A Reason (A Reason, Season, Lifetime Series) (21 page)

BOOK: A Reason (A Reason, Season, Lifetime Series)
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“Shut the fuck up
already, chatty Cathy. Do you want to do it or talk about it?” I growl at him, pulling him into me.

He laughs and puts his mouth on my
left breast after he pulls down my corset. I reach my hands behind my back to untie it while his mouth is busy, since it’s in the way. When it’s loose he throws it out of his way with a growl when he sees both of my breasts. He plays with the right with his hand, while his mouth enjoys the left.

I pull his mouth back to mine and I can fill him hard and large against me. I am so glad we’re done waiting. He reaches down with his hand, rolling to the side of me. We’re kissing and our hands are exploring each other’s bodies.
His hand reaches down and pulls my lace panties down and off. “Holy shit, you shaved? Completely? Um, wow.”

I laugh. “Shut up. We’ve talked long enough.” I grab him in my hand and start rubbing his hard length.

He starts kissing me again and starts rubbing around my entrance. Teasing, discovering the wetness. He starts to rub against my clit, and I gasp. That feels amazing. He rubs up and down, back and forth over the nub and my entrance, making me breathe heavier and rub him harder.

“Stop touching me for a minute. Let me just touch you, please.” Ryan says. I growl a little but I give in and stop touching his amazing cock. I instead move
my hand to rubbing his strong upper arms and shoulders. The muscles ripple and are so damn sexy. I’ve watched them get larger as he has trained, and I have massaged them when he’s been sore. Now I want to trace those muscles with my tongue. Later, after the shower. He is back to rubbing me and I’m panting, begging him to touch me more.

“Ryan, in me. You’re teasing me before you have even been inside me. I want to come when you’re in me.”

“You’re not the only one who can read, babe. Women take longer than men. I’m going to tease you, play with you, then make you orgasm again when I’m in you. Just hush and let me touch you. Let me watch you react to my touch and just enjoy getting to know your body.”

Oh, yes please. He continues to touch and tease then eases a finger inside me. I’m so wet, it feels good. We both moan as he plunges his fingers in and out of me. “I read there’s a spot that will make you go crazy. Can I try to find it? Is this feeling okay?”

“Hell, yes. It feels good. Go ahead.”

He starts kissing me again and he plunges his fingers deep inside me feeling around. I can feel his fingers curve and he suddenly is hitting a spot that makes me feel so much pressure. I push back against the bed and grab at the blankets with my fingers.

“Is that too much babe? You need me to stop?”

“NO! Don’t stop yet! That’s so good.”

He keeps going with his fingers and after a few minutes, I feel myself tensing. “Ryan, stop. It’s too much.”

He takes his fingers out of me and wraps his arms around me. “Sorry babe. I read that would make you
have an orgasm. I was trying to make you feel good. We’ll take our time.”

“It was a lot of pressure. Can we just try things the normal way for now, then work on other stuff?”

“Of course, babe. I just want to make you feel good. Whatever you want.”

I push him back so he’s lying next to me, and I climb on top of him. “I want to try to be on top. I can let you know how it feels, and you won’t have to worry about hurting me. Okay?”

“Hon, I don’t think any guy would complain about the girl wanting to be on top. I’ve seen you ride a horse, I don’t think I’ll have any complaints.” He says with a chuckle.

I bend forward and kiss him, and we work together to ease him into me. I take it slow, back and forth. It doesn’t hurt, so that’s good. I move my hips so he comes part
way out of me to tease him, and then push him back into me hard. He moans, and it makes me happy to know he’s feeling good. I hold his hands and use him to push myself up. I start rocking back and forth faster, harder, and he moans again and closes his eyes.

“Look at me. I love your eyes. Try to keep them open.” I tell him.

“Sorry, babe. That feels amazing. Damn I am a lucky man. I got a country girl that can ride.”

I smile and start to rock faster. He’s so deep inside me it feels really good and I can feel pressure building. He grabs my hips and helps me move faster, harder.

“Babe, we didn’t put a condom on.”

“I had the doctor put me on the pill. We should be fine. Stop talking and move, that feels amazing.”

We are both moving together, hard and fast, panting with the exertion, and moaning from the feel of us being together, joined as one, finally.

I can feel him
move inside me, a spasm, and he groans, as his eyes close. It feels good, I feel my muscles tense around him, but I’m still feeling a lot of pressure myself.

“Don’t stop yet, babe. You’re going to scream for me.” He keeps moving my hips. I can tell it’s a bit torturous for him, when he looks at me.

He moves me fast and hard still for another minute, and uses his thumb to touch my clit, and I call out when I feel myself shatter. My body is spasming around his shaft, and I’m digging into his chest while I hold on until the spasms stop.

“Holy shit was that an orgasm? I’ve read the whole fireworks thing and all, but it was different than I expected it to be.” I say, panting and still shaking a bit.

“Mm. In a good way I hope? That was fucking amazing. Our first time and we both had an orgasm? I think that’s pretty impressive from the stories I’ve heard. How are you feeling? You’re not too sore? We weren’t too rough?”

“I’m not that breakable honey. No we weren’t too rough. It was amazing. Some of the romance books are a little off. An orgasm is so much pressure, it’s not just oh look, fireworks. It’s
more like holy fucking shit I am the firework.”

Ryan chuckles and lifts me up off of him, setting me to the side of him. “Are you ready for that shower now, Mrs. Ryan Pierce?”

“Bet your ass, Mr. Ryan Pierce. I want round two.”

He laughs, picks me up, wrapping my legs around him and walks to the bathroom. “Holy shit I have jello legs.” He says.

He puts me down and I know what he means. My legs are quivering still, too.

We get in the shower and take turns washing each other. I massage him up and down with the soap, watching him react to me.

“Isn’t it supposed to go softer and need a break after you cum? You’re softer, but still reacting to my touch.”

“I have only read and heard some stories babe. We’re discovering all of this together. I don’t really know. If
you keep touching it I’m not going to be able to think pretty soon. Are you enjoying your new toy?”

I smile and keep massaging it up and down. “Yep. Kind of fun to play with a new toy. To see how it responds to me, and how you respond when I touch you. Are you complaining?”

“Hell, no. But round two is taste. I’m going to clean you thoroughly, and then I’m going to discover your body with just my mouth. So let’s rinse off, go have a snack, dry your hair a little and get started on round two.” He gives me a big toothy smile.

“You’re so naughty. Do I get to do the same to you?”

“Maybe. After I’m done.”

That comment makes me shiver.

We help dry each other off, mostly, and Ryan helps me dry my hair a little. Seeing him standing naked behind me in the mirror makes me want him again. We keep looking at each other in the mirror, and it only makes me hotter and wetter.

I reach up to turn the hair dryer off and hang it back up on the wall. I turn around to face him, running my hands over his chest and abs. I lean forward so I can start tracing his abs with my tongue and he gasps, putting his hands deep into my hair. I trace his abs and then follow his sexy happy trail down to his belly button and lower, his hard cock hitting my chin.

I go to put him in my mouth and he puts his finger under my chin, making me look up at him. “You are really eager, but it’s my turn first, remember?”

He puts me up on the counter, and I gasp when the cold counter hits my bare ass. He crushes his mouth to mine, plunging his tongue into my mouth. He pulls my hips close to the edge of the counter and I can feel his cock rubbing against me. He kisses down my neck, then down to put a nipple in his mouth. He is a little rough, but that only makes it feel better.

I am resting back on my hands, so I can’t touch him. Just feel.

He kisses over to the other breast and I moan. “Ryan, let me
.. Oh, God.” I started to ask him to let me touch him when he plunges a finger inside of me while he has my nipple in his mouth. I bend back to allow him to reach deeper, and I bang my head off the fucking mirror.

“Oh, babe. Sorry.” Ryan says and laughs. He kisses my forehead, wraps my legs around him and brings me back to the bed.

“Let me try to help you forget about the pain from hitting your head. I’ve only read about this and heard some stories. Make sure you continue to tell me what you like and what you don’t, okay?”

“I will. Just go back to doing what you were doing.”

He chuckles and gets me comfortable on the bed. He kisses me on my lips and kisses a trail down between my breasts and gets comfortable between my legs. He looks up at me and gives me that smile that I love. His naughty smile with his perfect teeth and dimple.

He licks one big lick and I call out. He laughs and buries his head to lick
long, full licks. Each lick makes me breathless. I dig my fingers into the blankets as he starts moving his tongue faster, licking my clit and driving me to the edge.

I feel his fingers and while he’s licking on me, he puts a finger, or two, inside me at the same time. “Oh, God Ryan. Don’t stop.”

He keeps licking and plunging his fingers in and out while I grab at the bedding and feel the pressure building.

I moan, groan
, and start to hold my breath as the pressure builds to my core. I know I am getting close to exploding in a huge orgasm, I can’t speak and breathing is difficult. I mostly hold my breath with a few small pants. When he turns his finger again to reach that spot from earlier, I call out as I burst with a huge orgasm.

Ryan keeps his mouth on my clit until I’m done and reach up to him.

“You taste amazing. Let me wash my face, I’ll be right back.” He says. I can see my juices all over his face.

I lie back and try to move my jello legs. I am dripping wet, and do not want to try to walk.

Ryan comes back with a hand towel and hands it to me.

“You’re so good to me. I’m not sure my legs work yet.”

He laughs and helps me dry myself a bit.

“Is it my turn to kiss on you yet?” I ask him.

“No. You need to eat dinner. It has been a long day, we travelled, did check in and everything and you didn’t eat a lot. Do you want some of the stuff we grabbed at the store or do you want me to run downstairs?”

“We have popcorn, chocolate and drinks. That works for me. I’m not that hungry, I am not walking yet, and I don’t want you to leave.”

“Okay, babe. Let’s see what’s on TV and eat then. We’ll just relax for a bit.”

“Don’t you want me to kiss on you?”

“You already made me feel amazing. I don’t need anything else right now, other than food and to hold my wife.”

I smile at him and kiss his lips. “I love you, my perfect husband.”

“I know. You’re pretty lucky I’m so amazing, huh?” He says with a laugh. He starts to turn away and I smack him on his ass.

“You really shouldn’t have done that.” He lunges on top of me, wrapping my legs around him and tickles me.

Of course we’re still naked, and him rubbing against my wetness leads to him being back inside me again. A while later I go to wash up, on jello legs, while he pops the popcorn.

We cuddle in bed, eating popcorn and chocolate while we watch a movie. One of our favorite things to do, but this time we’re naked and finally married. I couldn’t be happier.

The road hasn’t always been easy, but because we found each other, we found a reason in each other to fight, and we finally have our happy ending.

~Chapter 7~ Three months later~

Boot camp was hard. Being without each other has been hell. We wrote when we could, he called when they let him, and we survived it. We’re stronger for it.

Ryan is finally coming home today. He graduated top of his platoon and is now a Marine. Ooh Rah.

Seeing my husband in that amazing uniform makes me so proud. He looks every bit the sexy hero that I know he is.

He got even bigger in the Marines the last thirteen weeks at Parris Island. What the hell is in that water? I can’t wait to see how much stronger he is and see him naked tonight when we finally get home.

He flew in and it’s about an hour drive home for us, so I’m trying to be patient. He’s being really quiet, which worries me. He is holding my hand, but I can feel his nerves are through the roof.

“I’m going to push you out of your door if you don’t calm the hell down and talk to me.” I whisper to him. His mom is driving and we’re cuddling in the back.

“Wait until we get home. We have some stuff to talk about. We’re almost there.”

“Then calm your nerves a little because you’re doubling mine. It’s too much.”

He blows out a big breath and wraps his arms around me.

We finally get home and Kevin, Greg and Grant are already there. Grant came home sooner than Ryan for some reason. I’m hoping to have the answer soon.

I walk up to Greg and poke him in the chest. “So, talk. I can feel it from all of you, but your nerves aren’t as bad as theirs. So spill.”

“We have to be careful how we go about this, Emma.”

“We’re family, Greg. Tell me now, or so help me I’ll go ask his father. My way or yours.” Mrs. White had made it clear I had to be careful making myself go into a state where I went looking for the dead. It could pull me in, and result in my own death. Not that I really want to die, but something is wrong with my husband.

“It’s only family here. You know she’ll find out. We should just get it out there and discuss it.” Kevin says.

Ryan pulls me to him and gives me a really big hug. I can feel a lot of nerves from him, worry, and also some excitement.

I look at Grant, he looks really proud of Ryan, but I feel a tad bit of jealousy from him. I reach towards Kevin and Greg, and start piecing it together.

“I’m not fucking stupid, boys. My husband won awards for being top in almost everything. Grant too. You guys trained them too well. They asked them to be a special, didn’t they? Which one?”

“We’re not supposed to.” Greg started to say tell me, but I punched him in the stomach. Hard.

“Family, Greg. Family like us, we don’t keep secrets. Try again.”

“I still say you should have gone into the Navy. You would have kicked ass as a medic that won’t take any shit, though you probably would have punched your
Drill Instructors and been kicked out or locked up in the Brig.”

“Someone talk!” I say through my teeth.

“He has a choice. His numbers qualify him for RECON or SEALS.” Kevin says.

I did my research on the Marines when Ryan signed up. I am familiar with what they are, specials included.

“I don’t see the problem here. Why the nerves?”

“Um, well, there will be secrets. Some things I’m not supposed to tell you, to start with.” Ryan says.

“Well we all know that secret shit won’t happen. Next problem?”

“That secret shit could mean life or death. Sometimes he won’t be able to tell you.” Grant says.

I walk to him, toe to toe and look in his eyes. “You fucker. Good job. Which did you choose? And why the jealousy?”

“What the fuck? How do you know?”
Grant asks.

, and your eyes. Eyes being the window to the soul and all that shit. Which one?”

“It wasn’t a choice for me. Once a Marine, always a Marine.
I am proud to be brothers with the people I’ve met. I’m proud of what the Marines stand for. Jealousy because he has someone to come home to.” Grant says with a shrug.

“Then what is your problem, Ryan?” I turn to my husband.

He sighs heavily. “SEALS are DOD sanctioned. They have more protection. They help all branches. If anything happens to me, you would probably get more attention and help. In RECON, it’s Marines helping Marines, sometimes Navy. It’s not DOD sanctioned. You’re on your own. If you go behind enemy lines, you probably won’t be rescued. You are the rescue. If I die, you would probably get death benefits, but my cause of death would be fake. I won’t have been recognized as a special hero or anything. It’s secret. It’s brothers saving their brothers, quietly and without department of defense backup.”

“Are you proud to be a Marine?” I ask him.

“Very. Semper Fidelis means always faithful. That is me, what I have always been. I am faithful, loyal, I will always fight for family first and that means my brothers in uniform too.”

“So I think that is your answer. When we were in trouble, Marines were there. Marines and family got us through. Kevin was a Marine, is a State Trooper, but once a Marine always a Marine. Being a future marine got you out of jail. Marines helped us get revenge and arrest Danny. You are a Marine, now, forever, and always. That is your answer. You already knew it, you were just putting me before all else. You need to know that I will always take care of myself. If I ever lose you, I will be pissed and broken hearted, but I’ll be proud knowing you were a hero. You died to protect others because being a Marine is what you are, were, and always will be. Stay with your brothers, save them when they need you, and always try to come home to me. That’s all I can ask or hope for.” I walk to him and wrap my arms around him. He hugs me back tightly.

“Now that we’ve settled that my husband is going to be Marine Recon and risk his life constantly to save others, I shall take him to bed and see if I can make him say Ooh Rah. Say goodnight everyone.”

“What about the cake?” Grant says.

“Damn. Fine. One hour. I won’t get between four Marines and food. Make it fast.”

They all look at each other, then turn to me, and all four say “Ooh Rah.” Then they laugh.

Smart asses. God I love Marines.

After cake
, we hug everyone and head up to our room. We’re going to discuss where I’ll be living soon, and of course my Marine is going to show me how much strength he gained in the last more than two months we’ve been apart. I can’t wait to peel that sexy Marine uniform off of his body.

We get to our room, which will be our old room soon. I have thought of this place as home. When I needed a safe place to go, this was my safe haven. Soon I’ll be leaving here, to move to a Marine Corps base. Sad, but I am proud of Ryan being a Marine. It’s worth it.

“How have your first classes in nursing school been?” Ryan asks.

“Fine. I know everything so far. It’s a bit slow, but fine. I would love to know where I’ll be living though so I can look into transferring my credits and see what colleges are nearby.”

“I already looked into it. We have two choices, though I already know where we’ll decide. You have an east or west choice. Camp Geiger is part of LeJeune in North Carolina, or Camp Pendleton in California.”

“Well we already know we’re staying on the east coast
. So I need to look into colleges near there.”

“Already done, babe. Coastal Carolina Community College is ten miles away. Military families get deals and they have nursing.”

I hug him tightly. “Thanks for thinking about me and planning ahead. I love you, so much. Now that we’ve settled that quite easily, I don’t know why you were so nervous because the choices seemed obvious to me. Can I undress you now and see what Marines Boot camp did to my husband?”

I raise an eyebrow and give him a big smile. I finally see my big sexy smile from my husband. I’m glad he’s starting to relax and be himself again.

I unbutton his sexy dark blue jacket. The gold buttons are so shiny. The jacket is so dark it almost looks black compared to the blue in his pants. He takes the jacket off and I can already see the bigger muscles, the cut of them under his shirt. Holy hell, he’s cut. I thought he was sexy before, um wow. “What is in the water at boot camp? You’re freaking buff! Any other muscles get bigger?”

Ryan laughs loudly. “Was I not big enough for you before?”

“Oh honey I think we both remember how I walked on our honeymoon at Disney. Not very freaking well. Only I would go to Disney World and mostly stay in my hotel.”

“You couldn’t keep your hands off me. It was your own fault.”

I pull his belt off, and he rolls it and sets it aside. Next comes his t-shirt, and I can’t help but lick and nibble his sexy stomach and chest. I work my way with my mouth and hands down to the button on his pants and feel him bulging behind his pants. “Hmmm, that might be a little bigger than I remember. Do they put steroids in the water or something?”

“They say it’s from the exercise regimen, high protein diet and water. Who knows? All of us got bigger though. I’m not talking penises, so stop looking at me like that. We all gained weight and muscle.”

“I’m not complaining as long as it was healthy. You’re fucking hot.”

Ryan laughs again. I ease his pants down, his hard cock springing out from behind his shorts to greet me. He looks delicious.

“Well, are you going to lose any clothes or do I need to rip them off?”

“I’m wearing a sundress. That’s it.”

“That’s it? You didn’t?” He lifts up my dress and growls. He picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and crushes his mouth to mine. He reaches between us to start touching me to prepare me for him, holding me with one arm. I have a hold on him, but wow his arms are bigger and stronger! I’m impressed, and hot. We’re hungrily kissing each other, finally, after being separated for two months.

He plunges into me, holding me up in his arms. Holy wow, he
stronger! He’s guiding my hips with his hands, pulling himself out of me and plunging back in. I’m sure our family will hear us both moaning, but oh well. We have been apart too long.

“This feels amazing, holy shit you can hold me up and do this standing! But, um, we should, oh God. Um, bed.” I say, through panting and moaning as he continues to plunge in and out of me.

He grunts and just pushes faster and harder, bouncing me up and down, until finally he comes inside me. I feel him orgasm as he pushes full inside me with an “Ooh Rah.” Damn, I really think I’m going to like this Marine thing.

“Sorry, babe. I just really needed to be in you. Did I hurt you?”

“No. That was hot actually. Let’s clean-up for round two. It’s my turn.”


Six months later.

The phone rings. I’m doing my nursing homework so Ryan answers it.

“Semper Fi, Sir. Yes, Sir. How long? Packed and ready to go, Sir. I’ll pick him up on the way. See you then.” He hangs up the phone and I can feel his nerves and excitement.

“Babe, I’m heading out. Three hours until we leave. A team needs a rescue.”

“Well I won’t ask where. I can guess by your recent language training. Stay safe over there. Stick with your brothers, watch your six, and get your ass home again.”

“Always.” He kisses me and goes to get his bag. The nice side of RECON is
that they are commonly gone a short amount of time. They get in, get their guys, and get out. I’m proud of my guy.

Being a military wife isn’t always easy. You don’t always come first, but I think any decent person would be okay with the safety of our country coming first. Your hero risks his life to keep so many others safe. For our freedoms. I miss him like hell when he’s gone away from me, but I am really proud of him.

The team is like family. We eat together, I babysit their kids, for those that have kids. We wives shop together and are all friends.

Base life is simple, it’s not luxurious, but being Special Ops the pay is higher so it’s not bad considering we’re eighteen. Ryan and I both had money from our Dad’s dying, so we have more than some of the others. We have the two cars, and we do well. I stay busy with my nursing classes when we’re not together.

Before he leaves, we give each other a memorable kiss. “I love you more than anything. You come home to me soon, and safe.” I tell him.

“Always, babe. We’ll be back quick. It’s a rescue, it shouldn’t take that long. A couple of weeks tops, for travel time and debrief. I love you, always.”

He kisses me, jumps in the Jeep, and drives away to go be a hero.



About a week later I wake up from a dream about Ryan. They are in trouble, they were caught. Not being DOD sanctioned, they are on their own.

I wake up and call Grant. It’s around 4 am, but he answers fast. “Yeah?”

“Get your go bag and get over here, now. They need you.”

“What? Ryan?”

“Yeah. They were captured. I saw it. I need you here now. Call the C.O.  And tell him to get here.”

“Fuck, Emma. You’re going to have to tell them.”

I already knew that, so I just hang up the phone so I can get dressed, put on a pot of coffee and prepare.

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