A Political Affair (14 page)

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Authors: Mary Whitney

BOOK: A Political Affair
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“Of course I do,” Stephen spat, his eyes aflame. He tugged at his shirt collar as if it held him captive. “That’s why this is a problem.”

Lillian looked at her son. He was a man, but all she saw were the eyes of her little boy. And those eyes were sad and angry. She tried to determine what he saw in Anne that made him even consider her, given her age and liabilities. Yes, she was attractive in the way he always liked, but she was also more refined than your average girl. Like him, she was smart, political, and funny. All of those traits added up to someone who would catch Stephen’s eye. She decided to reason with him. “You know your father always wanted what was best for all of you. He wanted his children to be happy. But he also was practical. If he were here, Stephen, I believe he’d ask if you thought having a relationship with Anne was worth the risk.”

He shook his head. “When I think of everything at stake . . . the Senate seat, my future,
future, the family name, I can’t say if it’s worth it.”

“Then why are even we talking about this?” asked Megan with a frown. “Why have you been pursuing her? Admit it. You really like her. It’s okay to say it.”

Stephen’s expression spoke for him—he smiled and sheepishly nodded.

“Pursuing her? What?” Patty’s head swiveled toward Megan. “And what do
know about this? Why haven’t you told me?”

Megan shrugged defensively. “We’ve only discussed her a few times.”

“I think our main goal here, as a family, is to support Stephen,” declared Marco. “If keeping this Senate seat is important to this family—and that’s Stephen’s job, then we should support him.”

“You’re right. That
his job,” said Patty. “It’s his duty to his family and his party to keep it.”

“Don’t talk to me about duty,” snapped Stephen. “Just because you chose a private life rather than running for office shouldn’t mean I have to give up everything simply because I’m fulfilling a family role.”

Patty slammed her hand on the table, causing the beverages to shake and the silverware to jump. “I
? I

“For Christ’s sake, Patty, don’t put words in my mouth. I didn’t say you
to be a lesbian. I said you chose to be a private citizen. If I were you, I’d do the same damn thing.”

“It sounds like you
want to be a private citizen.”

“Stop it,” demanded Lillian. “Stop it now. I won’t listen to you two bickering.” With everyone quiet again, Lillian studied Stephen as he focused his anger at the food on his plate, rather than looking at his family.

While she was fully aware he’d been wild as a young man, she also knew he maintained a certain level of caution, especially with women. He was careful if something might adversely affect his career or the family, and that carefulness had only intensified since he took office. If he had already engaged in risky behavior—of any sort—with Anne, something was different about her. That worried Lillian, so she decided to pull him back.

With a brief touch of his shoulder, she said, “Now, sweetheart, no one forced you to take on this role. You’ve always wanted it, regardless of your sisters’ decisions. It’s true your father would’ve been very happy you took his seat, but he’d have been proud of you no matter what you did with your life.”

Stephen nodded warily as his mother continued.

“I know the enormous pressure you faced to fulfill the remainder of his term. You hadn’t planned on taking on that responsibility so soon.” She glanced at Patty. “And we
appreciate what you’ve done for the family. Your father would recognize you’ve made some sacrifices.”

Crossing her arms, Patty grumbled.

Lillian shook her head at her daughter’s reaction before turning back to her son. “As Marco said, as a family, we should support you, and we do.”

“Thanks, Mom,” Stephen said, still somber.

Wanting to make an impact with her opinion, Lillian delayed her next statement as she ran her hand along the tablecloth’s floral needlepoint. After a moment, she announced, “But I do not want you seeing Anne Norwood.” She looked up and gazed at Stephen. “You will ruin yourself.”

Stephen blinked a few times and remained stoic, while Patty grinned.

Lillian clasped her hands together so tightly the white of her knuckles showed, and she took a deep breath. “And yet, I can’t stop it from happening. You’re a grown man, and you’re already pursuing her.” Her voice carried bitter annoyance. “And we all know what happens once these things get started.”

Her equivocal announcement quieted the room. Marco again took stock of everyone’s expression. He leaned toward his mother-in-law. “Lillian, I appreciate what you’ve said and your thinking on this. It’s very rational.”

“Thank you, Marco,” she said with a grim smile.

“I’m wondering if maybe there isn’t a potential way out of this.” He sounded like the career diplomat he was.

Stephen furrowed his brow and turned to him. “What’s that?”

Marco shrugged. “The family could help . . . could be there. We could sort of chaperone, if you will, when you’re with her.”

“Chaperone?’ Lillian asked as she imagined what that might entail.

“Huh?” Stephen asked. His worried expression stayed with him.

“Mom, please,” Patty said. “I expected you to be on my side on this one. This is a political shit storm. You’re not seriously considering we help him lose his seat? What do you think—”

“I’ve not said what I will do,” said Lillian holding up her hand to stop Patty’s tirade. “I’m only listening. Overall, my goals haven’t changed. I’d like a happy son, and I’d like to win this election. Obviously, I’d like Stephen to give up on this silly notion immediately.” She waited a moment to see if she was having any effect on Stephen. His expression remained resolved, so she sighed and gave Stephen a knowing look. “But I’m not stupid.”

“Mom, Dan Langford knows Anne works in the office,” said Patty. “Remember I mentioned the run-in with him last weekend when he was a jerk? He actually brought up Anne, saying she’s just the kind of girl Stephen would like.”

“Hmm. Langford was actually right about something for once,” Lillian quipped in an attempt to lighten the mood.

“But it means he’s already thinking of attacking Stephen about his past,” Patty said.

“Well, of course he is,” said Lillian. “We’ve discussed that. It’s the whole reason Stephen’s been so open with you about his personal life.”

“But, but . . .” Patty began looking around the room as if her perfect argument was just waiting to be discovered hiding in a corner. “What are you going to say to her parents? They’ll be angry you didn’t tell them you knew what was going on with their daughter.”

“Lord, she’s an adult, Patty, not a child.” Lillian shook her head. “It’s her choice if she tells her parents, not mine. I’d hope her father and mother would understand that.”

“From everything I’ve ever heard her say about her parents, they’d understand it was her choice. She says they would blame her, not me,” said Stephen.

“Well, look at you—able to answer all these questions for her. You certainly know a lot,” Patty snarled. “When have you two talked?”

“Obviously, when you weren’t around,” he said with his lip curled.

“What did I tell you? Stop fighting.” Lillian pushed the Wedgewood plate further onto the table and folded her arms in its place. She stared at Stephen. “Do you have plans to see her?”

He met her gaze and was forthright. “We talked about seeing each other tomorrow.”

“Patty has raised the prospect of legal issues. Are you violating any nonfraternization rules?” Lillian asked.

Stephen shrugged. “No—as long as I’m not her direct supervisor. Believe me. I’ve read our office manual. It’s conveniently vague.”

“You’re not her direct supervisor? You’re the senator! It’s your office. Really, Stephen. That doesn’t pass the smell test.” Lillian shook her head with disapproval.

“I think we’re beyond the smell test, Mom,” Megan said. “We’re looking for the letter of the law in any public defense.”

“Then I’d like to ask Phillip to take a look into the sexual harassment rules for Senate employees,” Lillian said, referring to the family’s private attorney.

“Go right ahead. I’m a lawyer. I’d appreciate an impartial review of the law,” Stephen said.

“Impartial review?” Patty sniped. “A politician should care enough about his image not to endanger himself like that.”

“Which brings us to the second issue of public perception,” said Marco. “This is why I’m suggesting the family be around when Stephen and Anne get together. If it was ever to get out that Stephen and Anne had become friendly, it needs to appear to be a respectable relationship. It can’t be unseemly.”

“No blowjobs in the Oval Office?” Patty laughed.

“Patricia Caryn McEvoy, I appreciate your vigilance in protecting this family, but will you please stop it? I need you to be helpful here,” Lillian said with a scowl.

Pursing her lips, Patty slumped in her chair in acquiescence. Only Lillian had ever been able to control her.

Lillian turned to Marco. “What are you proposing?”

“That Anne becomes a family friend. In order for things not to look like Stephen and Anne are sneaking around, he needs an alibi. If family members are always around, it looks better.”

“Chaperoned by my family?” Stephen shook his head. “Please, not that. I’d rather—”

“Not that. I know,” Marco said as he gave Stephen a man-to-man look. “It wouldn’t need to be someone following you everywhere, just someone in the house when you’re there together. That way, you have an alibi.”

“Plausible deniability.” Patty nodded, trying to get back into her mother’s good graces. “It begs the question why she’s there in the first place, but it does give it an air of respectability.”

“Hmm. I don’t think that’s enough,” Lillian murmured. “I will be asked whether I knew of Anne and what I think of all this.” As she took another moment to smooth the tablecloth, Lillian was stone-faced. She raised her eyes to Stephen. “If you continue in your pursuit of Anne, I have three options. The first is to have you go about it alone without any family involvement. I believe you will surely lose your seat under that scenario. The second is for the four of you to work out some arrangement for you to see her. That would lessen the scandal, but only so much. I think it’s still unlikely you could survive politically.”

“And the third?” Stephen asked.

Lillian was well aware of her exalted status in the public eye. She’d been called “the Dowager Empress of Colorado,” and on occasion, she used it to her advantage. “The third option is that I give this my blessing, and I take part in the alibi. You might survive a scandal if I help.” She gave Stephen an icy side-eye. “

“I think Mom’s right,” said Megan.

“Well, I’d like to see Anne again, and I don’t want to wait a year and a half,” Stephen declared.

Lillian checked her watch and announced, “Then bring her over here at two o’clock. I’ll speak with both of you and decide then.”

Stephen’s eyes widened. “What? Mom . . .”

“Do you want my approval or not?” Lillian asked.

“Of course. But what are you going to say to her?”

“I don’t know yet,” Lillian lied.

“Okay. I suppose.” Stephen straightened in his seat like a dutiful son. “I’ll call her and ask her over.”

“I think this is a good compromise, Lillian,” Marco said with a nod. He turned to Patty. “But it’s been my experience that treaties don’t work if one side isn’t invested in it.”

Patty glanced at her mother, obviously looking to make a good impression. “I’ve been overruled. I accept it. I’m happy to chaperone or whatever else we have to do to make things between them at least
platonic. I’ll be damned if we lose this campaign simply because my brother has an uncontrollable crush on an intern.”

“We’re going to control it. That’s the idea.” Megan smiled.

A few minutes later, Stephen went into a spare bedroom and called Anne on his mother’s landline.

“Hello?” It was clear she was hesitant answering a call from an unknown number.

“Hi. It’s Stephen. How are you?” he asked.

“Great. I’m happy you called.” The warmth in her voice confirmed it was true.

“Well, I was wondering if you were also free around two this afternoon.”

“Um . . . sure. What are you thinking?”

“My mother would like to have you over.” Not wanting to pressure Anne any more than he had, he decided to play down the meeting. He chuckled. “I understand you two met recently. You’ve been holding out on me.”

“Er . . . yes . . . we haven’t had much time to talk since you got back. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

“Well, it’s my fault we haven’t been able to talk. I’m the one who should apologize.” His smile grew bigger. “But you might’ve pulled me aside to let me know. I practically choked on my eggs when my mom told me.”

“Sorry about that.” She paused, and the apology left her voice. “Wait. Did you just say I’m supposed to pull you aside in the middle of your office? You want me, the intern, to tug on the senator’s arm as he walks by so I can whisper in his ear? Are you crazy?”

“Okay, so maybe that’s not a good idea. But could you’ve talked with Megan?”

“No. I wouldn’t have been comfortable doing that. I don’t know what you’ve told her about us.”

“I understand. I just was in shock when Mom announced it to my entire family.”

“Oh my God. Patty and Megan were there, too?”

“Oh yeah. And Marco.”

“I’m so sorry. You must’ve been completely caught off guard.”

“Don’t worry about it. It was rough in the beginning, but it helps that my mom likes you.” His mother had said something to that effect earlier, so he wasn’t lying. “She’d like to see you again.”

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