Read A Kiss in the Dark Online

Authors: Karen Foley

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Contemporary Romance

A Kiss in the Dark (23 page)

BOOK: A Kiss in the Dark
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Angel sucked in his breath, feeling his groin tighten even more. He wondered if he could actually die from wanting. She wore a minuscule pair of peach panties, and though they weren’t exactly a thong, they didn’t come close to covering the smooth mounds of her cheeks. She bent forward to pull the jeans free from her legs, thrusting her luscious bottom toward him in the process. As in the fitness room, his reaction was instantaneous.

His cock swelled even more, if that was possible, and he ached to bury himself in her delicious flesh. He wanted to consume her, to eat her alive. He couldn’t help himself; he grasped her hips and drew her backward, onto his lap.

She squirmed against him, causing him untold agony. “I’m not finished,” she protested breathlessly.

“Yes, you are.” His voice was a rough growl. “Any more is going to kill me,
I can’t wait. I have to touch you.”

He pulled her completely back so that she lay sprawled on top of him, her bare back against his chest, her legs straddling his thighs, her head against his shoulder.

He nuzzled her ear, breathed in the clean fragrance of her hair. Her breathing was rapid and uneven as he trailed his tongue along the side of her neck and gently bit down on her shoulder. “Where did you learn to do that?”


“The striptease,

She gave a breathless laugh. “That was my first one. Oh!”

Angel slid his hands up over her arms and then around to her front. He cupped her breasts, kneading and caressing their firmness until Sedona gasped. He plucked at her nipples, rolled them gently between his fingers and then pinched them until she moaned and shifted restlessly on his lap.

He smoothed his hands over the soft flatness of her belly, skimmed them over her hip bones and the silken swatch of her panties, and caressed her thighs. He used his knee to nudge her legs farther apart.

” he said hoarsely, tracing his tongue around the delicate whorl of her ear, “you feel incredible. You’re so responsive, so hot.”

Sedona arched her neck to grant him better access, and reached behind her to draw his head down for a deep, openmouthed kiss, her tongue seeking his with growing urgency.

He slid one hand between her legs and cupped her feminine mound, reveling in the heat that scorched him through the fragile fabric. He rubbed two fingers across her center, gently at first, until she squirmed and her breath shuddered out from between parted lips. She pushed herself helplessly against his hand. Her panties were soaked.

“Oh, my God,” she gasped, dragging her mouth from his. “That feels too good. I can’t—”

“Shh.” He slid his fingers lower until they reached the entrance to her body, shielded by the wet silk. “Let me. I need to touch you…feel you respond to me.”

He inserted one fingertip into her as far as the silk would permit. Sedona moaned softly and widened her thighs until they were draped fully across his own. Angel played with her breasts with one hand, and with the other he pushed aside the flimsy barrier and skated a finger over her slick folds, gratified when she sucked in her breath and jerked reflexively.

“That’s it,” he murmured approvingly. “You’re wet for me,
” The movement of her buttocks on top of his straining cock was torture. And when he slid a finger into her drenched heat, it was almost too much for him. He wanted to stand up and bend her over, jerk her panties down and thrust himself into her from behind, again and again. He drew in a deep, controlled breath. He had to slow this down. He didn’t want this to end anytime soon. Hell, he didn’t want it to end ever. He wanted to take her desperately, but he wanted her primed and ready.

He inserted a second finger into her tightness and used a gentle pulsing motion that soon had her clenching her muscles around him. With his fingers still working, he located the slick rise of her clitoris and pressed his thumb against it. Sedona groaned, a deep sound of sexual pleasure, and arched her breast into his hand.

Angel swept his tongue into her mouth, even as he pumped his fingers slowly and swirled his thumb over the peak of her desire. When he withdrew his fingers, she cried out in disappointment.

” he soothed her, “I’m not finished. I’ve barely begun.”

He stood up swiftly, sliding out from beneath her and settling her into the upholstered chair. Her head lolled against the seat back as if she didn’t have the strength to hold it upright. Angel took a minute to devour the sight she made. She was sprawled gracelessly, her legs still parted, one hand draped over the arm of the chair while the other caressed her breast and toyed with the nipple. When she looked up at him, her eyes were cloudy, glazed with pleasure.

“What are you doing?” Her voice was husky.

“Just this,” Angel murmured, and dropped to his knees in front of her. He slid his hands over the smooth plane of her chest until he captured both breasts in his hands. He cupped them briefly and admired the rosy nipples, before moving on to her panties.

Hooking his thumbs beneath the lace-trimmed edge, he dragged them from her body. Sedona closed her eyes and turned her face away, as if embarrassed, but lifted her hips to assist him.

Angel brushed his hands along her inner thighs and pushed her knees apart, and then sat back on his heels to admire her. She was achingly feminine, from the light cluster of damp curls atop her mons, to the lush, pink lips beneath, swollen and glistening with her desire.

“Ah, baby,” he groaned, “you’re so damn gorgeous down here.” He settled himself more comfortably, then drew her knees up until they were draped over his shoulders. Sedona gave a mortified squeak and tried to yank her legs away, but he held them firmly in place. “No,
don’t deny me this.”

Then, before she could protest further, he pulled her bottom to the edge of the seat cushion, bent his head and slid his tongue along the length of her cleft.

Christ, she tasted delicious, delicately imbued with the scent of the sea. He was gratified when she whimpered softly and lifted her hips upward, straining toward him. He grasped her buttocks in his hands as he licked her with care and flicked his tongue over the most sensitive of spots. He reveled in her, thrust his tongue into her, slowly and repeatedly until she gripped his head with both hands. He swirled his tongue around the peak of her distended clitoris until she cried out. She was mewling now, soft little cries of delight as she began to rotate her hips and push against his face.

He moved one hand out from beneath her buttocks and slid two fingers into her slick heat, even as he increased the tempo and pressure of his tongue.

“Angel.” She sounded desperate.

When she stiffened and her back bowed off the cushions, Angel knew she teetered on the brink. He wanted to see her come apart. He pressed his thumb against her and she gave a long, keening cry of pleasure even as her inner muscles contracted fiercely around his fingers.

Angel didn’t give her any time to recover. He bent and scooped her into his arms, taking a moment to brush her lips with his own, letting her taste herself on him. She draped her arms around his neck and stared up at him with eyes that were hazy with wonder.

He tumbled them both onto the mattress. Rolling to his side, he came up on one elbow and looked down into her face, pushing her hair back with his hand.

“Tell me,
” he urged softly. “Tell me what you want.”

* * *

at him, amazed he couldn’t read her mind.

You. Inside me.

Despite the mind-blowing orgasm he’d just given her, she ached for him. The bedspread was soft and cool beneath her bare back, in direct contrast to the man who braced himself over her prone body. His face was taut with desire, more erotic than anything she could have imagined, even in the countless sexual fantasies she’d woven around him.

“I’m thinking you have way too many clothes on,” she murmured, and tugged the hem of his T-shirt from the waistband of his jeans.

He reared up on his knees and with a swift, impatient movement, dragged the fabric over his head and flung the garment away.

Sedona sucked air into her lungs. From the thrust of his powerful shoulders, down the sculpted, muscular chest, to the six-pack that rode above his belt buckle, Angel Torres was supremely, heart-stoppingly male, and so beautiful Sedona wanted to weep.

Unable to resist, she traced her finger down the deep groove that bisected his torso from collarbone to navel. His skin was smooth and tanned, but she detected a lighter band of skin just below his waistline.

She tried to speak, tried to tell him how infinitely gorgeous she found him, but couldn’t find her voice, could only make an incoherent sound of need as she reached greedily for him.

” he gasped, when her fingers hooked into the waistband of his jeans and fumbled with his belt buckle. “Let me.”

Sedona’s breath hitched as he unfastened the buckle and then popped the button free. His expression was strained as he unzipped his fly and shoved both boxers and jeans down over his thighs.

Her mouth went dry and her brain ceased to function as Angel took her hands and guided them to the biggest, hardest erection she’d ever seen. Not that she’d actually seen that many, but this one topped them all. When her fingers wrapped around him, he inhaled sharply and closed his eyes.

Sedona felt her own desire kick back into full gear as she stroked him. She doubted even the high-tech control stick aboard the Coyote fighter jet, mounted so it was centered between the pilot’s legs, was as responsive. The thick veins in his shaft pulsed beneath her fingers, and when she ran the tip of one finger over the engorged head, it came away slick with moisture. He threw his head back and made a deep groaning noise when she cupped his balls and lightly scored them with her fingernails. Then he moved so that he was completely over her, her nipples brushing his chest as he supported himself on his elbows.

“Enough,” he rasped into her ear, “or I won’t last.”

His words thrilled her. She could scarcely believe that she, the pragmatic and boring engineer, had aroused this amazing guy to the point where he strained for self-control. It was a total turn-on.

She pulled him down on top of her and used her feet to push his jeans completely off until they fell to the floor. She ran her feet up and over the backs of his hard legs, feeling his erection bump against her most private spot.

“I want you so badly,” she whispered, and pulled Angel’s head down for a deep, openmouthed kiss. He braced himself on one hand, dragged his lips from hers and leaned down to take one of her nipples into his mouth. She gasped at the exquisite sensation.

“You’re so damn beautiful,” he muttered against her skin. Reaching across her body, he opened the drawer of the bedside table and fished out a condom.

Sedona watched as he tore it open with his teeth and then spat the corner away. He sheathed himself with hands that trembled. Did she really have that potent an effect on him? The knowledge was heady. But when he positioned himself at the entrance to her body and began to slide into her, one exquisite inch at a time, she ceased to think.

He was large, and she hadn’t had sex in a long time—longer than she’d ever admit to anyone, maybe even herself. He stretched her, filled her, eased himself into her until her buttocks were flush against his hips and there was nothing but the taste, scent and feel of Angel, in her and surrounding her. Her entire world had reduced itself to this one room and the delicious weight of the man who pinned her against the bed.

She heard a desperate mewl of need, and was shocked to realize that it came from her.

His voice was rough. “You’re so tight… Am I hurting you?”

In answer, Sedona arched against him and drew her feet up until they rested on his firm, taut butt. The movement opened her even more, and when she shifted her hips restlessly beneath him, he moaned and buried his face in her neck.

“I can’t—I don’t think—” Whatever words he might have said were lost as he gave a helpless groan of surrender and reached beneath her to grasp her cheeks in his hands. “I’m sorry,” he rasped hoarsely into her ear, “I don’t think I can go gently.”

“I don’t want gentle,” she breathed against his lips, and he plunged into her. The sensation of him filling her was more intense than anything she had ever experienced.

He turned his face and caught her lips in a kiss that nearly undid her. He drew on her tongue even as his pace quickened and he thrust into her with increasing urgency. Sedona felt an answering heat begin to build.

She stroked her hands over the firm mounds of his buttocks, raised her legs higher and wrapped them around his lean waist.

“Oh, yeah,” he breathed. “So good…”

He raised himself up and pushed one of her legs to the side, and then reached down and slid a finger over her slick center. Sensation, pure and raw, spiraled through her, causing her to cry out and writhe beneath him.

“Come to me,
” he growled, and punctuated his words with another bone-melting thrust of his hips against hers.

Waves of pleasure coursed through her as he thrust harder, faster, and she could feel the climax beginning to throb in her clitoris. But when he lightly pinched her sex, it was her undoing, and with a choked sob, she convulsed around him as her orgasm tore through her in a blinding rush.

The intensity of her release was enough to push Angel over the edge, as well, and with a hoarse shout, he plunged into her and then stiffened as his big frame shuddered above.

He dropped his head to her shoulder, and Sedona hugged him to her. Their breathing was ragged and she could feel the heavy, uneven thumping of his heart against her chest. She wanted to hold on to this moment forever—bottle it up and savor it.

He turned his face and pressed a kiss against her neck, just at the juncture of her jaw. His breath, warm and sweet, washed over her.

BOOK: A Kiss in the Dark
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