A Pagan Ritual Prayer Book (21 page)

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Authors: Ceisiwr Serith

BOOK: A Pagan Ritual Prayer Book
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The Goddess:

  • Be blessed, be blessed, be truly blessed,

    by these triple words,


    by this triple touch,


    by this triple prayer,


    be blessed by the Goddess,


    by growth, by fullness, by the dark,


    by Maiden and Mother and Crone,


    be blessed, be blessed, be three times blessed,


    by the threefold Goddess be blessed.


Of all the degrees of time, it is the day that affects us the most strongly. We get up, we get ready for the day, we go to work, we come home, we get ready for bed, we go to sleep. We watch the sun rise higher in the sky, and feel the warmth and light grow. We watch the sun set in a blazing sky, and feel the dark and chill descend. We see the stars appear and paint the dark with their light, and then comes the dawn. The sun returns, and the cycle begins again.


When we observe these moments with sacred words, we sanctify them (or we recognize their already-existing sacredness, which is essentially the same thing). The most mundane act becomes sacred. We are put in touch with the sacred each moment. We live sacred days.

False Dawn
  • False dawn after darkness is comforting.

    But soon—


    Oh, the glory!

  • Your singing brings the sun, which I need,

    but in it I hear that this day you're announcing means one less in my life.


    Your morning song is my mourning song.


    Even though you herald the sun, I find it hard to feel affection toward you,


    but a goddess who can bring both light and death deserves honor.


    Take this prayer as such.

  • On my left and right stand pillars,

    those between which the Sun makes his entrance.


    And I, like Dawn, invite and welcome Him into this day.

  • When you climb heaven's vault,

    your hands beyond counting stretch out to all living things,


    gently shaking them all awake.


    “Arise!” you say, “Day is here!”


    and rising we lift our hands to yours:


    you who are One, shining.

  • Do not delay, Dawn, to rise from your rosy bed,

    to speak the words the Sun wishes spread:


    that you come, that he comes behind,


    scattering before the sorrows dark has spread:


    Do not delay, Dawn, do not delay.

  • The young maiden Dawn is the bringer of comfort,

    deserving of praise.


    To you, lovely one, these words.

  • Dawn rises in the East

    She pulls her cloak behind her


    It covers the sky while she pushes away night.


    Slowly grows in the East the golden flower


    Slowly its bud opens


    and then, suddenly, surprisingly,


    with a flash of golden light,


    He is there.


    The sun is born again.


    She has raised him again


    He is freed from the earth.


    He spreads his wings


    and climbs into the sky.


    His eye looks down


    and we look up.


    People awake


    Cattle awake


    Singing birds awake.


    Creatures of the night go to sleep


    Secrets hide


    Deeds are done in the open.


    Day begins.

  • When the sky is red with the

    light of the morning,


    I lift my hands in a cup to catch your gifts.


    That is when the young dancer


    goes through the sky


    and covers it with her cloak.


    The morning is a good time,


    a time to think of the day to come.


    I stand on the grass


    wet with your tears


    and think of you.

  • I awake with the Sun's light

    and dance forth with Dawn.

  • Sing into being over the horizon,

    the rose, the many pinks of your coming,


    and waken our minds from their dream-bestowed haze.


    Open our eyes, ready our ears,


    for the thundering flash,


    for the sudden shout,


    with which the sun will bound over the horizon


    through the gates opened by you,


    who are welcome to my night-darkened soul.

  • Dawn, I have seen you come and been happy before:

    receive this offering.


    Sun, I have seen you come and been happy before:


    receive this offering.


    Night, I have seen you come and been happy before:


    receive this offering from one who holds you in high esteem.


    I will see you again, and see your daughters the stars.


    Now is the time to turn toward your sisters, Dawn and the Sun,


    welcoming them with this well-intentioned offering.

  • On the sky's dew rainbow

    come swiftly, softly, into my heart, rosy maiden,


    veiled in pinks,





  • Riding the rainbow, rise in the East,

    singing Aushrine,


    singing, shining.


Us. as:

  • Receiving the infant, shining in your lap,

    from the hands of your dark sister,


    send it on its way to look down on those who worship well,


    on those whose steps it guides by

  • I accept the gift of this day

    and will make it one to be proud of.

  • I am born again this morning with this morning's birth.

The All-Gods:

  • All-Gods, I thank you for guiding my soul and the world through the darkness into light,

    and I pray to you, and most of all to [god's name], to whom I am especially devoted,


    that you be with me today, with blessings and protection.

  • This day, this morning,

    I pray to the Old Gods, the gods of my people,


    you have given me blessings on so many days past:


    grant them to me today.


    May I, a faithful worshipper,


    flourish in happiness in your concern.

  • “Was it for this I was born?”

    asked Marcus Aurelius


    “For lying in bed in the morning?”


    Wake me, move me, get me up,


    Gods and Goddesses, Holy Ones,


    to go about my proper work,


    that which I am meant to do.

  • Waking in the morning, I think of you,

    of you, All-Gods,


    of whom my last thought was last night


    and toward whom my thoughts will turn,


    again and again,


    as I live this day.

  • This day, this morning,

    I pray to the Old Gods,


    the gods of my people.


    You have given blessings on so many days past:


    grant them to me today.


    May I, a faithful worshipper,


    flourish in happiness in your concern.

  • All the Kindreds, I ask of you this day:

    May I live a life of Quality.


    May I think artful thoughts.


    May I speak artful words.


    May I perform artful deeds.


    May I live a good life under your guidance.

  • Each action today yours, Striker.

    Each thought today yours, Measurer.


    Each decision today on what is right yours, Shining Sky Father.


    Each moment yours, All-Gods, today.


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