A Man Like Morgan Kane (32 page)

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Authors: Beverly Barton

BOOK: A Man Like Morgan Kane
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"I love Morgan."Bethanygazed up at the clear black sky, focusing on the brightest star, making a wish she knew would never come true. "But Morgan has never told me that he loves me. Not sixteen years ago and not now."

Claudia reached out and graspedBethany's hand. They stood together on the patio, listening to the quiet nighttime sounds of nature. There had been a time when she had hated Claudia for forcing her into marriage with Amery, but that hatred had died long ago. Over the years, their individual memories of Morgan and their love and devotion to Morgan's daughter had brought them together. And Claudia's constant support and caring had endeared her toBethany.

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"So there y'all are." Anne Marie held Morgan's hand as the two entered the den. "Did you know Morgan is a pool shark? I mean he's the absolute best, even better than Papa Henderson, and he was great."

Anne Marie flew out onto the patio and hugged her nana. Claudia's face crinkled into soft lines when she smiled. "And how badly did he beat you? I'm sure he didn't let you win a game. He always did whatever he had to do, even cheat, to keep from losing."

"Actually, he did let me win," Anne Marie said triumphantly. "But only once." She turned to her mother.

"Thanks for moving in with Nana until our house is ready again. I just don't think I could have stayed another night at Grandmother's. Not with James living there. Not after what happened last night. I really made a fool of myself."

"We'll only be here a couple of days,"Bethanysaid. "I'm hoping we can move back home by mid-week.

Until then Morgan can continue giving you billiard lessons."

"She's already quite a good player," Morgan said. "She told me that Father taught her how to play when she was a small child."

"Your father adored Anne Marie," Claudia said.

"Even if I was a girl." Anne Marie shrugged, then slipped her arms through Morgan's arm and hugged up to him. "I'll bet you aren't like Papa Henderson was, are you, Morgan? It wouldn't matter the least little bit if you had a daughter instead of a son, would it?"

Morgan slipped his arm around Anne Marie and hugged her to his side, then kissed her on the forehead.

"I'd rather have a daughter just like you than have half a dozen sons."

Biting down on her bottom lip so hard she broke the skin,Bethanytasted her own blood. Tears gathered in her eyes. She fled to the edge of the patio, where steps led to a brick walkway that connected to the massive gardens in back of the house.

"Where are you going, Mama?" Anne Marie asked.

"I thought I'd take a walk before I go to bed." Despite the tears threatening to choke her and the knot tightening in her stomach,Bethanyspoke calmly, not a tremor in her voice.

"Want me to come with you?" Anne Marie took a tentative step forward.

Bethanydidn't reply; instead she hurried away as if she hadn't heard her daughter's question.

Morgan clasped Anne Marie's wrist. "Maybe your mother needs to be alone for a while."

"Maybe she'd rather have you go with her than me," Anne Marie told him, and when Morgan didn't move, she gave him a shove. "Go on. Go after her."

"Anne Marie, why don't you see me upstairs to my room?" Claudia said. "I'm getting tired. We can stop by the kitchen and get a snack, then go on up. I'll tell you about the first time your … the first time Morgan played billiards with Papa Henderson."

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Morgan waited until his mother and Anne Marie went inside before he followedBethany. He found her at the back of the house, on the trail leading to the pond.

"Beth! Wait, honey," he called out to her.

Hesitating momentarily, she glanced over her shoulder. "I need to be by myself. Please, go away."

He heard the tears in her voice, even though he could not see her face clearly in the shadowy moonlight.

His mind told him to respect her request and leave her alone. She would be safe inside the walls of his mother's estate. It would take a battalion of trained commandos to get past Claudia's state-of-the-art security system. But his heart told him that the last thingBethanyreally wanted or needed was to be alone.

"You don't want me to leave," he told her.

She ran down the trail. He stood and watched her flee as if she were afraid of him. He rushed after her, calling her name. Ignoring his pleas, she ran faster and faster. He caught up with her by the pool, overtaking her just as she reached the miniature gazebo nestled in a grove of trees on the far side of the pond.

He swung her around in his arms. She went limp, her arms hanging lifelessly at her sides, her head bowed. With one arm supporting her, he reached out with the other and gripped her chin between thumb and forefinger. Forcing her face upward, he made her look at him.

The moonlight coated the garden in pale gold and illuminated the tears inBethany's eyes, making them glimmer like liquid diamonds.

"Honey, what's wrong? Why did you run away from me?"

How could she tell him and make him understand how deeply what he'd said to Anne Marie had affected her? Morgan already cared for Anne Marie. Once he knew she was his daughter, he would love her. He would take care of her.

And he would hateBethanyfor keeping him and his child apart. No matter what she did, no matter what happened, one thing was certain. She was going to lose Morgan again.

Bethanygrabbed Morgan's hands and pulled him inside the small, wooden gazebo. Draping her arms around his neck, she pressed herself against him.

"I realize that we don't have a future together," she said. "I know that when this is all over, you're going to leaveBirmingham. But I want you to know that—"

He laid his big index finger over her lips, silencing her. "I'm not so sure anymore what I'm going to do when this is all over. I'd like to promise you that we have a shot at living happily ever after, but I'm afraid I don't believe in fairy-tale endings."

"Neither do I. I haven't in a long, long time."

"Then all we can do is take things one day at a time and make the most of every moment."

"I love you, Morgan." She gazed into his steel-gray eyes and watched them warm and soften to a smoldering blue. "I've always loved you, and I always will."

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Capturing her face in his big hands, he swooped down and took her lips in a kiss of pure raw passion.

She responded with desire equally as strong and a need that brooked no obstacles to its fulfillment. While he ate at her mouth, his tongue probing, his teeth nibbling, Morgan cupped her buttocks, lifting her up and against his throbbing sex.

She clung to him when he eased her down to the floor of the gazebo, slowly, carefully, until she rested beneath him. Nuzzling her throat, he lifted her dress up to her hips and then linked his fingers inside the waistband of her panty hose and beige silk panties. After ripping the underwear down and off her body, he hurriedly unzipped his slacks and freed his sex from the confinement of his briefs. He told her in no uncertain terms what he was going to do to her, then thrust into her, possessing her completely.

He moaned a few more earthy, erotic phrases as he hammered into her, but he soon reached a point where he could no longer speak. Only the most primitive utterances rumbled from his throat.Bethany urged him on by her hot, sensual words and wild, undulating body.

They mated there in the tiny gazebo in the woods, under the stars. Mated with a raw, savage passion that possessed them both completely, to the very depths of their souls. And when fulfillment claimed them, first her and then him, their cries rent the soft sweet silence of the night, like a razor-sharp blade slicing through silk.

Chapter 15


Morgan hated crowds, especially when he was on an assignment and his client was the center of attention. He had tried to talkBethanyout of taking part in the fashion show at the mall, but she'd been adamant about not allowing outside forces to control her life. The pre-autumn fashion show was an annual event that she had participated in since opening her first boutique.

Even though he'd hired half a dozen security guards for crowd control—to keep out Jimmy Farraday fans—he would feel better if Hawk was here, too. But he thought it was important to keep Hawk on guard at the hospital. IfPrescott's attacker could find a way to get inside the ICU, he'd killPrescottbefore he had a chance to regain consciousness. And if WHNB's roving reporter came out of the coma, Morgan wanted Hawk on the scene when he started talking.

Linc Prescott had been swamped with visitors, most of whom weren't allowed to enter the intensive care unit. Morgan realized that just because all three suspects had stopped by to check onPrescott's condition, their actions neither confirmed nor disproved a damn thing. Hawk had told him that Vivian had cried and moaned and put on an Academy Award-winning performance of grief when she'd been allowed to seePrescott. And Tony had talked to his co-worker, assuring him that he'd pull through and the assailant would be caught and brought to justice. Seth Renfrew had not gone in to seePrescott, but had asked numerous questions about his condition.

The last model slunk down the runway, which had been set up in a central location, convenient for the five clothing stores that were participating in the event. The announcer finished her speech and invited the audience to attend the in-store parties, hosted by the five different establishments.

GrippingBethany's elbow, Morgan cut a path through the swarm of reporters and curiosity seekers hovering around her. His formidable presence kept the vultures at bay, but it did not quiet the
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bombardment of questions.

He had breathed a sigh of relief when he'd noticed Tony Hayes hadn't put in an appearance today. But Seth had arrived with Eileen and James before the fashion show began two hours ago. And Vivian Crosby lurked about in the midst of the crowd. Several times, Morgan had caught her staring atBethany.

There was something about that woman, something strange in her eyes. Just at the thought of her, apprehension tightened inside his stomach.

Morgan usheredBethanyinto the boutique where Eileen, Seth and James waited to congratulateBethany on the success of the fashion show. Customers poured into the store, jabbering nonstop while they made a beeline to the refreshment tables.

Anne Marie hurried to her mother's side. "Great show, Mama. The clothes fromBethany's Boutique were by far the best of the bunch."

"Of course,"Bethanysaid. "My fashions are always the hit of the show."

While mother and daughter chitchatted, Morgan scanned the horde of women milling around inside Bethany's Boutique, sipping champagne and nibbling on fancy hors d'oeuvres. He tensed immediately when he saw Vivian Crosby enter the store.

He stayed atBethany's side, like a huge, protective shadow, while she accepted congratulations, answered questions and welcomed everyone. Vivian lifted a glass of champagne from the waiter's silver tray and browsed casually through the boutique. Seth escorted Eileen over toBethanyand the three discussed the fall fashions.

Keeping watch over the large assembly, Morgan frequently checked the entrance. Adrenaline soared through his body the minute he spotted Tony Hayes. Several ladies recognized him immediately and fluttered around him like moths around a flame.

Now, he had all three suspects insideBethany's Boutique, each one a potential danger. But surely, no one in his right mind would chance an attack in public. Regardless, he didn't dare let his guard down for a minute.

Vivian approached Eileen. The two women exchanged a few words and a cordial hug, then Vivian glanced towardBethany. Morgan's body tensed. He'd already seen this woman lose control. He suspected that Vivian Crosby was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Morgan took a mental picture of each suspect's whereabouts. Vivian and Seth were only a couple of feet away to the right, flanking Eileen. Tony Hayes was less than a foot away to the left, talking to James Farraday , Jr. Had Eileen told the boy that Hayes was his half brother? Or was Hayes filling him in on the news right now?

A young uniformed officer entered the boutique and searched through the crowd. He came straight to Morgan.

"Mr. Kane?" Officer Beldon asked.


"Lieutenant Varner instructed us to inform you that Linc Prescott has come out of the coma," the
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policeman said. "The lieutenant and your associate. Mr. Hawk, are waiting to see Mr. Prescott. The doctors are examining him and think he'll be able to make a statement within the hour."

Bethanysqueezed Morgan's arm. "Oh, thank God, Linc is going to be all right. Now, if only he can identify his attacker, then maybe we'll find out who really killed Jimmy."

"Ms. Wyndham and I will leave shortly and go straight to the hospital," Morgan said.

"Yes, sir. Lieutenant Varner thought you'd want to be there when Mr. Prescott makes his statement. I've been sent to escort y'all straight to the hospital."

"I need just a few more minutes here,"Bethanysaid.

"Then I'll wait outside—" the policeman nodded to the entrance of her shop "—until you and Mr. Kane are ready to leave."

When the young officer made his way through the crowd, Vivian left Eileen's side and walked over to Bethany, stopping directly in front of her. Holding out her hands in supplication, Vivian said, "Bethany, I—I want to apologize for the way I acted yesterday. My only excuse is that I haven't been myself since Jimmy was killed and then poor Linc was found … nearly dead."

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