A Long December (19 page)

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Authors: Donald Harstad

BOOK: A Long December
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He was right. But I was now prepared to have most of the interviews done by the Iowa Department of Health. That would free us to interview those who could do double-duty as witnesses in the firming dope connection and the death of both men.

“Would this stuff be good for popping somebody, though? Real world, I mean. Not in theory.” I just tossed it out, more than half expecting a vague answer.

“Oh, sure,” said Henry. “That’s how the Soviets got a KGB defector in London years back.”

We both looked at him.

“Hey,” he protested, “I watch the History Channel.”

Judy was waiting right where we’d left her, cameraman in tow.

“So,” she said, “what can you tell me?”

Hester gestured for me to go ahead. “Okay, look,” I said, “in the first place, it’s not the victim from the roadway. That was one Rudy Cueva. This guy, as far as we know, was accidentally exposed to a toxic substance. We don’t know where, and that’s what we’re looking for. His name is, or was, Jose Gonzales. We’re very interested in his whereabouts for the last several days, to see if there’s a possibility that anybody else could have been exposed.”

That was probably one of my most concise and very best statements to the press, and I caught her with the camera off. Just my luck.

“What poison are we talking about? “asked Judy, as the cameraman signaled he was up and running.

I noticed that it was “poison” and not “toxin.” Ratings.

“You’ll have to ask Dr. Zimmer here,” I said. “I don’t know much about toxic materials accidents.” I was kind of pleased with myself, getting that on tape.

“I have to do rounds,” said Henry, heading back up the hall toward the main hospital floor, trailing media behind him. “But I’ll be glad…”

Hester and I went the opposite direction, towards the parking lot and away from the intrepid Judy. We had lots of people to talk to and soon, and sure didn’t want to waste time.

Hester said she had to check on something at our office, so we went there first. The “something” turned out to be Big Ears. She did an admirable job of faking it, though. While she stood by Sally, ostensibly getting some information from Des Moines via teletype, she just sort of incidentally picked Big Ears up and held him in her arms, scratching him behind the ears.

“You are so hooked,” said Sally.

I’d never worked a case with Department of Health involvement, so I wasn’t even sure who was supposed to do what. As soon as Hester was off the phone, she explained it to me, with one caveat.

“I never have, either,” she said. “My office says that the medical people do the medical stuff, the safety and health people to their thing, and we just assist with things like warrants if needed.”

“Sounds easy,” I said.

“They also said that we conduct whatever interviews are requested by the health people, but we don’t
interviews with anybody.”

“Damned good advice,” I said.

“They also say that the AG’s office will be involved directly, but they want the local county attorney to be involved, too.”


“That’s what I said. But they insist. It’s policy.”

“They have to realize that the county attorney would be a loose cannon, don’t they? “As an elected official, the county attorney was answerable only to the voters, not to the attorney general’s office or anybody else. I mean, it was a fine idea and had a sound basis, and all that. But in this particular case…

“I expect,” said Hester, trying to allay my fears, “that they’ll snow him under with facts, scenarios, potential law suits, and”—she grinned—”tales of lynchings. He should be so nervous, he’ll just go along with the flow.”

“That assumes that he’s bright enough to understand the implications.”

She considered that for a moment. “You’re right. Well, we’ll just have to watch him.”

I sighed. “Okay. So, where do we start with the health stuff?”

“We wait until they get here and we meet with them,” she said.

“We can get on with our murder?”

“Don’t see why not.”

“Excellent!” I said. “Okay, look, let me bring Lamar up to date, and then we go to Battenberg.”

I figured I’d better tell Lamar about the health and the safety people about to hit the county. That sort of attention was bound to stir up some political stuff, and Lamar had to be aware of what was coming. We talked for only a minute or two on the phone. He was pretty much okay with all of it. Except the bit about the county attorney being involved.

“He’s gonna be a problem, Carl.”

“Maybe not ours, though,” I said.

“My ass.”

Lamar sort of tends away from optimism.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2001 09:31

going to be to pay the late Rudy Cueva’s girlfriend, Linda Moynihan, a return visit. Driving separate cars because we were probably going to have to be in different places throughout the day, we got to Linda’s apartment in Battenberg at 09:30. No luck.

I called Terri on my cell pone.

“This is Houseman. You know where Linda’s at?”

“She’s at her place.”

“That’s where I am,” I said. “No response on the phone, no answer at the door.”

“Holy shit! She was sleeping when I left, but…look, over on the wall across from her door, there’s a fire extinguisher. There’s a key to her place wired to the bracket, behind the thing. I’ll be right there…go ahead and go in. She might have ODed or something…”

“On what? “But I was talking to dead air.

Hester and I held a very brief discussion. This was fairly shaky ground, since Terri couldn’t give us permission to enter Linda’s apartment. She had, however, provided grounds for some concern as to Linda’s well-being. That, and we had our own grounds for concern, as her boyfriend had just been murdered. Who knew?

About fifteen seconds after Terri hung up, we were in Linda’s apartment.

We searched thoroughly and quickly, with Hester taking the bathroom and bedroom while I did the rest of the place. Nobody home.

“Her closet’s got some big gaps in it,” said Hester form the bedroom. “I think she might have packed.”

I checked the kitchen and living room for notes of any sort, telling somebody she had gone. Nothing.

I heard somebody running up the steps and down the hall, and before I could get through the living room, Terri came flying through the open door. “Is she… is she…” she gasped.

“She’s left,” I said. “No OD or anything. Just gone.”

Terri was in sweat pants and a hooded sweatshirt, no socks, and old tennis shoes. She’d hurried all right. She was panting and bending over to put her hands on her knees. “My damned”—she took a deep breath—”old car”—and another one—”wouldn’t start.” She took two more deep breaths and straightened up. “I hate that car,” she said. She gasped again. “How cold is it?”

“About twenty, I think.”

She nodded. “Original battery.” Another deep breath. “So? What’s up?”

Hester emerged from the bedroom. “Hi, Terri. Where do you think she went?”

“Boy, God, Hester, it beats me. You think”—and she took one last really big breath—”you think maybe they took her?”

“Who’s they?”

“I don’t know. Whoever killed Rudy.” She began looking about the place. “I don’t know.”

“If they did,” said Hester, “it looks like they let her pack. You have any idea where she might go?”

“Boy. Well, not right offhand. Maybe her mother’s house? Shit, I don’t know.”

That sounded pretty good to me, except that Linda’s mother lived right here in Battenberg. It didn’t seem to me that she’d have to pack to go four blocks.

We let Terri make the call to Linda’s mom. Zip. She had absolutely no idea where Linda might have gone. She was just getting ready to come over herself, to see how she could help, in fact.

Terri hung the phone up, having had the presence of mind not to mention us, and said, “So, then, her car’s gone, too?”

“What’s it look like?” I could also call Dispatch, and have them run all vehicles registered to her, but Terri would be much faster.

“Old wreck of a red Datsun pickup,” said Terri. “It’s always parked out back.”

Hester said, “I looked out the back windows while I was in the bedroom,” she said. “There’s no vehicle at all parked back there.”

Well, then.

A teddy bear caught my eye, sitting upright on the couch. “She left her teddy bear,” I said. “I wonder…” and reached for it.

“Don’t,” snapped Terri, grabbing the bear. “She wouldn’t have him with her.” She paused. “It was a loaner. He’s mine.”

“Oh. Well, that’s good, then.” I looked around. No sign of any sort of disturbance, none at all. “It sure as hell looks voluntary,” I said. “You gotta think, Terri, there’s gotta be a place she’d go.”

“I’m trying.”

“Think about this first,” said Hester.
did she go? Think if she’s gone because she just can’t handle it, or if she’s gone because she’s running from somebody.”

“Hell,” said Terri, “I don’t know. I mean, you know I always thought Rudy was into dope pretty deep. I can’t prove that, but the dude sure acted that way…”

“What way’s that?” I asked.

“You know. They didn’t have much money, but he always came up with what he needed to get things. The stereo. Clothes. He’d take off and come back a couple of days later, always had money for that.” She gestured at the new TV. “That thing. Paid cash at my cousin’s store for that. Didn’t even have to go to Wal-Mart. Yet they couldn’t afford a decent car. I heard him tell her that.” Terri leaned against the kitchen counter. “He was always going to meet somebody, but wouldn’t say who. For ‘business.’ That was all. I mean, I wasn’t spying, but I saw him once, when he told Linda he had ‘business,’ and he was just driving around with some of his Mexican buds. You know.”

“How long ago?” asked Hester.

“Four, maybe five, six weeks. At the Pronto Market. It was cold. I don’t remember exactly when. It was after Halloween, though, because the candy was on sale.” She shook her head. “Best guess is five weeks. Three, or for sure two, other guys in the car with him. Rudy was in the front, passenger side. I waved.”

“He wave back?”

“No way. He pretended not to see me. That’s how I knew whatever it was, it was no good. What he was doing.”

Hardly an indictment. However, “You remember the car?”

“What car? “Terri was busy reading through the notes on the refrigerator.

“The one he was with his ‘Mexican buds’ in. When you saw him.”

“Oh…yeah, sure. It was a kind of ugly tan, one of those Jap cars. Nissan, maybe? Honda? I can never tell.”

Bingo. “You might describe it as maybe cream-colored? “I asked. “Or as we say around here, calf-shit yellow?”

She giggled. “I’d say calf-shit yellow fit it pretty well, tell you the truth.”

That little exchange earned Terri fifteen minutes of our undivided attention.

Most of Terri’s information was pretty vague. We went back over the photos we had, and she’d say “maybe” or “could have been” regarding everybody we thought might have been in the car with him. With one exception, and that was Jose Gonzales, aka Orejas. Great. The only two people in the car she could positively identify were dead. I said as much.


“But the more you think about it, you’re pretty sure there were four people in the car, total?”

“I think so, Carl. I know Orejas was in the backseat, and he was scoonched way over. There had to be at least one more back there, maybe even two.”

“Why you suppose Gonzales was there? Is he a dealer, too? I mean, was—”

“Not much of one,” interrupted Terri. “I think it was…well, Orejas wasn’t Rudy’s ‘muscle’ or anything like that…more like his portable witness, I think. I mean, like, you want to kill me, you’re going to have to kill both—Oh, my God.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself. “It’s a possibility,” I said. “Nothing more. But we have to consider that.”

“Linda figured it,” said Terri. “She’s running. Now I know that. Shit. She’s afraid.”

While Hester and Terri talked, I phoned in to the office to get an “all vehicles registered to” on Linda. There was just one, a red ‘74 Datsun pickup, Iowa license BHB 466. I told Sally to do an “attempt to locate,” but just for our area, and not on the radio.

“You want an ATL, like, Teletype, surrounding counties? “she asked.

“Yeah. Use her DL information. Give the twenty-eight info, too.” The 28 was the vehicle registration information. It was really 10-28, but we usually left the 10 off on the phone. “Tell our own people over the phone, or when they come in to the office. The teletype should say something about no radio traffic.”

“So, what do you want me to give for a reason?”

“Say something like ‘Wanted for questioning regarding a homicide investigation in Nation County.’ That ought to do it.”

“It sure as hell should,” she said. “Stop and hold, or what?”

“If she’s moving, do not stop, just advise location and direction of travel. We want to know where she’s headed. Otherwise, like if she’s at a motel or something, just have them notify us and keep her under surveillance until we contact them. We don’t want her to get away, but I really don’t want to scare her to death or piss her off by having her stopped.”

“I’ll try to rephrase that,” said Sally. “What about out-of-state notification?”

“Just give it to Conception County by phone, attention Investigations. Harry’ll take care of the rest.”

Sally had already brought the correct form up on her screen and was filling in the blanks as we talked. “Armed, dangerous, suicide risk?”

“No, no, no.”

“No clothing description, I suppose?”


“Warrant issued? Extradite?”


“Will we provide transportation?”

“Yes, we sure will.”

“Good to go, sir!” she snapped out with enthusiasm. Sally had a cousin in the Marines.

I said, “You need anything else?”

“We’re getting short on bacon dog treats. Forgot to tell you when you were here.”

“I’ll tell Hester,” I said. “I’ll call in later.”

Hester and I left Terri with instructions to call us immediately if she heard from Linda. She said she would.

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