A Reason to Believe (28 page)

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Authors: Diana Copland

BOOK: A Reason to Believe
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mapped his hardening length, lost in the feeling of

the friction on his cock, of the warmth and

dexterity of Kiernan’s hand.

“Want to suck this.” Kiernan squeezed.

Grunting at the sudden rush of blood to his

prick, Matt caught his wrist. “Somewhere

horizontal,” he managed, his voice rough. “Now.”

He started for the couch, but Kiernan stopped,

urging him toward the bedroom. Matt allowed

himself to be pulled down the hall. It was probably

a good idea. There were things they were going to

need in his bedside table. Lube and condoms. His

gut tightened in anticipation.

The bedroom was in shadows. It was light

enough for Matt, but apparently Kiernan had other

ideas. He turned on the lamp next to the bed,

flooding the room with a golden glow, and looked

up into Matt’s eyes.

“I want to see you.” His hand moved over

Matt’s chest in a slow, sensuous caress. “All of

you. Kiss me?” His chin lifted, and Matt couldn’t

resist the desire on his face. It was a swift, hard

kiss, his hand gripping the back of Kiernan’s neck.

Kiernan’s tongue stroked along Matt’s when he

plunged it into his mouth, and Kiernan caught and

sucked on it in a rhythm so persuasive Matt’s toes


Kiernan pulled back, his lips plump and slick,

and he stared up into Matt’s face as he reached for

the hem of his T-shirt.

Matt stood still under Kiernan’s hands as they

pushed under the loose cotton, warm palms sliding

up his sides, fingers spread over his ribs. He

inhaled sharply at the feeling. He’d missed the

heady joy of a man’s touch. The fabric caught on

Kiernan’s wrists as he moved his hands higher and

Matt, out of patience, reached down and yanked

the shirt up and off over his head.

He wasn’t a terribly vain man. He was a cop, he

had to stay in shape. On a normal week, he went to

the gym four times, working out with weights,

running six miles on the treadmill. To him, being

fit was simply part of the equipment. Some

detectives, when they were promoted, allowed

themselves to go soft but Matt hadn’t. The raw

appreciation in Kiernan’s eyes as he ran his hands

over Matt’s muscled chest made him glad.

“God,” Kiernan said, his voice low. “Look at

you.” His hands mapped the span of Matt’s

shoulders, skimmed down his sturdy biceps and

covered his full pectorals with his palms. His

thumbs teased over the small, copper-toned

nipples, and Matt inhaled sharply. Kiernan glanced

up. “Sensitive?” He flicked them lightly with his


Matt nodded and Kiernan leaned forward,

kissed his left nipple, then parted his lips and

pulled it into his mouth. Matt closed his eyes on a

soft sound, his hand fisting Kiernan’s hair. A jolt

of fire went from the pull of Kiernan’s lips down,

and his cock pressed urgently against the

confinement of his jeans.

Kiernan’s mouth moved to his other nipple,

sucking, open, leaving a trail of moist heat over the

expanse of skin. His hands were as busy as his

mouth, caressing Matt’s sides, the heavy

musculature along his spine in the back, the agile

fingers tracing his body. When Kiernan’s hands

went to his waist and unbuttoned his jeans, Matt

lowered his head and watched.

His jeans fell open under the nimble fingers.

Kiernan pushed them past his hips, caressing the

muscle above each prominent hipbone as he did.

“Christ, you’re a wet dream,” he murmured in

an almost worshipful tone, his hands skimming

Matt’s thighs as his pants fell to his ankles. Matt

stepped out of them and kicked them aside.

Unhesitating, Kiernan caressed the heavy weight of

Matt’s cock, tracing the curve from low in his

groin almost to his navel.

Kiernan slipped his fingers into the waistband

of Matt’s briefs and pulled them out and down,

freeing him, kneeling smoothly as he did. Matt was

about half-hard, and he caught his breath when

Kiernan circled him with his hand, stroking, a look

of rapt concentration on his face. His fingers slid

slowly to Matt’s base and held him, and he

glanced up. He smiled slightly before his eyes

drifted closed, and he leaned forward and took

Matt into the warm moist heat of his mouth.

Matt made a harsh sound in his throat, his hands

clenching into fists. Christ, how had he survived

without this? “God, you’re good with your mouth,”

he said roughly. Gleaming eyes looked up at him.

Initially, Kiernan concentrated on just the wide,

spongy head, tonguing the sensitive divot just

beneath his slit. Matt grunted in appreciation. But

before long Kiernan was moving his mouth up and

down more and more of the length of him, the hot

wet suction making gooseflesh stand on Matt’s

shoulders. When Kiernan’s nose brushed his pubic

hair, his throat squeezing the tip of his cock as he

swallowed, Matt growled, his fingers gripping the

silky strands of hair, fighting the urge to thrust.

“Sweet Jesus. Come up here,” Matt ordered,

grabbing Kiernan’s upper arms.

He stood, lifting his face and offering his lips.

Matt kissed him almost savagely, then pushed him

to sit on the edge of the wide bed, kicking off his

own briefs and reaching for the hem of Kiernan’s

shirt. He yanked it off over the tousled head,

admiring the muscles in his square shoulders

before placing his hand in the middle of his chest

and pushing.

Kiernan went down onto his back, looking up at

Matt with bright eyes. “Very domineering. Is it a

cop thing?”

Matt narrowed his eyes. He was beginning to

feel faintly out of control, and a fine tremor of

anticipation centered in his chest.

He bent over Kiernan, slipping his fingers under

the waistband of his plaid flannel pajama bottoms

and sweeping them down his legs. Beneath them,

Kiernan was wearing black boxers with green

shamrocks on them, the words
Feelin’ Lucky

stenciled around the waist.

A laugh burst from Matt. “Never a dull


“Like them?” Kiernan stacked his hands behind

his head.

Matt grabbed the boxers and pulled them off,

tossing them into the corner. “Like them better


His eyes raked Kiernan from his head to his toes

and back again, and he made a sound of pleasure.

He’d felt the lithe, firm shape of Kiernan’s body

through his clothes and thought he’d known what to

expect, but his assessment hadn’t actually done him


Kiernan’s skin was light, his nipples dusky pink,

his cock long and tapered and flushed, hard against

his belly. Matt climbed onto the bed and bent at the

waist, catching Kiernan’s face between his hands,

pulling him up into another raw, openmouthed kiss.

Kiernan’s arms lifted around his neck, and Matt

pulled him further onto the bed.

He dragged his mouth down Kiernan’s jaw to

his neck, finding the spot he’d bruised earlier,

worrying it between his teeth. Kiernan made a

sound, a cross between a gasp and a moan. He

arched up with his hips, his hardness brushing

Matt’s belly. Matt continued down Kiernan’s

sternum, nipping one pink nipple, his tongue

circling it as his fingers circled Kiernan’s swollen


“Nice,” he murmured into Kiernan’s skin,

stroking him firmly.

Kiernan inhaled sharply, exhaled on a trembling

laugh. “Not bad. However, when compared with

another on display in the room—”

“It’s perfect.” Matt marked Kiernan sharply

with his teeth just above his navel.

He gasped. “Hey, I’m not complaining. I’m

rather fond of it myself, actually.”

Matt snorted softly into his skin, sliding lower,

his nose brushing the slender line of black hair that

ran south from Kiernan’s belly button. “Not as

fond as I am.”

The pads of his fingers skimmed the heavy vein

running up the underside of Kiernan’s cock, and

Kiernan pushed himself up onto his elbows, his

eyes wide as he watched. Matt looked up and took

him into his mouth.

Kiernan’s stomach contracted, and he breathed a

ragged sigh as his eyes rolled up. “God,” Kiernan

groaned. A bright flush bloomed across his cheeks

and spread down his neck. Matt increased the

pressure of his tongue along the underside, and

Kiernan whimpered, hips flexing.

Matt cupped Kiernan’s balls, squeezed, and

Kiernan’s breath hitched. Pushing Kiernan’s legs

up toward his chest and holding his rigid cock

against his hard belly, Matt lowered his mouth,

pulling first one soft globe into his mouth and then

the other.

“Oh.” Kiernan fell onto his back, his legs

spreading restlessly “Oh, Jesus.”

Matt pressed his tongue behind his balls then

massaged firmly with his fingers. Kiernan’s thighs

twitched, his toes clenched. Matt let his fingers

drift further south, brushing in a featherlight touch

over the tightly furled hole, and Kiernan fisted his

hands in his own hair.

“There’s lube in the bedside table,” Matt said.

Kiernan lifted his head, his eyes snapping open.


“Lube. Nightstand.”

“Oh, yeah, right. Okay.” Kiernan reached out

awkwardly, nearly knocking the lamp from the

table in the process. He finally tugged open the

drawer and found the bottle with a grasping hand.

Gracelessly, he shoved it toward Matt.

Matt uncapped and upended it, allowing a

slender thread of the clear gel to fall behind

Kiernan’s balls.

Kiernan gave a strangled gasp.

“Cold, I know.” Matt recapped the bottle and

tossed it aside. “Here, I’ll warm it up.” He circled

the puckered flesh and pressed gently against it,

entering Kiernan with one finger before taking his

swollen cock back into his mouth.

Kiernan made a startled sound, his hands

gripping the bedspread. He squeaked when Matt

found and pressed against his prostate.

“Stop, stop.” He flinched when Matt did it

again. Matt pulled his mouth off slowly, tonguing

his slit, causing Kiernan to fidget restlessly. A

distinctive, musky taste filled Matt’s mouth as pre-

come coated his tongue.

“Why would I stop?” he said. “I don’t want you

to hold back.”

“I want to come with you inside me.”

Matt stilled, need bright and sharp in his chest.

His cock throbbed so hard it ached. He had to

reach down and squeeze around the base so he

didn’t lose it from Kiernan’s words alone.

“Condom,” he said harshly. “In the drawer.”

Kiernan rolled onto his side, rummaging through

the drawer until he came back with a condom in

his hand. He tried to open it, but his hands were

shaking. Matt finally relieved him of it and tore it

open himself. He smoothed it down over his stiff


When it was seated firmly around the base, he

caught Kiernan around the hips and flipped him

onto his stomach, pulling him up onto his knees. He

stared at the perfect round ass and made an

appreciative sound as his hands filled with it. His

fingers flexed, pressing into the muscled flesh.

“Kiernan, this is a world-class ass.” He leaned

forward and took a nip from the right cheek.

“Glad you like it,” Kiernan replied, his voice

slightly muffled by the bedding. “But you’ll forgive

me if I’d rather you fucked it than waxed poetic

about it.”

That pulled a sharp laugh from Matt, and he

coated both his fingers and his latex-sheathed prick

with more lube. When he circled the pink,

puckered opening with two fingers, Kiernan

pressed back. Matt felt the muscle twitch, pulsing,

opening as if it would draw them into his body. He

made a harsh sound and pushed in, twisting.

“Oh, God,” Kiernan moaned. He encircled the

cock that hung heavy and hard between his thighs

and began to stroke it roughly. Matt curled his

fingers down, searching, and Kiernan jerked, the

muscles in his back stiffening. “Christ, don’t tease.

Please, Matt.” He pressed back against Matt’s

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