A Major Connection (3 page)

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Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #Contemporary romance, military romance

BOOK: A Major Connection
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Lobo chuffed and took a good sniff in the direction of Thorn’s pastries.

“Hell no. Back off,” he ended in a growl, and the dog stepped away without a fight. At least Lobo recognized who was alpha. Now he had to make the woman understand so they could get better acquainted.

April returned moments later wearing shorts and a tee-shirt, like him. Unfortunately, she’d donned a bra as well. The lady had a nice set on her, one that needed support he would be only too happy to provide. He glanced at his palm, mentally sizing the fit.

“Hello? And I thought
was bad without coffee.” She grabbed the tray from him and entered the kitchen.

He took a good look around him as he joined her. From what he could see of it, the beach cottage looked to be smaller than his home. Pale blue walls decorated with lighthouse prints and nautical themed knickknacks graced shelves in the small but tidy living room. A modest television sat in the corner. A cushy loveseat, matching chair and coffee table occupied the rest of the space. Along the far wall, shelves upon shelves of books lined the built-ins. His mother would love the place.

The dining area flowed off the living room into a small but efficient galley kitchen. And to the side, a small dinette with four chairs provided seating. April sat at the table drinking coffee. She’d set the treats on a plate and hadn’t waited for him to dig in.

He watched her while she ate, and she watched him right back, still not in the least bit cowed. He liked her more and more.

He sat, took a bite of an apple Danish, and washed it down with strong black coffee. They ate together in silence, each gauging the other.

“Okay, I give,” she said, finally caving. “What exactly do you want from me?”

He raised a brow and gave her an appraising stare.

Her cheeks turned pink, but she didn’t look away from him. “Gunny, you are seriously trying my patience.”

“Yeah? Well try dealing with a busted sprinkler system, more dead plants, and a ruined container bed. Look, I’m all about letting dogs be dogs, but Lobo has attacked my poor plants for the fourth time in a month.”

“Lobo, really?” She stared at the dog currently slinking from the kitchen.

“Really. I know you just took on the responsibility, but I let this go long enough.”

“Any idea why he keeps heading to your place?”

“No. When Captain Morrow was stateside, I saw him once or twice walking Lobo. He lives down the street from me.”

“Yeah, I know.”’

“But that was it. Now Lobo acts like he owns my house, and he’s not choosy about where he likes to dig.”

She sighed. “Fine. What do I owe you?”

“You’re not going to try to weasel out of it?”

“You are
on my last nerve.”

“I try.”

She worked to bite it back, but he saw her grudging smile.

He stilled. His chest felt tight and he had shortness of breath, in addition to a flutter in his gut that made him uneasy.

Damn, this attraction felt weird. Deep. He wanted to hear her laugh, to watch her eyes light up when she smiled, to see the joy when she—
Cut it out, Thorn. Man up. You’re too old to be crushing on a woman. She’s good looking. So what? Get over it.

“Smart move, bringing coffee and sweets,” she said.

Getting a hold on his uncharacteristic emotions, he forced a grin. “I’m much brighter than I look.”

“Good to know.”

“Swing on by my place and fix what he broke, we’ll call it even.”

“I can do that. But I warn you, I’m no fix-it girl. I can plant and water veggies. Sprinkler lines aren’t my thing.”

“I figured as much.” He sighed.

She narrowed her eyes. “Why? Because I’m a woman I won’t know how to fix things?”

“Because it would be a stroke of luck if you were a master plumber who could save the rest of my garden before it dies. As to how capable you are with tools, that remains to be seen.”

She took a sip of coffee, glaring at him over the brim of her cup.

“Anyone ever tell you you have anger issues?” he taunted, wondering if he’d get a face full of coffee for his bravado.

“Didn’t you say something about being brighter than you look?” she said sweetly and swirled the coffee in her cup, eyeing him with deliberate mischief.

He couldn’t help it. He laughed. “If you’re trying to scare me, you need to try harder. That death glare you’re using is turning me on.”

She flushed.

“Sorry. Did I embarrass you,

Her jaw clenched. God, she was fun to rile.

She stood and gave him an insincere smile. “Thanks for the coffee and the food.”

“I get the sense you’re kicking me out.” He tried to grab another Danish but she moved the plate out of reach. “Yeah, totally getting the vibe you don’t want me here.”

“I have things to do, Gunny. And you’re bothering me.”

“You bother me too. I guess we’re even.” He stood and decided to be bold. Thorn pulled her into his arms, startling her with the suddenness of his action.


He kissed the question out of her. As he’d expected, a jolt of lust hit him squarely between his legs. His heart raced, his entire body tensed, and the scent and taste of her went straight to his head. Not wanting to totally freak her out, he didn’t hold her too close, just kept his hands lightly on her shoulders so she could pull away at any time. Never let it be said Bobby Thorn forced himself on a woman who didn’t want his attention.

But when she softened and opened her mouth, he couldn’t stop himself from penetrating with his tongue. He deepened the kiss, guiding her with the press of his lips.

She seemed to melt under him, and he wondered if shoving her against the wall and fucking her before she’d had a second cup of coffee would be too much for her to handle.

With a groan, he pulled back and stared into her face, committing her features to memory. The flushed cheeks, the shiny, ripe lips, the cloudy pleasure darkening her eyes… He had to see her this way again, and soon. His cock felt so hard he hurt, and if she gave him the slightest invitation, he’d take her up on it without question. The overpowering attraction stunned him.

Thorn worked to subtly even his breathing.

April seemed to come back to herself and stared at him. She took a step away, breathing hard, as though she’d just run a marathon. “W-why did you do that?”

“Just thought I should let you know what to expect.”

She took a deep breath, let it out, and crossed her arms over her delectable chest, but not before he noticed the hard nipples straining beneath the cotton. “Excuse me?” Her tone was that of a superior chastising a subordinate.

He grinned. “Major, after you make good on the damages your dog made—”

dog made.”

“—then you and I are going to see where this attraction takes us.”

“Attraction?” She automatically glanced at his erection, which had yet to go down, and her eyes widened.

“I know you’re not denying that kiss.” He raised a brow, mostly because he knew it annoyed her. “I’m hard as a pike, and you responded, sweetheart.” Thank God this pull between them wasn’t one-sided.

“Look, Thorn, you took me by surprise.”

He laughed. “Right. So when you returned the kiss, when I swallowed that little moan of pleasure, that was you being shocked.”

She scowled.

“I bet if you uncrossed your arms, your nipples would still be hard.” His mouth watered at the thought of sucking on the ripe buds.

“Shut. Up.”

He took a step closer, knew it wasn’t wise, and said in a low voice, “What if I slid my hand between your legs? Would I find you hot and wet for me? You as ready as I am?” He nodded down at his front. “’Cause Major, I have to tell you, I think we could be really good together in bed.”

She stared at his arousal before whipping her head back up. Then she seemed to get a grip on her control, because her voice sounded even as she replied, “Yeah? How do I know you aren’t all talk and no action? So you have a big dick.”

Did she just say what I think she said?
That had been blunt, even for her.

“Doesn’t mean you’re any good at sex,” she continued. “And I have to tell you, I’m not interested in being one of your conquests.”

“I don’t kiss and tell,” he growled. “Never have.”

“I don’t make a habit of dating Marines. Want to know why?” Before he could respond, she said, “Because you all like to act tough, but you can’t back it up. You’re either assholes or braggarts, and I’m done being a source of gossip for the masses.”

“I told you I don’t talk—”

“And I’m telling
, you haven’t earned the right for more than a kiss.

“Pulling rank…

She shrugged, and he wanted to pull her back into his arms and show her what it meant to submit to an expert in the art of pleasure. To be her superior in bedroom games. Fuck, he wanted to show her just how creative he could be with rank and order, and how good obeying him could feel.

“Since you refuse to call me Ms. Soames, or even April, as I asked previously, I guess I am.”

He loved that she didn’t back away. “Come on by tomorrow at noon and you can get started. That’s if the kiss didn’t scare you off. Wasn’t my intent, you know.” He stared at her mouth.

“I think I know what your intent was,” she said dryly. Then she poked him in the chest. “The day I’m scared of you is the day I cut off all my hair and run naked, screaming down the street. Not gonna happen,” she hastened to cut him off before he could suggest the naked part as something he’d like to see.

He smiled, pleased when her gaze dipped to his mouth before she made eye contact again. “I’ll see you at noon tomorrow. Don’t be late,” he ordered. “Oh, and I want you to be comfortable while you’re working. It’s going to be in the mid-nineties, so feel free to wear a bikini, the smaller the better.”

She bit her lower lip and looked up at him from under her lashes, as if coming to a decision. Then she flattened her hand against his chest. “My, Gunny. Your heart is racing awfully fast. Maybe I
wear a bikini.” She took a step forward and brushed against his raging hard-on. “Or better yet,
wear one? Maybe we could have some fun together after all.”

“Christ, yeah.” He hadn’t thought it would be this easy, but he’d take what he could get.

April smacked him in the chest, her coquettish smile gone as if it had never been. “Dream on. Bikini, my ass. But if you want, feel free to wear a thong. I’d just love to see that.” She snickered and walked to the door, then held it open for him. “Good day, Gunnery Sgt. Thorn.”

“Back at ya, Major Hotness.”

She rolled her eyes. “You are such a pain in my ass.”

Not yet, but with any luck, I will be soon enough.

“And stop thinking what you’re thinking. God, men are such pigs.”

He laughed all the way home.

Chapter Three

April smiled at Matt and refused dessert. Good Lord, what had she been thinking to tease Thorn like that? The man could chew her up, spit her out, and not break a sweat. He had muscles on top of muscles on top of
muscles. And that mean glint in his eye when he watched her, not a nice man. Unfortunately, he was just her type.

She felt aroused just thinking about him and how large he’d been…all over. She subtly fanned herself while Matt ordered a piece of cake, unable to stop thinking about her earlier encounter. She’d let Thorn see her morning face, and he hadn’t bolted. Then she’d tried to out-glare him while chowing down on those amazing pastries, but he’d stayed the course,
surprised her with a kiss.

Kiss was too tame a term. He’d practically blown her mind with his firm lips and a hint of tongue. God, when she’d felt him so thick and hard against her, his dick practically visible through the thin nylon running shorts he wore, she’d wanted to swoon. A shower
a grower. Yum. Though she’d tried to pretend like she hadn’t been scoping him out when she’d met him at her front door, she’d taken in every detail of the sexy gunnery sergeant.

He had height, brawn, and corded strength in both his mass and his personality, which made him even more imposing and dangerous. Her inner sex kitten had wanted to roll over and purr while he stroked her. Her nipples had been stiff for nearly the entire breakfast. Only some subtle posturing had hidden them until he’d pressed that powerful chest against hers.

He’d barely held her close, but she’d felt his body heat bleed through to hers. She could have had him. When she’d teased him, feeling his thick chest through the tee-shirt, his heart had been racing. His cock was huge and hard and he wanted her. But had she taken him up on it? Nooo. Why?
Because I’m a lame-ass now out with the most boring man known to…man.

“And then a few of us were talking and Joss Whedon walked by,” Matt was saying while the waiter brought him his dessert. “I mean, he’s a god among script writers. Boy, I couldn’t believe…”

She heard
blah blah blah
and nodded to feign interest. It wasn’t Matt’s fault he was too nice. He’d been a perfect gentleman throughout their date. She couldn’t see him grabbing her close and kissing the breath out of her. Nor could she see him standing up to her if she let loose her notorious temper and let him have it. But then, Matt didn’t seem the type to stir her to such an extreme. Not like Thorn.

Stifling an inner groan, she tried to put effort into enjoying her evening. Matt had good looks. Maybe, if she still felt this horny remembering Thorn’s touch, she could work out her frustrations on Matt, whereby pulling the pin on the sexual need building inside her. With the right touch, she was sure she’d go off and incinerate anyone nearby.

She could only imagine Thorn’s massive cock sliding inside her, filling her up until it hurt. He’d be all bossy and demanding, ordering her around. Maybe he’d even grip her by the throat while he pounded into her…

“You cold?” Matt asked.

“Oh, um, yeah. The air conditioner.” At least the presence of the A/C wasn’t a lie, though her shiver and erect nipples had been caused by thoughts of a sexy man, not the temperature.

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