A Royal Holiday (Royals of Valleria #5) (10 page)

BOOK: A Royal Holiday (Royals of Valleria #5)
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The room was silent but for the crackling of the fire and Portia’s gasps as her new reality descended upon her.


Alex gave her a pitying look. She’d once been kind and sweet. Perhaps that had been a mirage, or perhaps it hadn’t been, but her mother’s scheming overtook her. It was a pity what she’d become; even she deserved more than this.


“I’m going to give you one last piece of advice.”


She scoffed. “As if I would listen.”


“You should,” Alex said calmly as he wrapped an arm around Rebecca. “You could have some semblance of freedom, after a time in jail. If you show remorse, there may be some hope for you. Your life doesn’t have to end in jail.”


“I’ll never go to jail. Never.” Portia’s face contorted in bitterness. “I’ll leave Valleria, but I won’t go to Italy. I’ll make a new start somewhere. I’ll find someone else.”


“You don’t have a choice.” Alex knocked on the door and two agents entered. “These men will take you to a private plane where the Italian authorities are waiting.”


Portia backed into a corner of the room. “No. Alex, please. No matter what I’ve done, I don’t deserve this.”


“It’s not my decision. You broke the law when you recorded men without their permission, then again when you tried to blackmail them, and again when you violated the non-disclosure agreement you signed with me.”


The agents took hold of Portia and she started pushing against them and dug her feet into the rugs. When they got near the door, Alex halted them. Portia looked at him with wide eyes and gasping breaths.


“You used to be kind. You used to care if you hurt others. I never would have spent time with you otherwise. My advice to you is to choose to be that person again, before it’s too late.”


Alex nodded and the agents swept her from the room. He let out a long breath and sat back down, Rebecca following soon after.


She brushed her fingers over his cheek. “Are you all right?”


Alex huffed a laugh and took her hand. “I should be asking you that, shouldn’t I, darling?” He kissed her palm, then rested her hand against his chest, near his heart.


“She must have been quite lovely once.”


Alex turned his head to face his love. There was no judgment in her eyes, just curiosity. “She was. I’ll never understand how some people can change so much. She used to be so different.”


“Do you regret her? You don’t have to answer if you’d rather not.”


“Total honesty, remember?” He kissed her palm again, then settled it against his chest once more. “I regret little of what I’ve done. I’m sorry for the pain she’s caused us now, that’s a given. I can’t help thinking, however, that everything in my past was leading me to you. So, how can I regret that?”




“One of my biggest regrets in life is not going after you sooner, not declaring myself sooner. We could already be married by now, if only I’d spoken to you earlier about my feelings.”


“That’s a very sweet thing to say.”


“I sometimes wish I’d saved myself for you. That’s another regret I have, especially after today.”


“Just ‘sometimes’?” she asked with a smile. “You did save yourself for me, Alex. You saved your heart.”


“Is that enough for you?”


“It’s everything to me.” She leaned over and gave him a long, slow kiss.


He pulled her into his lap. “I’m glad you were here tonight.”


“So am I.”


“I always need you, but I didn’t think I’d want you here to witness the rough parts of my past.”


“I’m with you always, for better or for worse. Never worry about that.”


“Think we can finally move past this?”


“That depends.”


“On what?”


“On what you were planning to do with that memory card.”


Alex winced. “Oh. That.”


“Yes, that. Did you want to, that is, are you going to watch it?”


“No, darling. I only held it back so that Marcello could dispose of it properly. Speaking of.” Alex removed the earpiece and put it in his pocket, pulling out the memory card at the same time. “Marcello told me they found five more in her hotel room.”


“Oh my God. Are they all real?”


“I don’t know. Marcello’s going to review them.” He slipped the card back in his pocket and cupped her face. “I don’t want to see it. Nothing I’ve felt or done with anyone else comes close to what I am when I’m with you, to what I feel when I’m with you.”


Rebecca let out a long, shuddering breath. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t blame you if you were curious.”


“Let me ask you something. Those legions of men you’ve supposedly kissed–.”


Rebecca smiled. “It wasn’t that many.”


“Well, of the men you have kissed, would you want to see pictures of yourself kissing them at this point in your life?”


Rebecca tapped a finger against her lips. “I don’t know. Which man’s in the picture?”




“Is it the one who’s a doctor now?”


Alex growled and shifted Rebecca under him on the couch. “Rebecca.”


“No? How about the teacher? I bet he could teach me a thing or two.”


“Rebecca Frances Campo, you’re going to pay for that.”


“I don’t mind paying my debts.” She pulled his head down to whisper in his ear. “But take me home first, Alex. Not here.”


“Anything for you, my love,” he said as he helped her up and they headed for the door. “Anything for you.”


Chapter 7


After a long night of talking and making love to his fiancée, Alex finally felt on solid ground again. He sensed that Rebecca did, too; why else would she find it hard to hold back a smile today? He was having a hard time himself, and only years of practice helped him now.


After a quick conversation with Marcello, Alex was ready to address the press. He entered the press room, his face seemingly stoic, and strode up to the podium as all in the room rushed to stand and bow or curtsy as needed. Rebecca positioned herself behind him.


Alex waited for the murmurs in the room to quiet before beginning. “Please be seated. I am here, in person, the day of the Holiday Ball and my engagement party, to address the allegations of my infidelity.”


One reporter jumped up, unable to wait for the Prince’s statement. “Ms. Campo,” she said, surprising them all by addressing Rebecca, “could you tell us why you’re smiling? Are you pregnant?”


Alex simply held up a hand. “Quiet, all of you.” The bearing of a ruler came in handy when he wanted to quiet people, as he did now, and the reporter sat down again.


“I consider myself a gentleman, therefore I am not a man who will ‘kiss and tell’. I think that’s been clearly established. However, I refuse to have the name of my fiancée, who is also the future princess and queen of Valleria, be dragged through the mud. Nor will I allow my name to be handled in such a fashion.”


Alex paused for dramatic effect and reached back to pull Rebecca up beside him. “The shadowed picture that has caused this ridiculous uproar? That was a photo of me and my fiancée sharing a private moment on the very private grounds of the palace.”


Murmurs swept through the room. “Your Highness, what about the other photos?” another reporter piped up.


“As I said, I am a gentleman. I will say that I did know the woman making those claims at one time, many years ago. I am disappointed in her behavior and her attempts at attention, but she has no bearing and no place in our lives. In fact, such slander is basis for permanent removal and disbarment from Valleria, which has been the action taken with her. In addition, as she has some outstanding warrants in Italy, she has been extradited to face her charges, which is required per the terms of the extradition agreements in effect between Valleria and Italy.”


“Your Highness, don’t you think that’s a bit harsh?”


“I’ll tell you what I think is a bit harsh. I think it’s a bit harsh that I, as a man in love, cannot enjoy a private moment kissing my beautiful fiancée, in the privacy of lands surrounding my own home. Long-range lenses were used for those photos, and that is completely unacceptable. The credentials for the
Vallerian Star
have been revoked, along with the credentials for the reporter and photographer associated with taking the photos and writing the story.”


Astonished gasps and more murmurs trickled around the room, but Alex simply continued speaking. “Furthermore, the actions of one will now dictate the future of many. Until the press have shown that they value the privacy of the royal family – whether they be current, future, or associated members – they will not be allowed inside the royal palace.”


Despite the uproar, Alex simply spoke over it, barely raising his voice. “Any and all press conferences will take place outside the palace walls, and your credentials for entering the palace will now be removed.” Several agents appeared in the doorways to collect credentials; they would then visit individual offices to remove credentials for those not in attendance.


“Any press previously scheduled to attend the Holiday Ball tonight will not be attending. The royal family has hired a separate photographer to document such events inside the palace for the time being. We will release those photos in the days to come.”


“Your Highness–” several of the reporters started.


Alex cut them all off with a swift slash of his hand through the air. “Enough. I fully realize that as the royal family, privacy is a slim commodity. We have accepted that, to a certain extent. I am exceptionally proud to be your future leader, make no mistake, and I hope to lead you well in the future.”


He took a deep breath. “I will not, however, have private moments like these, or any in the future, splashed across the headlines. We all proudly serve Valleria, but we are men and women, just like you, and want our home to be safe and secure for us, and any children in the future. Distant future,” Alex added when he saw the eyes of some fall to Rebecca’s waistline.


When heavy silence fell in the room, Alex gripped Rebecca’s hand tighter. “Face it. You have lost our trust, and you will need to earn it back. Thank you and happy holidays to all.”


Alex and Rebecca walked out of the room, ignoring the shouts and questions that were directed towards them. When they were clear, he pulled her into his arms and just held her.


“It’s over,” she whispered.


“I sincerely hope so.” He kissed her head and pulled back slightly. “Are you ready to celebrate our engagement, darling?”


Rebecca checked her watch. “Give me about six hours to get dressed and I will be.”


“You don’t need six hours.”


“Says the man who merely has to change his clothes. You know my routine by now.”


“I know. I’d just rather spend time with you than lose you to stylists, makeup and hair artists, and a score of other people for the next few hours.”


Rebecca pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “You’ll have me the rest of the night.”


“Damn right I will.”


Rebecca giggled; God it was good to hear her laugh again.


“Come on then, darling. Time to get ready for the ball.”


Chapter 8


“Without further ado, may I present His Royal Highness Prince Alexander, and our future princess and queen, Miss Rebecca Campo!”


Alex and Rebecca walked out to thunderous applause after Tavin’s introduction. They waved regally to the crowd as they made their way to the dance floor, and Alex twirled her into his arms as the music began. Gabriel and Genevieve came onto the dance floor soon after, and the other royals and guests followed their lead.


Soon, the Holiday Ball was in full swing in one of the large ballrooms. Golden and diamond chandeliers hung bright throughout the room, and tables bursting with food and drinks were situated elegantly around the dance floor, which swirled with colour as people danced.


Charlie – dressed in a ball gown for the first time – felt very uncomfortable. “I’m just not used to wearing gowns like this.”


“Charlotte-mine,” Nate began as he turned Charlie on the dance floor, “you’re not used to wearing dresses, period.”


Charlie frowned. “It’s not suitable to wear skirts while working in a kitchen.”


“I know, and you look lovely in everything you wear. However, you will need to wear things like these as you attend more formal events with me.”


“I know.” Charlie’s eyes flitted to the buffet and found her dessert-laden table surrounded with people nibbling on her delectable treats.


“Stop it.”


Her eyes locked with Nate’s. “Stop what?”


“Stop thinking about work. You’re off duty tonight.”


“I know,” she said a little glumly. At least at work, she knew who she was, and that she fit in somewhere.


“You do that, you know.”


“Do what?”


“Whenever you’re uncomfortable with me, you lose yourself in work because you feel confident there. If you think I haven’t noticed, you’re fooling yourself.”


“I don’t do that.” Did she?


His knuckles brushed her cheek. “You do, even if you don’t realize it.” He rested his forehead against hers. “Am I really so terrible?”


She tightened her hold around him. “No, of course not. I love you.” It was getting easier for her to say it. “I love you.”


“I love you, too, so much.”


“It’s not you, it’s everything else. I just get so overwhelmed at things like this. I’m not as sophisticated as Rebecca or Grace or your sisters. If they hadn’t hired someone to do our hair and makeup, I don’t know what I would have done.”


“So you hire someone next time and stop worrying about it.”


Her forehead crinkled. “What do you mean?”


“Do you think you have to learn how to do your hair or know what makeup to wear? Do you think you need to pick out gowns or clothes to wear while we attend events like this?”


“Don’t I? I feel like a failure sometimes because I don’t know how to do this stuff.”


He kissed her long and slow. “Charlie, you don’t have to do anything. I’ve got my own income, which is fairly substantial. You can hire anyone to do anything you don’t want to do. You’re also making a nice amount yourself; you could use your own money if that was important to you.”


She swallowed before asking one of her greatest fears. “And you wouldn’t see me as less of a woman because I don’t know how to dress for things like this?”


He pulled her tight against him. “Is that what’s been going on in your head? Charlotte dear, of course not. Absolutely not. God, you set my skin on fire without even touching me; believe me, your skills as a woman are never in question.”


She let out a shuddering breath. “Really? Do you mean it?”


“Hell, yes, I mean it. I don’t give a damn about makeup or hair or ball gowns. I give a damn about you, and you’re everything to me. I don’t want you to change who you are; that’s the woman I’m in love with. Dressing up once in a while doesn’t change who you are.”


She buried her head against his neck. “Oh, Nate. I’m sorry. I’ve been an idiot.”


He kissed her head, her sweet scent calming him. “There’s nothing to apologize for.”


“If I hid myself in work, I didn’t know it.”


“You know now. If you’re feeling unsure about things, come talk to me, okay?” She nodded against him.


“I have something I’m unsure about, if that makes you feel better.”


Her eyes flicked up to his. “Really? What?”


“Your Christmas present.”




“Wait, just hear me out. I planned to take you away, Charlie.”


“Take me away? From the palace?”


Nate nodded. “I was planning to take you to Australia and New Zealand.”


“What? When?”


“For about ten or so days in late January.”


“And you’re telling me this now? That’s less than a month away.”


“It’s not entirely a vacation. I have to go for a series of follow-up meetings with the Australian prime minister, and some other leaders in the South Pacific as we iron out some new trade deals. I’d hoped you would come with me. We could stay on afterwards and make a trip out of it.”


Her eyes shifted to the dessert table again. “I don’t know, Nate. I’m supposed to start running the kitchens in January.”


“I’ve got to go either way, Charlie. The truth is that I need time alone with you. It’s as much a present for me as it is for you.”


She sighed and shook her head. “I’m an idiot. You did something incredibly sweet, arranging this trip for us, and I’m being ungrateful. I’m sorry. I’d love some time alone with you, too.”


Nate smiled broadly. “Really? You’ll come with me?”


She pressed a soft kiss to his mouth, despite her qualms about public displays of affection. “Yes, I will. Though, you should know, my Christmas gift to you still probably tops this.”


“Oh? Will you tell me what it is? Or do I have to wait to find out?”


“I was thinking it’s time for us to get those matching tattoos, and cover up the scars on our left sides.”


Nate laughed. “I love it. What tattoos should we get?”


“Oh, I’ve already picked them out, but you’ll have to wait to find out. They won’t clash with the other tattoos you already have, though. Do you trust me?”


“With my life.” When Nate pressed his lips against hers, desire began to burn slowly between them. When they became almost indecent, he pulled back.


“Do we need to stay the whole night?” Charlie gasped.


“That’s a definite ‘no’. Let me just tell the family we’re leaving.” He gave her another kiss. “While I’m doing that, you can touch base with the kitchen staff and make sure everything’s running smoothly before we go.”


She looked affronted for a few seconds before giving in. “Sometimes I wish you didn’t know me so well.” He chuckled as she walked away towards the buffet tables.




Marcello paced the terrace outside the ballroom, his frustrated breaths leaving small clouds in the cold air before dissipating.


It was missing. The engagement ring he’d bought for Grace, that usually remained locked away in his desk, was missing.


His phone buzzed and he immediately answered it. “Anything?”


“No, sir,” one of his agents said. “The cameras, both outside the Royal Wing and inside in the hallways, have revealed nothing out of the ordinary.”


“Keep looking. Check for any security breaches.”


“Sir, if you let us know what’s been taken, we could localize the search.”


“No. That information is on a need-to-know basis. Keep looking,” Marcello said, and hung up.


“Has something happened?”


Marcello swiveled at the sound of Grace’s voice. “Nothing for you to worry about.”


Grace clicked the terrace door closed behind her and stepped out. Though she was wearing a cropped matching jacket over her red and gold dress – which Marcello knew she wore to hide her scarred skin underneath – she still rubbed her arms for warmth. “You’ll freeze out here. Come inside.”


“I’m just waiting on my agent to return a call. Go back inside.”


Grace walked up and wrapped her arms around Marcello’s waist. “Why don’t we both keep warm out here together, then?”


Marcello tucked an errant lock of her blond hair behind her ear. Her hair was coiled at the nape of her neck this evening, and his fingers itched to make it fall long and loose to her waist.


“Don’t even think about it.” At Marcello’s quirked eyebrow, she said, “I know you want to let my hair down, but it took a good hour to get it pinned up properly.”


“You know me so well,” he murmured.


“I hope so,” she whispered back. “You’ve been out of sorts all evening. Are you sure you can’t tell me what’s going on?”


“I’m sure, fair Grace. Maybe one day I’ll tell you.”


She nodded. “Well, perhaps I could tell you something instead.”


“I’d love to hear anything you have to say.”


“I’m afraid it’s a bit of a confession.”


His eyebrows shot up. “Confession? You?”


“Oh, yes,” she said as she pulled away. She walked slowly to the edge of the terrace, and kept her back to him. A smile was threatening to break through and she couldn’t let him see it, not yet.


“What are you confessing to?”


Her hands disappeared into the well-hidden pockets in the dress, which was one of the main reasons she’d selected it for the ball. “Well, I’ve become a bit of a thief. I’ve stolen something of great value.”


Marcello chuckled as he walked closer, and the sound warmed her straight through, despite the cold night surrounding them. “Is this where you make a comment about stealing my heart?”


“No, but I’ll remember that for the future. I’ve actually stolen an item, something tangible, from someone else in the royal palace.”


He took hold of her arm and turned her to face him. Gone was the laugh of a minute ago, replaced with confusion. “You stole something? What? Why?”


“So you believe me?”


“I believe that if you felt you needed to steal something, there must have been a good reason. I trust you, Grace. Tell me what’s going on.”


Her heart felt light despite the fact that it was beating faster than ever before. He believed her. He believed in her. It was a magical feeling. “I actually stole something from you, Marcello, my love.”


He took a step back. His eyes narrowed, then widened. “Care to elaborate?”


She pulled out the black velvet box from her pocket and held it out to him. “I stole this.”


He swallowed. “What, um, what are you doing with that, Grace?”


When he didn’t take it, she continued to hold it. Her fingers brushed reverently over the soft top. “I was going to wait until we were alone on Christmas morning, but since you’ve realized it was missing, I decided to come to you now. I’ve known about this box for some time now. I assume it’s a ring, but I haven’t looked at it yet. God knows I wanted to, but I haven’t.”


“It is a ring. Are you upset that I have it?”


She smiled lightly. “Definitely not.”

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