A Player for A Princess: Dirty Players Duet #2 (15 page)

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al is
above deck talking to Reggie, and I strip out of my transformed denim dress into the most amazing shower of my life. It’s a tiny, cramped boat shower, but I have soap and shampoo and hot water. I stand and luxuriate under the spray with my eyes closed until I hear Cal back in the room.

“I don’t want to be a tyrant, but we have a limited supply of water onboard.” A smile is in his voice, and fresh tears flood my eyes.

Reaching forward, I shut off the water and rest my forehead against the white wall a moment as I let the realization I’ve been rescued wash over me. Taking a deep breath, I open the frosted-glass door, and he’s waiting there looking like the most amazing dream come true, holding a fluffy, white towel for me.

“A towel,” I sigh, as he wraps it around me and pulls me to his chest.

Warm lips are on my temple. My arms are pinned against my chest, and he’s holding me in those strong arms so safe and warm. My stomach is tight, my insides vibrating with pure joy.

Lifting my chin, I catch his gaze. “Was Logan able to get them?”

“They’re right outside at the table,” he says softly. “I gave them food, and they seem a bit overwhelmed.”

“We’re probably all going to need time to adjust to being free.”

“Take as much time as you need. I’m eternally grateful to them for taking care of you.”

“You have no idea how much they did for me.”

Our eyes meet again, and he cups my cheeks. His are so warm, I feel like I’ll be lost gazing into them. It’s like a dream.

“More good news,” he says, and my brows quirk in a question. “Ximena said the bleeding stopped. She said you were asleep for a long time after… your finger,” his lips tighten, “but she thinks the baby is okay.”

I’m relieved but still worried. “I’ll be glad when I’m able to see a doctor. I’ve been so afraid ever since we found out.”

Another simmering kiss, and his strong arms return to hold me. “I’m so relieved we found you. I feel certain you’re going to be okay.”

“Only…” my chin drops, and I look down at my bandaged hand.

Cal follows my eyes, and I see the muscle in his jaw move. I remember not so long ago when it was directed at me. “I’m going to find that animal. Wade Paxton is next.”

Terror hits me like a medicine ball. “You know where he is?”

“Reggie is trying to lure him out of hiding. He has reason to believe he’s in the area.”

“He’s a monster, Cal. Don’t go near him.”

Fury flashes in his eyes. “I’m going near him. I intend to be very near him, and when I’m done, he’ll regret the day he was born.”

Turning away, I use the towel to finish drying my body. I can’t think about Cal confronting Wade Paxton right now. My head is aching again, and I need to speak to Ximena and Selena. I need to explain what’s happening to them. Pausing at the door, I hesitate a moment. Cal’s body is warm at my back, and his face moves to my bare shoulder and soft lips close over the skin of my neck.

“Oh,” I gasp.

Electric tingles snake through my limbs and I reach back to hold his head, the back of his neck as he devours the skin of my shoulder, moving up into my hairline.

“I’ve wanted to taste your skin, smell your hair, feel you in my arms for so long. I thought I would go mad from wanting you.”

“Cal,” I whisper, unable to move.

My back is to his chest, and he holds me. His face is against my ear, and my hand clutches his neck. “When you’re strong enough,” his voice is low. “I want to make love to you again.”

“I want that, too,” I say, holding the wall for support. “How long before we’re in Tortola?”

“We’ll be there by morning.”

al gives
Ximena and Selena their own private room on the first floor of the villa, and we’re in the second-floor suite we shared before my nightmare began. We’re relieved and cautious after visiting the recommended doctor as soon as we arrived in Tortola.

Several blood tests, examinations, and one ultrasound later, we’d been told our baby girl is healthy and thriving. I’m twelve weeks along, which means, as Cal noted, I’ve been pregnant since Monagasco.

“I can probably say which night it happened,” he says with a grin, holding me against his chest on the enormous, incredibly soft bed.

“The first night you decided condoms took too long?” I tease, watching the two ceiling fans spin in time.

He scoots down and pushes the light cotton blouse I’m wearing open. “I don’t regret a thing,” he murmurs against my stomach, holding my sides and kissing my navel.

Threading my fingers in his hair, I think about the other news we were given. The doctor said my concussion symptoms could last a year. I have to eat a special, vitamin-enriched diet for the next few weeks while I’m recovering, and holding up my hand, I can’t decide if I want to have reconstructive surgery on my finger.

“I think I’d like one of those wooden fingers,” I say, considering my damaged digit.

Cal props his head on his hand and studies my expression. “Are you sure? We can have the finest doctors work on it. Remember that prince thing I’m always reminding you about?”

I place my palm against his scruffy cheek. “I think it makes me look like a pirate. Or maybe a Tenenbaum?”

That gets me a sexy MacCallam grin. “I had a feeling there would be a movie tie-in somehow.”

“Do you hate the idea?”

He returns to pressing burning kisses against my slightly rounded stomach. “I love everything about the idea.” Strong hands slide under my skirt, moving up the back of my thighs. My insides clench as he gets closer to… “Yes,” he hisses, flipping my short skirt over my hips. “I love it when you go commando.”

“Cal!” I gasp, but he’s distracted, dipping his luscious tongue inside and teasing my clit with slow, gentle circles.

My hips jump with every pass, and he kisses away, moving his mouth to my inner thigh. “Not so fast, beautiful. I want to make this last.”

“Oh, god.” My voice is a strangled groan. Now that I’m better, I realize how much I’ve missed him—and how much a healthy pregnancy makes me horny. “I’m going to combust if you go slow.”

He only grins and traces his tongue along the line of my hip. Everywhere he touches me sends fire simmering beneath my skin. He traces a path slowly to the center, settling in and covering my lower lips with his. His arms are wrapped around my thighs, and his tongue sweeps faster, circling, making my eyes flutter shut as my hips move in time with his mouth.

Heat spirals up my thighs and down, fluttering like waves in the arches of my feet. My toes curl as my orgasm builds so fast, and when I feel his thumb slide into me, I can’t help crying out.

My insides tighten in an irresistible fist of pleasure and with one more teasing pass of his tongue, I break, bucking my hips and begging for his cock.

“With pleasure, beautiful,” he grins, kissing my stomach once more, pausing over my breasts to tease my nipples with his teeth.

Currents of pleasure fizz in my veins and every kiss shoots another spark into my clenching insides. “Please… I need you.”

He’s over me at once, leaning against his forearms and plunging deep into my throbbing core. His hard shaft massages and soothes my aching need, and I’m holding him, loving the feel of his hard body against my soft one. I slip out my tongue and taste the salt on his skin just before his mouth covers mine.

Warm lips and the scruff of his beard mark me. My fingers are in his hair, and I follow his every movement, every kiss as his hips begin to move faster. He’s diving deeper into me, and I love the feel of his rising orgasm. He moans against my shoulder, and my insides break into a new wave of clenching pleasure. It’s all he needs to fall over the edge. He holds my hips flush against his body, and I feel him pulsing inside me, filling me, holding our bodies as one.

“God, I’ve missed you,” he groans against my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him and smile.

“Not as much as I missed you.” I hold him as we breathe together, as his heartbeat slows, and we make our way back to calm.

Another breath. I feel his lips pressing kisses against the top of my shoulder, and I trace my fingers down the lines of his back.

Lifting his head, our eyes meet and his smile is so warm. “I’m sorry.”

I can’t help a frown. “For what?”

“I wasn’t going to do that until you were completely better. I didn’t want to force you to do anything—”

“MacCallam Lockwood Tate, are you trying to say you think that was forced?”

A naughty gleam is in his eyes. “There’s my dirty girl. I want to fuck you five more times tonight, yes?”

Laughter bursts through my lips, and I cover my face with my hands. “I don’t know if I can go five more rounds,” I confess.

“Fucking concussion. Yet another reason I plan to kill Wade Paxton with my bare hands.” Cal scoots up in the bed and cradles me in his arms. “I’ll take it easy on you, but just know I’m fucking you five more times in my mind.”

I can’t resist teasing him. “I can probably handle once more in a bit.”

He leans back and places the pad of his thumb against my top lip. “That’s my little trooper.” He grins, and I laugh, and he leans down to kiss me, pulling my lip gently between his teeth.

“Oh! Hang on.” He’s out of the bed and crossing the room in a flash, and I slowly push myself to a sitting position.

My blouse is beside me, so I put my arms in the sleeves and let it hang open over my breasts. Cal is digging in his discarded jeans, and I’m admiring the flex of his fine ass when he stands and faces me. His eyes darken, and he grins.

“You are so fucking beautiful.” He walks slowly back to the bed carrying a small parcel. “Look at you with that just-fucked hair and your shirt all open. God, Zelda, you’re killing me.”

“Stop it,” I pretend-scold. “You’re making me blush.”

“Liar. You are never shy with me, and don’t you ever start. I’ll spank that out of you.”

His words give me a little thrill, and I press my lips together. “What do you have?” I nod toward his hand.

Climbing onto the bed beside me, he gently lifts my injured hand and studies it a moment. We were able to remove the tin ring he’d given me without cutting it, but my finger is still swollen and now has a metal brace on it as well as gauze and tape.

“More reasons to kill Paxton,” he says through an exhale.

Placing my hand on his muscled thigh, I watch as he opens a small silk bag and takes out a tissue-wrapped item. My breath disappears when I see what’s inside.

“Cal!” I gasp. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“It’s rose gold and diamonds,” he says quietly. “See the details on the side here? They look like angel’s wings. I thought of you, since you’re my angel.”

Tears blur my vision, and I can’t take my eyes off the beautiful piece of jewelry. “I’ve carried it with me everywhere while they had you. I said I would put it on you the moment we found you. I never expected…”

His eyes drift to my injury, and I reach up to touch his face. “I love it so much.”

“Will you still be my wife, Zelda Scott Wilder? After all you’ve been through?”

“There’s nothing I would love more than to be your wife, MaCallam Lockwood Tate.”

His eyes light with a tease. “Glad to hear it, and no more carrying on about not being royal enough or whatever. You’ve got my little princess in your body now.”

“You get a player for a princess,” I say, doing a pretend frown.

“I’m the luckiest guy I know.”


elda is recovering so well
at our home in Tortola. I bought the villa for us to live in, and I’ve already spoken to Rowan about a diplomatic position in the West Indies. He’s working on it, and I’m focused on tracking down that fucking prime minister of Twatrington.

I’m not joking when I say I want him dead, but I’ve stopped mentioning his name in front of my fiancée, as it seems to set her back in her recovery. I’m much happier watching her nesting in our new home with the help of her friends Ximena and Selena.

Ximena is understandably having the biggest adjustment period. For now she’s most comforted staying inside, close to her daughter. She likes doing familiar, household tasks, and we let her do whatever pleases her as she gradually gains more confidence.

Her daughter is just the opposite. Every new thing, every new experience is another step forward for Selena. She’s a smart and very sweet girl, and I’ve engaged a tutor to work with her. I owe them both more than I can ever repay for taking care of my Zee.

Logan is in my study when I get downstairs, and by the expression on his face, I can tell he’s got news about our mission. “He’s openly returned to Totrington.” Anger radiates off my large friend as he speaks. “Hampton is giving him asylum, and they’ve refused extradition to Monagasco, despite his indisputable connection to the assassination attempt, Ava’s shooting, and Zelda’s kidnapping.”

“It’s as good as a declaration of war,” I agree, walking to my desk and waking my computer.

“Your brother is furious,” he continues. “Freddie was able to connect Blix and the ransom note to Paxton in less than twenty-four hours.”

“What does Reggie say about all of this?” My brother and I are slowly coming around to the idea of accepting my uncle’s advice.

Our mother had a hand in our acceptance, pointing out that next to her, Reginald does have the most political experience of us all.

“Your uncle thinks we should wait.” Logan’s frown deepens. “It’s his most infuriating idea to date.”

I nod, looking at the latest email from Ro. “I agree with you. I want Paxton’s head on a platter today—yesterday, if possible. Why does Reggie think we should wait?”

“He says the prime minister will show his hand. He said if we wait, Paxton will grow impatient and make another power grab, and we can move then and avoid the appearance of aggression.”

“After this last ordeal, I’m not comfortable with him walking around free.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more, sir.”

He walks to the French doors and looks toward the pool. I step up behind him and see Zelda placing a fluffy striped towel on a lounge chair. Her hair is twisted on top of her head in one of those cute buns, and her stomach is just starting to round with our baby. She’s adorable.

“We don’t need Freddie to connect Wade to his crimes.” My stomach tightens as I watch her. “She knows everything he’s done. She’s seen it first-hand.”

“He will not threaten her.” Logan’s voice is thick, and if I weren’t so sure of my lady, his overt interest would concern me. As it is…

“I will kill Wade Paxton with my bare hands.” Taking my phone off the desk, I slip it in my pocket before exiting through the French doors. “Zelda has survived enough.”

Leaving him in the office, I make my way down the stone steps to where my girl is lying back on a chair, a magazine in her hand.

“Hello, beautiful,” I say, pausing to kiss her soft lips. She’s wearing huge sunglasses, which she pulls down her nose to give me a look. “If you keep looking at me that way, I’ll have to carry you inside and fuck you.”

“Hmm…” Her cheeks flush a pretty pink. “Is that supposed to make me stop?”

Pulling up the lounger beside her, I can’t miss the name of the magazine she’s holding. “
Casino Player
?” I say with a laugh.

She pulls the cover closed and glances at it. “I know! I’ve never seen this before. I couldn’t resist.”

“Already growing bored with your life of leisure?”

“I’ve only been here two days!” Her eyebrows rise. “Still… it’s good to have options.”

“You have zero options. You’re never leaving me again.” Moving to sit beside her, I drape an arm around her shoulders. “How does that sound?”

Her eyes drop, and she studies her nails. “I miss Ava.”

I turn so I can face her. Reaching out, I touch her chin. “Let’s go to Monagasco.”

“It’s just…” Worried blue eyes meet mine. “It’s so close.”

Clenching my teeth, I hate seeing her afraid. “Wade Paxton would be a fool if he dared step foot in my country to hurt you. I hesitate to say it, but I think Logan might be as intent on breaking his neck as I am.”

“Logan?” Her pretty brow lines, and she looks over her shoulder. “Why—”

“Don’t look now, but I think you’ve charmed the pants off my best guard. He’s no use to me now. I’ll have to send him back to the regiment and find a replacement.”

“Oh, stop it!” She rolls her eyes and leans back in the chair, flipping the pages of that silly magazine. “You’re being ridiculous.”

I can’t resist teasing her. I exhale a long sigh. “When you go missing again, I won’t be searching uncharted islands.”

“I will
go missing again.” She cuts those eyes at me, and I do a little wink in response.

“That’s what I wanted to hear.”

“You tricked me into saying that.”

I lean forward to kiss her firmly. It makes her melt against my chest, and I’m not lying when I say I want to carry her inside and help her out of the bikini she’s wearing.

“I’ll book the plane and tell Logan and Reggie we’re going back. Would you like to take your new friends?”

Her hand is on my chest, and she slides a finger around the button of my shirt. “I’ll talk to them. Staying here will be far less of a shock and there’s no reason for them to go with us.”

“Give them the run of the house. We can be ready to go this evening.”

“I’ll go inside and pack.”

owan stands
at the head of the table in the war room, and Reggie, Logan, Freddie, and I are with him, looking at what we know and what we’re able to do.

“Hampton has pulled back entirely. You wouldn’t even know we were once allies.”

“You didn’t cave on any of their demands,” I say. “We got Zelda back, and you emerged from this ordeal stronger and more ready to lead than ever.”

“Your mother is drafting the succession referendum as we speak,” Reginald says. “She would like the coronation ceremony to occur around the same time as the wedding, if not before.”

I don’t say it out loud, but I’m pleased my mother has come around to accepting Ava as her future daughter-in-law. She was downright shitty before Zelda’s kidnapping and the assassination attempt on Rowan. Spending time with Ava started her evolution in thought, but once Ava exposed the rat at Occitan, our mother couldn’t deny her bravery any longer.

“She’s a lovely girl,” is how our mother references Rowan’s fiancée these days. I haven’t presented her with Zelda’s and my good news just yet. We’ll let her process one royal-commoner mix at a time.

“What is the timeline on the wedding?” Logan asks, holding a small agenda book and scrolling through his phone.

“It takes months if not a year to plan a royal wedding,” Rowan says. “Or so I’ve been told. Ava would like us to be married in the fall.”

We all look at him a bit surprised. “By fall, is she meaning September? October?”

“I think she’s hoping sooner rather than later,” he says, and he can’t hide the hint of a smile curling his lips.

“So you’re planning to do it in two months?” Reggie straightens in his chair. “It’s unorthodox and might shock the people.” A minor pause, and he quickly adds, “Or you might catch them at the height of optimism and joy over a new king, a victory over Totrington, and a beautiful new queen consort. It could be exactly right.”

“I’m going with exactly right,” my older brother says in his usual confident tone. Oh yeah, he’s grinning. Then he abruptly turns to me. “And how is my new little niece faring? Have you decided when to broach this joyous news?”

“I confess, it is nice to have control of the flow of information again, isn’t it?” I glance up at him, remembering well how trying the last several months have been.

“I’m trying to decide the best punishment for the girl. Apparently she was hired by Lara to keep tabs on my dating habits.”

“And she fell for that Hines fellow,” Freddie says. “Seems punishment enough.”

“Facing the wrath of Nesbit is more like punishment enough,” Logan says with a laugh. “She won’t sit easy for the next month, from what I understand.”

“You’re joking,” I say, catching his eye.

“I’m not.” He gives me a wry smile. “Auntie Edna spanks.”

“Well, this is all fine for conversation at high tea,” Rowan says, bringing us back around. “What are we doing about the Paxton situation?”

“As much as I hate it, I think Reggie is right,” I say. “I think if we go after him now, it will be seen as an act of aggression.”

My brother’s steel blue eyes flash, and the line of his jaw moves. He’s out of his chair and facing the windows before my uncle has a chance to speak. “It’s incredible to think he gets away with everything and we have to sit back and wait.”

“We’re not in a position to wage war with Totrington,” Reggie says. “It’s what they’re counting on—our anger leading us into a rash decision.”

“It’s far from rash,” Rowan argues. “They tried to kill me.”

“A justified, albeit hasty attack on our part; an easy win on theirs. Check, mate,” our uncle continues. “But I know Paxton. He’s a thug and an animal. He’ll be miffed when we don’t respond as he anticipates. Then he’ll seethe when he remembers our prosperity, our access to the sea. He’ll grow tired of having to ask Hampton’s permission to act… He will make a move.”

Rowan pivots slightly and looks over his shoulder at our uncle. “And when he does, we’ll crush his head like the serpent he is.”

My uncle stands and runs his hands down the front of his coat. “Be patient. It’s something your father never could grasp. The reason our country is nearly nine hundred years old is because we’re in a position of power. We don’t have to go after trouble. Trouble comes to us.”

I’m not comforted by this statement, but I agree. He’s right.

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