A Reason To Breathe (25 page)

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Authors: C.P. Smith

BOOK: A Reason To Breathe
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“Are they talking?”

“I told you I couldn’t comment on anything that’s happened, Jenn.”

“Of course Grady, I'll leave you to it. I'll just head over to the diner and see if they need help with the kids. Anything I can tell them to ease their fear?”

“Tell em' we’re talking with the man who’s holding their mothers and that the Sheriff will make sure they come out unharmed.”

“Thanks, Grady, call ahead and let them know we’re coming, would you?”

“Sure thing, Jenn.”

I nudged Lorraine, and she came with me whispering, “You’re good; I’d love to see what you’d drag out of him if he had permission to talk.”

“Like taking candy from a baby,” I laughed.

We entered the diner two blocks down and found three children aged 6-9 all looking scared, and it tugged at my maternal heartstrings. Lorraine and I sat down in the booth with them, while two highway patrolman stood guard. Two boys and one girl sat with coloring books and stuffed animals the patrolmen kept in their cars, for just such an emergency, and froze when we sat down.

“Hi, I’m Jennifer, I just wanted to check on you and see how you’re doing?”

“Is my mommy coming out soon?” the little girl asked.

“I’m sure your mommy will come and get you just as soon as she can, sweetie.”

“Is the man with gun still yelling at her?” I looked at Lorraine and then back at the little girl; she reminded me of Bailey when she was just a baby. I stroked her hair hoping that would make her feel safer, then asked, “What was he yelling about?”

“He said he needed money and to put it in a bag.”

“Was he mean to anyone?”

“No, he just told everyone to get on the floor and then when we started crying he let us go, said he couldn’t think with the crying.”

“Don’t know why everyone was so scared, it’s just a fake gun anyway,” one of the boys piped up.

“Why do you think it’s fake?” Lorraine asked.

“It’s an air gun, they have orange tips so the cops will know they aren’t real. He’d covered it with tape so you couldn’t tell, but I was standing right next to him when he pulled it out, and some of the tape was loose and you could see the orange.” I looked back at Lorraine and nodded towards the patrolman; she got my meaning, stood up and walked over talking to one of them.

“You’re a smart kid, I’m Jennifer, what’s your name?”

“Timmy, but I like Tim, sounds more grown up.” I smiled at how cute he was and then turned back to look at Lorraine and the patrolman and saw he was talking into his handheld. Figuring Lorraine had it from here I raised my hand to the waitress and when she approached, I ordered Hot Fudge Sundaes for the table.

Twenty minutes and three messy faces later, I watched as Grady walked into the diner and then over to the table. “Your mother’s are fine, and if you’re ready to go I’ll take you to them. All three of the kids jumped up, and little Allison grabbed my hand dragging me with them. Timmy and Tommy, both brothers, held hands as we left the diner and walked down the street to a holding area for the Sheriff’s department. Lorraine was in-tow, talking in her handheld recorder, detailing the “Long steps as the frightened children were returned to the safety of their mother’s bosom.” A little dramatic for my tastes, but I’m sure she’ll work it like she always has.

Grady walked behind the barricade allowing us to enter, and when the women looked up from talking with Jack, they jumped up and raced to the children, who in turn ran to them. Lorraine spoke furiously in her recorder not missing a tearful touching moment, while I got choked up and watched. Then I looked at Jack.

He narrowed his eyes at me and growled, “Follow me,” as he passed me, and I hesitated for a brief moment…A. because I would miss what was happening, and I loved a great happily ever after story and B. because he might throw me in a jail cell again.

I squared my shoulders and turned, head held high, I passed Grady, who smiled and laughed knowing what was coming. I gave him my “what” look, and then followed Jack around the corner of the building. When we were out of earshot and sight, he grabbed my arm and pushed me back into the wall, pinning me.

“You should be resting, but instead you’re at
crime scene talking to
witnesses without
approval, which I might add, I
be talking to Grady about your manipulative ways, thus putting a stop to any further conniving on your part. So ask me, Jenn, why do I wanna fuck you, instead of arrest you and tan your hide?

“Why do you want to fuck me instead of arrest me, Jack?” I breathed out.

“’Cause the idiot had a fake gun, and when we confirmed it, I walked right in there and punched him in the jaw. Half the town was in the credit union, including the Mayor, and when I walked in there knocked that idiot out, the place erupted in applause thus putting an end to whatever fucked up ideas the Mayor had about taking my badge, but mostly your interference got those mothers out of there and back to their kids and that’s worth you not staying at home resting, so
why I want to fuck you instead of arrest you.”

“I’m sorry I tricked Grady.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Ok, I’m sorry you’re mad?”

“No, you’re not.”

“Ok, I’m not sorry you’re mad, or that I tricked Grady, but I am sorry you don’t know whether to fuck me or arrest me.” Jack’s eyes went dark, and he moved closer into me.

“I know exactly what I’m gonna do to you, right now I’m gonna kiss you. And tonight I’m gonna fuck you, and spank that sweet ass of yours for disobeying me once again.” Rolling my eyes, because honestly, where do men like this come from? Then I answered Mr. Bossy Badass Sheriff, ‘cause I really wanted a kiss.

“Whatever, kiss me already, I have a story to write.” Jack grinned, leaned in, bit my lip, and then thoroughly rewarded me for my conniving ways.






Chapter Twenty-five


Harry Potter






       I was pounding hard into the tightest woman I’d ever had; dripping wet, like fuckin’ silk, and tasted sweet like honey. “Jesus, you’re tight, never felt anything like it,” I hissed as Jenn’s back arched, and I covered her mouth on the moan escaping her. Swear to Christ I’d never had a woman like her. I could bury myself deep all night and never get tired. I’d brought her to orgasm twice already, and I wasn’t fucking finished.
“You like it rough, Baby?” Jenn whimpered her reply like I knew she would. I was playing her body like the priceless instrument it was, and the rougher I was, the more turned on she got. Her breathing was accelerated; her moaning was getting louder and I knew she was moments away from exploding. I was holding off; I wanted her putty in my hands. One leg wrapped around my back the other tangled around my thigh, I thrusted hard again and felt her tighten and then spasm around my cock, milking me, and it felt fucking great. I watched her eyes roll back and that about sent me over the edge. She is fucking beautiful when she comes.

The male instinct to claim kicked in and my thrusting became more brutal, neurons were firing, and they said one thing, mark her, claim her, and make her mine. “Jack, honey, I’m gonna go again, oh god.” That hit me in the balls, and I squeezed my eyes shut concentrating on not losing it before she came. My thumb found her clit, and I rolled it, she ignited again, and that was it; I couldn’t hold off another second. I thrust twice more, then buried my cock deep in her walls and emptied myself in her like it was the first time I’d ever come. I moaned deep in my throat as my mouth found her neck. I had to mark her. Teeth sinking in where her neck joined her shoulder, I rode out my release, thinking I could die now and not regret my life for one second. Fuck, but I was gone for this woman.

Nuzzling her neck; tasting and kissing my way back to her mouth, needing to taste her one more time, I took it and tangled my tongue with hers, while I slowly finished thrusting into her heat. “Wow,” she whispered and I grinned on her mouth.

Every fucking thing about this woman turned me on, turned me inside out, hell, turned me on my fucking head.

“You better fucking believe it,” I smirked.

“Full of yourself and bossy,” she giggled, and if I hadn’t already fucked her hard, I’d be at it again.

“Confident in my abilities is more like it.”

“Where I’m from it’s called arrogant.”

“Where I’m from it’s called being a man.”

“Lucky me,” she sighed, and I rolled to my side tucking her into me. Then I remembered I owed her a swat for disobeying me, so I smacked her ass, and she yelped.

“That will leave a mark,” she cried out.

“You’re lucky I didn’t smack both sides.”

“You take your job as my oppressor too seriously.”

“I take my job as your man extremely serious and the sooner you start listening-“ She cut me off, grinning huge and rolling her eyes.

“Jack, it’s cute you think you’ll ever be able to tell me what to do, really. It entertains me daily,” She laughed. I sighed and shook my head. Her inability to see that I will win, I
do, was almost as cute as her trying to ignore my orders. And for some damn reason I wondered if her dead husband had the same problem.

“Why are you scowling?” Jenn whispered in my ear. I looked down at her and for the first time realized she’d loved another man. I knew she’d been married, but we’ve never really talked about it, so I’d forgotten. Now I remembered, and it was like a punch in the gut that someone else had held her heart.

“Did you love him?” For some insane reason, I needed an answer to that question.


“Your husband. I know you had to get married, but did you love him?” She paused; her eyes unfocused as she thought about the question, and she smiled.

“Yes, I loved him, he was my best friend.” That sucker punched me, and before I could recover she continued, “I don’t think I was in love with him like you’re supposed to be when you marry someone, but he was funny and easy going and a great father, so it was no hardship being married to my best friend.” The breath I’d held since she’d spoken released, and I breathed deep. Relief for some inexplicable reason coursed through my body and I knew right then; I’d fallen in love with her. The thought another man might have held her heart the way I wanted to, had gripped mine, until she released it with her words. Christ, I sound like a goddamned Hallmark card at the thought of possessing her heart.
I rolled into her and ran a finger down her jaw till it found her lips, and I pressed into her mouth to keep her from talking.

“You’re mine now. I’m sorry he died, sorry Bailey lost her dad, but I’m not sorry it brought you here to me.” It was a shit thing to say, but I didn’t care. She belongs to me now, and if he rose from the dead tomorrow, I’d kick his ass back to Kansas. Jenn stared at me for a moment, the wheels of her mind turning and I wondered what she was thinking. She opened her mouth and then closed it, hesitant to say something, then like always she came right out with it.

“Doug was a good man; he gave me Bailey, and I will always love him for that, and, miss his gentle spirit and sense of humor.  But I’d be lying to myself if he knocked on my door tomorrow, I’d be thrilled of course he was alive, but it would be a lie to go back to him…. Since I’ve met you, I realized I was settling.” 

“Are you saying you’re not settling now?” Her hand came to my face, and I kissed her palm.

“No, not settling, what can I say, I have a thing for bossy.” 

“Then I guess we’re made for each other, Baby, ‘cause you don’t listen for fuck, and that turns me the hell on.”
 She giggled, and I felt that in my bones. How this tiny woman could bring me to my knees baffled me, but I sure as hell was gonna enjoy finding out why she did.



                            *                            *





       It was Sunday morning; Jack had the day off, and he was making pancakes. I’d hauled most of my clothes back up to my cabin, with Mandy’s help, two days earlier. Bailey was staying until Halloween; she decided to spend the holiday with me when she heard about the fall festival, and costume party they put on each year. Jack was going to drive me up to my cabin after breakfast so I could settle in and relax before I jumped back into work tomorrow, so Bailey, and I spent the morning browsing the Internet, deciding what costumes to wear.

“Mom, you should go as a sexy pirate or vampire. You’ve got the tits and ass for it.” 

“Bailey, I was thinking more along the lines of something scary.” She looked at me in horror and shook her head.

“No way, it’s the one time of the year you can almost go naked in the streets and get away with it, Mom, you have to do something sexy…you know, to hold Jack’s attention.”

“I don’t know Bailey, oh wait, show me that Harry Potter one again?” Bailey rolled her eyes and scanned back; then her smile grew.

“I like it Mamasita…very you.”

“You think Jack will like it?”

“I think Jack will hate it.”

“Good, then it should do its job.”

Busting out laughing, Jack walked in the room, took one look at us and narrowed his eyes. How he could tell we were up to something I’ll never know, but in the short time he’d been around us, he’d learned to read us like he’d known us for years.
 I’m so not seeing good things for my future.  



                            *                            *



       Breakfast over, dishes washed, it was time to head back home. After a week at Jack’s, it will be great to be home, but I’ll miss waking up to him. Bailey was meeting me there after she headed to the costume shop to
 pick up what we needed for the party in two days’ time, so it was just Jack, and I headed up the mountain. I was watching the scenery pass by when Jack’s phone rang.

“Gunnison.” Jack answered; I was listening, but only half, when I heard Jack cuss. Seeing as he cussed a lot, I didn’t pay attention until I heard him say, “Did you contact Buckley?” Buckley was the last name of the man I’d met that, fateful day, when Gerry’s life ended; mine almost did, and our town was rocked by the news that one of their own beloved members was a killer. So I listened, but couldn’t figure out what was happening. I’d no sooner given up when Jack said, “Was the mine tour a total loss?” I watched as Jack’s jaw tightened and then wondered what had happened at the Ghost Mine? “Roger that, I’ll be there in an hour, just dropping off Jenn at her place.” Jack hung up, dropped his phone on the seat, and turned to me.

“Somebody set fire to the mine tour. Total loss. Fire department's there now.” I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to feel hearing this, so I said nothing.

“You Ok?” Jack asked.

“I think so; it wasn’t a place I wanted to go back to, but it’s a shame for the Buckley’s after all their hard work.”

“Was planning on spending the day with you, but I have to head back and handle this.”

“Don’t worry about me, I’ve got a ton of laundry and work I need to do before tomorrow.” Jack grinned at me, and I thought that was odd, so I asked him.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, just not used to a woman who doesn’t throw a fit when I get called out.” 
Score one for Jenn!!!

“Oh, well then, smile away.” And he did, he also grabbed my hand and held it on his lap the rest of the way to my cabin.



                            *                            *



       “Mom, they only had that costume in a size smaller than you wanted,” Bailey shouted as she entered my cabin.

“Did you get me something different?”

“No, I got it, it will just be shorter and show more cleavage than the larger one.”

“I don’t know Bailey that might be pushing it for someone my age.” She actually snorted when I said that, then pulled out the costume and threw it at me.

“Try it on, I got my legs from Grandmother, but yours are smoking hot, I say if you got it flaunt it.”

Looking down at the scrap of fabric that constituted the costume, I had second thoughts on the whole, make Jack burning mad, which equaled him taking it out on me in the bedroom. I’d still have to go out in this, which meant be seen in it, and I’m thinking my butt hanging out wasn’t worth my reward.

“Just try it on, Mom, you’ll see.” I looked at Bailey and figured what the hell. So I headed to the bathroom and tried it on. 

Yup, I’m gonna wish I’d kept my mouth shut.
 Boobs showing, ass covered by a half inch of fabric, at least there was a cape. I walked out to show Bailey, and she was standing there talking to Mark. I was shocked to see him. I’d been so busy recovering from my own injuries I’d forgotten about him. Bailey was flirting per usual, and before I could turn around and duck back into the bathroom, he looked up and grinned.

“Well, looks like I came by at the right time.”

“Uh, hi, hi, sorry, I’m just gonna go change this.”

“Don’t change on my account,” he laughed. Seeing my robe hanging on the dining room chair waiting to be washed, I grabbed it and threw it on.

“Mark, what are you doing here?  Sorry that was rude, how are you? I’m just surprised to see you, I figured you’d have gone home by now.”

“Got discharged a few days ago and wanted to come by and see how you were doing.”

“How did you find me?”

“Googled you.”

“I’m on google?”

“Good lord, Mom, for a reporter your computer skills are severely lacking.” I ignored Bailey and moved towards them.

“So did you heal up ok? Any lasting injuries?”

“Yeah, nothing permanent except a broken heart.” Shaking my head at his ridiculous remake I laughed. He was extremely charming, and he knew it. I guess that’s why I’d enjoyed his company that night at the Nickel.

“I’m sure you’ll recover. So are you heading home soon?”

“Yeah in a couple of days, have some things to take care of first, then I’ll head home.”

“You want to stay for some coffee or hot chocolate,” Bailey jumped in, and I realized I’d forgotten my manners.

“Sorry, do you want some coffee?”

“No, I can’t stay, I just wanted to pop by and say hi, so hi, and glad to see you’re doing ok.” He turned to make for the door, and I followed him out to the porch.

“Thanks for stopping by Mark, it was nice to see you again and know you’re doing well.” He turned to me and studied me for a brief moment then said, “Oh, what the hell,” and then grabbed my face and kissed me. I was stunned and frozen, my eyes open and eyebrows up in shock, I didn’t even move my hands, and since my non-movement didn’t say stop, he tried to wrap me up in his arms, and of course that was the moment that Jack decided to pull into the driveway.

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