A History of Zionism (93 page)

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Authors: Walter Laqueur

Tags: #History, #Israel, #Jewish Studies, #Social History, #20th Century, #Sociology & Anthropology: Professional, #c 1700 to c 1800, #Middle East, #Nationalism, #Sociology, #Jewish, #Palestine, #History of specific racial & ethnic groups, #Political Science, #Social Science, #c 1800 to c 1900, #Zionism, #Political Ideologies, #Social & cultural history

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British Policy in Palestine
, p. 59; on the development of the mandate, see also J. Jtoyanovsky,
The Mandate for Palestine
, New York, 1928: F. Friedmann,
Das Palaestinamandat
, Prague, 1936; Quincy Wright,
Mandates under the League of Nation
, Chicago, 1930; N. Nentwich,
The Mandates System
, London, 1930.

Loc. cit.
, p. 67.
Report of the Executive to the XIV Zionist Congress, quoted in
(Esco Foundation), New Haven, 1947, I, p. 291.
Protokoll des XV Delegiertentages
, Berlin, 1919, p. 53.

See Trietsch’s periodical
Volk und Land
, 1920, and his programmatic article against the official settlement policy in
Jüdische Rundschau
, 30 August 1921.
On the organisational reshuffles, see
Reports of the Executive of the Zionist Organisation to the XII Zionist Congress
, III, London, 1921.
A pro-Brandeis account of the disputes is J. de Haas,
Louis Brandeis
, New York, 1929; see also Brandeis’ interview with
Der Tog
, 10 January 1921.
Louis Lipsky,
Thirty Years of American Zionism
, New York, 1929, p. 78.

XII Zionistenkongress
…, vol. 2, p. 215
et seq.
Jüdische Rundschau
, 2 February 1923.
Protokoll des XII Zionisten Kongresses
, Berlin, 1922, p. 735.

Protokoll des XIII Zionisten Kongresses
, London, 1924, pp. 249-93.
Trial and Error
, p. 327.
Protokoll des XV Zionisten Kongresses
, London, 1927, p. 206
et seq.
Morris Rothenberg, in M. Meisgal (ed.),
Chaim Weizmann
, New York, 1944, p. 223.

Trial and Error
, p. 306.
Charles Webster,
The Art and Practice of Diplomacy
, London, 1961, p. 114.
Isaiah Berlin,
Chaim Weizmann
, London, 1958, p. 27.

Quoted in Israel Kolatt,
Manhiguto shel Chaim Weizmann
, Jerusalem, 1970, pp. 26-7.

R. Reltsch, in M.M. Meisgal and Joel Carmichael (eds.),
Chaim Weizmann
, London, 1962, p. 188.
R. Reltsch, in
Jewish Social Studies
, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 127.
Chaim Weizmann
, pp. 25-8.

, 15 December 1919; quoted in Kolatt,
Manhiguto shel Chaim Weizmann.

Speech in Czernowitz, December 1927, quoted in Chaim Weizmann,
Reden und Aufsaetze
, Tel Aviv, 1937, p. 185.
Zionist Portraits
, p. 10.

For further biographical details, see J. Jlausner,
Menahem Ussishkin
, Jerusalem, 1942.
Zionist Portraits
, p. 36.
Some of his writings were published posthumously: A. Aein (ed.),
Sefer Motzkin
, Jerusalem, 1938.

Louis Lipsky,
A Gallery of Zionist Profiles
, pp. 90-1.
His writings and speeches were published posthumously in six volumes in Tel Aviv in 1934. There is a one-volume German selection of his writings: Chaim Arlosoroff,
Leben und Werk
, Berlin, 1936.
I. Schwarzbart, in F. Fross and B.B. Blavianos (eds.),
Struggle for Tomorrow
, New York, 1954, p. 27.
, p. 28. See also N. Noldenberg,
General Zionism
, London, 1937; I. Ioldstein,
General Zionist Program
, New York, 1947; Moshe Kleinman,
Hazionim Haklalim
, Jerusalem, 1945.

Felix Weltsch, in
Parteien im Zionismus
, Prague, 1936, pp. 10-12.

Zu den Hauptfragen des 14 Zionistenkongresses
(Flugschrift Nr. I der Konferenzgemeinschaft radikaler Zionisten), n.p., n.d.,
; and
Probleme des 14 Zionistenkongresses
, n.p., n.d.,
Das Programm der Vereinigten Radikalen Zionisten
, n.p., n.d.
Rabbi Judah L. Lishman,
The History of the Mizrahi Movement
, New York, 1928, p. 49.
Quoted in
Sefer Mizrahi
, Jerusalem, 1946, p. 53.

Sh.Z. Zhragai,
Chason Vehagshama
, London, 1945, p. 17.

Meir Berlin,
Mevolozhin ad Yerushalayim
, Tel Aviv, 1940, vol. 2, p. 55; on the history of the Mizrahi, see also S.S. Seldman,
Brief Survey of the Mizrahi Movement
, London.
Berthold Lewkowitz,
Der Weg des Misrachi
, Vienna, 1936, p. 9.
Moshe Ostrovski,
Toldot Hamizrahi beeretz Israel
, Jerusalem, 1943, pp. 132
et seq.
Walter Laqueur, ‘The German Youth Movement and the Jewish Question’,
Leo Baeck Year Book
, 1961, p. 199.
For the history of the
Blau Weiss
and other Zionist Youth movements, see Hermann Meier-Cronemeyer, ‘Jüdische Jugendbewegung’, in
Germania Judaica
(2 vols.), 1969. See also the unpublished doctoral dissertation by Haim Shatzker,
Tnuat Hanoar hayehudit beGermania beshanim 1900-33
, Jerusalem, 1969. On the difficulties facing the historian of youth movements, W. Waqueur, ‘The Archaeology of Youth’, in
Out of the Ruins of Europe
, New York, 1971.
Sefer Hashomer Hatzair
, Merhavia, 1956, vol. I, p. 24
et seq.
Pinhas Lubianiker,
, Tel Aviv, 1941, p. 10.
Christopher Sykes,
Crossroads to Israel
, p. 105
et seq.
Great Britain, Parliamentary Papers, 1930, Cmd. 3530.

British Policy in Palestine
, p. 53.
Great Britain, Parliamentary Papers, 1930, Cmd. 3686, p. 141.

Great Britain, Parliamentary Papers, 1930, Cmd. 3692.

Leonard Stein,
The Palestine White Paper of October 1930
, London, 1930, p. 31
et seq.
Esco Foundation,
, vol. 2, p. 660.
Jüdische Rundschau
, 27 March 1931.
Stenographisches Protokoll der Verhandlungen des XVII Zionisten Kongresses
, London, 1931, p. 55
et seq.
, p. 230.
Bericht der Executive an den XVIII Zionisten Kongress
, London, 1933, p. 206.

C. Arlosoroff,
Yoman Yerushalayim
, Tel Aviv, 1948, p. 342.
, p. 333.

Jüdische Rundschau
, 29 November 1932.

Erlebte Judenfrage
, p. 196.
Jüdische Rundschau
, 13 April 1933.

, 28 March 1933.

J.J. Jgus,
The Meaning of Jewish History
, New York, 1963, vol. 2, p. 447.
Stenographisches Protokoll der Verhandlungen des XVIII Zionisten Kongresses in Prag
, 1934, p.20.

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