A Moment of Truth: A Complete Bonus Set (A Matter of Trust #1-2) (54 page)

BOOK: A Moment of Truth: A Complete Bonus Set (A Matter of Trust #1-2)
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Dan’s mouth drops when he lays eyes on me. “I realize we’re getting off the plane soon, but, um, mile high club?”

His eager expression makes me giggle. “Okay.”

“Really? I thought you’d say no.”

“Do I need to repeat myself?”

“Nope!” He rushes at me, grabs my hand, and hauls me back into the bathroom. I’m up on the counter, he’s aimed and ready, and in far less than fifteen minutes, we’re members. He glances up at me afterward and grins. “If nothing else, I’m efficient.”

“That you are.” I kiss his nose. “Now I need to redo things here,” I say as he tucks himself back together.

“Yeah, okay. I’ll meet you out there. They’ll probably want us in our seats and buckled in shortly.”

“I’ll try to be quick, Mr. Efficient.”

With a sexy smirk, he leaves. A few minor adjustments later, I’m all set and just in time, too. We’re buckled in and descending before I know it. I look out the window. “We’re in New York!”

“Yes, we are.”

“Does that mean we’re going to dinner with Bridget and Camille—maybe Colin and Shane, too?”

He shrugs and says nothing.

“Such a tease.”

Once we’re off the plane, we get into a waiting limo, and that’s when he puts a blindfold on me. “Since you know the city, I have to try to keep this a surprise until we’re there. And stop guessing in your head. You’ll ruin it.”

“Okay! Fine! Sheesh.”

The ride feels longer than it probably is, but he’s holding my hand and whispering to me, “You look good in the blindfold.”

“Thanks. I might use it on you later.”

“Stop teasing me. Oh! We’re here.”

I feel the car ease to a halt. I’m anxious and excited.
Where are we going?
Dan lets go of my hand and I hear the car door open and shut. Then the door closest to me opens a moment later. “Come on.” Dan grabs my hand and leads me carefully out of the car. It’s cold and quiet, which is always odd for New York. “Forward, walk forward. Nothing’s in your way.” I’ve got my free hand out in front of me, feeling nothing but air. “Hang on.” I feel him lean forward. “Okay, walk straight inside.”

He leads me farther “inside” where it’s warm and smells familiar, but also of beer and fried food. “Are we going to eat burgers?”

He laughs, snorting. “Are you ready?”

“Maybe?” He’s untying the blindfold, and when he removes it I hear, “Congratulations!” shouted at me by Camille, Bridget, Colin, Shane, Dan’s parents, his sisters, my entire family, Len, David—it seems like everyone I know and love is here. They’re all clapping and smiling, and my mom and sisters-in-law are wiping their eyes. Dan and I are suddenly surrounded by everyone, hugging us in turn and kissing our cheeks.

Finally, I realize that we’re in Mickey’s—the bar where we first met for drinks, and it looks nothing like it did that night we met—it’s been decorated beautifully. There are flowers—tons and tons of wildflowers—all over, along with candles and tables covered with tablecloths and china. I lean into Dan. “Are those tables the pool tables?”

He smiles proudly, nodding. “Yes.”

I’m shaking my head when I see that Colin’s band is set up on one side. “Oh my God, this is—” I can’t even finish. Champagne is being passed around. I’m handed a glass.

Dan grabs my hand and heads to the microphone. “Thank you all for coming. Claire had no idea about tonight, so she’s clearly in shock.” He glances my way as I’m trying to stop the flow of tears.

“When I started planning all of this, I assumed Claire would want a regular wedding, provided she said yes, of course, but then . . . Claire’s dad suggested that a traditional wedding might not be what Claire wanted”—Dan glances my way, winking—“and that got the ball rolling. And although we married privately, we wanted to celebrate with all of you—those who love us for exactly who we are—flaws and all.” He smiles at me. “So tonight is about that. The celebration of our love, our wedding, and our commitment to one another, and how neither of us would be standing here without the love and support of each of you.” I glance to my mother, who is trying to hold back a tidal wave of tears. “To all of you and to my beautiful bride, Claire, I love you. Cheers!” Everyone clinks glasses.

I can hardly speak, but I snatch the microphone from Dan anyway. I take a moment to steady myself. “Clearly, you all know me too well.” We all laugh. “My dad was right—I didn’t want a traditional wedding, and, thank God, because what I got instead was more glorious and magical than I ever could have predicted, planned, or imagined. And even though it’s taken me some growing pains to get here, I’m so grateful for the love from each of you, and most especially from my real-life lucky charm, Mr. Beautiful, who is gorgeous beyond measure in every way. I’m very, very blessed. Thank you all for being here tonight!” We all clank again, and I see there are fewer dry eyes. In fact, we’re all just about crying—even Dan’s eyes are glistening. He pulls me into a tight hug.

Colin takes the microphone. “Okay, that’s enough blubbering! I’m hungry!” We all laugh and sit ourselves around the makeshift tables, which don’t resemble pool tables tonight. There’s filet mignon, roasted potatoes, vegetables, and salad. It’s delicious, and while everyone is eating, I steal a silent glance around the table—people are involved in happy conversations and enjoying the food, and I can’t believe how full I am inside.

“Oh, what a night?” Dan says, leaning in to me and smiling.

“What a very special time for me.” I giggle, adding onto the lyrics he started.

“What a lady, what a night.”

“But I was never gonna be the same.”

I kiss him, and it goes on until I hear a collective, “Aww.” I pull away, red-faced.

Colin’s up and at the mic with his band. “Time for a first dance, you two.”

Dan stands and waits for me, pulling out my chair as I begin to stand. As we make our way to the dancing area, I say, “Do we have a song?”

“You do now. I wrote it. It’s your wedding present,” Colin says into the microphone.

Dan faces me and holds me close. I’m not sure what to expect from Colin since he’s usually a goofball and inappropriate, but he starts plucking at his guitar slowly and softly.

“Life is mysterious . . .

Turning down paths we find dark and dangerous

There’s been so many times I’ve wanted to give up, when it gets too much, until I met you . . .

Life had little purpose

Walking around rather aimless

I wondered for so long what the reason was, until I met you . . .

I never would have guessed, that one moment like this, aboard a broken elevator could lead me to you . . .

Secreting our love, stealing you away, wanting you for myself forever and a day, I never thought it’d be possible until today . . .

With you . . .

Sometimes the best things in this world are quiet, sneaking up on you in the night, hiding from the light, known only in the secret recesses of your mind . . .

And when you finally desire

To love like a fire,


Consuming all of your heart . . .

The reward is finding your way from the dark into the day,

And with you by my side, there is nothing but light in my life . . .

With you . . . Lucky Charms or Chinese, I’ll be with you always . . .

With you . . . only . . . you.”

We finish dancing, and I hug Dan and then hug the crap out of Colin. “That was perfect. Thank you.” Colin’s beaming with pride. Camille and Bridget come over to share in the hug.

“Yeah, yeah, thanks,” Colin says to all of us applauding. “Now, here’s the thing. A long time ago, Dan and I made a deal. I’d leave him alone and not bother him and Claire, and I was going to just let it go until he went off and got married without telling me, so he owes me and I’m collecting. Tonight.”

I look over to Dan, who seems slightly confused until realization apparently hits him, because he’s shaking his head.

“Come on. Come here. I’ve got a microphone all ready for you.” Colin’s wearing a smug smile, and Dan continues to shake his head as he makes his way over to Colin.

“Ready?” Colin asks Dan. “I know you know the words.”

“Not really, but okay.”

The music starts and I immediately recognize the song: “Summer Nights” from the
soundtrack. “You start,” Colin says.

“Summer lovin’ had me a blast,” Dan more or less says into the microphone, laughing.

“Summer lovin’ happened so fast,” Colin sings with a slightly higher than normal voice. We all begin laughing. It takes a few bars for Dan to get into it, but soon he’s singing with Colin, who is beaming—so happy he’s finally doing his karaoke with Dan, even if he is singing the girl part.

The two of them end up singing loudly and proudly. When they’re done, they’re sweating and laughing, and the rest of us are cheering wildly. The night continues with more dancing—everyone’s out on the floor—even my parents. My dad’s twirling my mother in time to music that isn’t of their era, and they’re laughing and loving it. I love seeing that kind of lightness between them. At one point, it’s time for Dan to dance with his mom and I choke up. It’s so sweet, and she’s just so proud of her boy—her kind and loving boy who’s made this girl’s dreams realities.

“He’s quite loving.”

I turn to see my mom talking to me. “Yes, he is. I can’t believe he came to talk to you and dad.”

My mom sighs, smiling. “It was so respectful, Claire, and we had a great conversation.” She turns fully to face me. “I’ve never seen you happier. It was a long road, Claire, but one that really was worth it . . . in the end.” Her eyes are apologizing again.

I grab her hand. “It was, but I’d walk it again to end up here.”

“End? Nah. You’re just at the beginning, sweetheart.” She strokes my cheek. “I love you. Never doubt that, ever.”

I shake my head. “I won’t. I love you, too.”

We nod at one another and turn our attention back to Dan and his mom who are wrapping up their dance. My mom leans in. “Think you’ll have kids anytime soon?”

I drag my eyes to hers. “Mom, I love you, but don’t even start.”

“I’m just joking.” She laughs, but as she turns her head she says, “Sort of.” Then laughs again.

My dad and I dance next.

“Thank you for all of your support, dad, and your brilliant wedding ideas,” I say with a wink as my dad twirls me around the dance floor.

“I may have missed my calling,” he says, laughing. “You’ll always be my Claire-bear, sweetheart.” He kisses me on the cheek and continues to glide us around.

In no time, everyone’s dancing and having a ball. To round out the night, it’s time for cake—a gorgeous two-tiered white wedding cake with fondant lucky charms and tiny edible pearls edging it. We celebrate long into the night, and little by little, everyone heads back to their hotel rooms, and Camille and Bridget, back to the apartment. We’ll see them all for brunch tomorrow, but for now it’s good night.

Just as Camille and Bridget are about to leave, Bridget hands me a beautifully wrapped gift. “Here’s a little something from Camille and I. You know, for tonight.” She winks at me and off they go.

After everyone’s gone, I turn to Dan who’s helping me with my coat. “Where are we going?”

He leads me out onto the street—it’s still quiet, still private. It’s a perfect way to end this day. He opens the door of the waiting car. I get in and he slides in next to me as the driver begins down the street. “Well, here’s the thing. We’ve not really talked about where to live. I mean, I have my house in L.A., but I know how much you love New York, and I wouldn’t feel right about taking you away from that, so I figure we’ll keep my house—our house—but I rented an flat for us—for now, here in the city. We can always move, but . . . I hope you like it.”

I nod and look out the window, overwhelmed. It’s hard not to be when dream after dream keeps coming true.

“You okay?” he asks.

I turn to face my incredible husband. “More than okay. Where we live, well, I will follow you wherever.”

He kisses me sweetly then pulls back. “What did Bridget give you?” He nods at the box in my lap.

“I don’t know. She said it was something for tonight.”

“Yes!” He gives a fist pump. “Open it. I want a preview.”

“You dirty thing. Fine.” I untie the satiny bow, unwrap the thick, white paper, and remove the box top slowly. I gently pull back the tissue paper.

“What the hell is that?” Dan says, disappointed.

I giggle and then burst into mad laughter. “My sweatpants!” I pull them from the box and something sparkly catches my eye. I turn them over. “Oh my God! She actually bedazzled them!”

“I like how it spells out ‘Mrs. Chase’ along the arse.”

“I cannot tell you how perfect this gift is! I have to call her.”

“You’ll have to wait. We’re here.”

“Where is ‘here’—” I glance out the window.

Dan’s already out of the car and opening my door. “Come on,” he says, holding his hand out to me.

I step out of the car, and it all looks vaguely familiar. When we enter the lobby, it hits me. “Wait—Len’s building? Oh my God! This—right here—it’s the elevator we met in!”

“Yes it is!” He presses the button and the doors open. We step aboard.

“Holy shit! This is so perfect!”

He’s got that smug grin once again. I push him against the wall. “Last time we were in here I was a little shy,” I say.

“And sweaty.”

“That, too.” I kiss him hard and the heat ratchets up fast—until the elevator comes to a screeching halt. I stumble backwards. “Whoa. Is this a joke? I don’t like this joke.”

“Uh . . .” Dan presses the buttons. “This is not a joke. I swear.” He presses more. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, everything’s gone as planned until now.”

I grip the walls of the elevator.

“It’ll be okay. Just breathe.” He’s pressing more buttons then takes out his phone. “Len’s not answering . . . fuck!”

I breathe in and out in steady counts, and Dan takes my hands in his and smiles at me. “This is ridiculous, you know that, right?”

I nod. Can’t speak.
In. Out.

“Keep breathing.” He presses the alarm button. Nothing. Then he starts jumping, shaking the elevator.

I screech in alarm. “Stop that!”

“It’s fine! Maybe it’ll jog it.”

“It’s going to detach and kill us!”


Suddenly, the elevator starts moving. I freeze. “What the hell?”

I’m breathing in and out faster than I should be, watching the floor numbers increase. We stop on the highest floor and the doors open. I leap out. “Oh God. What a way to end the night.”

He laughs and hugs me.

“I’m taking the stairs forever.”

He takes my hand and leads me to the right. “There are only two flats up here. This one and the one on that side.” He nods to the other end of the hallway as he fiddles in his pocket to dig out a key and insert it. With a quick click, he unlocks the door and gives it a good push open. Without a word, he sweeps me into his arms. “Over the threshold with you, Mrs. Chase. We’re home.”

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