A Long Goodbye (5 page)

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Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: A Long Goodbye
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“Hey, you want to dance?” A sweet voice purred from my left side.

“Sorry, Darlin’ I can’t.” This cute little thing walked off pouting and normally she was someone I would easily dance with and do something a little more with. It’d been a long time since a woman’s hands had touched me. It wasn’t that I was afraid of love, or not wanting it, it had just been too long to even fathom sometimes. The one thing I’d always had was my southern charm before I joined the Army, it was still there, it was just buried a little deeper than I would’ve liked.

Before I left, I had a semi-serious girlfriend. I even imagined giving her my last name every now and then, but apparently, Bethany did not want to be a soldier’s girl, so she ended it when I enlisted. At the time, it crushed me, but like all good things, they must come to an end. I’d always envied AJ for having a woman to come home to. I was never jealous. I loved that he had that waiting on him.

After that meaningless sex, and I went together like a barn took to a fire, but it had been damn near sixteen months since I’d even entertained the thought. Ten months because I was in Afghanistan, but the other six since I’d been home. I was afraid of how they’d react to my scars. It took me three months just to get used to them all. One that was finally starting to fade, but would forever be a part of my face, and the rest down the side of my body from where the shrapnel hit. Besides, I was pretty sure my little brother, Josh, was not only getting laid enough for both of us, but for the entire state of South Carolina, and maybe North too.

Just as the lights flickered to let everyone know the bar was closing soon, the D.J. yelled that there were only a few songs more left to play. I knew I needed to step in if I didn’t want her going home with that guy. She was playing darts with the dude closely sliding up the rear, pretending to teach her. His hands were wrapped around her waist, his hips grinding into her backside, making the hair on my neck stand up.

I knew she saw me getting closer because she missed the target and nicked the wall causing the dart to fall on the floor. Making my way over I didn’t even know what I was going to say to her to pull her way, my feet just kept moving me in her direction.

Her smile lit up the whole room like a candle on a birthday cake when I reached her. “Hey, girl, you about ready for that dance you owe me?” I held my hand out, patiently waiting for her to grab it, and when she finally did, my world stopped. People said bolts of lightning or electricity pulsed through them when they found the one, but that didn’t happen for me when we touched. Instead, I felt this sense of calm like no other. It was as if she stilled the voices inside my head that had been banging around up there for years. I knew in that moment that this job was the best damn thing that had ever happened to me. I couldn’t help but smile wide as I pulled her to the floor.

“What’s your name?” She asked.

“Call me Woody,” I told her. It had been what my friends had been calling me for years. It was also a name she wouldn’t recognize, so I went with it. Three seconds later, her dart partner was strutting closer to the dance floor looking for a fight. She was dancing so close; it felt like if we got any closer we’d be a single being. I peered over her shoulder trying to let him know by my face that now was not the time, but if he’d like I’d surely make the time. He backed down immediately, which kind of surprised me. Put together the wicked combination of men, booze, and long beautiful legs, there was usually a fight at the end of it.

Ashton’s hand came to my face, and I flinched as she lifted my glasses and tucked them in my shirt pocket. When I was working, I kept ‘em on for one reason and one reason only, to cover my emotions. I couldn’t let anyone know how I felt, and eyes always gave away your story. And in that second, I knew she was looking at my scar, but I forced myself to brush it off. I lifted her hand into mine, pushing her along to the music step by step, deciding to play it safe. “What’s your name, Darlin’?”

“It’s Grace.” I laughed to myself when she flat out lied to me, but I pretended like nothing was amiss. I knew what she was doing, and it was fine by me. I liked the name. It suited her.

Mesmerized by Ashton, I failed to notice him step up to us. “You’re either really fucking stupid or looking for a fight to pull that little girl on the dance floor with you?” The jackass was now standing inches from us, with his arms crossed over his pumped up chest, trying to look fierce. And this time he’d brought one of his buddies along. I was suspecting it made him feel more protected. Guess, he decided she was worth the fight after all. Only he had no clue who he was dealing with. I could kill him and his friend with my bare hands in less time it took for him to spit out that question.

I didn’t respond, because Ashton’s hand was gripping mine a little tighter now. I spun her around toward the center of the floor to get her away from them. My mouth hovered by her ear, but I was watching him. He was still standing there, staring at us. “What are doing with a guy like that?”

She smiled sweetly. The men retreated to the bar after Lu whispered something, taking away the tension. “He’s not that bad. Actually, he’s been nothing but a gentleman. You, on the other hand, I’m not so sure about.” Her voice was like warm butter on toast. Was she teasing me? She had the sweetest slow drawl that reminded me where she’s from, but damn if she didn’t look like she’d just stepped off some fancy-schmancy street in Hollywood. From the color of her hair that reminded me of the wheat that grew in the fields, to her huge eyes that looked like giant emerald marbles, laced with long lashes that touched her skin when she blinked. And the best part was her body. She was not one of those skinny, salad-eating girls; she had curves. All tits and ass. Well, her ass was small, but it still provided a nice view when she was walking away.

And the way she moved those curves, the ones that I had quite possibly fallen in love with, did something to me that even I had a hard time understanding. Trust me I’d been trying since the first time she got out there dancing. If there were a million Ashton Winslow’s walking around, I still wouldn’t get tired of looking at her.

“How do you figure that, Darling?” We were still moving, her one hand in mine, the other on my shoulder as I continued to push her around the dance floor.

“You know you’re not that good at pretending you weren’t watching me. I saw you, so I know you saw me dancing with him all night. Is this what you do all the time?”

I grinned simply because I couldn’t help wondering what she was thinking. “Do what all the time?”

“Stalk girls and then wait until the end of the night to get the nerve to talk to them, hoping to take them home.”

“No, Darlin’ this is the first time.” I pulled her in until our chests were pressed up to one another, her mouth so close to mine I could smell her sweet breath. I needed to keep up pretenses, so I asked, “You from around here, or you just visiting?”

“Just a pit stop. How ‘bout you?”

“Just visiting.” I spun her until her back pressed up against my chest. “I’m thirsty, you want a drink?” She nodded as I took her hand in mine, pulling her toward the bar and straight to the jackass and his friend with LuLu.

“Grace you ready to go? Johnny and Butch were thinking about grabbing a late bite.” Lu sounded like maybe she had one too many and I was wondering what Ashton was going to say in response.

I looked over my shoulder to see her chewing her bottom lip debating what she wanted to do, and I knew deep in my heart she wanted to stay with me, but I also knew she wouldn’t leave Lu. She dropped my hand and shrugged. “It was nice meeting you, Woody. Thanks for the spin out there. It was real fun, but I have to go with my friend.”

Slipping on my glasses, I lifted her hand to my mouth, gently kissing her knuckles. “Anytime, Darlin’. Maybe I’ll see you around.” I really hated to let this moment go, the way she felt in my arms, but I did it anyway.

As I made my way to my truck outside, I flipped on the GPS tracker to her car and made sure the one on her cell was still working. No way in hell was I letting those boys take those girls back to the hotel tonight. Patiently I waited for the four of them to come out and get on with it. Almost a full half hour passed before I got a glimpse of Lu stumbling out with Ashton acting as Lu’s leaning post. Apparently, food wasn’t going to be on the agenda after all. The two guys were staying several feet behind probably planning their mode of attack to get Ashton to agree on their nightly endeavors. Using my binoculars, I briefly zoned in on the men before focusing back on the girls. Ashton was shaking her head at whatever Lu was saying, but she didn’t seem to want to give in to these rednecks.

They seemed to accept her response, but I could tell by their demeanor that they were hesitant. Unsure if Ashton picked up on their indecision, I turned my truck on from the other side of the parking lot. The guy she was dancing with finally relented and gave her a slow, lingering kiss. When Ashton didn’t pull back, my hands tightened on my binoculars, trembling some. Seconds later, Ashton was shoving Lu in her car before she hopped into the driver’s side. Once she hit the road, I stayed back some because they had more than just me following them tonight. And I didn’t like where this was heading.



Dang! They were following us back to the hotel. I tried to be nice and tell them we’d meet up again tomorrow night, but I didn’t think Johnny bought it. I had never been a good liar. I glanced at Lu who was just about passed out from too many shots of Patron. I tried to stop them from buying them for us, but Lu kept tossing them back like we were back in college. I refrained from having too many since I was driving. She leaned her head against the window, and she was mumbling on and on about Butch and his kisses. Grandmamma always said, “If you can’t run with the dogs, Ashton, stay off the porch.” I had a feeling this might be ones of those times she was talking about. I was in way over my head.

Taking a deep breath, I sped up some to see if they were actually tailing us, or if maybe they were just heading in the same direction. Surely, a lot of people took the main road home from a bar at the end of the night. Parts of me warned my own mind that I should duck off and head to a different place, or hell, maybe just keep driving ‘til we hit the Kentucky border, but I didn’t.

I wasn’t stupid. I knew there were bad men out there, but something told me they were semi-harmless and were just looking for a good time. So, instead of listening to my better judgment, I pulled into the hotel. It was late, so the valet was closed, and we needed to park in the garage. That thought scared the hell of out me because Lu would be no help. She was the shit kicker out of the pair of us while I could barely swat at a mosquito while it was biting me.

Once I found a spot, I pulled in just as their taillights had come right behind us. The loud roar of his truck echoed through the garage as he kept it idling, blocking us in. “Hey, Grace.” Johnny stuck his head out the window, his hand drumming on the side of his door. “I thought maybe we could have a nightcap. You have one of those fancy minibars in your room?”

My eyes shut briefly before stepping out. I took one quick peek at Lu who was now out cold. “Not tonight, boys.” Plastering on a big old fake smile, I strolled over to his window, leaning my arms on the edge of the window trying to pretend like it was no big deal. “Lu’s had too much. How about you just meet us tomorrow ‘round eight at the same place? I want to go out dancing the whole time we’re here.” I had no plans on being there when they come to get us, but right now I’d say just about anything to get them to drive away.

Johnny grinned, took one look, and nodded to Butch. “Sure thing, sweetness.” Johnny’s finger slipped under my chin, pulling me in for a goodnight kiss. I relented, trying to keep up my little show I had going on. The touch of his tongue on my lips had me pulling away faster than he liked. Johnny groaned, and then made a deep growling noise before he finally shifted it into drive.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief as they pealed out of the parking garage, honking once as they turned around the corner. I walked back to the car to get a hold of Lu who was still passed out, which scared me, some. This girl could hold her liquor like a sailor on leave. “Lu, wake up, Sweetie,” I repeated several times, slapping her face softly to try and get her to wake, but she didn’t even stir. “Lu, please wake up, girly. I can’t carry you.” I paced back and forth. “Shit!” I screamed looking up to the cemented roof to God knows who, wondering how the hell I was going to get her to the room.

“Grace, you need some help?” A voice sounded from behind me. I froze, but that voice was as smooth as my favorite cashmere sweater and I would know it anywhere now. I flicked my hair off my face, but turned to see him, unsure of why he was here and how the heck he knew where we were staying.

“What are you doing here, Woody?” I asked nervously, thinking that maybe I got rid of the wrong guys. I glanced to the ramp, but they were long gone.

He smiled shyly; a soft blush touched his cheeks. He turned his face toward the hotel. “I’m staying here.” He held up both his hands in protest. “I promise I didn’t follow you or anything. I was sitting in my truck eating a burger that I picked up on the way back.” He moved a few steps closer to Lu and me. He glanced around me to take a better look inside the car. “What happened to her?”

I shrugged. “Too much to drink I guess. It’s not like her, but ya’ know, vacation and all?”

He grinned but sidestepped me. “I got her.” With those three words barely out of his mouth, he hoisted Lu over his shoulder like she was lighter than a feather. “Grace, did you just meet those men tonight?”

“Yeah, why?” I grabbed both our bags and hurried to catch up.

“One of those assholes could’ve spiked her drink. How you feeling, Darlin’?”

His remark stopped me from moving. “I don’t think they’d do that. They seemed real nice and all.”

Woody shook his head as we moved inside the hotel and approached the elevator. “What floor?” I told him, and he hit the button with his free hand. The other was holding on to Lu’s backside, and I actually felt a twang of jealousy that he was touching her and not me. But it didn’t seem to even faze him. He was still wearing those damn dark sunglasses, and it was now after one in the morning.

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