A Moment on the Lips (A Whistle Stop Romance, #3)

Read A Moment on the Lips (A Whistle Stop Romance, #3) Online

Authors: Jennifer Faye

Tags: #o Contemporary romance, #bakery romance, #baking, #western, #family life, #small town romance, #friends to lovers, #romance series

BOOK: A Moment on the Lips (A Whistle Stop Romance, #3)
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his is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional and a product of the author’s imagination. Any similarities to real people, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional.

Copyright 2015 © Jennifer F. Stroka

All rights reserved.

This book is for your reading enjoyment only. No part of the book may be reproduced, copied, or shared without the express written permission of the author.

Published by Lazy Dazy Press

ISBN-13 (digital): 978-1-942680-04-8

ISBN-13 (paperback): 978-1-942680-05-5


Whistle Stop Romance series:

Book 1:
A Moment to Love

Book 2:
A Moment to Dance

Book 3:
A Moment on the Lips

Book 4: A Moment to Cherish


Thanks & much appreciation to:

Cover Design & Formatting: The Killion Group

Content Editor: Tessa Shapcott

Copy Editor: Joyce Lamb


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

The Whistle Stop Series

Other books by Jennifer Faye


About the Author

Praise for Jennifer Faye



Piper Noble’s tongue tingled with the anticipation of savoring a sweet treat.

“Tell me you aren’t going to eat that.” The all-too-familiar voice carried with it disgust.

How could anyone find a cupcake offensive?

Piper frowned as her gaze moved from the freshly decorated cupcake in her hand to her mother, who’d just stepped inside Poppin’ Fresh Bakery. Lines of disapproval creased her mother’s perfectly made-up face.

A frustrated sigh slipped passed Piper’s lips as she lowered the treat. “Good morning, Mother.”

“That’s not the way to have a good morning, with all of those calories. I thought I taught you better.”

When would her mother give up trying to control her life? After all, she’d started this bakery all on her own. She’d have thought that, instead of nitpicking, her mother would be proud of her accomplishments. She vowed to never ever meddle in someone’s life the way her mother did in hers.

Deciding not to argue and ruin the beautiful day, Piper took a different approach. “It’s a new recipe. Mocha chocolate cherry.” Piper waved the culinary decadence in front of her mother, hoping to tempt her into having a bite. “Give it a try it. I promise it’s not deadly.”

Instead of cracking even the tiniest smile, her mother pursed her lips, and her pencil-perfect brows knit together. “Honestly, Piper, you aren’t a young girl anymore. When will you ever show some restraint and act your age?”

A sharp retort teetered on the tip of Piper’s tongue. With difficulty, she choked it down. She refused to argue with her mother in her place of business—not that it’d do her any good.

At twenty-six, she thought she’d done well for herself. Now seemed like the time to tell her mother what she’d been holding back, an announcement that was bound to gain her mother’s approval.

She glanced toward the tables lining the front of the bakery where Mr. Wilks, an older gentleman, was enjoying his usual breakfast—a blueberry muffin and black coffee—while perusing the morning paper. He glanced up and smiled at her before returning his attention to the paper.

He was such a kind man. His best friend had been his dog until it passed away, leaving him alone with no family and no faithful companion. Her heart went out to him.

Not worried about Mr. Wilks repeating her exchange with her mother, Piper straightened her shoulders. It was time to tell her mother the news. A broad smile pulled at her lips. This was sure to impress her mother.

When she spoke, it was in hushed tones. “You know the business has been doing really well. So well, in fact, that I’m planning to expand into the vacant space next door.”

Her mother was quiet for a moment as though digesting the news.
What was there to think about?
It wasn’t like she was asking for a loan. For once, she just wanted her mother to be happy for her.

Her mother adjusted the strap of her knock-off designer purse. “Interesting. And I suppose you’ll still be selling more of these sweets. I don’t know why you couldn’t be more like your brother. His investment firm is really taking off.”

Actually, it was an accounting firm, but Piper knew better than to argue the detail with her mother. It just wasn’t worth the aggravation. “And I’m happy for him, but that isn’t what I want to do with my life. I don’t like working with numbers.”

“You know his upcoming wedding will be the highlight of the town.”

“His wedding isn’t for months.” Her older brother, Mason, was forever her mother’s favorite. He could do no wrong. Piper sighed. It wasn’t his fault. He was a pretty great guy. She just wished her mother would quit comparing them, because Piper would always come up lacking as far as her mother was concerned.

“And your wedding would have been this month if you hadn’t called it off.”

“Mother, are you forgetting the pesky detail of me finding David in bed with someone else?”

Her mother’s face pinched up into an ugly frown as Piper held back an eye roll. Her mother had a severe case of selective hearing and memory.

“Well, instead of spending all of your time working behind that counter, you should be out finding yourself a husband. You know you aren’t getting any younger. Tick. Tock.”

“Enough!” Piper didn’t know what was up with her mother, but she was certainly on a roll. “This is not Pick on Piper Day.”

Piper’s gaze moved to the chocolate cupcake in her hand. She longed for the creamy frosting to melt over her tongue. It’d just be one more thing for her mother to hold over her head.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Her mother fidgeted with a ruby ring. “I’m just worried about you. I want you to be happy.”

“I am happy. You can stop worrying. Poppin’ Fresh Bakery is a success. Someday soon, you’ll be amazed at how big I can make this bakery.”

A spark of interest gleamed in her mother’s eyes. “You really think you can be happy here?” Her hand waved across the top of the display case. “It just seems to me there can’t be a big profit margin. You know, it isn’t too late for you to go to college—”

“Mom, stop. I’m doing what makes me happy.”

Her mother cast her a skeptical glance. “You’re sure?”

Piper nodded.

“Well, then, I won’t say another word.”

They both knew that wasn’t true. Her mother would persist—trying to get Piper to do things her way. Not that it’d sway Piper’s mind. She already considered herself successful—as a businesswoman. Although, there were other areas of her life where she wasn’t so successful. Such as the loathsome twenty-some—erm, closer to thirty—pounds she repeatedly failed to lose.

Her gaze moved to the cupcake. She wouldn’t...couldn’t eat it. Definitely not in front of her mother.

Wanting to rid herself of the temptation, she held it out to her mother. “Admit it. You’re just dying to try one of my creations.”

“And ruin my figure?” Her mother smoothed her hand over the black, fitted skirt that covered her trim waist and hips. “I don’t think so. I have to think about the future. Who’d want a frumpy, out-of-shape widow?”

“Maybe they’d like you for you and not for what you look like.”

“Hardly. And where has that philosophy gotten you? Absolutely nowhere. Remember, dear, a moment on the lips but a lifetime on the hips.” Her mother clucked her tongue. “If only you’d show some self-restraint, you’d lose the pounds. You could be so pretty—”

Behind them, a throat cleared.

Piper turned, her gaze landing first on a pair of cowboy boots. A pair of faded jeans and a large silver belt buckle nestled against flat abs. A breath fluttered in her chest. Her gaze rose up over a muscled chest that strained against a navy blue T-shirt. When her gaze reached the man’s tanned face, she was surprised to find that she didn’t recognize him. These days, Whistle Stop didn’t get many visitors—although there were plans in the works to change that sad fact.

So, where in the world had this stranger come from? And why hadn’t the bell above the front door chimed upon his arrival? And then a horrid thought struck her—had he overheard her mother’s lecture?

The intensity of his warm gaze made her heart thump and her palms grow moist. He might not be one of her regulars, but with his short brown hair, bronze features, and solid build, he was welcome to stop by any time. The more she looked at him, the more she felt as though she should know him. But she couldn’t place the face.

At last regaining her ability to speak, she said. “Welcome to Poppin’ Fresh. What can I get you?”

“I was hoping I could speak with the owner.” He stepped closer to the display case.

“That would be me. I’ll be right with you.” Piper turned back to her mother.

“By the way, I disagree.” The stranger spoke in deep, rich tones.

Confused, Piper faced the man again. “Excuse me?”

“I think you’re pretty just the way you are.” His voice was noticeably raised—loud enough for her mother to hear.

Heat swirled in her chest and rushed up her neck. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had paid her such a compliment. “Thank you. I...I’ll be right with you.”

The man nodded and moved to get a better view of the freshly stocked display case. Her gaze followed him as he perused the large selection of cookies, pastries, and pies. The man intrigued her, and it went beyond his stunning good looks. Why in the world would he ask to speak with the owner? Anyone could help him pick out some goodies or take a cake order. Had he been here before and she’d somehow missed him? Hard to imagine missing a man as sexy as he was. Her assistant, Hannah, would have said something.

She turned to her mother. “I’m sorry, but I can’t talk anymore right now. I’ve got work to do.”

“So I see.” Her mother frowned at the man, who smiled back at her.

Piper could almost hear her mother’s back teeth grinding. A man who could get to her mother definitely deserved further investigation. She tried her best not to grin as she hurried to the door. She pulled it open, and a warm September breeze rushed in. It swirled around her, sending a few loose strands of her hair tickling her neck.

Her gaze strayed back to the handsome stranger who’d said the sweetest words. She was certain she’d met him before, but where? Then, realizing she was staring, she glanced away. Her mother needed to leave. Now. Before she spoiled everything.

Her mother clutched her black handbag and strode over to the doorway. “I just stopped by to remind you the town meeting is later this week. You don’t want to miss it—”

“I won’t. I told you before I’d be there.”


Piper resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “I promise.”

She didn’t need any more reminders. There was no way she’d forget about the monthly town meeting. After all, her mother had somehow talked her into agreeing to volunteer at the meeting to head up the fundraising committee for the town square’s revitalization—a project that was long overdue. And one that had hit a few snags with its previous efforts, though the new plan was to have a festival this fall to help raise the money needed.

“I’ll see you on Friday,” her mother said merrily as she made her way out the door.

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