha’aravim be’eretz Israel
, Merhavia, 1946.
Ch. Weizmann,
Trial and Error
, New York, 1950.
A. Aiener,
Juden und Araber in Palästina
, Berlin, 1930.
I. Iangwill,
Speeches, Articles and Letters
, London, 1937.
Zum Jüdisch-Arabischen Problem
(ed. Hechaluz), Berlin, 1933.
Chapter 6: Building a New Society: The Progress of Left-Wing Zionism
Z. Zbramovitz,
Besherut hatnua
, Merhavia, 1965.
Y. Yhronowitz,
, Tel Aviv, 1941.
Ch. Arlosoroff,
, Tel Aviv, 1934;
Yoman Yerushalayim
, Tel Aviv, 1949.
A. Aein,
The Return to the Soil
, Jerusalem, 1952.
N. Nenari,
Prakim Letoldot tnuat hapoalim be’eretz Israel
, Warsaw, 1936;
Zur Geschichte der Kvutza und des Kibbutz
, Berlin, 1934.
D. Den Gurion,
Mema’amad leam
, Tel Aviv, 1933;
Tnuat hapoalim veharevisionismus
, Tel Aviv, 1933.
Y. Yen Zvi,
…, Tel Aviv, 1936.
B. Borokhov,
(3 vols), Tel Aviv, 1955-66;
Sozialismus und Zionismus
, Vienna, 1932.
M. Mraslavsky,
Tnuat hapoalim haeretz-israelit
(4 vols), Tel Aviv, 1946-63.
Y. Yh. Brenner,
Kol Ktavav
… (9 vols), Tel Aviv, 1924-30.
H. Harin Drabkin,
The Other Society
, London, 1962.
Sh. Eisenshtat,
Prakim betoldot tnuat hapoalim hayehudit
(2 vols), Merhavia, 1944.
Z. Zven Shoshan,
Toldot tnuat hapoalim be’eretz Israel
(3 vols), Tel Aviv, 1963-6.
Gdud Ha’avoda
, Tel Aviv, 1932.
A.A. Aordon,
(5 vols), Tel Aviv, 1925-9.
N. Nantorowicz,
Di Tsiyonistishe Arbeter Bawegung in Poilen (1918-39)
, New York, 1969.
B. Batznelson, Kitvei … (12 vols), Tel Aviv, 1946-9;
Roshe Prakim letoldot tnuat hapoalim be’eretz Israel
, Ktavim, vol. 11, Tel Aviv, 1948; (ed.),
Hakibbutz vehakvutza
, Tel Aviv, 1940.
, Haifa-Gedda, 1922.
D. Deon,
The Kibbutz
, Oxford, 1969.
P. Pubianiker,
, Tel Aviv, 1941.
H. Heier-Cronemeier,
, vol. 1, Hanover, 1969.
Perez Merhav,
Toldot tnuat hapoalim be’eretz Israel
, Merhavia, 1967.
Naftole Dor
(‘Zeire Zion’), Tel Aviv, 1947.
Netive Hakvutza vehakibbutz
, vol. 1, Tel Aviv, 1958.
Pirke Hapoel Hatzair
, Tel Aviv, 1935.
W. Wreuss,
The Labour Movement in Israel
, Jerusalem, 1965.
M. Mafes,
Ocherki istoriya evreiskovo rabochevo dvizheniya
, Moscow, 1929.
Sh. Rehav,
Mivhar Ktavim
, Merhavia, 1966.
A. Auppin,
Three Decades of Palestine
, Jerusalem, 1936;
Pirke Chayai
(3 vols), Tel Aviv, 1968.
Sefer ha’aliya hashlishit
(2 vols), Tel Aviv, 1964.
Sefer ha’aliya hashniya
, Tel Aviv, 1947.
Sefer Hashomer
, Tel Aviv, 1957.
Sefer Hashomer Hatzair
(3 vols), Merhavia, 1956-64.
Sefer Hehaluz
, Tel Aviv, 1940.
Sefer Idelson
, Tel Aviv, 1946.
Sefer Toldot Hahagana
, Tel Aviv, 1954-9.
Sefer Z.Z.
, Tel Aviv, 1963.
M. Mhmueli,
Prakim betoldot hazionut vetnuat ha’avoda
(4 vols), Tel Aviv, 1938-46.
M. Minger,
Bereshit hazionut hasozialistit
, Haifa, 1958.
M. Myrkin,
Nachman Syrkin
, New York, 1961.
N. Nyrkin,
, Tel Aviv, 1939.
A. Aartakover,
Toldot tnuat haovdim hayehudit
, Warsaw, 1929.
H. Hiteles,
A History of the Cooperative Movement in Israel
, vols 2 and 3, London, 1967-8.
M. Maari,
Befetakh Tekufa
, Merhavia, 1942;
Bederekh Aruka
, Merhavia, 1947.
Yalkut Poale Zion
(2 vols), Jerusalem, 1947, 1954.
G.G. Gisraeli,
, Tel Aviv, 1953.
Ch. Zhitlovsky,
, Merhavia, 1960; ‘Sotsializm i natsionalny vopros’,
, 1906.
Chapter 7: In Blood and Fire: Jabotinsky and Revisionism
A. Achimeir,
Reportazha shel bachur yeshiva
, Tel Aviv, 1937;
Im kriat hagever
, Tel Aviv, 1940;
Hazionut hamahpechanit
, Tel Aviv, 1966.
Y. Yanai,
Hayalim Almonim
, Tel Aviv, 1958.
Basic Principles of Revisionism
, London, 1929.
M. Megin,
(2 vols), Tel Aviv, 1959.
D. Den Gurion,
Tnuat hapoalim veharevisionismus
, Tel Aviv, 1933.
Ch. Ben Meir,
Harevisionism ssakana leam
, Tel Aviv, 1938.
Ch. Ben Yeruham,
Sefer Betar
, vol. 1, Tel Aviv, 1969.
This is Betar
, New York, 1946.
S. Sepstein,
Zeev Jabotinsky
, Tel Aviv, 1941.
U.U. Urinberg,
Sefer Hakitrug vehaemuna
, Jerusalem, 1937.
Machon Jabotinsky (ed.),
Brit Habiryonim
, Tel Aviv, 1953.
V. Vabotinsky,
The Jewish War Front
, London, 1940.
Z. Zabotinsky (ed. Y. Ylausner),
Ktavim nivcharim
(2 vols), Jerusalem, 1943;
(Hebrew, 18 vols), Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, 1940 (of special interest: vol. 1, Jabotinsky’s autobiography; vols 4 and 5, Speeches 1905-40; vol. 8, first Zionist writings; vol. 9, Nation and Society; vol. 11, On the Road to the State; vol. 12, In the Storm).
S. Satz,
Yom Ha’esh
, Tel Aviv, 1966.
K. Katznelson,
Shkiat hatnua hajabotinskait
, Tel Aviv, 1961.
R. Richtheim,
Revision der zionistischen Politik
, Berlin, 1930;
, Prag, 1930.
E. Eiebenstein,
Wo steht der Revisionismus
? Berlin, 1934.
Lochme Herut Israel,
, vol. 1, Tel Aviv, 1959.
B. Bubotzki,
Hazohar uBetar
, Jerusalem, 1946.
Y. Yedava,
Jabotinsky bechason hador
, Tel Aviv, 1950.
D. Div,
Maarakhot hairgun hazvai haleumi
(2 vols), Tel Aviv, 1965.
J.J. Jatterson,
With the Judaeans in the Palestine Campaign
, New York, 1922.
J. Jerelman,
Rewizjonizm w Polsce
, Warsaw, 1937.
David Raziel
(ed. Jabotinsky Institute), Tel Aviv, 1956.
I. Iemba,
Jabotinsky’s Teg un Necht
, Paris, 1951;
Kefi shehikartem
, Ramat Gan, 1959.
Sh. Salzman,
Min heavar
, Tel Aviv, 1943.
J.J. Jchechtman,
The Jabotinsky Story
: vol. 1,
Rebel and Statesman
, New York, 1956; vol. 2,
Fighter and Prophet
, New York, 1961;
, Prague, 1933.
J.J. Jchechtman and Y. Yenari,
History of the Revisionist Movement
, vol. I, Tel Aviv, 1970.
S. Schmitz and H. Hrauner,
Die Wahrheit über den Revisionismus
, Moravska, Ostrava, 1935.
S. Shwartz,
Jabotinsky - lochem hauma
, Jerusalem, 1942.
Sefer Toldot Hahagana
(2 vols), Tel Aviv, 1954-9.
E. Eoskin,
Das Kolonisationsproblem
, Paris, 1929;
, Vienna, 1927.
R. Rtricker,
Di Judenstaatspartei
, Warsaw, 1935.
Union der Zionisten-Revisionisten,
Protokolle der II. Weltkonferenz
, Paris, 1929.
Y.Y. Yevin,
Yerushalayim mechaka
, Tel Aviv, 1932.
Y. Weinshal,
Hadam asher besaf
, Tel Aviv, 1956.
Zionist Congresses, Minutes of Proceedings (Congresses 12-18).

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