A Lineage of Grace (37 page)

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Authors: Francine Rivers

Tags: #FICTION / Christian / Historical, #FICTION / Religious

BOOK: A Lineage of Grace
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When she finally reached him, she hesitated, studying the man in the half-moon light next to the mound of grain. He looked younger, his many responsibilities forgotten in sleep. He lay with one arm flung over his head. Trembling, Ruth knelt at his feet and drew his mantle back carefully so she wouldn’t disturb him. He moved restlessly. Her pulse jumped. She curled up quickly at his feet without making a sound and drew his mantle over her so that the cool night air would not awaken him. Then she released her breath slowly, wishing her heart would slow its wild, erratic pace.

She tried to make herself relax, but how could she with this man so close she could hear his breathing and feel his warmth? She could smell the sweat of his body mingled with the scents of earth, straw, and barley. She remembered how the odor of sickness and fear had clung to Mahlon during the last months of his life. The scent of Boaz’s body was that of life—hard work, the fruit of his labor, the land God had given him. His essence was at once provocative and soothing.

She swallowed and closed her eyes, disturbed by the emotions this great man stirred within her. Putting her hand beneath her cheek, she listened to the sound of her own heart racing in her ears and the slow, even breathing of the man so close his feet were against her back.

* * *

Boaz awakened in the middle of the night and lay still, wondering what had startled him. A dream? He couldn’t remember it. He listened for a long moment, but nothing moved. In fact, there was an uncanny stillness around him. He heard one of the men snoring loudly from the other side of the mound of grain and relaxed. Inhaling deeply, he closed his eyes, intending to go to sleep again, but instead he came more fully awake as he smelled a sweetness in the air he breathed. He frowned slightly, attentive to it. He breathed in again and thought he had never smelled anything so luscious. Where did it come from? Was an evening breeze bringing the scent of flowers? No, it was too rich and evocative. Like perfume.

When he stretched out his leg, he brushed against someone. The interloper was small and curved. He drew in his breath sharply. Pulling his foot back abruptly, he sat up and threw off his mantle. Who but a harlot would dare come to the threshing floor?

The woman sat up quickly and turned her head toward him. It was too dark to see her face. “Who are you?” he whispered roughly. He didn’t want to awaken anyone.

“I am your servant Ruth.”

His heart began to hammer.
His voice came out choked and confused.

Her voice shook. “Spread the corner of your covering over me, for you are my family redeemer.”

A flood of heat swept through his entire body beginning with the foot that had brushed against her body. He could hardly breathe for the nearness of her and the request she made. Never in the solitude of his wishful thinking had he ever dreamed Ruth would make such a request of him. Did she know his heart had yearned for a wife to love and care for, a wife to walk with him and give him children?

Lord, Lord, how do I ever dare hope for a girl like this? There are obstacles. Is this a test? I must do what’s right rather than do what I want. And You’ve known since the first time I heard about this girl that my heart was softened toward her. Such a woman . . . but, Lord, surely Naomi is aware of the other relative. She must know it’s not my right to fulfill this duty, unless . . . oh, God, give me the strength to do what I should, even if it means seeing another woman I love walk away with another man.

“The Lord bless you, my daughter!” His voice was husky with emotion. He was glad of the darkness so she wouldn’t see the longing and astonishment he felt. Did she understand the kindness she was showing him by coming to him? His head swam. He’d surrendered his hope of ever having a family of his own years ago. God was God, and for whatever reason, He had chosen not to give the blessing of a wife to him. And yet, here, in the middle of the night and cloaked in darkness, a few whispered words from Ruth made Boaz’s hope for a wife and children spring to life again. He forced himself to think, to consider her actions and motives. Surely she had done it for Naomi!

“You are showing more family loyalty now than ever by not running after a younger man, whether rich or poor.”

“You have been kinder to me than anyone, Boaz. Will you put your mantle over me?”

He could hear the tremor in her voice and wanted to reach out to her and reassure her. It was beyond reason that she might love him, but his heart had been fixed upon her firmly from the beginning. He wanted nothing more than to take her as his wife, but was this God’s will?

“Now don’t worry about a thing, my daughter. I will do what is necessary, for everyone in town knows you are an honorable woman.”
None more than I,
he longed to say. “But there is one problem.”

“A problem?” she said softly, distress clear in her tone.

“While it is true that I am one of your family redeemers, there is another man who is more closely related to you than I am.”

“Another man?”

There was no mistaking the disappointment in her tone. When she moved closer, her hand brushed his leg. She drew back quickly, but not before his body had caught fire. He wasn’t such an old man after all. The power of his feelings for her shook him. He looked around, wondering if anyone had heard them speaking. What disaster would befall her if she were to be discovered here on the threshing floor! His mind raced unwillingly toward advantages to himself if that happened. The other relative would have cause to question her purity. He might then refuse to fulfill his obligations to her on the grounds of her ruined reputation. The entire city would gossip about her and speculate on what had happened between them here tonight. There would be talk for years to come. As much as Boaz wanted her, he would not dishonor her in such a way.

Could he stand before the Lord if he allowed such a thing to happen to Ruth? Could he look into her eyes if he allowed shame to be poured on her because he wasn’t vigilant to do what was right? No! He must protect her reputation, even if it meant giving her up to another man. His heart sank at the thought. Gritting his teeth, he struggled with his desire to have her for himself. But how could he overlook the Law? No matter how much he wanted Ruth, he must obey the Lord.

You know I want her, don’t You, Lord? Is that why You’re testing me now? Oh, Jehovah-tsidkenu, give me strength not to give in to my desire to have her. Keep me to Your path, for if I step off, I am lost! Help me show Ruth the kindness she has shown me, and establish her.

“Yes,” he said to her. “There is another relative who must be consulted. Stay here tonight, and in the morning I will talk to him. If he is willing to redeem you, then let him marry you. But if he is not willing, then as surely as the Lord lives, I will marry you! Now lie down here until morning. No one must know that a woman was here at the threshing floor.”

Ruth lay down at his feet again. Boaz felt her presence so acutely, his stomach hurt. He wondered if she slept, for she made no sound at all. Nor did she move. He longed to touch her, to talk with her, but withheld his hand and kept his silence.

He prayed instead.

Oh, Lord, Lord . . .

He didn’t even have words for the feelings stirring so strongly in him. He was shaken by her presence, shot through with hunger for her to be his wife. How many years had it been since he’d felt like this? Not since he’d thought himself in love with Naomi.
It’s been more than twenty years!

The hope of loving Ruth made him afraid for the first time in years.

* * *

Ruth came abruptly awake when a gentle hand brushed the hair back from her forehead.
Boaz put his finger over his lips. He was down on one knee beside her, and it was light enough to see his smile. “Everyone’s still asleep,” he mouthed. Dawn was coming. It was time for her to leave before any of his servants awakened and saw her there.

“Bring your cloak and spread it out,” he whispered. She followed him to the pile of barley that had been purified of all the tare seeds. “I can’t send you home without a present.” He shoveled grain into her shawl until there was more than a bushel and a half. Then he tied it and laid it on her back. “For Naomi.”

His generosity never ceased to amaze her. She could not have carried any more. “Thank you,” she whispered and looked up at him. When her eyes met his, she felt the jolt of recognition and connection. He wasn’t just looking at her the way a man looked at a woman he found attractive. He looked at her as though she already belonged to him. The way he studied every detail of her face made her heart quicken. She blinked, stunned by the realization that this man, so far above her station, wanted her.

When Boaz reached out, she drew in a trembling breath. Though she stood still, waiting for his touch, he withdrew his hand. His smile became almost fatherly, his tone faintly reproving. “May it be as God wills.”

* * *

As soon as Ruth was out of sight, Boaz awakened Shamash. “I’m going into the city. I don’t know when I’ll be back.”

Shamash started to rise. “Is there trouble?”

Boaz put a hand on his shoulder. “No trouble, my friend. There’s a matter of business I need to take care of this morning. It can’t wait.”

“It must be important. I’ve never known you to leave the threshing floor.”

Boaz had no intention of explaining. He didn’t want anyone speculating about Ruth’s visit to the threshing floor. By the end of the day, she would have a husband. He intended to do all he could to make certain it was him. Whether he succeeded would be up to God. He squeezed Shamash’s shoulder. “Pray for me, my friend. Pray what I want is what God intends.”

A quick frown flickered over Shamash’s face, but he responded quickly. “May the Lord give you wisdom in every circumstance.”

“From your mouth to God’s ears.”

Boaz strode down the road toward Bethlehem, his mind racing with the plan that had been forming in his mind.

* * *

Ruth was home before the sun had risen and surprised to find Naomi up and watching for her. “Have you been waiting all night for me?”

“Could I sleep on such a night? Well? What happened, my daughter?”

Uttering a mirthless laugh, Ruth lowered the grain. “It’s not settled yet, Mother. Boaz told me there’s another relative more closely related than he is.” She kept her face averted, for she didn’t want Naomi to see how disturbed she’d been by that news. “But he said not to worry; he’ll take care of all the details. He said if this other man won’t marry me, then he will. Boaz swore by Jehovah that he would.” She couldn’t hide the sudden rush of tears. “What if he can’t work it out and I have to marry this other man? I don’t even know who he is!”

Frowning heavily, Naomi tapped her fingertips against her lips.

Wiping the tears from her cheeks, Ruth stared. “You knew, didn’t you? You knew about this other man and still sent me to Boaz?”

“I want you to have the best of men.”

Did Naomi know something about this other man that made him undesirable as a husband? “Who is this man?”

“He is a man like any other man, but not the man I would have for you.”

“Oh, Mother. What does it matter what you and I want? It’s out of our hands now.” Ruth wept, the tensions of the night taking their toll on her resolve. She wished she had never agreed to go to the threshing floor. “Weren’t we doing all right by ourselves? Wasn’t God providing for us each day?”

Naomi embraced her. “Oh, my sweet girl, you needn’t worry. Boaz wants you!”

“How can you know that?” Perhaps she had been mistaken by what she thought she saw in his eyes.

“Look at all this! Do you think the man would have sent so much grain home with you if he were indifferent to the outcome? Just be patient, my daughter, until we hear what happens. The man won’t rest until he has followed through on this. He will settle it today.”

* * *

Boaz strode quickly through the city streets until he came to his house. Several of his servants were up and doing chores. The house was in good order; it smelled of bread baking. “Bring me water, Avizemer, and have Yishmael bring me a new tunic, mantle, and sash.”

He washed carefully and donned fresh clothing. Drawing his prayer shawl over his head, he prayed again, beseeching God for wisdom and strength to do what was right. He didn’t hurry in speaking with the Lord, but remained in a chamber by himself until the sun was well up and he knew he would be at peace with the outcome, whatever it was.

When he came out of his inner chamber, his servants were huddled together, whispering. They glanced up in concern. “Yishmael, I have an errand for you.” Boaz smiled at the others. “Everything is fine. Go back to your work.”

They did as he bid them, but he could sense their curiosity. His mouth curved in a rueful smile. It wasn’t every day their master came racing into his house in the manner he had. No wonder they were concerned. They were more accustomed to seeing him come home late in the afternoon, dusty from work, ready to wash, eat, pray calmly, and go to bed. Every day had a sameness about it.

But today was different!

He gave Yishmael the names of ten of the chief men in the city, men who were good friends and honest in their dealings with everyone. “Ask them to meet me at the gate of the city.” Most of the men would be easily found at the synagogue. They often met in the morning before they began their business transactions for the day. Several might already be sitting in the gate, hearing and helping to settle disputes between citizens. “As soon as you’ve spoken to them, go to Naomi and Ruth, the Moabitess. They live in a—”

“I know where to find them, my lord.”

“Good. Bring them to the gate right away.”

Boaz went down to the marketplace to find Ruth and Naomi’s relative. He knew more than he wanted to know about the man’s reputation but was determined not to judge him on gossip. He intended to present Ruth’s case in a way that would test the man’s character. He walked among the booths until he spotted Rishon, son of Oved, brother of Elimelech, talking with several young men while his wife scooped barley from an earthen container and poured it into an old woman’s woven basket. The two women argued. Scowling, Rishon turned, said something to the older woman, and gestured impatiently. The woman turned away with a defeated frown.

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