A Kind of Romance (16 page)

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Authors: Lane Hayes

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: A Kind of Romance
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“You just got here. And I’m… drunk.”

“You aren’t as drunk as you seemed earlier. You’re playing me, and I don’t like it. I’m not sure what your game is but—”

“There’s no game, Ben. I just—want to be with you.”

“You want sex,” he stated in a flat tone, folding his arms over his chest.

“I would never say no, but… that isn’t it. It’s you. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

“Hmm. We can talk tomorrow. I’m going to get us both water and aspirin, and then… I’ll be on my way. Call me in the morning to let me know you’re okay. Where are your glasses?”

“The kind you drink with?”

He squinted at me as if he couldn’t decide if I was joking. He nodded slowly.

“Second cabinet on your right. Wanna watch a movie or something?”


“Really. Come with me.”

I grasped his hand, led him back to the living room, and then handed him the remote to the giant flat screen hanging on the exposed brick wall. I made a show of using a different remote to lower the roman blinds throughout the room while I yammered on about movies my friends had recommended.

“I like action flicks, but I’m up for anything. You choose.”

“This isn’t a good idea.”

“Sure it is. What’s wrong with watching television?”

“Nothing, I suppose, but— This says your last movie viewed was
Inside Out

“And it was awesome. My niece made me watch it. She’s seven and—I’ll watch it again if you want.” I smiled as I gestured for him to take a seat and make himself comfortable. “I’ll grab a bottle of wine. Or would you rather have a cocktail?”

He hesitated for a long moment before finally obeying. “Wine is good. But I can’t stay, Zeke. Not for long.”

“Just a glass, then.”

I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Cab from the wine refrigerator, two glasses, and an opener. I set everything on the coffee table and then methodically uncorked the bottle. As I poured I made silly conversation about my niece’s favorite parts of the film. I handed him a glass and raised mine in toast. “To you. Thanks for rescuing me.”

Benny took a sip and then glanced at me wearily. “I didn’t rescue you. You sabotaged my date.”

“Oh. Then maybe
rescued you. Cheers.”

Benny inclined his head and settled back on the sofa. “Maybe you did.”

We watched the movie in companionable silence for a while. I stole glances at him every so often, but I didn’t want to upset the quiet. Just being with him felt… nice. His lips curved in humor at the animated hijinks. He turned to share a smile and caught my stare.

And held it. I could have sworn I could hear his heartbeat over the sound from the flat screen. I leaned in slowly and kissed his mouth. It was a featherlight touch. Unhurried and undemanding. When he sighed and moved a little closer, I pushed my fingers through his hair and deepened the connection.

Benny groaned and melted into me, alternately sucking and licking at me until I pushed my tongue between his lips. We made out like teenagers on the sofa with the flicker of light from the television casting shadows around us. I was painfully hard, but I was afraid to break the sweet contact by asking for more. I was content to live in the moment. He pulled away to take a breath and gave me a thoughtful look.

“Was that your ex?”

Talk about a mood killer. I blinked as though I’d been doused with cold water.

“Yeah. That was Taylor but—”

“He’s attractive. In a muscle-bound sort of way. I didn’t realize gym rats were your type,” he commented in a bored tone.

I huffed humorlessly. “It hardly matters since we’re not together anymore and—”

“Why did you sing to him, then?”

“Huh?” I leaned back to get a better look at him. “I didn’t sing to him. I sang to you.”

“To make him jealous,” he stated flatly.

“No! I didn’t even know he’d be there. Hey, look… I’ve made a complete fool of myself tonight. If it’s any consolation… and it may not be… it was all for you.”

“Hmm. It’s a lot of coincidence in one night.”

“It may seem that way, but I swear I didn’t go to Gypsy tonight for Taylor. I was hoping to find you.”


“I told you”—I caressed his cheek and held his gaze—“I have a crush on you. You’re smart and funny, and damn, you’re nice to look at. You have a face with a view.”

“I’m not sure I believe you.”

“It’s true. Let me prove it.”

“There’s nothing to prove, Zeke. Just… watch the movie.”

I stared at his profile for a moment before shifting my gaze to the flat screen. I was too aware of him now to pay any attention to an animated film, no matter how good it was. When he stifled a yawn, I scooted over and patted the space next to me.

“Lie down here.

“What’s the catch?” he asked, eyeing me warily.

“No catch. You’re tired. Come rest.”

He hesitated for a beat. I could practically hear the wheels spinning in his head. No doubt he was wondering if he should make a break for the door. I couldn’t blame him. I was operating with two left feet and a faulty filter. I couldn’t trust myself to say or do anything that didn’t sound fucking… desperate. Or just plain crazy.

Benny cocked his head and gave a short nod before flopping down beside me. The sofa was relatively large, so he wasn’t exactly in my arms, but he was close. And for now it was enough.



have fallen asleep. The living area was dark except for the garish blue coming from the television. It threw a cartoonish light across the room and Benny’s hair. I glanced down at the sleeping man in my arms. At some point he’d burrowed close and laid his head on my chest. He was snoring softly. And though he was fully dressed and still had his shoes on, he looked extremely comfortable. If my arm hadn’t fallen asleep, I wouldn’t have disturbed him, but the aching twinge was difficult to ignore. I eased him sideways and tried to gently push him off. He woke with a start.

“Sorry,” I whispered. “I can’t feel my fingers.”

Benny swiped tiredly at his eyes and sat up. “I… um… should go.”

“It’s late. Or early. You should stay.”

He propped his elbow on my chest and stared at me. A veil of distrust seemed to lift and was quickly replaced by a sweet smile. “What do you want from me, Zeke?”

“Everything,” I admitted, pressing a kiss on his nose. “But I’m happy with this. Just holding you is… nice.”

“Hmm.” He moved his hand over my jaw and along my ear and then ever so subtly pulled my head toward him in invitation.

I bent to lick the corner of his mouth and then kissed his lips. Benny groaned and threw his arms around my neck before sealing his mouth over mine. He tasted like cherries and moonlight and something uniquely his. I slid my tongue alongside his and pushed him flat on the sofa. The kiss went from tentative to exploratory to downright steamy so fast I was breathless. Benny hooked his legs around my hips to pull me over him, making it very clear he wanted more too.

The first feel of our hardened shafts through two layers of denim was pure bliss. I rocked my hips against his as I held his arms over his head. I licked his lips once more and traced a path with the tip of my tongue along his jaw and down his neck. Benny made a funny mewling noise as he arched his back in an attempt to meet me thrust for thrust. This was nice, but it wasn’t going to satisfy either of us for long.

“Benny, come with me,” I growled, propping myself on my hands. I shifted and pulled him off the sofa, then led the way to my bedroom.

He didn’t hesitate, and I didn’t stop to think twice. I wanted him, and I’d take whatever he was willing to give. I flipped a switch to illuminate the area just under my king-size bed. The lighting added an aura of romance, casting shadows across the large room and over Benny’s beautiful face. I watched him slowly unbutton his shirt. He let it slide from his shoulders in a graceful flourish. I paused for a moment before closing the distance between us. I slipped my arms around his slim waist and ran my fingers down his spine while he worked on the long row of buttons on my shirt. His bare skin felt amazing. I bent to capture his mouth in another frantic kiss as my shirt fell to the floor. Our tongues danced and glided as we swayed in a passionate embrace. He lowered his hands to unbuckle my belt and unzip my jeans. When he dipped his fingers under the elastic of my boxer briefs to squeeze my ass, my vision blurred. I pushed him back slightly, panting as though I’d just stepped off an elliptical trainer at the gym.

“No more?” His voice dropped to a sexy-sounding purr that made me blink.

I swallowed hard before attempting to respond. “Yes. More.”

“This might be a bad idea,” he warned as he bit my earlobe.

“I’ve had a couple of those, but this doesn’t feel bad at all. It feels kind of perfect.”

We shared a smile and then deftly removed the rest of our clothes. I lost my balance when I pulled my sock off and nearly fell to my knees. At the last second, I decided that’s where I wanted to be. I pushed the clothing at my feet aside and knelt in front of him. We’d fumbled like teenagers in the dark in the backseat the other night. I hadn’t been able to see much. And damn, he was exquisite. His penis was long and thick. Only slightly smaller than mine. Benny raked his hands through my hair, wordlessly asking me to look up.

“What are you doing?” he whispered.

My lips curled in a mischievous grin as I reached for his thick member. I kept my hold gentle at first, stroking him in a languid up-and-down experimental motion. I felt his girth, cupped his smooth balls, and traced his slit with my thumb before finally tasting him. I held him at his base and flattened my tongue, then bent to lick him from base to tip. He hummed somewhere above me and pulled at my hair. Not hard. Just enough to get my attention. I tightened my grip and stared up at him.

“Want me to suck you, Ben?”

He groaned, tapping his hard flesh against my cheek in blatant invitation. I didn’t need the verbal translation. I kissed the head of his cock, licking the precum at the tip, then swooped in and swallowed him whole. He cried out and bucked his hips forward. I sucked him voraciously. I wanted him to let go. I liked sex hard and dirty and a little out of control. I had no idea if Benny felt the same, but if the scene in the back of the Mercedes was any indication, he did. And I was ready for it. I smacked his ass to urge him on and braced myself for the steady erotic assault as his hips flew double time.

Every nerve ending tingled. I was so hard it hurt. I palmed myself, stroking my aching member as I sucked my lover. I raked my nails over his ass and bobbed my head, working him over. I sucked and licked his shaft. Then I dipped lower to suck his balls one at a time before returning to his cock.

I was lost in a sexual haze when he pushed at my forehead.

“Stop,” he moaned breathlessly. “I want to taste you too.”

I blinked a couple of times and looked up at him with a starry-eyed expression, like I’d been ripped out of a zone.

“Bed,” I commanded as I stood.

I kissed him roughly and pointed toward the neatly made bed a few feet away like a caveman. Benny nodded and moved forward with his hands on his hips, wearing nothing but a devilish grin. He waited for me to pull back the duvet and lie down before he joined me on the cool white linens. We fell into each other’s arms, reveling in the feel of bare skin. Benny reached for my heavy cock as I tweaked his right nipple. He made a whimpering noise, then snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me against him. I smoothed my fingers through his hair and kissed him deeply. Our tongues glided and twisted in a sensual dance. He changed the tempo when he bit my bottom lip and clawed at my back.

“Ow. That hurts,” I growled, shifting to move off him.

Benny chuckled and wrapped his legs around my ass to keep me in place. “I like this. You feel good on top of me,” he said softly.

“And that’s why you’re mauling me?” I scowled playfully.

“Sorry. It’s my turn now. I want to suck you.”

No doubt my grin was a little savage. I was hoping he’d say that. I kissed his forehead, his nose, and his mouth before rolling us over so he lay on top of me.

I propped my arms under my head lazily and smiled. “Be my guest.”

Benny chuckled and slowly made his way south, alternately licking, kissing, or nibbling until his chin brushed against my leaking cock. I bent my knees to give him room and sat up to get a better look at the show. My mouth watered. The sight of his tongue resting on the head of my dick was nearly my undoing.

“Mmm. More.”

“More? Like this?” He licked at the precum like a cat. It was a tease, but I shivered with pleasure.

“Just like that, Benny. Do it.”

He gave me a wicked grin, swirling his tongue over the wide mushroom head before swallowing my cock. He pulled back to stroke me a couple of times and then sucked me hard. I closed my eyes at the sudden onslaught of pleasure, moving my hips in time with his talented mouth. He pulled away suddenly and moved up my torso to lick and suck my left nipple before giving the other equal attention. The change in focus should have quelled my desire, but I was too close now.

“Baby, stop.”

He raised himself onto all fours and lifted his ass in the air before leaning over to suck me like a man possessed. I widened my thighs and massaged his shoulders as he moved over me, wriggling his ass. I didn’t know if it was an invitation or a plea, so I went with what felt right. I sat up and pushed my forefinger into Benny’s mouth alongside my dick.

“Move sideways. I want your ass.”

He looked up at me curiously as though he didn’t understand. When I patted the empty space next to me, he nodded and scrambled to obey. I placed my wet finger on his hole and held my rigid cock for him to suck. The angle was a little awkward but it was enough pressure to make him wild. He sucked me harder and faster and pushed back until the tip of my finger was inside him. The intensity of giving and receiving pleasure with utter abandon was my undoing.

“Benny, I’m gonna come.”

I pushed at his forehead, but he wouldn’t let go. He sucked me mercilessly while wave after wave consumed me. I held on to his shoulder for support, shaking wildly as the forceful sensations racked my body. I waited until the last wave of release faded before I collapsed onto my pillow and pulled him to my side. He writhed away and reached for his cock.

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