A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (3 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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Lucy I'm sure. Can we just change subject, please?”I said

I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you.” She said slowly.

didn't, let me go and make some tea.”

Lucy passed the whole day
with me, but we never returned on that argument. Then at about 6.00
o'clock I took her to the hotel. We were going to meet the following
day again, to go and do some shopping together. I went home and
cooked something hurriedly; Tyler was supposed to arrive at around
8.00. Then I went to take a shower, I wanted to be ready before he
arrived. I felt so tense; I had to tell him about David's invitation,
and I knew it wasn't going to be easy.

Tyler's POV

I had been seated in my car
for about ten minutes. I wanted to go home to her, but I kept
thinking that we would probably argue again. It was what we kept
doing in these past few weeks. It had been an awful day; I had
problems at work which I had to face alone, and I also had to deal
with a bad headache and my recurring thoughts. I was going mad; I
couldn't keep going on like this. We had to find a way to be happy as
we were before his arrival, although to be honest I was not sure if
we had ever been. This thought made my heart ache. I loved her more
than anything in the world, and I was afraid to lose her. I opened
the door and got out of the car. I grabbed my keys and opened the
front door.

I'm home!” I shouted as soon as I got in.

She didn't reply. Where was
she? I felt bad already. Was she out? Was she with him? Tyler stop
it. I ordered myself. Don't jump to conclusions. Just thinking she
could be with David made me feel ill. I called her again and went
upstairs. My heart was pounding hard in my chest. Then I heard her

in the shower, I'm almost ready,” she shouted. I felt relieved.
I sat down on the bed and waited for her to come out. Just then an
idea crossed my mind. Maybe I could take her out. It was a while
since we had last dined out. I was always so tired after work, so
stressed. Maybe if we stayed a little bit together things could get

have you already cooked?” I asked hoping she says no.

Why?” She asked.

thought that maybe we could go out tonight. Kylie is not here right?”

she isn't but I don't feel like going out. Dinner is ready. We'll go
another time.”

come on Cas. We'll keep the food for tomorrow, let's go out. We need
some time together.” I insisted.

I'm tired OK.”

I was disappointed. I took
off my jacket and lay down on the bed. Just at that moment I noticed
some papers on her night stand. I stretched my hand to reach them.
What were they? There was an ivory envelope. I opened it up and felt
my blood boiling as I saw its content. Just at that moment she came
in. I looked at her with anger.

this?” I asked harshly.

invitation,” she replied in a whisper.

I noticed. For what? Was it David that gave it to you?”

Her face got pale and

please don't start. Yes, he gave it to me. David is taking part in a
competition and would like me to take Kylie to see him.”

That's what you think?! My God, Cassidy how long will this go on?
Can't you see what he's doing? He keeps using his daughter to get to
you. It's you that he wants not Kylie,” I yelled trying to
control my anger.

Tyler I'm fed up with this obsession of yours! David is not like that
OK. It's obvious that we have to see each other. We have a daughter
together; you knew this before we got married.” She said.

married you not him. He has always been between us. In all these
years, nothing changed.”

are you talking about? He's been living here for just four months.”

Cassidy. He has always been between us, always. You never forgot him
completely. I made a mistake which I'm paying for now.”

wrong.” She said in a strangled voice.

I'm not and you know that. Are you accepting his invitation?”

She looked at me stunned as
if I had said the most stupid thing in the world.

course I am. Why shouldn't I? He has every right to have his daughter

That last comment hurt me
like hell. Right. It had always been like this. He deserves; he has
the right; he needs to be... those words... She used them all the
time whenever David was concerned.

listen to me; I've had enough of him. If you go to that concert, it's
finished between us. I can't bear this situation anymore!” I
snapped. She looked at me astonished, and I could see that her eyes
were full of pain.

Are you mad? My God, Tyler we're having a baby. Doesn't that mean
anything to you?”

we're having a baby, it doesn't mean that you love me. Seven years
ago you had his baby, and you chose me. Now you're having my baby but
it's him that you want.” I felt my stomach aching. I looked at
her, waiting for her to deny it, to tell me that I was wrong, but she

Tyler, you're invited as well, why are you making such a big fuss?”
She said instead. She averted my gaze and opened the drawer of the
dresser and pulled out a brush.

you serious? Are you really expecting me to come?” She stopped
brushing her hair and looked at me through the mirror.

You're my husband, and I love you. Tyler I only love you please,
believe me.”

can't. You've changed a lot since you've seen him again. Can't you
understand that this situation is killing me?” I shouted
slamming the envelope and papers on the bed. Just then I noticed an
application form. I took it in hand and read it and then I looked at
her. She looked at me terrified.



are you going to take a course of interior design?”

don't know yet but maybe I will.”

What's the matter with you? You don't have time for these stupid
things. You already have a degree,” I shouted. Seeing his
handwriting on that paper infuriated me.

things? Is that what you call my dreams?” She asked visibly

you a little grown up to continue dreaming? Cassidy, I need you at
the hotel."

She looked at me in
disbelief. Her eyes were wet, and she was struggling not to cry.

have given up all my dreams to be with you. I have chosen and studied
subjects I hated because you needed me. My God, when have you become
so selfish Tyler?”

Now it was my turn to look
at her in disbelief.

Cassidy even I am doing things I hate. I have always wanted to teach.
I lost that because of you and you're complaining?”

I knew I had hurt her with
my words, but I was so angry that I couldn't think straight. Tears
began to stream down her face.

that you finally said what you really think. I ruined your life and
your career. I'm sorry Tyler. Maybe it would have been better if you
had never returned back on graduation day.”

Better for who? For me or you? You could have been with David right
now. He understands you better than I do. That bastard, it was him
who gave these to you wasn't it?”I couldn't contain my anger.
He was destroying everything we had, why couldn't she understand it?

calling him that. He just wanted to help. He knows how much I wish to
become an interior designer, not like you.”

then! Go to him. I've had enough!” I shouted. I grabbed my
jacket and my keys.

are you doing?” She cried.

going away. Don't wait for me I don't know when I'm coming back.”

Tyler, please. Tyler!” She came after me and grabbed my hand
trying to stop me. “Tyler I love you. Why are you doing this to
me? Please listen to me.”

I pulled my hand away from
hers and headed to the front door without saying anything else. I
just wanted to go away. I needed to stay alone right now. I slammed
the door and got in the car. I put my head in my hands and cried. I
had never felt so sad in my life. I knew all this was my fault. If
only I hadn't been a coward seven years ago. If only I hadn't
escaped, this would never have happened. I should have found the
courage to face that damned trial. If I had done that she would have
never been with David. Kylie would be mine, and we would be a happy
family right now.


Cassidy's POV

That night I couldn't sleep.
I kept waking up and looking outside hoping to see his car in the
drive in. But he didn't return. I was so worried. The next morning I
was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I got up and walked
like a zombie towards the shower. I stood under the cold water hoping
it would wake me up. I wished the water could wash away my sad
expression and my swollen eyes. I had cried so much. Then I went in
the kitchen to get some breakfast. I had some cereal although I
wasn't the least hungry, but I had to eat something for my baby's
sake. I looked at the plates still on the table and the food I had
prepared which was still untouched. I felt miserable.

I drove to work praying God
that he was OK. I ran into the reception and arrived without breath
near Mary, our receptionist.

Spencer you shouldn't run, it's not good for the baby,” she
said looking at me with concern. I was so worried that I had almost
forgot I was pregnant.

is Tyler here?” I asked fearing the answer. I held my breath as
I waited for her reply.

in his office.” I closed my eyes and thanked God. A tear rolled
down my cheek. “He came in early this morning,” she said
giving me a knowing look. “Is everything all right?” She
asked. I nodded; I knew Mary didn't ask for curiosity but because she
was sincerely concerned.

thank you.”

I ran to his office and
opened the door without even knocking. He was asleep on his desk; he
was holding his head with his hands. I smiled and went near him and
caressed his head. He must have felt me because he opened his eyes
and looked at me.

I said tears in my eyes. He looked at me and without saying anything
pulled me in his arms and hugged me tight.

sorry Cassidy. I'm sorry honey. You're right I'm jealous. I'm so
jealous of David that I can't even reason anymore. I love you so much
Cassy. I can't live without you. I would die without you.”

Tyler. Please promise me you won't ever go away like you did tonight.
It has been terrible. You don't have to be jealous of David. I love
you; I would never betray you.” I said burying my face in his

know. You're my wife; you're mine, just mine.” He pulled my
face to his and kissed me desperately. I responded to his kisses and
hugged him tight to me. I felt better, maybe we could return to being
happy. “Cassidy, if you want to take that course do it. I'm
sorry; I've been selfish. I always knew that you weren't happy doing
this work.”

not important.” I breathed.

it is. Do it OK? I just want you to be happy. I'll get someone else
to help me with my work.”

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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