Read A Man's Promise Online

Authors: Brenda Jackson

A Man's Promise (18 page)

BOOK: A Man's Promise
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Sedrick’s gaze hardened. “Trust me, they couldn’t care less what he noticed.”

She again heard the venom in his voice. “Why? Why do they dislike Caden so much? And why has their dislike now spread to you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sedrick said, standing. “I have to get back to work.” Then, without saying anything else, he walked out of her office.


alton parked his car across from the tall building where the J. B. Sweet Investigative Agency was located. It was in a newly developed area of Charlottesville located near other businesses such as clothing stores, restaurants and various types of home-design stores. The landscaping was nice, and the building’s modern architecture featured steel and glass.

Entering the building, he went to the receptionist’s desk. “May I help you?” she asked.

He returned the woman’s smile. “Yes, I’m looking for the J. B. Sweet Investigative Agency.”

“It’s on the tenth floor. The elevators are to your right.”


Dalton’s heart rate kicked up a beat and his pulse increased as he walked toward the elevator. What the hell was wrong with him? She was just another woman he wanted in his bed. No biggie.

He stepped on the elevator, wondering who in hell he was trying to fool. This
a big deal. He’d spent his money and his time; he had passed many sleepless nights and had suffered through countless dreams about her. What other woman had put him through that kind of shit?

As the elevator door swooshed shut behind him, he pressed the button for the tenth floor while thinking about what had driven him to this point. He knew the answer without having to think about it. From the moment she had walked into the nightclub that night, he had wanted her. Pure and simple. And she’d been determined to make everything complicated.

An amazing body, gorgeous legs and a beautiful face. There had been something that had drawn him to her besides being sexy as hell. His libido had been out of control ever since. He hadn’t known why his attraction to her was so strong—she was like a magnet and he a piece of metal. Even now he didn’t know. But one thing he did know was that he wanted her and he intended to have her. Neither his mind nor his body would be at peace until he did.

He stepped off the elevator and walked down a wide corridor until he came to a door with the name of her business on it in big, bold letters. Opening the door, he entered, stepping into a nice lobby area.

He heard her voice, the same sexy sound he remembered from that night, and the scent of Amarige floated on the air. There was no doubt in his mind that his mystery woman was seated a few yards away. She was talking to someone on the phone in what was probably her office. The door was open, but he wouldn’t disrupt her phone call. He would wait until she ended the call before letting her know he was there.

He sat down on one of the comfortable-looking chairs.

* * *

“Mr. Granger, there’s a Ms. Timmons here to see you.”

Caden lifted his face from the stack of papers he was reading and rubbed the bridge of his nose, wondering what the hell Shiloh’s mother wanted. Sandra Timmons had seen him at Shiloh’s party Saturday night and hadn’t even acknowledged his presence. He was beginning to think that, with the exception of Shiloh, her family had mental issues.

He drew in a deep breath. “Okay, Teresa. Please send her in.”

Standing, he slid into his jacket and adjusted his tie. The office had been pretty quiet ever since everyone had been told of Brandy’s death. Most had heard the details, and news had spread quickly. Shelton had left the office early, which was probably a good thing. When Caden had passed him in the hall earlier, he’d looked as if he’d still been in a state of shock. Jace had personally made a call to Brandy’s family, conveying the company’s condolences and letting them know that Brandy’s personal belongings at the office would be delivered to them this week. Jace had said that her mother had seemed grateful for the call.

Caden raised a surprised eyebrow when his office door opened and the person who walked in was not Sandra Timmons but Shiloh. An overwhelming feeling of love and warmth flowed through him, and he walked from behind his desk to meet her.

“This is a pleasant surprise,” he said. And as soon as Teresa left, closing the door behind her, he pulled Shiloh into his arms and kissed her.

He heard her purse drop to the floor when she let go of it to wrap her arms around his neck. She tasted like heaven and was a sensual delight in his arms. He had been thinking of her a lot today, and now she was here.

He finally broke off the kiss, and he watched as she gasped and breathed the word

“Ditto,” he whispered, not ready to let her go yet. So he stood there and held her, loving the feel of her in his arms. “I don’t know what brought you here, but whatever the reason, I’m grateful,” he said.

She leaned back and smiled up at him. “I was in my office, standing at the window looking out at this building, which can be seen in the distance, and wondered which one of the offices was yours. So I grabbed my jacket and purse and decided to find out.”

He forced his gaze away from what he considered a too-sexy mouth to look into her eyes. “I want to officially welcome you to my office and to let you know you’re welcome to visit anytime.”

Her lips widened into a smile, and the impact touched him. Not in one particular spot but all over. “Come here. Let me show you the view from my window,” he said, taking her hand and leading her over to the window.

He heard her sharp intake of breath when she stood beside him at the window. “The mountains are beautiful from here. How do you get any work done?”

He chuckled, tightening her hand in his. “This view isn’t my number one challenge in getting anything done around here,” he said. “That is,” he said, gesturing to the saxophone case in the corner of the room. “I bring it into the office with me on occasion. You wouldn’t believe the number of times during the day I’ve been tempted to take it out and play it.”

“And you haven’t?”

“So far, no.”

“You can play it for me one night.”

“I intend to.” As far as he was concerned, he owed her a whole damned concert and intended to perform just for her one of these days.

He led her over to the love seat in his office and sat down with her beside him. “I was going to call you later to see if you wanted to do dinner. There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

“I’d love to do dinner, and there is something I want to talk to you about as well...which is another reason I’m paying you a visit.”

Hearing the nervousness in her voice, he asked, “What is it?”

She nervously nibbled on her bottom lip before saying, “It’s Sedrick. He came to see me today. It appears he was in the area this morning and saw you leave my place.”

He nodded and tightened his hand on hers. “And that bothers you?”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m an adult and can do as I please. But what bothers me is the way he’s handling the whole idea of our getting back together. Just weeks ago, he claimed he wanted me to be happy, even if that meant working things out with you.”

“And now?”

“Now he has a horrible attitude, and I don’t know where it came from...although I have an idea.”

“The Greenes?”

Her eyes widened. “Yes. How did you know?”

“A mere guess since I saw him hanging with them at the party Saturday night. I wasn’t aware he was that close to the family.”

“He’s not. At least he hadn’t been since he and Kerrie broke up ages ago.”

“He sure seems to be back in tight with them now.”

“Seems that way, doesn’t it?” she said, shaking her head. “I told him what happened to you on Saturday night, and do you know what he said?”

“No. What did he say?”

“That he didn’t think it was an accident at all.”

Caden stiffened, wondering if perhaps Sedrick’s opinion was the same as Jace’s and Shana’s. “What does he think it was?”


“Staged?” Caden said, nearly choking on the word. Not believing what he was hearing.

“Yes. Can you believe something so crazy?”

Caden smiled. “Just as crazy as what Jace and Shana think happened.”

A quizzical look appeared in her eyes. “What do they think?”

He stood. “Come on. We can grab dinner at Smiley’s and talk about it.”

* * *

“How would you like to come over for dinner?” Ben Bradford asked his daughter. “I’m putting pork chops on the grill and—”

“I’ll be there,” Jules said, interrupting quickly. She couldn’t help the smile that touched her lips. It would be just like Ben Bradford to continue to look out for his daughters, even when he really didn’t have to. And she didn’t need to know what would be served along with the pork chops. Her father was an excellent cook, and she was hungry enough to eat a whole tray of pork chops.

“Okay, can I expect you around four o’clock, then?”

“More like three, Dad. There’s not much left to do here, and I gave Manning the rest of the afternoon off. He had a doctor’s appointment.”

“Okay, I’ll see you around three. Then you can help me with the other stuff.”

She shook her head, grinning. She knew the routine with Ben Bradford. He would start off giving her what he considered an easy chore, like making the salad or slicing the veggies to be steamed. And when she didn’t do it just the way he liked, he would eventually send her out of the kitchen, suggesting she watch television until things were ready.

“Okay, Dad. See you at three.”

Jules hung up the phone and slid her chair back to stand up and stretch. She licked her lips. Already she could taste her father’s pork chops. He would have marinated them overnight, and there was no doubt in her mind they would be mouthwateringly tender.

Suddenly, she sensed another presence and glanced toward her door, thinking Manning had returned, although she’d told him not to. She drew in a sharp breath and stared wide-eyed for about two seconds, not sure she could believe what she was seeing. Standing in the doorway of her office was
The man she had met that night at the club while she’d been working a case.

The man who had invaded her inner peace ever since.

And he was staring at her the same way he had that night. Looking at her with an intensity that she could actually feel. She drew in a shallow breath, wanting to break eye contact with him, but she couldn’t. So, instead, she stiffened in automatic defense, while fighting for control of her senses and her body’s reaction to him.

What was he doing here? She was trying to find her voice to ask him that very thing when he spoke. Flashing a roguish grin, he said, “I found you.”


alton never had a problem being attracted to most women. For him, it was a natural phenomenon. As natural to him as breathing. And he would admit he’d been attracted to some more than others. There were those who could make him hard on contact. But he would have to say that he was standing across the room from a woman who could do that and more. Never had he felt the need to brand a female. Claim her. Declare any and all rights to everything she had...especially that lush body in jeans and a tank top.

And her scent was pumping through his nostrils, making him want to walk across the room, strip her naked, lay her on that desk and...

“So you found me. Big deal.”

Her words interrupted his thoughts. Just as well. He needed to get a grip. Get his mind and body back under control. She was standing there with her hands on her hips, staring him down while he was doing the same, wishing she would move from behind that desk so he could see more of her.

He crossed his arms over his chest, not caring that doing so made it damned obvious he had an erection. Solid as a rock, hard as nails, straining against the zipper of his pants. “It
a big deal. So what do I get in return for my effort?”

Lordy, who is this man?
Jules asked herself. Not only did he look good all over, but he was arrogant as sin. Arrogance was not a trait she admired in a man, but she was finding it quite stimulating coming from him. “Who are you?”

He smiled, and the area between her legs began to sizzle with heated lust. “I’m not telling you who I am until you tell me who you are.”

She frowned, not liking his response, but decided to answer anyway. “J. B. Sweet.”

He chuckled. “That’s your professional name. What’s your real name?”

If he thought she would divulge that information, then he was crazy. She kept her real name confidential for a reason. “That’s the only name you’ll get.”

He nodded. “Okay. Then the only name of mine you get is Dick.”

The lashes shadowing her cheeks flew up. “Dick?”

“Yes.” A trace of humor lit his eyes as if he knew where her thoughts had gone. “Short for Richard.”

Yeah. Right.
If he thought she believed that, then he had another think coming. “So, Mr. Dick, I think—”

“Just Dick.”

She was convinced there was nothing “just Dick” about him. He looked better than she remembered. That night it had been dark, but now she was seeing him in the brightness of day, and what she was seeing was making it hard for her to keep a firm grip on reality. “The office is technically closed for business until the beginning of the year. I would suggest that you try us again in January,” she said.

He dropped his arms and stepped into the room. He looked powerful but not in a threatening way. More in a “lock up your feminine body parts” way, because he looked like the type to capture, claim and conquer...all in one tantalizing sweep. And why did the thought of him doing all three send erotic shivers up her spine?

“What if what I want can’t wait until January?”

“Then I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do.”

He chuckled, and the sound was smooth and enticing, too appealing for her peace of mind. Of all the days he could have shown up, why today, when she’d already confirmed her body was suffering from sexual neglect? And him standing in her office was making the neglect that much more noticeable.

“There’s plenty ‘we’ can do,” he said, intruding into her thoughts. “Starting tonight. I’ve found you. Now it’s your turn to find me. But I’ll make it easy for you. I’ll be at the place it all began. That same nightclub. At seven. I’ll be there waiting.” And then he turned and walked out.

It took Jules a minute to regain her composure, dropping into her chair when she heard the door close behind him. Was he crazy? She never actually thought he would find her. How had he managed it? She’d been so shocked at seeing him that she hadn’t bothered to ask.

And did he actually think she would show up tonight? Seriously? What sane woman would do something like that? Meet a man she didn’t really know for no telling what?

Jules took a deep breath. But the “what” was part of the puzzle she did know. There was no doubt in her mind what that man wanted. It was the reason he had found her and the reason he obviously thought he was entitled to have her.

She pushed back the chair from her desk to cross her legs when she felt that deep throb in her center. Sexual drama was the last thing she needed—she had to think logically. The man apparently had a strong sexual appetite. He had stood there the entire time with a hard-on and done nothing to hide it. It was obvious he wanted her to know he wanted her. Okay, so she knew. What now?

What now is that he wants you to meet him tonight at seven,
a little voice in her head said.
And it won’t be to chitchat. He would probably suggest the two of us go somewhere and get it on, tear each other’s clothes off, scorch the sheets, enjoy orgasm after mind-blowing orgasm.

She forced all those erotic thoughts to the back of her mind, thinking,
Who needs that?

You do,
that same voice taunted. Wasn’t it just hours ago she’d complained of boredom? Well, with him, she wouldn’t be bored, and there was no doubt in her mind he could provide the excitement she longed for. But should she risk it?

She could handle herself, so she wasn’t worried about that, but what bothered her was his cockiness—he behaved as if he had her all figured out. And not just her, but women in general. He acted as if they were all easy pickings, just for his enjoyment. All he had to do was crook his little finger...or in her case, issue an edict as to where to meet him. As if the call was his to make.

Well, he would know who was in charge when she didn’t show.

* * *

Shiloh glanced over her menu at Caden. “Everything looks delicious. Thanks for bringing me here.”

“You’re welcome. Have you decided what you’re going to have?”

“Yes,” she said quickly. “The Capricorn Chicken sounds good.”

“It is. I had it the last time I was here.”

She nodded. “You come here often?”

He shook his head. “I’ve only been here once with Jace and Dalton. We try to eat out every once in a while to give Hannah a break. She’d cook every day if we let her. We try telling her we’re adults and can fend for ourselves, but you know Hannah.”

Shiloh smiled. “Yes, I do know Hannah.” Since she had been Caden’s playmate, the older woman had been a part of her life almost as much as she’d been part of Caden’s. “I like her. Always have.”

Caden smiled. “And she likes you. Always has, too. She told me Sunday that she’d always known something was going on between us, even though we tried keeping it a secret.”

Shiloh’s eyes sparkled. “Really? How did she know?”

“She claims from the way my eyes would light up whenever your name was mentioned. Except for recent years, when I seemed so angry. She couldn’t understand why.”

She could hear the deep regret in his voice and reached across the table to take his hand in hers. “We said we would put that behind us, remember?”

He nodded and took a sip of his wine. “So what do you have planned for the weekend?”

She shrugged. “Work. The boutique is open half days on Saturday, and then I have some restocking to do.”

“I can help you.”

She wondered how much work she could get done with him around. “We’ll see. Have you decided if you’ll be our entertainment for this year’s Live-It-Up Ball? Nannette called again today asking if you had made a decision.”

A smile ruffled Caden’s lips. “Yes, I’ll be able to do it, and my band will back me as well that night. I confirmed with them yesterday.”

Shiloh couldn’t stop the grin that spread across her face. “That’s wonderful, Caden. Thanks.”

“For you, anything. Besides, it’s for a good cause.”

The waiter came and took their dinner order. After he left, Shiloh glanced over at Caden. “So what do you want to discuss? You said something about Jace and Shana having another theory about Saturday night.”

Caden drew in a deep breath, not wanting to talk about it now but knowing he had to, especially since Shana’s sister wanted to talk to both of them at some point this week.

“You’ll probably think this is as far-fetched as I do, but Jace and Shana don’t want us to rule out the possibility that what happened Saturday night might have been an intentional act.”

Shiloh almost choked on the sip of wine she’d just taken. “What?” she said, not believing what she’d just heard. “Are you serious?”

“As a heart attack. Jace mentioned it today. In fact, he’s so serious about it that he wants me to talk to a private investigator about it. Give her the facts and let her dig into a few things.”

“Wow,” Shiloh said, shaking her head. “Why would anyone want to harm you?”

“As far as I know, there isn’t one good reason. I don’t have any enemies that I know of. There are people I know who still avoid my brothers and me because of Dad, but that’s about it.”

She nodded. “You’re mainly talking about the Greenes, right?”


“Is that why you think they’re acting strangely toward you?” Shiloh asked.

“What other reason could there be? I mentioned it to Jace, but he hadn’t run into them and said not to give a damn about it, so I’m not.”

She took another sip of her wine. “So, are you going to talk to this private investigator?”

“Yes. It’s Shana’s sister, so hopefully it won’t be so bad. And she wants to talk to you, too. To get your account of what happened that night.”

“Sure, but I barely remember anything except that speeding car coming straight at you. I basically blocked out everything else, except for that guy knocking you out of the way.”

Caden nodded. “I wonder if he recalls anything before knocking me out of the way.”

“Not sure. But how can you find him to ask? He didn’t leave any contact information.”

“But today, my brother proved that a good private investigator can find just about anyone,” Caden said, shaking his head. He then told Shiloh about the private investigator Dalton had hired to find a particular woman.

“I can’t imagine Dalton doing something like that,” Shiloh said when he’d finished.

“Neither can I, sweetheart. Neither can I.”

* * *

“You’re awfully quiet, Jules.”

Jules glanced up at her father. “Am I?”

“Yes. You ate all your food, which meant you were hungry, but you were quiet as a mouse. You didn’t interrogate me at all today.”

She couldn’t help but grin. “Do I really do stuff like that?”

“All the time. You would have made a good detective had you stayed on the force long enough.”

She didn’t say anything for a minute. Leaving the force to branch out on her own had been risky. But she believed in her ability to figure things out. And then there were her gut feelings about things, which also benefited her.

So why couldn’t those same gut feelings come into play with the man who wanted to call himself Dick? The two of them were playing a game by not coming clean with their names. It added a sense of mystery, intrigue and suspense into the mix. At least she was no longer bored. She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost five o’clock.

“Have someplace to go?”

She shifted her gaze to her father. “Why do you ask that?”

A smile touched his lips. “You’ve been clock watching since you got here.”

Have I?
She shrugged. “I was invited to be somewhere at seven, but I’m not going.”

“Oh. Okay.”

She watched her father take a swallow of lemonade. That was what she liked most about her dad. She might interrogate him like he’d said, but he never interrogated her. If she told him something, he listened. If she asked for advice, he gave it. But he never pried into her affairs...not that she had any to pry into.

She leaned back in her chair. “So, are you ready for your trip to New York this weekend?” she asked, deciding to change the subject.

The smile that spread across his lips told her everything. “Yes, and I think Mona is, too. The tickets to the Broadway show we’re seeing came in the mail last week, so yes, we’re ready.”

She then asked him the question she’d wanted to ask him since meeting Mona. “Dad?”

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“Do you think Mona will ever see again?”

He shrugged as he stood to begin cleaning off the table. “Not sure. But it doesn’t matter.”

“You sure?”

He glanced at Jules and sat back down. “I love her, Jules, and not having her eyesight means nothing to me. I will be her eyes if that’s what I need to do.”

Jules drew in a deep breath, deciding to broach something else with her father that she would admit bothered her when she knew it shouldn’t. He was happy with Mona, and it was happiness he deserved to have. But...

“Spill it out, Juliet. There’s something else that’s bothering you about my involvement with Mona.”

Yes, there is.
“She’s nice, and I like her.”

“But? And I know there’s a but. We wouldn’t be having this conversation if there weren’t.”

He was right. “She’s not Mom.”

A small smile touched the corners of his lips. “No, she’s not. Your mom was my life for years, and I knew I loved her the first time I saw her. We had good years together, and she gave me you and Shana. Our life was going great. We had plans for how we would live the rest of our life together. First we would get you girls through school, then college, and quickly marry you off to any man crazy enough to take the two of you off our hands,” he said, grinning. “And then she and I would retire here, to the city where we met all those years ago, and live our life the way we wanted, doing whatever we pleased...with grandkids and two nice sons-in-law visiting with our daughters every once in a while.”

At that moment, she saw the pain that came into his eyes. “No one will ever know how I felt that day when the doctor told us about her cancer and that she had less than a year to live. It was a death sentence, not just for her but for me, as well. I could not imagine going through life without her. But it was your mother who made me see that I didn’t have a choice. I had two beautiful daughters who needed me. I promised her I would always be there for our girls. She died believing that and believing in me.”

BOOK: A Man's Promise
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