"A Murder In Milburn", Book 3: Death In The Library (9 page)

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Authors: Nancy McGovern

Tags: #Cozy Mystery

BOOK: "A Murder In Milburn", Book 3: Death In The Library
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“There we are, back on the murderer’s trail,” the Mayor sighed. “Let Sean do his job and let’s enjoy our meal, shall we?”

“Sorry, darling.” May put a hand over his. “I suppose we’re all a little too starved of drama in this town sometimes.”

“Oh, I think it’s more likely that we’re all too addicted to drama.” Harvey laughed. “This town is a regular industrial gossip complex.”

“Don’t be naughty, Harvey, we aren’t all that bad.” May laughed. “Why, we’re very loving of our neighbors here.”

“Oh yes, we love our neighbors. The problem is we also love to talk about our neighbors.”

From Nora’s purse came the buzz of a phone. Somehow it reminded her of having breakfast earlier that day with the Mayor.

“Oh, did you ever get back to the people who were trying so hard to reach you today morning?” Nora asked him casually.

The Mayor’s face grew red. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Well… your phone was ringing constantly at Anna’s this morning,” Nora said.

“Oh. Right. Just my insurance agent,” The mayor said lamely. “Everything’s fine, thank you.”

Nora gaped at him. The Mayor’s insurance agent, she knew, was Derrick Coleby, who, at the time, had been at Anna’s along with the rest of the town, gossiping about the murder. Why was the mayor lying?

She wanted to ask more, but the mayor now had his hand around his wife’s shoulders, and was rubbing his stomach with one hand. “My, I’ve never been this stuffed. Harvey, you sure know how to throw a good party.”

As Harvey smiled and began his routine of complimenting the mayor, Nora took out her own phone to peek at the messages. It was an unknown number.

Meet me at the library tonight. Urgent. Robert.


Chapter 12

When she’d asked Harvey to drop her off at the library after dinner, he’d point blank refused. All the anger that they’d both tried to control seemed to come boiling out.

“Do you even know how mad you sound?” Harvey said. “He’s trying to proposition you, Nora. That’s why he wants you to meet him at the library.”

“That’s not why, Harvey, and I think I should go,” Nora said.

“I’ll come with you.”

“If you do, he won’t talk to me,” Nora said.

“If I don’t,
won’t talk to you,” Harvey said.

“You’re acting like a jealous child, Harvey. This has to stop. First with Sean and now with Robert? I could understand about Sean but I have no interest in Robert and you know it.”

“Well, what if
is interested in you?” Harvey said. “What if he’s the murderer?”

“I really don’t think he did it,” Nora said. “I think he’s innocent.”

“Oh that’s really touching,” Harvey snapped. He broke off, put on an artificial smile, and waved to someone behind her. Nora turned around to see the Mayor and his wife get into their car. She waved too, and waited for them to drive off.

“Do you think they heard us fighting?” Nora said.

“I don’t really care what they heard,” Harvey said. “Nora, why do you do this? Why do you feel compelled to poke your nose into other people’s business? Leave the matter alone. It’s not your job.”

“Why is it your job to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do?” Nora asked. “I’m only trying to help.”

“Nora, I’m your boyfriend. Or aren’t I? Are we just… casual?”

“Harvey, you know I love you, but I’m not about to blurt that out to May. I can’t believe you’d be hurt about--”

“It’s the speed with which you said it,” Harvey said. “As soon as she mentioned marriage, you reacted like she’d thrown water on your face. You sprang back from the topic.”

“I did not!”

“So you’re all right with marrying me?”

“I’m not all right with marrying anybody,” Nora said.

“Specially me?”


“What do you want from me, Nora?” Harvey asked, leaning down to look into her eyes. “I don’t know what it is. We’re the best of friends, or so I thought, but then you’re so unpredictable.”

“I just… right now, for the next few weeks, I don’t want to think,” Nora said. “At least not until this mess gets sorted out.”

“This mess? This murder which is none of your business?”

“This murder which affects my friend and business partner,” Nora said. “This murder which occurred in the library where I’d been not ten hours earlier. How can you not understand that, Harvey?”

“All I know is, it’s a ridiculously stupid idea to go meet Robert,” Harvey said. “I won’t allow it.”

“Who exactly gave you that authority?” Nora said. “I’m an independent woman, Harvey.”

“Independence does not equal stupidity.”

“We’re circling around the same arguments,” Nora said with an exasperated sigh. “What it boils down to, is this. Are you giving me a ride to the library or not?”

“I’m not,” Harvey said, his face stubborn. “I’m giving you an ultimatum. If you go to that library…”

Nora’s eyes filled with tears. “If I go to that library, then what?”

“Well, I guess I’ll know what your priorities are,” Harvey said. “And that my wishes have no place in your life.”

“I have to go,” Nora said. “Can’t you see that I have to go? I’m not cheating on you Harvey, or doing this because I’m gossip hungry. I genuinely believe that Robert might have something that will help the police solve this case. I have to go.”

“Then go,” Harvey said, almost sadly. “I’ll call you a taxi.”

“Are you serious?” Nora felt like her spine was about to disintegrate. He couldn’t possibly be breaking up with her, could he? He couldn’t.

“I’m very serious. I won’t let my girlfriend go. But I won’t stop you. It’s your choice.”

“Goodbye, then,” Nora said, turning away from him.

She cried the entire taxi ride to the library. But when she met Robert, her eyes were dry.

He was standing at the steps, with Grant sitting behind him, looking irritated.

“There you are!” Grant exclaimed as Nora got out. “I thought I was going to go mad. Robert is insisting that I reopen the library, and I absolutely refuse. I wanted to go home but he won’t let me. He’s gone a little mad.”

“I think I might have some idea what Selena was doing in the library,” Robert said. “I told you she was planning to meet someone that night, didn’t I?”

“You did,” Nora said. “But the police haven’t found any texts or calls on her phone, apart from yours.”

“Well, this is a small town. She must have met them in person and told them where to meet her,” Robert said.

“Selena used to come and do research at the library ever so often,” Grant said. “She may not have been meeting anyone that night. Maybe she just wanted to do her research in peace.”

“I doubt it,” Robert said. “Look, I know that she was planning to write a book about this town’s history, right? I also know that we were in a section which had a lot of old newspapers. If we could figure out what newspapers she--”

“The police found her stabbed in the back in the non-fiction psychology section,” Grant said. “Not the one that houses old records. Your theory is invalid.”

“Well, I remember that when we met, she had a few newspapers out,” Robert said. “I think I vaguely remember the time period. Maybe we can go check.”

“Well, you can do it in the morning like all the rest then,” Grant said. “I’m going home to bed. It’s been a long day.”

“You’re coming out with us,” Robert said, taking hold of Grant’s wrist. “Come on, man. Be a sport.”

For a long moment, Grant held his eye. Then, with a sigh, he took out his keys. “Fine. As you wish.”

“Attaboy.” Robert gave out a whoop. “Maybe we can figure it out, Nora.”

“I’d say let’s not get too excited,” Nora said. Mentally, she wondered if Harvey had been right. Robert didn’t seem to have very solid evidence. Part of her wondered if he was just making it up.

“I did a bit of research too, you know,” Robert said as they walked through the dark and silent hallway. Grant stayed behind to turn on the lights. “I found out that this town has a history of weird murders. It’s almost as if the town is cursed.”

“Cursed?” That reminded her of May, for some reason.

“Even the founding fathers of Milburn were murdered,” Robert said. “One of them was very mysteriously killed in the night by intruders. The townspeople blamed the Native Americans at that time, but it was more likely his son who did it. I suspect, it was done so that he could inherit his father’s wealth. Another founding father died of drowning in the well after drinking his regular pint of beer at the local inn. Would you believe that he might have been poisoned? I think there’s some proof pointing to it. Perhaps a jealous mistress. The man was quite a casanova.”

“What does any of this have to do with Selena?”

“She was just as interested in the town’s sordid history as I am,” Robert said. “What if something she found led to her being killed?”

“The past came back to haunt her?” Nora shook her head. “Sounds implausible.”

“Well, we’ll know soon enough.” They’d reached the newspaper section. Robert reached out to a pile from forty years ago, when the lights went off. Nora jumped.

“Ack.” Robert gave a little cough beside her. “That’s inconvenient. Think I should tell Grant about it?”

“I’m right here,” Grant said from behind them. He walked up to them, holding a lantern. “This has never happened before. Shall I go check on the lights?”

“Classic horror movie blunder,” Robert joked. “We should
go check on the lights together.”

“Let’s go, then.”

They made their way down to the basement in the dark, the light from Grant’s lantern slowly dimming. He fiddled around with the fuses, and made a few grunts through a closed mouth. “I think it’s best if I call the electrician tomorrow. It’s best if we all go home for now.”

“Home! Not a chance. There’s a decent lantern right here, and I suggest we use it,” Robert said. “It’ll be more fun that way, actually.”

“Talk about horror movie blunders,” Grant said. “All right, you two use these, I think I have two more stored at the desk. Nora, are you sure you want to stay on?”

“I’m not backing down.” Nora smiled.

“Meet you back where we were, then.” Grant waved goodbye. The light of his cell phone bobbed away in the dark.

“Think you want to hold my hand in the dark?” Robert asked. “Might be safer to walk that way.”

“My cell phone has a flashlight,” Nora said sternly. “You can walk ahead.”

“All right.” Robert smiled. “So, how’s your boyfriend, Nora? I hope I didn’t cause problems between you two.”

“You didn’t.”

didn’t. So there are problems.”

“Can we focus on these newspapers of yours?” Nora asked.

“Right,” Robert said, his cheery voice suddenly deflating. “You know, I’m sorry if I sound like I’m taking all this lightly. The truth is…”

“The truth is you use humor as a defense mechanism,” Nora said. “Isn’t that right?”

Robert pounced on a paper. “Here it is. This is the one she was reading. I’m sure of it.”

Nora picked it up. “Well it seems like a normal, if slightly old, issue of
Milburn Report

From the first floor, they suddenly heard a shout, and then a piercing scream.

“Grant!” Robert cried. “Something’s happened to Grant! Stay here, Nora!” He ran out of the room, with the speed of a cheetah, taking the lantern with him.

“Wait!” Nora, not one to be left behind, attempted to run after him, paused long enough to kick her heels on the floor, and then chased after him, trying to find her way with the light from her phone.

There was an eerie silence in the hall, punctuated by a single scream. The hair on Nora’s neck seemed to rise in warning as she crept down the large stairway. The door to the library, she could see, was wide open. Faint light streamed in from the streetlamp, and in the shadows, Nora could vaguely make out the shape of a body. Fear coiled around her throat, squeezing her breath out.

Perhaps she should have gone to the body. Perhaps that’s what a braver person would have done. But Nora stayed put, and dialed the sheriff’s office.

A friendly voice answered. “County Sheriff’s office, how may I direct your call?”

“I’m in the library,” she whispered.

“You’ll have to speak louder, ma’am, I’m afraid I can’t hear you.”

“There’s been a death in the library!” she said, louder.

“Yes, ma’am, and it’s a tragedy. I assure you, Sheriff Dracon and the rest are trying their hardest to solve the case. Now, Ms Selena’s memorial will be--”

“There’s been a second death in the library,” Nora said, feeling very calm, even though her body was now shaking. “I’m trapped here with the murderer. Could you send a squad please. Fast.”

“The library? Milburn Library?”


“All right, ma’am, stay calm. I’m sending a squad over right now. Are you in a safe place?”

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