A Mended Man (The Men of Halfway House Book 4) (51 page)

Read A Mended Man (The Men of Halfway House Book 4) Online

Authors: Jaime Reese

Tags: #Contemporary, #Gay, #Romance, #hurt, #comfort, #second chances, #suspense, #action

BOOK: A Mended Man (The Men of Halfway House Book 4)
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"I'm okay. I swear I am. And right now, I need you to move or I'm not going to be very nice."

Aidan inched back and half smiled, trying to control the bubbling happiness that surfaced with this other side of Jessie he loved so much. The teasing, bossy, in control private side only shared with him. The one who always managed to part the chaos in his mind and clear a path with a simple touch or word.
Jess. Jessie tried not to push, but it was obvious his seemingly never-ending well of patience had reached its limit. Aidan rubbed his thumb along Jessie's bottom lip, softly at first then hard enough to tug the sensitive skin. Jessie snaked his tongue out and pulled Aidan's thumb into his mouth, hungrily watching him as his cheeks hollowed with the suction. Aidan's lips parted with each breath, mesmerized by the warm, wet heat caressing his thumb, mirroring the tight warmth encasing his hard length.

Jessie released Aidan's thumb and leaned in, a mere breath away from Aidan's face. "I want to feel you inside me, moving, owning me," he whispered. "Make me yours." He gripped the back of Aidan's neck tighter, slamming their mouths together and giving Aidan's tongue the same teasing pull as he had given his thumb only moments ago.

Aidan planted his fist into the mattress to steady himself against the crashing wave of emotions and the aching need for something so far beyond physical it transcended every emotional barrier he tried to erect. His body craved the soothing security, warmth, and inner peace only this man could offer. He pulled back slowly and instantly snapped his hips forward, not wanting to leave the heat that encased him. He eased into a rhythm, pushing himself into the welcoming depth of the comfort his body sought, while savoring the friction spiking his pulse with each graze of skin.

Jessie dug his heels against Aidan's back and groaned with each fevered push into his body. Aidan hooked his arm solidly around Jessie's waist, holding him in place as he sped up his rhythm and slammed his hips repeatedly, unable to hold back the possessive growl that rumbled beneath the surface to claim every promise that had been declared between them. They tugged and pulled at each other, trying to get closer until their movements were as synchronized and fluid as if they were one. Jessie dug his fingers into Aidan's skin with a strangled moan, arching his body, offering himself with each scrape and tug of skin.


Aidan leaned over Jessie, something inside him snapping, suddenly overtaken with a possessiveness he only felt in Jessie's presence. The dam had broken and a flood of need, want, and desire came crashing through, coating every crack and crevice of his body with an urgency to claim.

"Say that again," he said in a near growl as he pistoned his hips, nailing Jessie's gland with each deep, pounding thrust. His rhythm quickened. He angled his hips and hooked Jessie's leg over his shoulder, driving himself deeper into Jessie's welcoming body, cursing the rubber barrier between them.

Jessie threw his head back and gasped for air, his body writhing in Aidan's firm grip. "Aidan," he whispered between whimpered breaths, grabbing the bedsheet in a white-knuckle grip as his body bowed, spilling his release with a strained moan.

The desire, the need…the reverence whispered in those two syllables ignited an inferno at the base of Aidan's spine and spread to every inch of his body, summoning his orgasm to come crashing in with a blazing roar. His vision blurred as his hips continued to snap forward through his climax. Another jolt of electricity bolted across his body, causing a growl to rip from his throat as he continued to thrust, hoping and begging the white, blinding bliss would never end. His muscles twitched from the aftermath as he pulled Jessie's sweat-slicked body toward him into an embrace, needing to hold him close.

He unlinked their bodies and discarded the condom. He huddled close to Jessie again, pushing a deep breath through the pressure in his chest. He placed a kiss on Jessie's shoulder, ignoring the lingering tremble in his lips and the ripple of emotions vibrating within. Jessie wrapped himself around him as if sensing the need to hold him together, taming the storm of emotions trying to shadow their union. Aidan screwed his eyes shut and leaned into the embrace, exhaling deeply and releasing the tension in his body.

"I love you," Jessie whispered as he stroked the nape of Aidan's neck and held him close with the protectiveness of a man ten times his size. "With every breath and heartbeat."

Aidan sighed and relaxed in his arms, in awe at how Jessie always seemed to right his chaotic world with a simple touch, glance, smile, or word. He placed a tender kiss at the side of Jessie's head and tightened his hold around the one man who had branded his soul, thankful for the gift he held closely that granted him the serenity he thought he'd never find.



* * * *



Jessie rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and frowned at the empty space next to him in bed. He sat up and listened, hearing Aidan rustling in the kitchen.
That's never a good thing
, he thought with a chuckle. Aidan tried, but the kitchen was not his domain. He rose from bed and stretched his arms over his head, smiling at the wonderful ache in his body. He grabbed his sleep pants and padded his way to the bathroom. He stopped mid-step and turned his face upward, narrowing his eyes and sniffing the delicious smell wafting in the air. Breakfast? No way.

After hurriedly finishing his morning routine, he walked into the kitchen and leaned against the entryway with his arms crossed, carefully observing each of Aidan's sharp motions.

"Are you…upset?"

Aidan shook his head, reaching into the cabinet above for the plates.

Jessie scratched his head and stifled a yawn. Even he couldn't decipher all of Aidan's moods at times. "Did last night magically turn you into a chef?"

"I picked it up from the diner on LeJeune." He reached into the refrigerator and grabbed the juice, pouring it into the two glasses he had set on the counter.

"Um, that place gets super busy. How long have you been up?"

"A little over an hour." He took the two glasses over to the dining room table and returned to the kitchen, grabbing the napkins and silverware.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

Aidan shook his head.

Jessie reached out and placed a stilling hand on Aidan's forearm when he walked past him. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"You looked really peaceful so I just watched you for a bit then got up to get breakfast. I figured you'd be hungry."

"You watched me?"

Aidan looked down at his boot tips and didn't say a word, his jaw muscle twitching with tension.

"After last night…no flashbacks or bad memories?'

Aidan shook his head, remaining silent.

Jessie reached up and ran his thumb along Aidan's stubble. "You didn't even shave. Should I be worried you were trying to run away?"

Aidan finally made eye contact. "I didn't shave because I know you like the stubble. And no, I wasn't running away. I was fucking horny and didn't want to jump you so I figured I'd get you breakfast instead."

Jessie rolled his bottom lip into his mouth. "You could have jumped me."

"I won't do that," Aidan said, shaking his head. "I'll always ask."

"And I'll always say yes."

A hint of a smile tugged at Aidan's lips. "Thank you." He reached down and placed a kiss on Jessie's lips. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Jessie said, returning the kiss. He took the silverware and napkins from Aidan's hand and set them on the counter, hoping to draw Aidan's full attention. "Now why don't you tell me why you're upset?"

The scowl returned. "Can we stop using those things?" Aidan mumbled, standing in front of Jessie with his arms at his side.


The scowl deepened. "Condoms. I mean, I always used them before, but I don't…want to use them with you," he finished in a rush of words.

"Is that why you're all growly and grumpy?"

Aidan grunted. "I don't…want anything between us."

Possessive, aroused Aidan is definitely a sight to see…and hot.

"We can get tested," Aidan added.

Jessie raised an eyebrow. "Tested?" He'd been tested for everything during his hospital stay and knew that even though Aidan hadn't been with anyone for some time, he was methodical about getting tested with his annual physical since his last deployment.

Aidan nodded, snaking his arm around Jessie's waist. "You're it for me. That's what serious couples are supposed to do. Right?"

"Right." A swell of emotions warmed Jessie. He should let Aidan ramble more often. "We'll get tested then."

"Good. I already looked up a place that's open Saturdays if you want to go today. And we'll put a fucking rush on it. I don't care how much it costs."

"I wouldn't expect anything less." Jessie brushed his thumb between Aidan's brows, wanting to wipe the crease that always made an appearance when Aidan pushed through something emotional. "You know…before we sit and have breakfast. We have a major supply of condoms we'll be giving up soon." He inched back when Aidan blankly stared at him, obviously missing his suggestion. "This is me, saying yes."

Aidan slammed his mouth against Jessie's and cupped one hand under his ass and the other at the back of his head, lifting him up off the ground and pulling him flush against his body.

A flutter of excitement spiked Jessie's heartbeat as he wrapped himself around Aidan, holding on for dear life as Aidan ravished his mouth and carried him back into the bedroom.



Aidan strolled into the precinct, through the task force cage toward the meeting room. He stepped inside and looked around with a frown. "Where is everybody?"

Travis looked up from the file and shrugged. "Reyes has a depo, but he should be in within the hour and Wall got called in from SRT today for a protection detail. So he'll be back tomorrow if all goes well."

"Where's Sunny?"

"Not sure." Travis glowered and looked off to the side. "When I came in she was sitting out back. Haven't seen her since."

Aidan walked out in search of his partner. He made his way through the side door and, within a few short steps, spotted Sunny sitting on a bench. He sat next to her and leaned forward with his forearms on his knees, mirroring her pose.

"What's going on?" he asked.

Sunny silently stared ahead at the people in the park across the street, rubbing her hands together.

"What you tell me stays between us."

"I know," Sunny finally said. "I'm just not sure I want to say it out loud."

"Want to write it down?"


Aidan chuckled. He leaned over and bumped her shoulder. "I'm not sure I like the quiet version of you. She worries me."

Sunny looked down at her hands, clasping and unclasping them.

"We can sit here all day, but it's hot as hell out here."

"I hate this weather."

"Inside's nice and cool. I think I heard the A/C whisper your name when it blew out that cold air. Sunny… Sunny…" he mocked in a soft tone.

"I can't do this."

"I know. Sitting out here is going to make you sweat in places you didn't think was possible."

"I can't do…the task force."

The humor evaporated. An admission of failure did not come easy for Sunny and usually weighed heavily. "Why?"

Sunny narrowed her eyes as if trying to focus on the people in the distance. "Some of these cases are…tough. We're off the Miller case now that the FBI has a viable witness and they finally caught the Butterfly Killer, but there'll be others like those, and I just can't. I ended up at a bar with a damn drink in my hand the other night." She looked away and sighed. "And every night we have to deal with shit like that."

Aidan took a deep breath. The Mooney family tree seemed to get its watering from alcohol. After witnessing generations of self-destruction, Sunny had confided that she had made a solemn vow ages ago to avoid the self-destructive liquid.

Sunny scowled. "It's these damn cases. I just can't do it. I don't know how the hell Reyes
to work for the Special Victims Bureau. More power to him. It's no wonder he is the way he is."

He neared Sunny, pitching his voice lower. "Is it just these cases that are a problem or is it the whole task force thing in general?"

She looked over to him with a pained expression. "I love the task force. We give each other a hard time, but we're making a real difference." She turned away, focusing on a group of people at the park setting up a picnic area under a tree. "Whoever came up with the idea and thought we'd work well together was damn brilliant. Travis is the mediator. Wall never complains, hell, he never says anything. And Reyes spurs you on and gets you going at full force more than I ever could."

He bumped her shoulder. "You spur me on just fine without the desire to want to beat the crap out of anyone."

Sunny scoffed. "Reyes does it on purpose. He knows how good you are, and he knows that if he pushes you and gets you to produce, it looks good on him."

Aidan quieted.
Sneaky fucker
. He was so busy trying to keep a level head he never would have thought Manny's annoying comments were intentional.

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