A Long Goodbye (23 page)

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Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: A Long Goodbye
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“I thought I explained it to you, Sugarplum. I can’t have you with a Wood’s boy and all his ghosts coming out of the closet when I run for Senate. You need a solid man in your life, one that earns respect from our kind of people.”

I stood up quickly. “Our kind of people?”

He threw the paper down on the table, and steadied his gaze. “You have always had a life of privilege and I will not let you go off with a man that hasn’t even graduated college. What kind of life can he give you?”

“I have my own money. We’ll find a way. I love Dane, Daddy. I need you to tell me it’s okay.”

He leaned over, resting his palms on the table and a look of desperation crossed his face. “Let me put this as plainly as I can for you, sweetheart. You take Trevor’s offer of marriage and I’ll sign over that deed to Catherine.”

My hand flew to my mouth. “Are you serious?”

“I am. That boy is wrong for you and I regret having someone like him follow you. Dane Woods will wreck everything that I raised you to be.”

“And Trevor won’t,” I fired back.

He shook his head and I could tell I wasn’t going to win this war. “Once you’re married to Trevor, he’ll move in here and we’ll all be together. You, me, and Trevor, and all of those beautiful babies you’ll have. It’s what I’ve always wanted.”

I sat down, defeated. “So my happiness means nothing to you?”

He came around and kissed the top of my head. “It means everything to me. That’s why I’m doing this. Trust me, someday you’ll thank me.”

I snorted. “Give back the deed, Daddy.”

“Accept Trevor and forget about Dane Woods.”

The sun had completely risen as we argued and I was exhausted from not getting any sleep and all the alcohol I had consumed was making my head feel like a tambourine was shaking around inside. It was clear he was determined, but so was I.

“Done. Tell Trevor to come over later. And, Daddy, I want a big, fat diamond ring. You tell him that when you meet up for one your bourbons.” I was furious that they had concocted some devious plan to wed me off, and stash me away in this house to never be anything other than a wife, mother, and Lord knows what else. I still had dreams and goals of my own. “And, Daddy, you will give that deed back to Mrs. Wood’s pronto.”

I’d hoped once she got it back, I could break off my engagement and be back in the arms of the man that I wanted. I just hoped my plan worked and that Woody wanted me.

Daddy had poured himself a cup of coffee in the meantime and I could tell he was thinking. His smile widened. “I’d love to. As soon as you two get hitched. Then I’ll personally drop it off to Catherine myself. I would love nothing more.”

I stood, rage boiling inside of me. “But, you just said.”

“It’s my deed, my property and I’ll give it back when I’m satisfied.”

I wanted to hit him, or something, but instead I smiled politely. “I’m going to bed seeing I couldn’t sleep a wink knowing my father was arranging my marriage like we were living in the 18th century.”

As I was walking away, he stopped and held onto my arm. I refused to grant him the tears that were beginning to fall. “I don’t like upsetting you, but baby, this has to happen my way.”

I shook free of his grasp and up to my room to pack. I threw various things in a bag, not paying any attention to what and if I had the right things. I knew he had to go off to work and that gave me an hour to get myself prepared for finally breaking free of him.

By nine in the morning, I was on the highway after hitting up the bank. I withdrew over ten thousand dollars from my account and made sure no one knew where I was going. I’d disappear for some time and try to figure out my life with, or without love. There was no way in hell I was being forced to marry Trevor, and there was no way I was going to be the one to let down Dane’s mama. As much as I loved Dane, I couldn’t bring his mother down with my selfishness, or because my heart hurt so bad.

If I was going to pretend to marry that SOB, I needed to keep up pretenses, so that’s what I planned on doing. And then once I did, I’d disappear.

The other house in Hilton Head was the only place I had to go when I was ready. He didn’t know, but I had had an extra key made back when I was seventeen. Lu and I sneaked there for an overnight stay after we graduated. That was the only night he had no idea of anything we did. He trusted me that one night. Or, looking back maybe he didn’t. Who knows?

It would be easy for him to discover me. All he had to do was call up a neighbor to find out if it looked like I was there, but I had a plan before I headed there.

The next morning I rode my bicycle to Landis Road. It wasn’t to see Woody, although I wanted to, but I was there to visit his mama. She opened the door with a big smile, pulling me inside the house he grew up in. Now, I knew where his scent came from, the whole house smelled like him.

“What can I do for you, dear?” She guided me over to a big cozy kitchen table where I could picture them all sitting around, like one big happy family having dinner together.

She poured me some sweet tea and placed it down in front of me. “I’m in love your son.”

She smiled politely. “I know that, sugar.”

I wiped the tear that came out of nowhere. “I’m marrying a man I loathe, but I want to do it so I can help your family. Help Dane. I can’t face him and tell him myself, but I thought if you could tell him for me, well, I’d appreciate it.”

She lifted my chin with her fingers. “Don’t go marrying that boy if you love my son. We’ll figure something out. Dane just needs to see that I’m okay and then he’ll come to you.”

I lifted my eyes to look at her. “I can’t trust my father until then. I’m going to do this. I hope y’all understand and most of all, I hope Dane doesn’t hate me for not waiting. I want to ensure my father finally does something good.”

My heart was hammering in my chest as she watched me carefully, as if whatever she said next might break me. “Dane could never hate you. My son loves you, Ashton, but you do what you need to do. He’ll understand.”

I sniffled, and tears fell free. I stood quickly. “I best be going, please take care of yourself.” As I walked out of that house, pictures of Woody and his family were scattered on the walls of the kitchen. It was then that I knew I’d completed my bucket list. I did something for the good of someone else, and didn’t gain a damn thing for it other than my own broken heart. And I was okay with that.



“Let it go, Dane,” Jason said, as he pulled up a stool next to me in one of the local bars. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them, not since they rolled in. Trevor’s slimy, greedy, cheating arms were wrapped around Ashton letting everyone, including me know that she was his now. He’d won.

“I don’t think I can.” I slammed my fourth shot since they happily walked in without a care in the world. Before that, I’d been sticking to ice water. But just the sight of her with him wrecked me. I could hear her laughing at whatever it was he was whispering in her ear, and then she stopped after finally noticing me watching her. She shot me a subtle smile that kicked my heart in gear. I started to stand, but now Josh was blocking my path.

“Where you going, big brother?”

“Move, Josh, or I swear I’ll kick your ass right in front of everyone,” I warned him. My head was swimming with pain and every other emotion as I watched them together.

He placed his hands on his hips, shaking his head and sighing. “You need to let that one go, D. Find another chick. She’s just a girl, man.”

I punched his shoulder but not enough to hurt him. “Just a girl? Do you know what that
has done for you, for us, for Mama?” I spat out through clenched teeth trying to hold some sense of control before I lost it.

He shoved me back down onto my stool. “Yeah, and I already sought her out when I found out and thanked her. And yeah, I know what she means to you, but Dane you need to move on for all of our sakes.” He gestured toward them. “She has,” he reminded me.

Jason chimed in, “he’s right, Dane. You know what that farm means to mama and my business. I got a wife and kid that I need to support.”

I turned to face Jason and glared. “You think you need to remind me of the hold that asshole has on us?”

He held his hands up in protest. “I’m just saying.”

“I know what you both are saying, I just don’t agree.”

Jason and Josh’s eyes both shifted to the side of me anxiously.

“Hey there, Woody,” I heard her sweet voice suddenly there, so close I could touch her.

I sucked in a quick breath, turning almost afraid to look in her direction. I swore every time at just the sight of her I could see her pregnant with my babies, her and I growing old and gray together, and I couldn’t stand not being able to have everything I wanted with her. “Ashton, how you been?”

She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, leaning toward me. I wanted to lean in but I didn’t. Instead, I edged back propping my elbow on the bar. “Can I talk to you real quick?” She whispered.

“Sure. What is it?” I knew I was coming off like an asshole, but I was sick to my stomach knowing he was the one taking her home with him tonight, touching her the way I use to.

She cleared her throat, quickly glancing at my two brothers who were slowly retreating to the dartboard several feet away. “Where’s Trevor? Or, oh, that’s right I hear a congratulations is in order? How’s your fiancé?” I asked wondering how much time she had before he came back and took her away. Her shiny ring sat big and bright on her finger nearly blinding me when I looked down. I knew I’d never be able to give her that.

“He’s on a business call outside. I haven’t really had a chance to talk to you about everything. I just…I know I was mad, Dane, but I wanted you to know something.”

Shit! This girl melted my rock hard heart just hearing her voice and looking into those eyes.

“You know I had to do it all to save your farm and I wouldn’t change the opportunity to get you to keep it, but I wanted you to know one thing before you decide to hate me forever.”

“Grace…” She held up her finger to my lips, shushing me. I wanted to scream at her that I didn’t hate her. I could never hate her. Hell, if I had my way I’d be giving her my last name as fast as she’d let me.

“I want you to know those nights we spent together were the best nights of my life, and I’ll never forget anything you did for me. Ever.” Her lips caressed my mouth so softly and much too quickly, I couldn’t even catch my breath.

I didn’t even know how to speak. She had me so tongue-tied and flustered and before I could find the words, she was running away from me and toward Trevor, before I could reach and grab her. Every fiber of my being was telling me to go kick his ass and claim what was rightfully mine. I knew it. She knew it. And sure as shit, Trevor knew it. He’d never have her the way I did, the way she was with me and I was with her. She owned me and even if she went off and married that SOB, and I found some sweet girl to take her place, she’d still own every piece of my heart.

I slammed one last shot of Comfort before joining my brothers trying to figure out exactly how I could either go on without that girl in my life, or how I could get her back. I was not usually the type that sat around and waited for something to land in front of me, hell, usually I was the type that’d go break down her door to make her mine. Maybe that was what she needed. A reminder of the kind of man that I am.


Her silhouette in her bedroom window was exactly what I’d hoped to find. It had been two weeks since my little run-in with the beautiful Ashton Winslow (soon to be Owens) at the bar. Yep, found out the hard way. That dear Daddy of hers made sure I found out that Trevor proposed, and that Ashton happily accepted. That was the same night I’d bumped into her at the bar. That was the main reason I was there, to forget about her with my brothers, but instead I found myself staring at the bottom of a bottle of Southern Comfort. My brothers had wanted to cheer me up and get me moving on. Joke was on all of us. Winslow won again.

 If it weren’t for Josh and Jason, I probably would’ve driven out there, kicking up dust, trying to catch up with her just to pick a fight with Trevor that night when they left the bar, but I didn’t.

I had to leave her alone for the time being. So, instead I just watched her shadow until I couldn’t see it anymore.



Preparations were under way since the day Trevor put that ring on my finger. When I told Daddy to make sure it was big, he must’ve told Trevor, because my hand was sporting two carats on top of a beautiful platinum setting. And although it was a knock-you-on-your-ass kind of ring, I hated it sitting there for everyone to see. To know that Trevor claimed me as his and that I, being the dutiful daughter to the next hopeful Senator of South Carolina accepted.

I saw how Woody looked at me when his eyes saw that ring, and when my lips touched his. He didn’t know it but I felt him shiver under my touch, and I knew more than anything I was making a horrible mistake by marrying Trevor. My father still had the deed and until I walked on that damn crinkle paper they threw on the aisle, it would remain there. I just had to see this through. And once it was done, we all could move on and get on with our lives.

Nash was wagging his tail as I sat on the edge of my bed debating what I should do with the latest information I’d received on Trevor. Twice now, I had photos that had been placed on the front seat of my car, implicating Trevor. The first was a detailed account on how many women he’s been with, which kind of freaked me out. One was even with a high priced call girl for an event he took to one of my daddy’s fundraisers. And the second he was cozying up to Michelle Brennan in the closet at a charity function I blew off last week, since my period had come early and I didn’t do well with cramps. I had my suspicions’ on how they landed in my lap, for me to do with what I needed.

Nash barked pulling me from my thoughts just as Lu walked in my room. She looked like hell. I hadn’t talked to her for the last three weeks.

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