A Kinky Marriage Contract (3 page)

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Authors: Neela Lotte

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: A Kinky Marriage Contract
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The Husband and wife shall be wholly monogamous to one another in thought, heart, and deed. The Husband may introduce a third female for a limited sexual encounter at his discretion and the wife agrees to submit to this temporary erotic dynamic if asked. No outside males may ever be introduced into the marriage sexually or otherwise.

Household Discipline

Considering that the wife is not a masochist, and responds positively to a discipline program based on corporal pain, the Husband will help the wife be her best and meet family goals by rigidly administering a domestic discipline program. The discipline in this program will not be capricious, cause permanent injury or scars, and will never be meted out in anger.

Punishment sessions:

For maximum efficacy, punishment sessions will occur after the nightly sexual encounter, if there is an encounter, so that any buffering sexual pleasure has dissipated and cannot take the edge off any punishment meted out. If the Husband chooses not to use the wife sexually the night a punishment is due, she will be forced to masturbate herself to orgasm twice in a row prior to the onset of punishment to be certain any sexual arousal is discharged before the punishment starts.

In either case, punishment will be applied right before bed so as to maximize the amount of time the wife must dwell on her shortcomings and dread the punishment to come, and also to allow the wife to retreat to bed immediately afterwards to concentrate on her punished flesh and what she will do differently next time.

There will be three intensity Levels of discipline in the household, described below.

Level 1 discipline

For lesser offenses. Level 1 discipline will begin with the Husband reminding his wife of the offense(s). Husband will then take the wife over his knee, bare her bottom, and give her a moderate spanking with hand, hairbrush, paddle or strap. The wife is not to fidget or fight across her Husband’s lap, and any attempt to protect herself from the blows will result in restraint and a doubling of the strokes. The wife is permitted to cry and beg quietly (even though it will have no actual effect), but excessive or irritating levels of noise will result in being gagged.

When the Husband feels the wife has been sufficiently disciplined to learn her lesson, he will let her up and she will stand between his knees, look Husband in the eyes, and apologize once again for her shortcomings, express what she will do differently, and thank Husband for punishing her. If the Husband has become sexually aroused during the disbursement of the punishment, he may choose to gesture for wife to drop to her knees and suck or worship his cock in thanks for disciplining her. This will complete the punishment and wife will be put to bed with her reddened bottom bared.

Level 2 discipline –

For moderate offenses. Level 2 discipline will begin with Husband reminding wife of the offense(s). The Husband will then stand his wife against the wall or have her lie face down on the bed. The wife will submit to a set number of moderate to severe strokes with three implements of Husband’s choice. Wife will count the strokes, and will not try to elude the blows or protect herself from each stroke. Doing so will result in restraint and a doubling of the strokes. Excessive crying, moaning, and noisemaking will result in being gagged, although a reasonable level of sobbing and begging will be permitted (but ignored.)

Between punishment with each implement, the wife will stand in the corner for ten minutes with moderate clamps on her nipples and her forehead against the wall. During this corner time the wife is to think about her shortcomings and what she will do differently, and how deserving she is of Husband’s punishment. The wife will not press her pelvis against the wall, daydream, let her mind wander, or descend down into subspace or eroticize the punishment in any way, or the remaining strokes will be doubled.

After the third corner time, the wife will present herself to her Husband. She will look Husband in the eyes, apologize for her shortcomings, express what she will do differently, and thank Husband for punishing her. If Husband has become sexually aroused during the disbursement of the punishment, he may tell the wife to drop to her knees and suck or worship his cock in thanks for disciplining her. This will complete the punishment and wife will be put to bed with her reddened bottom bared.

Level 3 discipline –

For serious offenses. Level 3 discipline will begin with the Husband reminding his wife of the offense(s). Wife will be gagged and have tits and clit clamped with severe clamps. Wife will then assume a position on her knees with her legs spread and her forehead on the floor. Husband will bind wife’s wrists behind her back and plug her ass. In this position, the wife will listen attentively as Husband explains at length the seriousness of the offense(s) and the reason behind the rules that have been broken.

Husband will severely punish his wife with five implements of his choice, or one implement in five separate sessions, or any combinations of his choice. This level of punishment will call for the most painful and rigorous implements and application. Between each session, the gag will be removed and the wife will apologize for her offense(s) and promise to do better in the future. She may be permitted to cry and beg for mercy, although this will be ignored.

After five severe sessions, if the Husband wishes, he may remove the plug and any excess lubricant and fuck her ass roughly to further communicate his displeasure at her behavior. After this, the Husband will send the wife to the corner to stand with her forehead against the wall. After ten minutes, she will be ungagged. After ten more minutes the clamps will be removed. After ten more minutes, her wrists will be freed from behind her back.

If Husband wishes, she may be allowed to suck and worship his cock to communicate her sincere desire to never repeat the offense again. The wife will be put to bed on the floor with her punished ass exposed, plugged and harnessed with uncomfortably large dildos to remind her of her status as an owned and obedient toy. In the morning, the wife will apologize once more and pledge not to repeat the offense(s). If the Husband believes she is contrite and has learned her lesson, she may remove the dildos and the punishment is over. If Husband feels more punishment is necessary to truly curb the wife, the wife may be required to wear one or both of the dildos or have clamps applied under her clothing at various intervals for the rest of the day to signal that more punishment is coming. All or any part of the punishment may be repeated as many nights in a row as Husband believes is required to drive the lesson home.

Discipline for the refusal of sexual services—

Punishment for refusal of sexual service is intended to stringently remind the wife of her status as sexual property and her role as her Husband’s toy. Therefore, such punishment will be sexual in nature, and focus on reducing the wife to her most basely sexual use. Punishment will be decided upon by Husband and meted out when the wife is prepared to admit to the inappropriateness of her behavior and accept the consequences for such.

Consequences may include prolonged wearing of sexually-focused toys such as dildos, plugs, harnesses, gags, rope panties, Ben Wa balls, degrading lingerie, erotic jewelry, or nipple and clit clamps under clothes. Consequences may also include forced and repeated masturbation; repeated stimulation and then denial of orgasms, repeated demand of orgasms, or repeated fucking of all three holes without permission to orgasm in order to remind the wife of her function.

The wife may be made to dance or perform erotically for Husband at length in any outfit or hardware he desires, or the Husband may demand the sharing and/or enactment of the wife’s shameful, most embarrassing fantasies, or demand that she listen to and act out Husband’s most rigorous and degrading fantasies. The wife will prove through activities such as these that she is sorry for withholding her sex and body from its rightful owner, and that she has learned that she is, ultimately, Husband’s belonging and toy.


The points of this contract are in effect with the following important exceptions:

1) For the wife, the necessity of caring for the children’s well-being will always supersede the Husband’s needs. The Husband will never put his wife in the position of neglecting the children in order that she may cater to his desires.

2) No third party, to stringently include the household’s children, shall ever be confronted unwillingly by the sexual/kinky manifestations of the Husband and wife’s relationship. All sexual activities, discipline programs, scenes and punishments, and the D/s dynamic of the Husband and wife’s relationship shall be restricted to the most private arena possible, and if practiced in front of third parties or the children, shall take on discreet forms that appear vanilla to the uninitiated.

The Husband and wife shall display only vanilla expressions of love and affection before their children to best prepare them for the expectations of dating and forming relationships in a largely vanilla world.

3) The Husband will respect the wife’s hard limits without exception. (For instance, no ‘daddy/daughter’ role play. No anal fisting. No knifes, guns, or potentially life threatening play, to include breath control or asphyxiation.)

4) The wife will respect the Husband’s hard limits without exception. (For instance, no switching or topping. No outside males ever. Infidelity will not be forgiven and will result in divorce.)

5) The purpose of this document is to fulfill the needs and wishes of both partners. If at any time these requirements become unsupportable for either partner, then that partner must openly state their misgivings, and deletions, additions, or alterations must be discussed.

In Conclusion

First of all, many thanks for reading this document. I hope you found many ideas and rituals you can use.

By now you surely realize this document is not “one size fits all.” It was created for our specific kinks and desires. In our relationship, we use what we like from several different kinky lifestyles: little DD, a little 1950’s household, a little M/s power exchange, and some plain old raunchy nasty bdsm sex. And that’s perfectly fine. Every couple's desires will be different.

I have provided as an appendix a list of questions for each partner to get the discussions started. These questions can assist you in forming your own kinky marriage contract based on your wants and needs. Remember, what you've just read is only an example.

I wish you many years of wedded bliss and happiness and the kinky marriage of your dreams!

Appendix: Questions to Consider

1. To determine your main goals and desires, begin with each partner ranking the following in order from most desired to least desired. That way you can form your main statement and have a place to begin discussion. Add any kinky marital concerns you don't see here.


___obedience/to obey



___formal protocols

___frequent sex



___active social life

___healthful life



___other (add as necessary)


2. I would prefer to be addressed as ______

I would prefer not to be called _____ even in play.

(Remember, this contract is supposed to be fulfilling to both parties. While the onus is on the wife to submit to the Husband’s desires, some words or actions may be too “loaded” or upsetting for her to submit to…allowances should be made for these types of “hard” limits.)

3. Appearance

a) preferred outer clothing & style______

b) preferred undergarments__________

c) preferred makeup _______

d) preferred hairstyle(s) _______

e) preferred sleepwear (if needed)______

f) any other preferences (shaving, manicures, piercings, collar, etc) _____

4. Housekeeping Tasks

The wife will be responsible for: _______

The Husband will be responsible for: _______

5. Finances and budgeting

The wife will be responsible for: ______

The Husband will be responsible for: _______

5. Sexual Availability:

Availability is expected
2-3 times/week,

if other, explain

Sexual acts required (suggestions, add yours as needed):
vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, rimming, role play, bondage, spanking & funishment, rough sex, ménage-a-trois, dirty talk, humiliation, edging/chastity control, bukkake, rope play, plugging


6. Discipline

Preferred method:
corporal punishment,

If corporal:
OTK/hand spanking,


7. Hard limits/exceptions requested



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