A Mother's Story (30 page)

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Authors: Rosie Batty

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Luke's funeral was organised by Flinders Christian College, to which I am eternally grateful, especially principal Max Cudden. The whole community turned out to say goodbye to Luke on 21 February 2014. Luke's coffin was bright yellow, his favourite colour, and was decorated with his much-loved SpongeBob toy. Mourners wore a splash of yellow, which symbolised, for us, joy, intellect and energy.
All photos by Fiona McCoy

With the then Victorian Police Commissioner Ken Lay and other campaigners, including Fiona McCormack from Domestic Violence Victoria, on the 2014 Walk Against Family Violence in Melbourne. Two days after Luke died I had met with Commissioner Lay and he has since become a close ally in my campaign for change.
Photo David Caird/Newspix

Speaking at a forum on family violence in Melbourne in September 2014, I urged people to consider it when they cast their vote in the forthcoming state election.
Photo Norm Oorloff/Newspix

Photo National Australia Day Council

Photo David Caird/Newspix

In October 2014 I was named the Victorian finalist for the 2015 Australian of the Year Awards just days after winning the Herald Sun Pride of Australia Courage medal. I wondered whether I was worthy but was determined to keep speaking out.

At a National Museum exhibition in Canberra featuring a doll given to me by my godmother when I was little and dressed in clothes knitted by my Nanna Atkin. Each Australian of the Year finalist chose an object of special personal significance for the exhibition.
Photo Jason McCarthy, National Museum of Australia

On 25 January 2015 I was named Australian of the Year at an awards ceremony at
Parliament House. In my speech I dedicated the award to Luke and made a commitment
to educate the community and ensure family violence victims receive the respect,
support and safety they deserve.
Photo National Australia Day Council

With Prime Minister Tony Abbott and the other award winners, Drisana Levitzke-Gray, Jackie French and Juliette Wright.
Photo Stefan Postles/Getty Images

With National Australia Day Chairman Ben Roberts-Smith VC MG.
Photo National Australia Day Council

Speaking at a candlelight vigil in Melbourne in memory of those who have died as a result of family violence and organised by Safe Steps Family Violence and Response Centre.
Photo Amanda Summons Photography and Safe Steps

With Police Commissioner Ken Lay in 2014. In early 2015 we were named chair and deputy chair of a national advisory panel on family violence.
Photo Tony Gough/Newspix

With artist Christopher Pyett and his portrait of me, which was entered in the Archibald Prize and hung in the Salon des Refusés. Christopher chose yellow for the background in honour of Luke and said that the portrait was the most moving and spiritual work he'd ever done.
Photo Barbara Pyett

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