A Place to Call Home (17 page)

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Authors: Christina James

Tags: #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: A Place to Call Home
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Josh had just laughed, walking out of the holding area. “Mac don’t know what a lucky sonnova bitch he is.”


So now here she sat in the jail cell, having found out what the ‘or else’ had been.


Male voices caught her attention, breaking her reverie. She cringed. She would recognize
Southern drawl anywhere.


The sounds got closer until Mac’s gaze caught hers from the other side of the metal bars while a deputy walked him back. “What seems to be the problem, Sheriff?” Mac asked, glancing at Hannah sitting in the cell.


“Seems she caused a ruckus.”


Mac turned to Hannah. “Causing ruckuses, are you now?” he charged sarcastically and scowled. His accusatory tone held not an ounce of sympathy.


“She caused a brawl,” Sheriff Greely explained, his bald spot barely covered by a comb-over that only made him appear older.


“A brawl? Are you shitting me? Where’s Sandy?” Mac whipped his head around searching the room, his frown deepening.


“You heard me right,” the sheriff said. “Sandy’s brother picked her up a little while ago. Seems Hannah was her ride and since Hannah wasn’t able to drive at the moment, Sandy had to call for a ride. I’ll have her car towed back to her house.”


“I told you this was a bad idea,” Mac said, those blue icy eyes blazing into her soul.


“Hannah claims she was an innocent bystander. Bartender says differently.” The sheriff laughed, a deep gut kind of laugh.


“This isn’t funny! Mac!” She stood at the bars holding her captive. “Sheriff, are you going to let me out of here now?”


“Well, that all depends, pretty lady.”


“On what?” she said, her voice rising to a frantic plea. “You said if I had someone come pick me up then I could go.”


“Well, hold on now, Ms. O’Leary. I have to make sure Mac knows what he’s getting himself into, picking you up and all.”


“Oh, I think I get the picture.” Mac sent a stern gaze her way. “What’s the bail, Sheriff?”


“There’s none. I just wanted her to cool down but since she wouldn’t, I couldn’t let her drive.”


“Of course,” Mac agreed.


“So you want to take her with you, Mac?” The sheriff licked jelly donut off of his stubby fingers. “If not, then she can sit there until she wears off her temper and can quiet down.”


Mac hesitated as if thinking.


“Mac!” she shrieked. Panic settled deep in her bones. Of course, he had no reason to help her. Just because they had a physical attraction didn’t mean he had to bail her out of jail. Oh God, he damn well better. “You can’t leave me here!”


“I can and I should but, fortunately, I have a better idea on how to get a handle on that damn temper of yours.”


“Okay, then, Mac. She’s all yours.” His keys jingled as he opened the cell.


“Lucky me,” he said.


Mac grabbed her hand and held it firmly like a child. How dare he? Just wait until they got outside. She’d be sure to get her hand back!


“Now, Mac. I’m releasing her into your custody. That means you’re responsible for her actions. Well, at least for the rest of tonight.” Another stupid laugh. “Just make sure she doesn’t cause any more trouble.”


Mac looked from the sheriff to Hannah. “No problem, Sheriff. I can pretty much guarantee she’ll be no more trouble…tonight.”


They walked outside—actually he dragged her, but she kept up with those long legs as best she could. He opened the passenger door of his truck and placed his hands on her waist. Without any effort he lifted her and dropped her on the seat.


“Well! I can’t believe—” she sputtered.


He slammed the door shut, cutting off her protests. Her mouth gaped while she scrutinized the way he stomped around his truck to the other side. When he climbed inside and started the engine, she lit into him.


“How dare you treat me like a child? And how dare you practically throw me into this truck?”


“Shut up, Hannah,” he said casually. “If you know what’s good for you you’ll shut up this instant.”


“Don’t you think you can threaten me.” From this angle, she could only see his profile, the intensity of his eyes while they stared out the windshield, the firm line of his lips, the twitch of his jaw muscle.


Keeping a firm grip on the steering wheel, he quickly glanced at her. “Put your seatbelt on.”


“No.” Swinging around in her seat, she folded her arms and stared out into the darkness.


Without warning he swung the steering wheel, pulled over to the curb, and slammed the gearshift into park. He quickly leaned over her and seat belted her himself. “I know a damn good way to deal with that damn hot temper of yours, so watch it.”


“Go to hell.” Never had she been so angry. Her temper boiled. She hated when she let herself get this worked up. After all,
to pick her up. And he didn’t have to come. And on top of that, he was the one who’d put her in this damn temper to begin with—by slandering her name and saying she was trouble, warning Sandy to stay away from her.


He drove glancing at her every few seconds.


“You got something to say, Mac, then say it. If not, keep your eyes on the road and off of me.”


“Tomorrow you’re going to apologize to the bar owner for that brawl.”


A long laugh escaped her throat. “Yeah, right. There’s no way I’m apologizing. I did nothing wrong.”


He shot her an angry look. “Yeah, and I believe that.”


“Mac? Who’s watching the kids?” she said suddenly remembering the late hour.


“I called my mother to watch Ryan and Luke so I could come get you. Aidan was out with his girlfriend and not due home for another half hour. Didn’t want to keep you waiting, darling.”


“And here I thought you were prepared to leave me there.” If he wanted to have an attitude with her then she sure would give it back.


“That I should’ve done.”


“Then why didn’t you?”


“Guess I’m a sucker for a pretty woman in distress.”


She sulked. How had this nightfall to pieces so quickly? One minute she’d enjoyed dancing and the next she sat in jail. Now she had to deal with Mac’s sarcasm, which she had no patience for at the moment. She should’ve saved them both the time and trouble and just choked him earlier when he had set her bad mood for the night with his insinuations with Sandy.


His voice broke into her thoughts. “So do you promise to apologize tomorrow and calm down now?”


Christ, did he always want his way?
“I said no. You’re not telling me what to do.”


His eyes flashed a blue streak of lightning before his attention returned to the road. “I’m warning you that you’ll calm down or else. You have about one minute to do so.”


“Just drive me home. I’ve already heard that line from the sheriff. Believe me, he didn’t impress me and neither do you.” The briskness of the AC had done nothing to cool off her irritability and now, sitting this close to Mac forced her to inhale his fresh-from-the-shower scent with every breath. Mixed with the green pine tree air freshener dangling from the rearview mirror it continuously reminded her of the outdoors, wild and rugged. Getting turned on right now just wouldn’t help things. She needed her pillow not wet panties.


“No,” he said simply, his gaze glued to the road that twisted and turned into the darkness.


“No?” Her eyes widened at his defiance. “What do you mean no?”


His head swiveled, his face emotionless. “Hannah. Last warning. I’m not putting up with your temper any longer. I’m not driving you home until you get it under control. If you can’t, well, darling, I’m sure as hell going to help you.”


“I knew I shouldn’t have called you.” With nothing better to do with her clenched fists, clearly not wanting to kill them both by knocking him upside the head while he drove, she crossed her arms and stewed.


“Then why did you?”


How could she tell him the truth? That she had been afraid, alone, and she could count on him. Her temper, still raging, wouldn’t let her come anywhere near the truth. And why did he have to act all macho now when her body hummed for his touch, every time he spoke? Using an authoritative tone only added to her arousal. She wanted nothing more than to unwrap the beast within him, channel that power to bring them both pleasure, and rise to the challenge of temper meeting temper. “Because you’re the only one I really know around here. Why do you think?”


“Oh, and here I thought you called me because you couldn’t stop thinking of me.” He stopped in a deserted parking lot abutted by massive trees. Killing the ignition, he turned, his long arm stretching along the back of the seat. “You ready to promise to apologize and cool down that temper of yours right now and stop being a little witch?”


Did he just call her a witch?
The arrogant bastard.
“No. Where are we?” she asked, glancing around, recognizing the area from driving to Mac’s house.


“Filbin Creek. Nice little place to cool off.” He got out and walked around to her door. Before she knew what was happening, he dragged her out of the truck by her arm then hauled her over his shoulder and strode toward the water. The quiet lap of water hitting the shore told her they were close to it.


“Put me down. What are you doing?” She punched at his back, not even causing him to flinch.


He dropped her easily onto her butt on the cool sand. She cursed him.


Staring down, he grinned, his lips parting to show straight white teeth that right now were taunting her. Why did he have to be so sexy when she wanted to hate him?


“Last chance, Hannah. Are you going to apologize to the bartender for tonight?”


Ignoring him was impossible. Perhaps the silent treatment would prove effective. So she sat there, leaning back on her palms and didn’t speak. He dropped to the sand, sitting next to her, and yanked her across his lap with little effort.


Hannah lay face down in the sand by the time she realized what the odd position implied. But it proved too late.


Mac’s hand landed hard on her jean-clad bottom.


“Ow!” she protested. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Mac?”


He whacked her butt again, hard. “I thought it was obvious but if you need an explanation. Spanking you. I warned you not to push my temper over the edge. I’ve had all of yours,” he said sternly, his hand landing on her bottom again, “that I’m going to put up with.”


His hand landed on its target again. She tried to wiggle free with no success.


“You can’t spank me,” she yelled. Another stinging smack landed on her wiggling bottom. “Ow!”


“Looks like I am,” he said so matter-of-factly she wanted to choke him. “I’d say it’s about damn time someone spanked you.”


“Ow. Stop! I’m twenty-six years old!”


“Well, you’re acting like you’re six.”


Another spank landed soundly on the middle of her rear end. Her tender flesh was on fire. What was this beast of a man thinking? And would those obnoxious insects stop their stupid humming!


“How dare you do this? Stop!” She attempted to use her hand to cover her bottom but he quickly held it captive behind her back then rewarded her efforts with a hard swat that meant business. “Let me up,” she demanded. “Mac! Mac!”


Ignoring her, he continued spanking her poor bottom, landing that meaty hand across her fiery backside with regular rhythm.


Chapter Twenty


Hannah’s fists clenched, the gesture useless while she remained upside down. Oh, if he thought she’d shown him her temper before just wait until she got free from his iron grip. Using every bit of strength she possessed, she shoved against his thighs. But with her confined hand held snugly at her back, the effort to break his indestructible hold proved useless. She kicked her legs but couldn’t lift them more than a few inches off the sand in this position. She twisted her body, unable to avoid the stinging swats. Mac simply held her in place, firmly and easily, and continued laying one wallop after another on her wincing bottom.


Exhausted and resigned to her fate, Hannah finally lay helplessly across Mac’s lap while he thoroughly spanked her.


“Well, brat? I’m still waiting for your answer.” His voice appeared calm, but there could be no mistaking his seriousness. He meant to have a reply.


The swine had the nerve to talk now after at least a dozen swats? But she had quickly become unglued. Her temper had departed, and her bottom smarted from each new slap.


“I’ll apologize,” she agreed, her pride bruised, temper deflated.


When he stopped the paddling, relief flooded her. Then he surprised her and massaged her ass for a minute. Instantly, she became motionless. The way his large hand traced the curves of her butt delving deeper and deeper between her cheeks, and his fingers slipping between her thighs had her swallowing hard and searching for her voice to demand him to stop. But his hands kneading her hot flesh felt just too damned good to speak up.


By the time he finally lifted her from his lap, her breaths came fast and furious, yet his remained his calm and steady. Of course, he hadn’t just been punished like a naughty child. Her eyes stung with the tears that threatened to run down her cheeks, not from the pain—because it really hadn’t hurt much—but from how foolish she felt. Why did she always allow her stupid temper to rule her brain? It was like pent up frustration or something.


Admitting only to herself, she definitely could’ve, should’ve, handled tonight much better. Could she honestly blame Mac if she purposely drove him over the edge with her terrible disposition? After he’d done her the favor of picking her up at the sheriff’s office, he’d warned her over and over he wouldn’t deal with her temper, hadn’t he?


For a moment, Hannah sat, the sand a cool compress on her flaming bottom, and stared in shock at Mac. He seemed satisfied and pleased. The swine! Who did he think he was? First he spanked her for her errant temper then had the nerve to stroke her, turning her on when she really just wanted to remain mad at him. But then he stopped touching her, leaving her aching and ready to beg for more. If she could find her voice, she’d scream.


He kept his eyes on her while he removed his work boots and socks, tossing them carelessly onto the ground.


When he stood, she swore she could make out the outline of his long erection against his tight jeans but the dark of night could have been playing tricks with her eyes. When he picked her up and cradled her in his arms, she didn’t know what to expect. Quickly, he walked into the lake.


“You need to chill that temper off now, brat.”


Figuring out what he meant to do, she attempted to latch onto his neck. “Don’t you dare!”


But he dropped her into water. The cold rush of waves hit her hot rear end and then covered her head, fully submerging her. She sank to the bottom.


When her feet touched the creek bed, she stood up and burst through the shallow water, gasping.


Mac stood in front of her, arms crossed. He stared at her, the moonlight glistening off his black hair. She let go of a string of curses, her temper returning full blast.


“Darling, I’ve got some really good hand soap in the truck. Commercial grade. Smells like shit but does the job. Probably wouldn’t taste that good but you’ll find out if I so much as hear one more curse word out of you,” he said, his voice quiet and angry.


She didn’t doubt him since he was in a fine temper himself, so she only glared.


Like earlier, he grabbed a hold of her hand like a child, and strutted toward the shore, dragging her behind him, water dripping from her whole body. It may have been eighty degrees out but she shivered in the gusty breeze that swept through the trees.


When they arrived at the sand, he retrieved his boots and socks and continued walking. At the parking lot, Mac released Hannah’s hand and leaned against his truck to put his boots on.


When he finished, he said, “Strip.”


“W-what?” She stared at him. Did she just hear him right?


He looked at her. “Did I stutter? I said strip.” He opened the back door to rumble through a gym bag and pull out a T-shirt.


“I’m not stripping.” Her long, damp hair blew into her face, fanning her wet skin. A shiver raced through her body.


“You’re not sitting in my truck soaking wet either.” His authoritative stance demanded he be obeyed.


It just so happened she didn’t take lightly to being ordered to do anything. “That was your bright idea.”


“And your fault. I have a spare T-shirt that’ll fit you like a dress. Now are you going to remove those wet things, or am I? The bra and panties too.” He perused her entire body. “I want everything off.”


Oh, did he? She glared. “You wouldn’t dare.”


When he only looked at her, she inhaled sharply. “You are the most obnoxious, horrible, swine, jerk—”


“Uh uh uh. Watch it.” His finger wagged in front of her face. “You wouldn’t want to curse and end up with a mouthful of that tasty soap.”


“I hate you!” she screamed, her clenched fists held defiantly at her sides.


“I’m sure you do and your time is up.”


His large hand snaked out, grabbing her. She jumped back but he moved quicker, managing to catch her forearm.


“All right! I’ll take them off.” Shrugging free of his grasp, she stepped back a foot. “Give me the T-shirt and turn around.”


“Shy are we? Now with that mouth and temper I wouldn’t have taken you as a shy woman, Hannah.” His mocking stare only pissed her off more.


“Turn around,” she said through gritted teeth.


Giving her his back, he leaned his shoulder against the truck. “Make it quick.”


Shooting daggers at his very muscular shoulders, she removed the soggy clothes. It was a weird feeling to stand naked in the open night air with Mac three feet from her. Even with him turned, she couldn’t help but feel like he was watching her.


She quickly tossed his T-shirt over her head and once again stood decent. She balled up her wet clothes, looked at the back of his head, and even though she knew she shouldn’t, even though her sore bottom warned her not to, she flexed her arm back and sent the wet clothes flying into the back of his head.


The accompanying thump had her giggling until he turned around and glared.


“Sorry. I couldn’t resist,” she confessed sheepishly.


“Do that again and I’ll—”


“You’ll what, Mac? You’ve already spanked me.”


Teasing him, she caressed her bottom over the fabric of the old T-shirt. Heat flashed in his eyes—and it had nothing to do with temper and everything to do with desire. She’d seen desire in enough men’s eyes to know Mac was full of it right now.


“Not good enough it seems,” he growled. “If you don’t pick up your clothes they can stay there. Get in the truck.”


She barely had time to gather her clothes again before he snatched the pile and tossed it into his pickup bed. Then he opened her door, his aggravation radiating off him in waves.


“My, what manners,” she purred. “Especially after spanking me.”


“Get in the damn truck, Hannah.”


Barefoot, since her sandals had joined her clothes for the ride in the truck bed, she scooted in before he slammed the door shut.


Getting into his side, he latched his seatbelt and glanced her way. She sat with her arms crossed. He stretched across her to place her seatbelt on her without a word. The bristle of his strong arm over her belly sent heat shooting deep within the center between her legs. She’d never admit to him how lying across his knee had aroused her, the feel of his hand landing on her ass exciting her.


While he drove, she stared out the window absolutely refusing to talk to the brute. She couldn’t wait to get home, if that’s where he finally took her and not on another excursion. Every minute she sat on the hard leather seat reminded her of what just happened.


A few minutes later, he broke the silence. “I’m not apologizing for that spanking. You earned it and have been tempting me to give you one since our little trip down the stairs.”


Choosing to ignore him had been for the best since she had nothing nice to say so she was better off just keeping her mouth shut for once. Oh, but she wanted to tell him to go to hell just one more time.


When he laughed, her head swung around to face him, forgetting she wanted to ignore him. She narrowed her eyes. “Glad you think this is funny, Mac.”


“Actually I think you look adorable right now.”


“What?” she asked, stunned. Was he insane?


“You’re adorable sitting there, hair wet, mascara smudged, wearing nothing but my old T-shirt, squirming in that seat because your pretty little bottom hurts, and watching every word you say so as not to swear when what you really want to do is let go of a string of curses.”


“Which I may just do any second. Soap or no soap.”


“Again. It’ll be you’re fault, darling. The consequences that is.”


“You don’t scare me, Austin MacDevin!”


He sighed. “I know, brat. I know.”


Turning into her driveway, he killed the ignition before walking to the rear of his truck to retrieve her wet clothes. She’d already started to walk to her front door before he caught up. Grabbing the clothes from him, she sent him a dangerous look.


“Thanks for nothing.” Her fingers fumbled through her wet jeans pocket for her house key since she didn’t have a purse with her. “Your duty is over. You can leave now.”


“Not yet seeing that I’m responsible for you.” His breath tickled her ear. In her search for her keys she hadn’t realized how close he’d gotten. Now he stood behind her, his chest to her back. “That means I need to make sure you get into bed.”


Her neck dared to crane back, her lips at his chin. There could be no mistaking the look on his face. The swine had just brutalized her rear end and now he wanted sex? Well, fine time to offer when she wanted to stay mad…or at least pretend to be. Could she have sex with him and still remain mad? Yeah, she could.


And would.




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