A Merry Little Christmas (29 page)

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Authors: Melanie Schuster

BOOK: A Merry Little Christmas
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“I have to tell you, Angel, you look great. Just remember, if he makes you unhappy in any way, any way at all, I’m here for you.” He spoke with such sincerity that Angelique blinked her eyes. She was about to say something when Paris interrupted her.

“Girl, you have got to see this! Come on, Angel, hurry up!”

She and A
J. followed her to the front of the museum where they could see the street. Three ultra
long black limousines had pulled up in front and the doors opened to let out the Deveraux men. As Clay, then Malcolm and Martin and Marcus emerged from the various cars, even Paris had to draw in her breath.

“Ooh-ooh-wee, if they weren’t my cousins I’d be having some issues, girl,” she said as she watched the tall, powerful and very handsome men assist their beloved wives and children.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It’s a lot more impressive when they’re not coming after you,” she said, rubbing her temple with her forefinger. She went out on the sidewalk to start greeting her family, leaving A.J. and Paris looking after her. At least A.J. was looking at Angelique. Paris was watching A.J. and, being Paris, said what was on her mind.

“You love her, don’t you?”

A.J. honored her perception by not pretending he didn’t know what she meant. He looked at Paris with a bittersweet smile. “That’s supposed to be my secret. No one was supposed to know.”

Paris’s tender heart broke at the look on his face. “So why didn’t you ever tell her? I don’t think it was because of the age thing, was it?”

A.J. smiled again. “Angel always said you were the most perceptive person she knew. It was because I was waiting for her to grow into herself. I didn’t want to try to have a relationship with her because she needed to have some independence, to have some success on her own. She needed to prove to herself that she could take care of herself and have a career of her own, not just bask in someone else’s shadow. And my wish for her came true. Just not in the way I expected,” he said ruefully.

Paris put her hand on his arm and gave him a gentle squeeze. “I don’t know what to say, A.J.”

“Say that you won’t hesitate, like I did. Say that when you have a chance at love, you’ll take it and run with it. Don’t lose your chance at love, Paris. It’s too rare and too special to be wasted.”

By now the Deverauxes were pouring in the door with greetings and hugs and kisses. The older children were there; the nanny who traveled with them when the whole family went on the road was caring for the babies at the hotel. The exception was Martin and Ceylon’s little girl, Elizabeth, who was not about to be left with the babies. She was being carried in a pair of strong arms until she was handed over to Paris.

“Well, hello, sweetheart, how are you? And how’s your daddy?” she cooed, looking up at the man who’d put Elizabeth in her arms. “Martin, how are things ...” Her words died a natural death as Paris looked into the smiling eyes of Titus Argonne, the only man in the world who left her speechless.

Angelique was still on the sidewalk, hugging her brothers and sisters-in-law, when Donnie pulled up in his Jaguar. He sprinted to where Angelique was standing and took off his topcoat. “Angel, what in the world are you doing out here with no coat on?
way too cold for you,” he said, wrapping his coat around her shoulders.
Keeping his arms around her, he finally seemed to realize that her family was there, too.

“Oh, hey, how’s everybody doing?
Come on in, y’all, it’s freezing out here.” He escorted Angelique into the building and held the door for the rest of the attendees fr
om Atlanta. He was so
completely missed the looks that passed between certain members of the family.
Angelique, in the meantime, was beginning to feel like a much-cherished doll being passed from hand to hand. First her mother and Bump had to hug her and fuss over her.

“Angel, you’re absolutely blooming, baby. I’ve never seen you looking so wonderful. Are you happy, honey?” Her mother’s concern was evident in her intense expression.

“Mama, if I was any happier, I’d have to be twins. I’m absolutely wonderful,” she assured her.

Bump looked her over carefully; he took his role as her stepfather very seriously and the two of them were quite close. “Well, I’m sorry I didn’t get to give you away, but I must say that marriage agrees with you.
Lookin’ good, Shorty!”
Angelique hugged him tightly and smiled up at him through happy tears.

“Don’t make me cry, my mascara will go everywhere.” She sniffed. “I’ve been so nervous about this, I’ve been a wreck.”

Clay was next; he hugged her tightly and smiled down at her from his towering height. “Angel, these are magnificent. I keep remembering a cute little girl with pigtails who followed me all over with her little camera, and now look what you’ve become. You’re an exceptionally talented and beautiful woman and I’m proud of you, baby.”

Those sentiments were repeated over and over as Angelique was passed from one brother to another. There were also hugs and greetings from all her sisters-in-law on both sides of the family, and Donnie’s brothers. Last of all, she was greeted with enthusiastic hugs from Miss Martha and Big Benny before finally landing back with her husband.

The private part of the showing was over; it was time for the exhibit to open. Donnie looked down at her and pronounced her perfect. Kissing her on the temple, he whispered something in her ear, something that made her smile. As the doors opened, she was standing with her very proud husband on one side and the museum director, Aneesah Shabazz, on the other.

The rest of the evening went by in a blur for Angelique. Matt and Nicole couldn’t attend the opening, but they sent a huge green plant and a promise to visit during the Christmas holidays. Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time and the pictures received great acclaim. But the best part of the evening for Angelique was the warm words of praise and pride
from every member of her family,
although the fact that she had put something over on Paris was a close second
She’d known Titus Argonne was coming to Detroit to discuss corporate security with Donnie, she just neglected to tell Paris.

“You could have told me he was coming!” Paris whispered.

“Would you believe me if I said I didn’t know?” Angelique asked innocently.


“Well, you’d better smile, sweetie, because he’s headed this way.” Angelique could swear she heard Paris’s heart beating from where she stood


The next few days were as exciting as anything Angelique could remember. Her family stayed for two days after the exhibit and there was constant activity, what with dining out and visiting and just plain catching up with each other. The biggest thing, aside from the excellent reviews and the loving response of her family, was the bridal shower her sisters-in-law had for her. The party was held at Bennie’s father’s house in Palmer Park, a huge old brick house with lots of room for all the women and the veritable horde of children.

Angelique wept when she saw all her favorite women gathered in one place, especially when she thought about the shower she’d sabotaged so many years ago. She hugged Bennie tightly and wouldn’t let her go. “I was such a little wench, Bennie! How could you ever forgive me?”

Bennie’s eyes filled with tears, too. “Aww, sweetie, I loved your brother with all my heart, I couldn’t help but love his family, too. And I saw you as an unhappy young woman who needed something more in her life. Besides, you got me my man back,” she teased her. “Now come on and enjoy this shower. There’s a cake in there that looks like it fell out of heaven and I want some.”

Lillian and Martha were
the affair with plenty of assistance from the Deveraux and Cochran wives. Paris also was in attendance, of course, as were Lisette and a few women from Cochran Communications. Bump and Big Benny looked in for a moment but made their escape early as neither one could handle much of the high-spirited chatter. Big Benny did take a few
utes to spend some time with his newest daughter-in-law, however.

They were in the solarium off the library of the big house, sitting next to each other on the settee. Big Benny hadn’t changed much over the years: he was still the same towering, white-haired titan he’d been when Angelique’s brother married his only daughter years before. He’d suffered a very slight stroke the same year Bennie had her tragic accident, but showed no effects of it. His gait, speech, and demeanor were all that of a much younger man, primarily because his wife watc
hed him like a hawk. She had
otherwise he would have lived on a very rich diet washed down with bourbon. He liked his creature comforts and he liked his newest daughter-in-law, too.

, you did us proud, you know that,” he told her. “I always knew you were as smart as a whip. I’m glad Adonis had sense enough to marry you. He needed somebody like you, somebody with some spunk and fire to her. You two are gonna have some pretty babies.” He gave her a one-armed hug and a sly grin.

Angelique gently pounded his knee with her fist. “Not for a while, Mr. C! We just got married!”

“So what?
I need a grandbaby,” he said, trying to sound forlorn.

Angelique laughed. “Mr. C, you already have thirteen.”

“Unlucky number.
That’s why I need another one. You and Adonis need to get busy. And for God’s sake, quit calling me Mr. C. Call me Daddy,” he said grumpily. “I can’t be a Mister if you’re married to my son and gonna give me some grandbabies. I was always partial to the number fifteen.” Angelique was still dazed from this conversation when she rejoined the
women, who were still eating th
e delicious cream-filled cake and chatting volubly. There was an array of lingerie and perfume and personal items spread all over the living room and they were still ooh
and ahh
over the delightful surprises. Suddenly Lillian and Martha got everyone’s attention.

They both stood up and said something no one had yet approached. Lillian began by saying how elated she was that her only daughter had found such happiness. “I can see that you’re in a wonderful place now, Angel, and 1 couldn’t be happier. But Martha and I think it’s time you started
about a reception, at least The only other two who ran off to get married were Selena and Malcolm and even they
let me have some kind of celebration. So what we want to know is ...”

She turned to her co
conspirator, Martha, who took over.
“When do we get to have a reception for you two? We want to celebrate your love and commitment with a lovely celebration. So you two need to pick a date,” she said firmly.

Angelique was stunned. She’d never considered anything of the sort and had no idea what to say, other than to thank them and say she would talk to Adonis that very evening. All the women cheered and began planning, discussing whether summer or fall would be the best time, whether it should be in Atlanta or Detroit. Angelique suddenly felt exhausted and had to excuse herself. She emerged from the powder room to find Selena waiting for her with a smile on her face.

“Not feeling too good, hmm? Well, don’t worry, it doesn’t last long. The important thing is to get good care and as soon as possible,” she said wisely. “Here’s another little something for you; I didn’t think it was wise to give it to you in front of everyone.” She handed her an oblong box, prettily wrapped in pink paper with a white bow. Inside were an early pregnancy test and a silver rattle.

Angelique stared at Selena in total shock. Selena, one of the top OB-GYN doctors in Georgia, gave her a hug and a smile. “It’s going to be fine, Angel. I doubt anybody else has guessed, but you take that test as soon as possible. I’ve been delivering babies for a long time and I just have a sixth sense about it.
Congratulations, mommy!”








Part Two





Chapter Eighteen

Honey, come look at this,” Angelique cried. She was standing in the bedroom and the excitement in her voice was unmistakable. Donnie put down the morning paper and came into the bedroom to find his very sexy wife standing in front of the full-length standing mirror wearing a brilliant smile and nothing else. She was cupping her bosom and looking elated.

“Baby, come see this! I have boobies, real boobies,” she said happily.

Donnie laughed gently at her, coming up behind her and caressing her breasts with his big hands. He squeezed them gently and smoothed his warm palms over their exquisite softness, but very gently, because they had a tendency to be tender.

“Angel, you always had real breasts. I should know
they’re one of my favorite parts of your amazing body.” Breathing a little harder, he continued to caress each one, burying his face in her neck.

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