A Marquess for Christmas (10 page)

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Authors: Vivienne Westlake

BOOK: A Marquess for Christmas
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responded with the slow glide of her tongue into his mouth. It was more than he
asked for, though not nearly enough to satisfy him.

knew he should ease his way with her. She was no courtesan, no easy woman that
he could ply with a few choice words or a pretty trinket and then delve between
her thighs.

much as he wanted to take her, he knew it would be all the sweeter if he took
his time. Her body was like a well that needed to be primed before the sweet
water could be drawn.

was torn between the need to be skin to skin, lips to lips, drowning in
pleasure and the desire to protect her and earn her trust. Why it should matter
that he earned her affection, he could not fathom.

he merely wanted something to pass the time, to erase the boredom of being
confined to this bed and these four walls. He needed a goal, needed a prize to
pursue and what greater prize could he win than her?


Chapter Six

was she doing? She should get up and walk away, not stay in bed kissing him.
But she’d been wanting to taste him, to feel his mouth on hers for so long.

it was not as if they were total strangers. She’d nursed him for almost three
weeks. He had not told her his family name yet, but did it matter? She was no
innocent girl out in her first Season. If she succumbed to his advances, she
knew exactly what she was doing.

him felt so good. She loved the little moments that allowed her to stroke his
face, hold his hand or check the bruises on his chest. Even the ugly gashes on
his head were tolerable because they meant that she could be close to him.

taken so many liberties already, what did it matter if she yielded to him
completely? He obviously wanted her and she desired him as she’d not desired a
man in years.

she drank from his lips, she moaned in pleasure. He was a sweet wine that she
could not get enough of.

he cupped her bottom, she could feel the heat of his firm hands everywhere.
They slid upward, skimming between her legs for the briefest moment before
continuing on. She wanted it, wished he would linger there.

was wet and the tantalizing kiss only made her want more from him.

hands gripped her waist and she felt so soft under their strength. What would
it feel like to have those hands on her every day? To be cherished by this man,
who emanated power, even as he recovered from injury. What would he be like at
full capacity?

hands cupped her jaw and she melted inside, but then he surprised her by
gripping her hair and commanding her to yield. That only spurred her lust and
she took his mouth fully, sliding her tongue along his, wanting a fulfillment
only he could offer her.

.” She pressed her chest fully against his, loving the
friction. Her nipples responded eagerly, going tight and rigid.

rotated her hips until she could feel his erection. Clenching her fingers into
his shoulders, she steadied herself as she rubbed against him.

mouth took hers and this time, she was very aware of the difference. Her kiss
was tender, exploratory. His consumed, drowned her deep in the waters of desire
and there was nothing to save her.

had happened? A moment ago, she’d felt in control. She tasted and sampled him,
all the while knowing that if she wanted to, she could pull away. But this,
this was something she’d never experienced before.

she retreat? Did she even want to?

made the decision for her, easing her down gently until she could open her eyes
again. They were nose to nose now and as she looked into his brown eyes, she
trembled. Ragged breaths were the only sound she could make.

dared not speak. That kiss had laid her soul bare and she could not voice the
dark needs that had been exposed.

craved him, yearned for the coupling that was inevitable. Yet it terrified her.
Because if she could react so strongly to a mere kiss, what would happen when
he took her completely? The pleasure would be immense, but so would the pain.

truth lay there like the ugly wound on his crown. Kit would leave. Not today,
of course, and perhaps not even next week, but he had a life before coming to
Park. A life she knew nothing about. And while he
might enjoy her company, the day would come when he would remember his past and
decide his future was best without her.

Kit eased apart and shifted to lie beside her, she was grateful for the
reprieve. Because she could not say no if he kissed her, touched her. But
neither would the fear subside.

“Let us take our time,” he said. He
fingered a curl of her hair. “You are worth the time to savor.” He leaned in,
and this time the kiss was soft and smooth like silk, coaxing rather than
demanding. The smile he gave warmed her from head to toe. Not with desire, but
something else.

did not know what to say, so she swept her fingers over the back of his hand,
then his palm, relishing in the feel of her skin on his. There were tiny scars,
most not visible to the naked eye, but her fingers found the subtle ridges and
valleys. She traced each one slowly, wondering why he had so many marks on his
body. They were far too old to be a result of his fight with the footpads.

body carries the marks of many old battles. Did you get them in the war?”

flinched, but his smile was molten gold. “Some.”


first, the only sound breaking the quiet was a gentle howling of the wind
outside. Violet waited, not looking directly at him, but fixing her gaze on his

us say I have known my fair share of cuts, scrapes, and bloody noses.”

he remembered, but chose not to share it with her. It bothered her, though she
couldn’t pinpoint why. Every man had his secrets; why should Kit be any

question was if he sought to protect her sensibilities from something crude or
if he sought to hide something darker and unsavory. She knew so little about
him. What if the man she knew was nothing like the man he was used to being?

have seen many fights then. Is it something you seek or something that seeks

tilted his head and gave her a quizzical stare. “Do you truly want to know?”

If he lied to her in this, he would lie about something else. She needed to
know more about the man she desired. Was he a creature of violence, a creature
of necessity, or something else altogether?

do not know what you saw the day we met. I still cannot remember the thieves on
the road. But I am no stranger to the brunt of a fist. I have used mine on many
opponents.” He held her hand. “I was a pugilist.”

of burly men even bigger than Avery pounding their fists into Kit’s body made
her heart squeeze. She touched his face, noting every scar and blemish. She ran
her fingers over the bridge of his nose, which had a small jagged spot where it
had once been broken.

wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close until she could feel his
heartbeat. Her cool cheek pressed into his warm one. The trembling inside
subsided as she felt his firm arms around her.

she looked into his gaze. They watched one another for a moment.

thought came to her. He must be good with his hands because his body would be
in foul shape if he’d lost many matches. She’d gone with John to a couple of
matches in London. It was bloody and brutal, but somehow fascinating.

been one of only a handful of ladies at the match, but she hadn’t been as
repulsed as she’d expected to be. After seeing the horrors of the war on the
Continent, a few bruises and bloody noses were nothing in comparison.

* * * *

I take it you win far more than you lose?” Violet asked him.

did not seem appalled. Nor was she afraid. When she’d hugged him, he did not
know whether she would berate him as Bella would do or if she would turn into a
mewling mess.

did neither. Why?

do. If I go down, I make sure to take as much blood from my opponent as I can
before I fall.”

loved the feel of power running through his fists. His arms were slick, oiled
machines primed for battle, though he watched more fights than he participated
in. He sponsored two of the top pugilists in England.

I am grateful that it was you who came along that day.” She shivered. “I said
it before, but I will say it again.” Holding his face in her hands, she took
his mouth to hers, first kissing his lips, then sliding her tongue over his.

held her tightly. She melted into his embrace and he could not imagine letting
her go. She tested his resolve not to take her right now. It would be too easy
to roll atop of her and slide between her thighs. He took a breath and looked
down into her heavy-lidded eyes, which now looked more brown than green.

that is the thanks I get for helping a lady in distress, I should do that more
often.” He grinned.

pulled at his tunic and resumed the kiss. The fact that she wanted it as much
as he did fueled his lust. There were many ways he could have her without
taking her. Maybe he could sample her sweets without devouring the main course.

he started to speak, Violet put her hand to his lips. “There is plenty for us
to discuss later. Right now, I need…” She ran her hands down his
chest—making his stomach clench—and kissed him as her fingers
fumbled over the fastening of his trousers.

delicious ache made him so hard that he had to close his eyes and take a deep
breath. She was a dream made alive. A wanton woman hidden beneath a wholesome

me,” he said, reaching for his trousers to help her along.

The command stopped him. Her gaze was full of fire. “Stay still.” She released
his flap, then bent down to work on the buttons beneath it. “Considering that I
am about to wear out your strength, you should take as much rest as possible.”
The wicked smile on her lips made his cock twitch.

are the devil, my lady.”

was driven mad by the look in her eyes and the feeling of her fingers so close
to his erection. “If I were the devil, I would steal your soul. Rest assured
that is safe for now. I aim to take your body, instead.”

hissed as she pulled the last two buttons loose. There was barely time to
breathe before she slipped her hands under his trousers.

She exclaimed when she realized that he had nothing on underneath. His
stockings tied at the knee, so he was bare under the shirt tucked into his

got over her surprise quickly. Taking him in hand, she circled his girth and
slid her fingers up to the tip.

managed to appear calm as she stroked him, when he really wanted to grip the
bed sheet and pump into her hand. But a man must always be in control. Besides,
she was not his first lover, though right now, he could not remember the face
of any other woman, and Kit realized that he did not want to.

pulled up his shirt and dragged his trousers down. Only his stockings remained.
When Violet bent down to remove them, she licked and sucked his thigh. His hips
jerked of their own accord.

he was half naked, his body was too hot to notice any chill. Violet’s presence
was a blanket over him, warming his blood. Quickly, she unlaced his stockings.

she whispered as she palmed his sack. Delicate fingers massaged and kneaded.

fucking possible,” he blurted before he could temper his response.

gave him a look, but otherwise ignored the outburst. She continued to drive him
to the edge with her magic fingers—then nearly killed him with her magic


you have a wicked tongue,” she said before she sucked the tip of his cock.

same could be said of you,” he retorted.

the first day he’d awoken, he’d wanted Violet, but he’d assumed that he’d have
to coax and soothe her, romance her a bit before she’d give him the liberties
he wanted to take. Never had he thought she would be so carnal.

think this is wicked?” she teased. Her tongue traced its way from his balls up
to the head then swirled around it. When she sucked harder, he groaned. Her
hand pumped up and down the shaft.


she replied. “Then that is merely the beginning.”

else could you mean?” His voice sounded hoarse to his own ears.

me undress and you will see.” She winked at him.

bloody woman winked at him! What could she know that he did not? Apparently he
had miscalculated the widow’s skill and experience. She was not as innocent as
he’d presumed. What other false assumptions had he made about her?

When she turned to let him untie the
lacings of her gown, he leaned close, breathing in that sweet, fragrant scent
that was unique to Violet. He pressed a kiss to her back.

me a moment,” she said as she pulled the dress off. She climbed back to the bed
and started to undo her stays.

a sweep of his hand, he pushed her fingers away. This was a present he wished
to unwrap himself. When the cloth separated, he cupped her breasts then palmed
the front, rotating them in his hands.

fabric of her chemise could not hide the darker shade of her nipples. They
teased him and begged him to taste. What could he do but oblige?

suckled the left bud right through the fabric, enfolding Violet in his arms.

he whispered before taking the right one into his mouth.

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