A Pirate's Curse (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix) (31 page)

BOOK: A Pirate's Curse (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix)
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cupped his cheek. “I want to stand by you and fight, Kane. He has my father and murdered my friends. ’Tis as much my fight as yours. Just promise me, you’ll survive.”


Chapter Twenty-Six


woke wrapped in Kane’s arms. Snuggling close, she sighed and smiled. She rubbed her hand over his arm, feeling the muscles, knowing he’d keep her safe, knowing she belonged to him now.

rolled to the other side and gazed at him. Long lashes graced his eyes, making him look like a carefree youth. 

“You keep moving like that lass
, and I’m likely to take you again.”

“I can only hope.”

He pushed her gently down onto her back. Her hands roamed over his back, delighting in the flex of his muscles. He trembled beneath her touch and she was surprised this man, this vampire, shook as much as she did. Kane kissed her neck and inched down between her breasts, his hot mouth sucking and kissing her mounds.

She held his head to her breast, arching her back, offering more of herself to him.

“Kane,” she panted.

He lifted his head.

She pushed his hair back.
“Did you bite me last night?”

He lowered his head, his hair brushing on her skin.
He avoided her gaze and gritted his teeth. “Aye, I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.”

She grasped his chin and stared into his emerald eyes.
“I’m not a vampire, right?”

"No, thank God."
He took her palm and kissed it, his warm breath stirring wicked sensations. “I’d never want you to have this curse, Hannah. You’re my life.”

“What do you mean that I am your life?”

Kane kissed each of her fingers and she trembled. How could kissing her fingers turn her into a melting mess? “When I wake in the morning, the first thing I want to see is your angelic face.” He kissed her lips, his body crushing her. “When I go to bed, the last thing I want to see is your angelic face,” he whispered.

She twirled her finger in a lock of
his hair. “I never want to leave your side.”

He held her gaze.
She wanted to tell him so much more, tell him she loved him, but she swallowed. The words were on the tip of her tongue but she held back. Too many times, she’d been vulnerable with him only to experience disappointment. She couldn’t bear to be parted from him. 

hand slid down her belly towards her feminine curls. She sucked her breath as his finger entered her core. Her hips rocked to the movement of his hand, building another firestorm of insatiable hunger.

They were sailing out to sea, hunting down Palmer. Last time, the
Soaring Phoenix
exchanged fire, they also sank. This time, they might not survive. She couldn’t bear to watch them die like the men aboard the
, to see him cut down, his blood spilling. Digging her nails into his flesh, she needed to feel him, knowing he was alive.

“Kane, I want you inside me
,” she said against his kiss.

He slowly withdrew his finger, and his hard flesh pressed her inner thigh.
She clutched his shoulders, wanting to feel him pulsating and thrusting inside her one more time.

eased his cock inside, her sore tiny muscles clasped around him, growing accustomed to his size. The anticipation ignited a heat stirring within her, and Kane didn’t disappoint. He rocked his hips and she met his steady rhythm. His intensity increased, thrilling her. Her sensitive core accepted him each time and she met each thrust, drowning in the sensation rushing over her hot body. When the orgasm came, she burst into tiny fragments and screamed his name.

In the next moment, he, too, exploded
, spilling his seed inside her. He panted and kissed her. “You’re killing me love.”

They lay entangled with each other, Hannah inhaling sandalwood, now mi
xed with musk. Kane kissed her shoulder and slowly pulled out of her. He braced his forearms on either side of Hannah and kissed her. “As much as I want to stay here, I’ve got to get back to on deck.”

She cupped his face.
“I know.”

He kissed
her one last time, his tongue dancing with hers, his beating heart matched hers. Groaning, he pulled away from her and sat, raking his hand through his hair. “I wish I could stay here all day, but…”

re the captain.” She leaned up and ran her fingers down his backside. “I understand, Kane.”

He glanced over at her.

Standing, he stretched, his muscles rippling.
She wanted to run her fingers over his firm buttocks again.

“Are you going to get up? Or d’ye want me to send breakfast and a bath to you?”

“I want to eat and practice my cutlass.”

He laughed.
“That’s my fiery lass.”

He hugged her close to him, nibbling on her ear.
“Now, get dressed or we’ll never make it out of this cabin.

Hannah sighed and escaped from him.
He leaned against the door watching her get dressed. “You make me nervous.”

“Just want to watch your luscious body one more time.”

She slid the cutlass into its sheath. A rapid knock hit the door and she jumped.

“Capt’n,” Sean called. “We’ve spotted white sails on the horizon.”

Hannah and Kane stared at each other. Her heart pounding dread pooled in her stomach. This was it, the final battle between Kane and Palmer.

“’Tis Palmer?”

“No,” Sean answered. “
On the portside. ’Tis D’Aubigne’s.”

Kane ran to his side
with Hannah trailing behind him. Bile rose in her mouth about facing Jacques.

“Why is he here
?” The memory of Jacques’ cold breath, his tiny sharp teeth on her breast, his nails scratching her skin gripped her. She swallowed back the bile threatening to slide up her throat. What if Jacques’ ship overtook the
Soaring Phoenix
? Could she face him? What if Kane was killed and she was captured?


With grim determination, Hannah gripped the cutlass handle and headed on deck. They joined William and Sean portside. William handed Kane a spyglass and Kane sighed in on the ship upon the horizon. He didn’t take his eyes from the approaching threat. “You best be below deck, love, when we engage in battle.”

stiffened. “Why? You just said…”

He put the spyglass down. His expression was a mask of stone
. “Hannah, you’ve only just learned your skills. Practicing with a cutlass for a couple of days does not make you an expert. I want you below deck when D’Aubigne attacks or I’ll have you locked in the brig. Savvy?”

thin chill hung on the barb of his words and his dark scowl left little doubt he meant what he said. Not wanting to argue, she changed the subject. “So, ’tis Jacques?”

Sorcière de Mer.
” He narrowed his eyes. “D’ye understand?”

ve been listening to him.” She stuck her thumb out at William.


Kane grabbed her arm.
“Hannah, there’s no argument with this. I want you below deck. If they get below and I can’t get to you, do what you have to do to survive But I refuse to put you in harm’s way. I won’t lose you.”

His protectiveness touched her. He did care about her. She nodded and turned her gaze to the horizon. He released her and wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. She shielded her eyes. “How far away are they?”

Sean squinted. “Due west.
She’s about nine leagues away from us. ’Tis a ketch,” Sean said. “They’ve hoisted their sails and spread them against the wind to increase their speed. They mean to overtake us.”

She shuddered and bit her lip. Control your fear. Control your anger. Control your hate.

Kane released her.
“Turn her about and fall off. Helm a-port side for the ketch.”

The ketch’s cannons aimed at their portside.
Hannah braced herself.

“Make ready the guys,” Kane ordered.

“Ready the cannons,” Amadi yelled.

followed his orders and with precision prepared the cannons and the swivel gun.

“Kane,” William shook his head. “She’s got the advantage of being at the windward side.”

“Aye. We’re going to have to out maneuver her.”

earful assaulted her—the
Fiery Damsel
, the dungeon, Simone, and the ball.

” Kane rubbed her back. “We won’t let him hurt you again. I promise.”

She nodded, but her hand flickered over her
cutlass and slowly unsheathed it. She molded her hand around it. This time, she’d be ready.

Kane looked at his crew.
“We fight.”

The crew cheered. Men raised their cutlasses, swords and pistols.

She gave him a grim smile. “Don’t lose.”

He stared down at her.
“I don’t intend to. I want you below deck. Understand?”

She folded her arms across her chest.
“They are not even here yet, Kane.”

Kane motioned to William.
“William, escort Hannah to my cabin and make sure she stays there.”

“Aye, Kane, I‘ll make sure she stays.”
William clutched her arm and dragged her to the cabin. He treated her like a little girl banished to her room.

When he opened the door, she turned on him.
“Are you happy you got your way and I’m being treated like a prisoner?”

His mouth was tight and grim.
“At least, you’ll be safe, Hannah. Now, stay here,” he warned. “Otherwise, I’ll haul you down into the ship’s belly.” He slammed the door.

She pressed her ear to the
hard wood and listened. His footsteps faded away. She creaked open the door and poked her head outside. Her heart thumped hard as she inched her foot over the threshold. She smiled. William was gone. She softly shut the door and rushed to the stairs. She forced her trembling leg to move and climbed the stair.

Kane’s voice boomed. “She’s fighting on the bowline.
He’ll aim for our rigging and sails, mates.”

Cannons fired.
The ship rocked. Hannah slammed into a wall, nearly losing her footing. Pain throbbed in her right arm. She took another step and waited.

“Helm a starboard,” Kane yelled, “She’s coming about.”

She swallowed. Jacques was determined. His sneering face flashed in front of her. She sucked in her gut, not wanting to feel his hands on her again. 

“Reload the cannons,” Amadi ordered.
“Aim for her hull, mates.” As the
Sorcière de Mer
got closer, he raised his clenched fist in the air and yelled. “Fire.”

Sean echoed his command. “Aim for the hull.

Cannons rumbl
ed. “Prepare to be boarded men,” Kane yelled.

She closed her eyes.
The ship swayed and bumped into something hard. Jacques was coming. She opened her eyes.

etal clanged and pistols popped. Two men clashed blades and danced with their swords at the opening of the stairs, but disappeared. Could she possibly wield a sword like them?

Taking another step, she crept up the stairs, h
er shaking hand clutching the cutlass.

Cannons fired.
She wrinkled her nose at the strong smell of sulfur and smoke. Another blast of cannon fire droned in her ears. Her heart pounded. Sweat trickled down her back. Her eyes watered. She could do this.

Two shadows passed over the open door. She plastered herself against the ladder, her heart beating wildly.

“Drop it or your dead
.” She recognized Sean’s deep voice.

She peered outside
just as Sean aimed his pistol and fired, hitting a charging man square in the chest. The man collapsed onto the deck. Maybe she should run down the stairs and hide, but despite her fear, she stepped through the doorway.

Sorcière de Mer
rode the waves parallel to the
Soaring Phoenix
, grappling hooks clinging to the railing that had pulled the ships together. Black smoke filled the deck. Scowling men engaged in hand-to-hand sword fighting. Swords clashed and slashed through flesh. Pistol shots rang out, ripping through meat. Sailors screamed in pain as they fell. Blood drenched the deck floor. Her heart quickened, her teeth chattered. Where was her courage? She gritted her teeth. Remember. Control your fear.

She closed her eyes. Just like on the
. She opened her eyes and took a steady breath. Opening her eyes, she spotted Jacques and gripped her cutlass tighter.

The wretch
sliced the throat of one of Kane’s men, blood dripping down the man’s shirt. Her stomach twirled. Jacques fired his pistol hitting the man in the chest. The man fell to his knees and Jacques kicked him in the face, knocking him to the ground. He had the same smug look when he had Simone burned. His icy eyes reflected no mercy.

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