A Murderous Masquerade

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Authors: Jackie Williams

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Historical, #Romance, #Regency, #Teen & Young Adult, #Historical Romance, #Mystery & Suspense

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A Murderous Masquerade

A Regency Romance




Jackie Williams


Front Cover

Book Cover by Design

A Murderous Masquerade

Copyright © Jackie Williams 2014



All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used/copied/lent in any form whatsoever without the

written consent of the author.

All character, names and events are from the imagination of the author. Any resemblance to persons alive or deceased is entirely coincidental







To my wonderful daughter, Natalie without whose continual support and endless encouragement none of my books would have been possible.

Thank you, Sweetheart Xx

A Murderous Masquerade


Chapter One


One year, ten months and twenty two days!

The actual hours he hadn’t bothered counting since the day he’d first met Lady Anne, his best friend’s widowed sister in law, but they hardly signified as he hadn’t been carrying a watch when he first set eyes on her.

Giles Denvers was about to run his finger around the inside of his over tight cravat when he remembered his valet come butler’s dire warning. Craddock was a positive demon when pontificating over creases or even worse, a dreaded grease mark. He touched his lonely diamond cravat pin, paced across the over warm room for what felt like the fiftieth time, and thanked his stars that he didn’t need padding at his shoulders as he felt the perspiration begin to bead on his brow.

He knew that it was the fashion to keep a gentleman waiting for upwards of ten minutes, but after all the waiting he had already endured he rather hoped that Lady Anne would be keen to see him. He took his handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed it across his forehead.
Wouldn’t do to look like a nervous fop when it came time to do the deed,
he thought as he paced the room yet again.

He glanced at the clock once again and then felt his heart surge as he heard a light footstep outside the door. He would have known it anywhere.

The door swung open and a vision of beauty wearing the softest shades of emerald green floated in on a waft of delicately perfumed air. Her rich, chestnut curls cascaded over one ivory shoulder and onto the exposed upper curve of her creamy white breast. He swallowed the sensation rising in his chest that begged him to immediately drag her into his arms and kiss those ruby red lips relentlessly and instead, walked calmly towards her. He took her hand as she dropped her silk gloves and fan onto the table inside the door. Sweet pain sliced through him as he realized that he was about to kiss her unadorned hand and for the first time in his life he actually thought he might pass out.

For a whole year after her husband’s death she had worn the severest black and for the next twelve months, the deepest purple. No one could ever fault her or say that Lady Anne Chartris hadn’t taken her mourning seriously, but now the two years were over and the paleness of her gown and the brightness of her smile proved it.

Giles lifted her over-warm hand and felt it tremble on his palm. It was all he could do not to sweep her into his arms, take her to the nearest bedroom and ravish her until the next millennium, but he held his nerve and slowly lifted her hand as he listened to her own gentle breaths. He had waited this long, he could wait a few seconds longer. He breathed in deeply, his heart aching and throbbing violently as her scent invaded his entire body before he let his lips burn a path across her delicate skin.

Flames of passion instantly raged through him as he found that the world had stilled, life outside this room no longer existed and the universe had ceased to spin. It was just him and her and he couldn’t step back or let her go. He could hear her breathing, fast and shallow and he at last lifted his head and gazed into those beautiful, meadow green eyes. He could see the deep and tender feeling she held displayed openly to him and in a sudden fit of daring he moved his hand to her waist.

If she was surprised at his boldness she never showed it. He pulled her nearer to him and lowered his head. Her eyes dipped closed, heavy lashes sweeping over her blushing cheeks and he could wait no longer.

The first delicate touch of their lips was so shocking that she gasped. He didn’t hesitate, couldn’t. The time had long since passed for delay. He managed to breathe out her name just once before his mouth covered hers and he plundered every recess with the abandon of a starving man being offered a banquet.

It seemed that she wanted to join the repast.

Her fingertips threaded from the broad expanse of his chest, slowly across his shoulders and up the back of his neck until they threaded eagerly through the thick waves of his hair. She lifted her body towards his, her breasts straining the delicate fabrics of her gown. His hands spanned her waist and Giles crushed her to him, pulling her hips against his, letting her know that his desire was true and urgent.

Long minutes passed as they explored each other, her long fingernails driving him wild as they grazed the back of his neck and ruffled his hair. His hand slid upwards, skimmed the underside of her breast and he was lost as he felt her sigh into his mouth. It was too much. The waiting had been too long. He couldn’t stop. Refused to. She was everything he had ever wanted, ever needed and she was going to be his. Forever.

He let her go at last and pressed his forehead to hers. Her breath was as ragged as his own, the gentle blush of her cheeks now spreading down her slender neck to the swell of her breasts as they heaved with a near desperate desire.

“Giles...” Her emotion filled whisper set his heart racing faster than he thought possible.

The time had come. He wanted her more than life itself, but he wasn’t about to dishonour her. He was about to fall onto one knee and beg her to make him the happiest of men when there was a loud knock on the heavy oak door behind him.

Giles staggered backwards and glared in fury at the drawing room door. Anne frowned and pressed her hands to the front of her rumpled gown. She glanced in the over mantle mirror and saw that miraculously, her hair was still virtually in place. She smoothed a wayward ringlet and took a step back towards the table. She quickly picked up her gloves and opened the fan, wafting it rapidly to cool her blushing cheeks while Giles took a long pace backwards and moved towards the book case. He ran his fingers through his dishevelled hair and plucked a book from the shelf as Lady Anne found her voice.


Giles nearly choked at her choice of word. Just kissing her had nearly unmanned him. His fall was dangerously tented and he decided that sitting would probably be his best, if uncomfortable option, until the ill timed intrusion was sent away or his riotous blood supply could be brought back under control. He dropped into the fireside chair and placed the book carelessly in his lap.

The door opened and Whittaker, Lady Anne’s butler, stepped inside the doorway.

“My Lady, the Earl of Lavenham and Lord Edward Ellesworth,” the butler announced with a flourish and a deep bow.

The sound of those two names was enough for Giles and he let out a low groan of despair as his ardour cooled quicker than an eyelid could blink. He had first met Anne’s father and brother when visiting her ancestral home with his friend, Alexander, Duke of Ormond. Anne had been whisked away from Ormond with indecent haste after Alexander’s brother’s death, and Alexander had needed answers to some difficult questions.

Alexander had never forgotten young Edward’s vile behaviour. He couldn’t believe that the boy was so prejudiced over rank or title. Not only had he insulted his sister but he had called Giles’ honour into question over his apparently lowly beginnings. If he hadn’t been Anne’s brother, Giles would have called him out. As it was, the boy was lucky to have come out of the meeting unscathed. Fortunately he had only encountered them infrequently since. Anne had been installed in her own household soon after and Giles had always discovered that he had pressing engagements whenever they called.

He fought back a growl of annoyance as his heart went out to the beautiful woman standing trembling before her visitors.

She looked as though she was about to faint, but quickly took a steadying breath, dragged a smile onto her exquisite face and held out her hands to her portly father and rotund brother as they entered the room.

“My dears, how unexpected. You should have let me know that you were about to call.” Her tone was perfect, unhurried and welcoming, but with enough steel to let them know that they should have been graceful enough to send word of their imminent arrival in advance.

Her father came forward and gave her a peck on the cheek.

“Don’t be ridiculous Anne, I have every right to call on you as I please, as does your brother. You do look lovely by the way. The green is very fetching.” He flipped his hand carelessly towards her dress.

Edward came forwards and brushed his thick lips across her brow, causing Giles to want to slit the upstart’s slimy throat.

“Shouldn’t you be in grey or lilac? This colour is a bit flash, isn’t it? Surely something slightly less vibrant would be more suitable for a widow.” Edward’s nasal tones drifted across the room and Giles gripped the arms of the chair to stop himself from rising.

Anne caught hold of Edward’s cheek and gave it an affectionate, if slightly painful tug. She knew exactly what her brother was up to but refused to rise to his bait.

“Idiot boy. I can wear whatever colour I feel is appropriate and as I was about to go out for a walk, I felt this dress was perfect. You should not worry though, in this shade of green I will blend in with all the plants and no one will see me.” She let go of the flabby skin on his cheek and held back a laugh, but Edward hadn’t caught the joke.

He rubbed his cheek and looked down his nose at her.

“Hmm, I am not sure that this is appropriate even so. You are not even wearing your gloves.” He gave her an obsequious smile.

Anne breathed in through her nose as she took the gloves from her arm and held them up. She waggled the two elbow length articles in front of him.

“I was about to put them on when you interrupted me. The weather is a little warm and I hadn’t put them on while inside, but if you don’t think that I am suitably attired, you are quite at your leisure to wait for the next half an hour, by which time I am sure that I can come down dressed to meet your exacting expectations!”

Giles had already had enough of the insufferable pair, but he bit back the growl that threatened to leave his lips and instead slowly stood.

The Earl’s eyebrows came down as fast as rats leave a sinking ship and Edward’s superior smile turned into a sneer as they at last noticed the tall, handsome man in the room.

“Good God! What on earth is he doing here? Anne, have you entirely let leave of your senses?” Edward spluttered before his father had time to issue any opinion on his daughter entertaining men alone.

Anne rolled her eyes and motioned for Whittaker to arrange for tea. When her butler had left the room she turned to her brother.

“Edward, be aware that I am sparing you embarrassment in front of the staff, but as you well know, Mr. Denvers has been my constant friend for nearly two years. I am afraid that if you are going to be outraged every time you see him, I am going to have to banish you and your pompous attitude from my home and my presence hereafter.”

Giles nearly laughed as the young Lord recognized that his sister was perfectly able to stand up for herself. The boy was barely out of his teens and yet he spoke as though he was a forty year old father with a wayward sixteen year old daughter on his hands.

Denvers gave the Earl a curt bow and nodded his head briefly at young Edward. He’d be damned if he was ever going to bow to the little weasel even if he was a Lord.

“It seems that the pleasure is all mine. Lady Anne and I were discussing the forthcoming ball. Will you be attending?” He raised an enquiring eyebrow even while knowing that Alexander, Duke of Ormond, would have rather stabbed himself in the eye with a with a broken fence post than invite this arrogant pair within five miles of his ancestral home

The Earl looked enquiringly towards his daughter.

“A ball? Here? But you are barely out of mourning. I am shocked that you are even considering it. Think of the gossip, the scandal.”

Lady Anne scoffed.

“Father! Honestly! You would have thought I had ridden through the streets like Lady Godiva, but actually Mr. Denvers was alluding to the ball being held by his friend at Ormond next week. It is to be a masquerade and we were discussing the possibility of corresponding costumes. Mr. Denvers has consented to be my escort for the evening because as you rightly say, it would be simply scandalous if I were to attend alone being so recently out of blacks.” She waved her fan in front of her face and fluttered her eyelids in mock horror at the thought.

Edward appeared to grow in size though it was mostly outward through his stomach rather than upwards through his shoulders.

“A mas...masquerade!” He spluttered, spraying the general area with his displeasure.

“Yes, of course. It will be midsummer and there will be dancing around a huge bonfire on the Ormond estate. I’m told that the common folk may even dance naked!” Anne gave a twirl as she held out the skirt of her frock.

Giles slammed his hand over his mouth and pretended to have a coughing fit as he hid a bark of barely concealed laughter.

“Dust down the chimney...This time of year, birds’ nests and what not.” He banged his chest with his fist and held onto his composure by a thread.

Edward deflated and appealed to his father.

“That’s it. The final straw. You’ll have to commit her. I told you over five years ago that she had completely lost her marbles. Remember when she cried off that engagement to Lord...Lord, whatever his name was, to marry Chartris? Unbelievable! And now talking about dancing naked at this ball just goes to prove it.”

The Earl gave his son a withering glare and smiled nervously at his clearly exasperated daughter.

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