A Love Untamed (26 page)

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Authors: Pamela Palmer

BOOK: A Love Untamed
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“You're incredible.”

She grinned at him. “You're not so bad yourself, gorgeous.”

He returned her grin, then grabbed her hand and started down the hallway. Several minutes later, they were standing before a heavy wooden door, banded with iron, a small barred window at the top.

“Kara,” Fox breathed, peering into that window.

“Fox!” the Radiant cried softly.

He turned to Melisande. “We need a key.”

Melisande nodded, then searched, but found no sign of one. Returning to Fox she shook her head.

“Roll close to the wall and cover your face, Kara. I'm going to have to break down the door.”

Which the Mage would surely hear, but there was no help for it.

“Ready?” Fox called softly.

“Yes,” came the muffled reply.

As Melisande moved out of his way, Fox backed up, lifted one powerful leg, and kicked the door in with a monstrous crack of splitting timbers.

They had only minutes, if that, before the Mage swarmed them. Fox leaped through the opening, scooping up Kara.

The Radiant threw her arms around his neck, tears in her eyes. “Thank you, Fox.” Her gaze caught Melisande's, a sweet smile of thanks lifting Melisande's heart and bringing tears to her own eyes. “Thank you, both.”

“Thank us when we've got you safely back in Lyon's arms,” Fox murmured.

Melisande's hand curved around the hilt of her sword. Together, they would return Kara to her mate. Or die trying.

elisande led the way, backtracking through the passages as Fox brought up the rear, Kara in his arms. In the distance, Fox heard voices and the sound of footsteps. More than a couple this time. And he did not want them to have to fight their way out. Not with Kara so vulnerable. Not with Melisande at risk if they were badly outnumbered.

“Run, Mel,” he urged. They needed to get back to the tunnel before they were seen. As she took off, he followed. They passed the two dead Mage and kept going.

Just as they reached the passage that led to the tunnel, a shout went up in the distance. They'd either found the bodies or Kara's open cell. Either way, the Mage knew they had intruders. The good news was, it was clear the Mage had no idea there was any way in or out of the dungeons except by the stairs above, or they'd have had guards posted down here.

Reaching the tunnel, Melisande pulled off the grill and stood back as he ducked in. For one moment, their gazes met, and he saw the steel in her sapphire eyes and knew she was solid.

Melisande replaced the grill and followed him into the tunnel. Behind, he heard the pounding of booted feet and more shouts.

“The Radiant's gone! Find her!”

Melisande carried the flashlight, leading the way back to Castin, who appeared to be collecting dead Mage, by the stack of bodies piled just inside the cave's mouth.

Outside, rain slashed, the wind howling. Thunder crashed in the sky.

Castin motioned with his head. “The coast is clear at the moment. Come on.”

Together, they crossed the clearing through the deluge, ducking into the woods without a single shout going up. For the first time, Fox allowed himself a deep breath. If they stayed to this wooded path, straight out from the castle, they might be able to get away without being seen.

When Melisande motioned for Fox to pass her, he shook his head. “You first.” He didn't want her out of his sight.

But she threw him a grin, loving him with those warrior eyes. “You're carrying the precious cargo. I'm covering your flank.” She laughed, low. “Move your gorgeous ass, Feral.”

He threw her a grin that promised all kinds of carnal fun . . . if they got out of here alive . . . and let her bring up the rear. It was damned hard not to try to protect her, but she'd been a warrior for more than a dozen times as long as he'd been alive. And apparently she was one once more, though with her heart and conscience and smile fully intact this time.

They traveled quickly and quietly, hidden by the trees. About a mile from the castle, Fox began to think they just might make a clean getaway. But moments later, Melisande's voice came from behind him.

“We have four Mage on our tail.”

“More in front,” Castin said. And Fox could see them—eight more appearing over the rise not twenty yards ahead.

Mage sentinels on every side.

Chapter Nineteen

hey were surrounded by Mage, an even dozen of them as they stood in the blinding rain. They'd taken on this many and won once before, but not with an injured woman in their midst. Fox set Kara on the ground, and the three of them quickly surrounded her.

Fox looked at Melisande, and she met his gaze with that same blue steel in her eyes. He nodded, trying to toss her a grin and failing. There was too damned much at stake. He'd been in tighter spots in his life, but never had a battle meant so much to him personally. Because never had the woman he loved been fighting at his side.

“Anyone have an extra knife?” Kara asked.

Castin handed her one, approval in his eyes, before turning to face their attackers.

“And just where do you think you're taking our Radiant?” one of the Mage asked, a smirk on his face as the sentinels slowly closed the circle. That Mage would be the first to die.

Fox shifted, upsizing as far as he could, until the Mage sentinels in front of him took several steps back, eyes wide, faces paling. Damn, he was the size of a pony.

“They're here,” Kara said quietly.

And before he could ask what she meant, he heard the low snarls and growls of large, predatory animals and his pulse leaped with thanksgiving. A quick glance behind and he saw them—a lion, jaguar, wolf, and cougar coming over the rise behind the Mage and slowly circling until the four made up the outer, and by far the most vicious circle.

Jag's voice slid into his head.
I'm glad to see you and the misses made it, Foxy-woxy.

Fox grinned.
Damn am I glad to see your sorry furry face, boyo.

In his mind he heard the sound of Jag's laughter. Then Lyon's stern command.
Protect her.

Fox shifted backward, placing Kara between his front legs, where she fit easily. Anyone coming for her was going to have to get past his teeth.

he moment Lyon caught sight of his mate, his beloved Kara, sitting weakly on the ground between the giant fox's forelegs, his control shattered. His logical mind urged him to keep quiet for fear of alerting the rest of the Mage. To attack rationally with cool self-control.

Fuck. That.

The deep, massive roar barreled out of his lion's chest and throat as he leaped for the nearest Mage, the fury and frustration and anguish of the past hours, the past days, fueling his actions until he was caught in a berserker's rage, ripping apart his enemies.

Limbs flew, heads rolled. A blade slashed through his fur and flesh, but he couldn't feel it through the righteous wrath blazing through his mind and muscles. The bastards had taken his Kara!

Thunder crashed around them, hail pelted them from the skies, but still he fought and clawed and destroyed his enemies. With a single swipe of his paw, he tore off the head of his opponent, then turned to attack the next. But there were no more. It was over, the Ferals standing, the Mage all dead.

His gaze flew to Kara, where she stared at him, loving him, tears running down her cheeks. Desperation to feel her in his arms fueled his muscles as he lunged for her, shifting into human form even as Fox stepped back. And then he was sweeping her into his arms, feeling her slender arms tight around his neck, her tear-streaked cheek pressed to his as he held her against him so tightly, he feared he was crushing her.

His arms shook, his eyes burned as he inhaled her sweet scent, as he felt her beloved heart beat fast and strong against his.

“I love you, Lyon.” Her words thickened with tears. “I've missed you so much.”

“I've been lost without you, little one. They took my heart when they stole you from me.” He pulled away, studying her, touching her face, her hair. “You're pale.” He growled. “They hurt you.”

Her mouth tipped up in the sweetest of smiles, the tears still running down her cheeks. “You're here. I'm perfect, now.”

Her sweet words fell like healing rain onto his parched soul.

he battle was over.

As Lyon swept Kara into his arms, Fox shifted back into a man and swept Melisande into his. Holding her tight, he kissed her soundly, then tucked her against his side as he turned toward the others. Wulfe's arm was bleeding, he noticed. And bleeding. With a frown, he looked at the others and found a cut on Lyon's shoulder that didn't appear to be healing, and another on Kougar's thigh. So it wasn't just him. And what did that mean?

As Jag sauntered over to them, Melisande grinned at him. “Hello, Jag.”

Jag stopped abruptly. “What did you do with Miss . . . ah . . . ?”

“Miss Bitch?” she asked saucily. “You'll be happy to know, she's gone. I think. Unless you start making Fox genuinely angry, then you'll see her again in all her bitchy glory.”

A smile began to curl at the edges of Jag's mouth. “Well, I'll be damned.”

“Let's go.” Lyon's voice carried to them, low and urgent.

“We going after Inir?” Wulfe asked.

Lyon shook his head. “Feral House. Priority number one is getting our Radiant safe and secure. If we get ambushed before we escape this mountain, it could take every one of us to protect her. We're not splitting up. Besides . . .” He glanced at his shoulder. “We're not healing, and I want to know why. The Shaman should be able to tell us.”

“There are hundreds of sentinels within that fortress,” Kara said softly.

Lyon continued, “I'm aware that we may have trouble reaching the stronghold a second time. Inir may move his forces altogether though I think that's unlikely. But we have an advantage they may not be aware of. Wulfe.”

At Fox's curious expression, Jag elaborated. “The Wulfe-man has Daemon blood. He can see the warding.”

Holy shite.

“Roar, I'd be happy to . . .” Kougar began.

Lyon shook his head. “No discussion. We're returning to Feral House to regroup. All of us. We
keep Inir and his evil army from freeing Satanan and his Daemon horde. But not today. Now let's find that warding and get out of here.”

Wulfe motioned with his head. “The warding is closest this way.” He turned and started running up the hill, veering from their original path on a forty-five-degree angle.

Fox grabbed Melisande's hand, and together they ran after him, the warriors surrounding their chief and their Radiant as the rain and hail pummeled them and lightning tore across the sky.

Fox squeezed Melisande's hand. “You fought brilliantly, pet.”

She looked up at him with eyes shining with battle lust, and love. “I had no trouble,” she said wonderingly. “It helped that they were soulless, Daemon-raising scum. But inside, I'm all right, I think. The Ceraph and the warrior are coming to terms. It's still going to take some time to process all that's happened and to work through the guilt issues. But I feel . . . good.” Her eyes softened. “Better than good.” But a second later, she bit her lip, worry creasing her brow. “Or I will once we get through that warding.”

The warding. He squeezed her hand tightly. “I've gotten you through it twice, now. I'll do it again. I won't let anything happen to you, Mel. I swear it.”

She smiled. “I believe you.”

“Fox?” Lyon called.

Fox steered Melisande to Lyon's side. As they ran abreast with the Chief of the Ferals, Lyon gave them both a nod, his gaze meeting Fox's and holding. “I have no words to express my gratitude. To both of you. You honor all of us by being one of us, Fox. The animal spirit chose well.”

Lyon's gaze shifted to Melisande. “Did I hear you say you're a Ceraph, Melisande?”

“You're an
?” Jag crowed. There was no speaking too low for Feral hearing, not in this tight group.

But Melisande only smiled, a serene smile flashing with steel. “I was, millennia ago. Soon after the Sacrifice, I was captured by shifters trying to get their animals back. I lost that part of me and everything soft in the months they tortured me. I lost my heart. But Fox has helped me to reclaim it.”

Lyon nodded. “A mated pair?”

Fox looked at her, meeting her gaze, and realized he had no doubt it was what he wanted. None. “Yes. If she'll have me.”

A sweet, loving smile crossed her lovely face. “There's nothing I want more.”

Fox grinned, then let out a laugh, his joy uncontainable. Melisande's sweet laughter melded with his.

“The transformative power of love never ceases to amaze me.” Lyon smiled. “Welcome, Melisande. I have to admit, I much prefer calling you friend than enemy.”

Kara cocked her head. “I'm thinking ‘sister' fits you better. The Feral sisterhood always has room for one more if you don't have too many sisters already.”

Fox felt Melisande's hand tighten in his. Tears began to shine in her eyes. “I happen to be missing some sisters, as a matter of fact. I would be honored to be considered one of yours, Kara.”

Kara grinned. “Done.”

They'd traveled another mile when Wulfe said, “There it is.”

For once, Fox's gut kicked in when he needed it with a rise of goose bumps on his arms and Wulfe's name in his head.

He turned to Melisande, meeting her worried eyes. “Wulfe can help you through safely.”

A short distance away, Wulfe pulled up, turned to Melisande, and held out his hand. “You'll come through with me.” His gaze met Fox's. “Shift, but stay close just in case.”

“You can count on it.”

Fox pulled on the power of his animal and followed close behind Wulfe and Melisande. He felt the power slipping along his fur and watched with relief as Melisande walked beside Wulfe without being affected by the warding at all. Daemon blood. Unbelievable.

When they'd fully cleared the warding and put some distance between it and them, Fox shifted back into human form and pulled Melisande tight against him. In the distance, he saw Ilinas materializing. Kougar must have called his mate for transport within seconds of their freedom.

“I can mist again,” Melisande said, bone-deep relief in her voice. “I can feel it. Are you ready?”

“Wait a minute.” As the small band went to join the newly-arrived Ilinas, Fox turned to Melisande, stroking her precious cheek.

Sapphire eyes turned to his, soft as a summer rain.

“Lyon put you on the spot back there, I'm afraid, but I meant what I said, Mel. I love you. Completely, utterly, madly. I want you to be my mate. But if you need time, or simply want to be lovers, that's all right, too. I will take as much or as little as you'll give me.”

Her smile bloomed slowly, stealing his breath. So beautiful. Her eyes overflowed with love. “You were always meant to be mine, Feral. I felt it the first time I saw you. The most beautiful male ever to walk this Earth. And the sweetest. I adore you. I love you. And there is nothing I want more than to be yours, and for you to be mine, for all eternity.”

“Aye?” Relief weakened his knees, and he gave a shout, unable to contain his euphoria. He picked her up, swinging her around, loving the sound of her laughter. Loving everything about her.

He'd fallen in love with an angel.

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