A Lover's Vow (31 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

BOOK: A Lover's Vow
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“Sorry,” Roland Summers popped his head in to say. “They're already taken.”

“Maybe we can negotiate,” Marcel said, grinning.

“Or possibly work together from time to time,” Roland countered.

* * *

“She killed Mom,” Dalton said, a short while later as he stood alone with his family and Jules in Jules's office. His gaze was on Jules as she stood a few feet away, showing Shana her wall.

“So now we know what happened,” Jace said. “Dad will be set free.”

“Yes,” Caden said, nodding his head. “Dad will be freed.”

Dalton glanced over at Jules and smiled. “Excuse me, guys. I need a little private time with my lady.”

He then crossed the room and pulled Jules into his arms. “Everyone seemed fascinated by your wall.”

“I am fascinated by the man who has a Cocoa Puffs tattoo and enjoys making love to me with my boots on.”

Dalton threw his head back and laughed. “And I am deeply in love with a woman who looks totally gorgeous in red and who can make my heart throb with any outfit she wears...especially with a pair of stilettos.”

Taking her hand, he pulled her into the supply closet next to her office and closed the door. “Privacy at last.”

“Not much and not for long,” Jules said, smiling up at him. “I love you.”

“And I love you.” Dalton then leaned down and laid one hell of a kiss on the woman he loved.


he next morning the following headlines appeared in papers across the country:

Virginia Socialites are Ringleaders in a 5 Billion Dollar Computer Fraud Operation.

Arrests Made in Fifteen-Year Computer Network Scandal.

Senator John Monroe Arrested as Part of Computer Fraud Scheme with More Arrests to Come.

Fifteen-Year-Old Murder Solved—Sheppard Granger Set to be Released from Jail.

* * *

The last article was what held Dalton's attention while sharing breakfast with Jules the next morning. He had refused to let her out of his sight. They had had to go to FBI headquarters to give statements, and afterward, they had gone to his place. The moment he had closed the door behind them, he had taken her into the bedroom. There, he had undressed them both, licked every inch of her body, buried his head between her legs and given her an orgasm like no other. He'd then joined their bodies together while telling her over and over just how much he loved her.

Jace, Caden and their wives were on their way over to his place. And then, in what Dalton thought of as a Granger Convoy, they would caravan to the prison to bring their father home. Warden Smallwood had already contacted Jace. Both the FBI and Homeland Security had delivered papers overnight for Sheppard's immediate release. Others would join in the convoy with them, including Stonewall, Striker, Quasar and the other men whose lives Sheppard Granger had helped turn around.

A huge celebration was planned at Sutton Hills...and a wedding. Sheppard had made it known that he wanted to marry Carson as soon as it could be arranged. Already, his friend and former cellmate, Reverend Luther Thomas, had been contacted, and Hannah was busy preparing a wedding feast. According to Warden Smallwood, the media was camped outside the facilities, and a call from Hannah that morning to Jace confirmed the same thing was happening at Sutton Hills. Roland assured Jace that his men would protect the Grangers' privacy.

“You talked to your dad, right?” Dalton asked Jules.

“Yes. There is more good news. He's excited that the doctor confirmed yesterday that Mona's sight is returning. He expects it to be at one hundred percent in a month or so. Maybe before then. And he's glad everything turned out the way it did for your family. He sends his best regards to all of you.”

He reached out his hand and captured hers. “

He then slid out of his chair and onto his knee in front of her. “Juliet Bradford, will you marry me?”

She stared down at him, not believing what he was asking. “B-but...but...”

“Just say yes.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “Yes!”

When he stood up, she jumped out of her seat, off her feet and into his arms, straddling him with her legs. His hands supported her as they kissed, their tongues mingling in a way that made him want to explore her mouth forever and always. He was drowning but at the moment, he didn't care. He just needed this closeness with her, a closeness he'd never been able to have with any other woman. A closeness he knew he could only have with her. Now he understood. His brothers had tried to explain things, but he hadn't believed them. He needed to experience this kind of love for himself. Now he was.

He broke off the kiss to catch his breath. Breathing hard, he placed his forehead against hers. Listening to the sound of her breathing, just as labored as his own, had him hoping neither one of them had a heart attack from too much of this.

“When?” she asked in a choppy voice. “When do we get married?”

He lifted his head a little to look into her eyes. “As soon as possible. I want the world to know you're mine and mine alone.”

She chuckled. “Definitely not today. It's your father's day. His day with Carson.”

He nodded. “Yes, this is Dad's and Carson's day.”

“Not next month. It's Caden's charity concert. But definitely while Shana can still fit into a bridesmaid's dress.”

“Is that possible?”

She pinched him. “Ouch!”

“That's my sister you're talking about. And speaking of babies...do you ever want any of your own?”

“I'm ready when you are.”

She leaned back and stared even more deeply into his eyes. “Thank you. But not for a while yet. I want to enjoy my niece or nephew for a while.”

niece or nephew.”

She shrugged. “I guess I'll share him or her with you.”

She began disentangling herself from his arms, or at least she tried. “We need to get dressed. Everyone will be here in an hour or so. Today is a big day. I finally get to meet my future father-in-law. I'm looking forward to that.”

“I know he's looking forward to meeting you.” He took a firm grip on her hips and guided her gently toward the bedroom. “There will always be things we make time for. Making love will always be one of them, and baby, that time has come.”

* * *

Sheppard Granger stood and looked out the prison library window. As far back as he could see through the gates of Delvers, newspaper reporters and television cameras lined the street. He shook his head. This was unreal. Almost unbelievable. Today, after fifteen years, he would walk out through those gates a free man. All because his family and good friends believed in him. Especially his sons. The three he'd fathered, and those he'd adopted as his own over the years.

“It's almost time, Sheppard.”

He didn't have to turn around to know Ambrose was there. He nodded, and then his eyes widened when he saw the convoy headed toward the prison. Cars in a line as far back as he could see; there were at least fifty, maybe more. Of course, Dalton's little red death trap led the pack.

He turned around. “I know it sounds crazy, but I'm going to miss this place.”

“No, it doesn't sound crazy. I believe the Man upstairs had a job for you to do here. You've done it, and now, Sheppard Granger, it's time for you to go home.”

A smile touched Sheppard's face. “Yes, it's time to go home. I'm marrying a beautiful woman, the woman I love, and I have a grandbaby on the way. It's time for me to go home.”

Crossing the room, he gave the man who'd looked out for him for a long time a bear hug. “You and your family will always be welcome in my home. Remember that.”

Ambrose nodded. “Thanks. I will remember that.”

Then Sheppard walked out of the room without looking back.

* * *

Dalton Granger glanced around, noting the hundreds of people assembled in the rose garden of the Granger estate. He hadn't expected a small wedding. Not for his dad. But for any man to have twenty best men was a little bit much, especially on such short notice. But here they all stood: Jace, Caden, Dalton, Stonewall, Striker, Quasar and fourteen others—all men whose lives Sheppard Granger had helped turn around at both Glenworth and Delvers. Some had gone back to school; many even to college, and others were business owners—successful men in their communities. All thanks to his dad.

Roland had walked Carson down the aisle, and Dalton thought she looked absolutely beautiful. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress, knowing blue was his father's favorite color. Seeing the tears that had formed in his father's eyes had almost been too much for Dalton. But all he had to do was look out among the guests to see that his own future wife was crying enough for both of them.

When Dalton had introduced Jules to his father, Sheppard had pulled his future daughter-in-law into his arms and thanked her profusely for all she'd done to make this day possible. He then gave Ben a big bear hug like the two were the best of friends. Dalton had a feeling the two men would be.

“I now pronounce you man and wife,” Rev. Luther Thomas said, pulling Dalton's thoughts back to the business at hand. “Sheppard Granger, you may kiss your bride.”

Dalton watched as his father pulled Carson into his arms and gave her a whopper of a kiss. Wow! He didn't know the old man had it in him. He guessed being locked up for fifteen years would have that kind of effect on you.

After a long kiss, the newlyweds turned to the guests as the reverend said, “I present to you, Sheppard and Carson Granger. May they have a long and happy marriage.”

* * *

“Welcome home, Sheppard.”

He crawled into bed beside his wife. “Welcome to Sutton Hills, Mrs. Granger.” He leaned over and kissed her, not believing they were together after all this time. Next week they would leave for a while. She'd never been to Hawaii, and he wanted to take her there. Besides, he needed to get his bearings, take time for everything to sink in. And eventually things would, because he would have Carson by his side.

“Thanks for believing in me, Carson.”

A smile touched her lips. “And thanks for being a man who was worth believing in.”

He reached out to touch her and ease the straps of her pretty black negligee down her shoulders. He had waited five years to make love to her, and he couldn't wait a minute longer.

Using the tips of his fingers, he touched her everywhere and heard her sharp intake of breath when his fingers moved to certain areas, letting him know her hot spots. Before the night was over, he was going to make sure her entire body was hot.

Leaning in, he kissed her again, and when he released her lips, they were both panting for breath. “I love you, Carson,” he whispered against her moist lips.

“And I love you,” she said, staring up at him.

He eased his body over hers, joined their hands together, entwined their fingers and knew he was finally home. Desire and love filled him, and then he felt himself filling her. She arched her body into him, giving him the opportunity to go deeper, and he knew when he began moving inside her that his life was now perfect.

He held her gaze and saw the love in her eyes. It was the same love that had gotten him through the days and nights at Delvers, and tonight he intended to push them over the edge. There were no more limitations for them.

When she called his name as a spasm ripped through her, he felt it, and the strength of it pushed him over the edge, as well. He knew at that moment that this time, their first time together, had been well worth the wait.


A month later...

his is Connie Moore reporting live from the Red Carpet of Charlottesville's annual Live-It-Up Ball to benefit cancer research. This year's entertainment is Grammy winner Caden Granger, who will be performing to a sold-out crowd. Tonight is particularly special, because it will be the first time his father, Sheppard Granger, will see his son perform. As most of you know, Sheppard Granger was released from jail after serving fifteen years for a crime he didn't commit. All the Granger men and their wives are expected tonight. It's no secret that the youngest Granger, Dalton, is engaged to be married. Sorry, ladies. Unfortunately, he's taken, and plans to tie the knot on New Year's Day.

“Everyone is excited and anxiously waiting for the Granger limo to arrive so we can all get a glimpse of those handsome men. In the meantime, here is our mayor-elect, Ivan Greene, arriving. Mr. Mayor, may we have a word with you?”

Ivan Greene smiled for the camera, showing a mouth full of dazzling white teeth. “Yes, Connie, I will always have time for the people of Charlottesville, and I'm glad everyone came out to support such a worthwhile cause tonight.”

“Thanks, Mr. Mayor. And what do you think about Sheppard Granger being released from jail after all this time?”

Still smiling, Ivan faced the camera and said, “I'm glad Mr. Granger was released. I, for one, never believed he was guilty...”

“What the f—”

Jules slapped her hand over her fiancé's mouth before he could finish what he was about to say. They were sitting in the limo with everyone and watching the proceedings on the limo TV monitor. “Remember, sweetheart, we are in the company of others,” she said, smiling. “And there are guests,” she said, referring to her father and Mona.

Dalton removed her hand from his mouth, kissing her fingers, and then said, “Your dad and Mona aren't guests. They're family. And please tell me, at what time did Ivan Greene think Dad was innocent?”

Sheppard reached across the aisle of the limo and placed a hand on his youngest son's shoulders. “Let it go, Dalton. It doesn't matter anymore.”

Jules glanced over at Dalton, saw that hard glint in his eye and knew that he wouldn't let it go.
Oh, boy

“In a way, I don't blame Dalton,” Caden said. “I don't think I'll ever forget how the Greenes treated me at Shiloh's open house. I might dedicate a song to them tonight.”

Dalton smiled. “Which one?”

“A musical rendition of ‘Eating Crow.'”

“I got one better,” Dalton countered. “How about ‘Your Lying Heart?'”

Jace shook his head, grinning at his brothers. “I am so glad you're back, Dad. They are yours to tame.”

When the limo pulled up to the red carpet, the driver opened the door, and everyone behind the ropes began screaming. Some for Dalton, some for Sheppard, others for Caden and some for Jace. Mostly for Caden. Jules knew men in black tuxes did things for some women.

Connie seized the opportunity to cop an interview with Sheppard. “Mr. Granger, I understand the state will compensate you for all that time you were unjustly incarcerated.”

Smiling, Sheppard said, “That's what I understand. Any compensation will be going to the Sheppard Granger Foundation for Troubled Teens. Now if you will excuse me, my family and I need to get inside. I'm anxious to see my son perform tonight.”

Sheppard and the others moved ahead, but Dalton hung back. It wasn't long before Jules figured out why. Ivan hadn't gone inside yet, and he was standing in a group surrounded by reporters while being interviewed.

“Hand me your lipstick,” he said.

She lifted a brow. “What?”

“Hand me your lipstick.”

“Which just happens to be your favorite color?”

He smiled down at her. “Yes, my favorite color.”

She opened her purse and gave him the lipstick. She glanced back over at the mayor. Too bad he was wearing a white suit.

She watched Dalton ease his way through the reporters who were so busy listening to what the mayor was saying that no one noticed the word Dalton was writing on the back of the mayor's dinner jacket with her lipstick.

Dalton returned moments later, smiling. He handed Jules's lipstick back to her and took her hand. “Now I can enjoy the evening.”

She glanced over her shoulder just as the crowd of reporters around the mayor was disbanding. Her jaw dropped when she saw what Dalton had scrawled in flaming red on the back of Ivan Greene's white jacket:

She glanced over at Dalton and he winked, leaned close and whispered, “I wanted to write
Fucking Liar
but didn't have time.”

She shook her head, fighting back a grin as they threaded through the other attendees who were also entering the auditorium. She knew that with Dalton she would never have a dull moment. He had told her about his time in the USN and his long-term affair with Lady Victoria, who was now married. He'd said he hadn't wanted any secrets between them.

Up ahead, she saw Sandra Timmons with Vance Clayburn. He had broken off his engagement to Nannette Gaither last month and had been seen around town with Sandra Timmons. According to Dalton, Shiloh was acknowledging Clayburn as her father. And Jules had heard about Sedrick's talk with Jace, explaining why he'd severed their friendship all those years ago. It seemed Samuel Timmons had threatened to send both him and Shiloh off to boarding school if he got wind that they were still friends with the Grangers. Jace understood and he and Shedrick were trying to rebuild the friendship they'd lost.

Dalton wrapped his arms tighter around her and pulled her closer. They would be getting married on New Year's Day at Sutton Hills. She was letting Mona and Carson plan their wedding. All she and Dalton wanted to do was show up.

Leaning over, he nuzzled her ear. “Let's play hooky from work all next week.”

She glanced over at him. “And do what?”

He smiled, and she knew what he had in mind. “Sounds good to me.”

He tightened his hand on hers, and all she could do was look forward to spending the rest of her life with him...the man she loved.

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