A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (43 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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is everything all right in there? Are you ready?”

I'm coming just a second.”

wrong. Can I come in?”


He opened the door and when
he saw me, he whistled and an amused smile tipped at the corners of
his mouth.

you're going to knock every straight male present at the party, my
Dad will surely approve my choice.” He said with a smirk.

the hell are you talking about? Blake I'm not your girlfriend OK.”
I said angrily.

relax, it will be just for tonight.” Saying that, he splayed a
hand to my spine and pulled me closer to him. “This will be a
good occasion to test your ability of actress.”

He dragged me out of the
bathroom and then he suddenly stopped.


He smiled as his hand raised
up to the back of my head. He pulled down the elastic band which held
my hair and ruffled it a little with his hands.

you're perfect. Wow You look simply marvelous no wonder the old
teacher lost his mind.” I frowned at him and he laughed. “
Let's go.”

He gave me his arm to
clutch. I felt my legs shaking and not because of all the twisting
stares the guests were giving us but because I could feel David's
gaze on me. I turned my head slowly in his direction until I met his
gaze. A dark line of blood had risen over my cheekbones, I could feel
my face warm. My legs had momentarily turned into jelly. It was a
good thing Blake's firm hand was on my elbow to support me, if not I
would have fallen. David was tense, he was pressing his lips
together. I could see all his anger and all his frustration in his
eyes. The muscles of his jaw had tightened.

Cassidy, everything is going to be OK I promise.” Blake said
patting my arm. We walked until we reached the other side of the pool
where there were Blake's father and a beautiful woman which had
amazing blue eye. She was stunning but for some reason I hated her
face. Probably it was something in her gaze or in the way she
twitched her mouth or perhaps it was the strong resemblance with
Claire. I was sure thst she was her mother.

Blake. Darling what took you so long?” She asked as soon as she
laid eyes on us.

He smiled at her and..

Cledia, I was kind of occupied. I didn't know about the party.”
He said giving her an insolent smile.

I see.” She looked at me. “Not bad I must say, especially
considering she's wearing one of Claire's dresses. Not everyone can
wear her dresses. Turn around sweetheart, I want to have a better
look at you.”

I blushed, what did she
think I was? A doll or a sort of trophy?

leave her alone darling, don't you see you're embarrassing her?”

I looked up at the charming
man who stood in front of me. He was as tall as Blake was and had the
same deep blue eyes.

this is Cassidy,” Blake said introducing me. He smiled and
extended his hand which I promptly shook.

Dear, I'm very pleased to meet you.. finally.”

I asked.

He smiled again.

I suspected he was seeing someone. I guess all the sneaking out
during the night were all due to you. Which I fully understand now.
You're beautiful."

Saying that, he grabbed my
hand again. I looked questionably at Blake, who seemed very tense all
of a sudden. His cheek had coloured a rosy pink.

stop it father, please.” His father laughed. We remained in
their company a little bit more. I tried my best to keep a
conversation with them although it wasn't easy. David's gaze didn't
leave me a moment. Claire was all the time near him. Bringing him
drinks and trying to get his attention. I couldn't stand her. My
stomach was curling with jealousy.

you continue to look at him for long?”

Blake's annoyed voice
interrupted my thoughts.


I remind you that you're suppose to be my girlfriend tonight. You
can't just stay there and stare at Mr Bayne. Everyone will  notice
that you want him and not me.”

what am I suppose to do huh?” I asked irritated.

be a little more loving, hold my hand, whisper in my ear and kiss me

No way.” I finished with a grimace. “ Why don't you ask
the girl you go to during the night to do these things and why
haven't you brought her home to your father? ”

His face coloured again..

have no girl.” He said quickly.

lie Blake. I don't really care if you do. We're not lovers and never
will be. But please do what you have to do or else..”

else what?” He raised his brow and his lips twisted into a
sardonic smile.

guess I won't have any other option than to throw your sister in the

He began to laugh really

my God Cassidy, you're hilarious when you're jealous. OK.. I'll talk
to your precious teacher. I wonder what you both see in him.”

it off Blake.” I snapped.

He smiled again and grabbed
me from the waist.

sweetheart, it won't hurt being a little more gentle with me, after
all I'm doing you a favour. Not every guy would have agreed to this.”

to what? You said you would tell him that you seduced me..." I
paused and look up in his eyes. A doubt had crossed my mind all of a
sudden. "You're not doing me any favours right? You want
something back.”

I guess some payment may be due.”He admitted coolly. I was

I must have shouted because I saw the persons near us looking at us.

keep your voice low. I don't want much, just having you here for some
more time. I need to keep my family thinking that you're my

What's behind this scene?”

He heaved a sigh. “Nothing.
Is it asking too much?”

considering I love someone else.”

it's up to you. But I thought you wanted to make peace with him and
from how things are going you better hurry up and accept, he'll soon
be plastered with all the drinks Claire is giving him. He's too busy
looking this way to even notice that he already gulped down at least
6 drinks.” He said chuckling.

I looked at him stunned. All
of a sudden he sounded like his step sister.

What happened? You were so sweet.”

have I changed? I didn't notice. It's only a favour Cassidy, come

since I don't have any other choice.”

is it a deal?”


I'll go and try to drag him away from Claire. Wish me luck.” He
walked to them and after sending Claire somewhere he grabbed David
and began to walk away with him. From the way he was walking, it
seemed that Blake was right. David did seem a little drunk. I sat
down and took my first drink. I really felt nervous and anxious, how
could I put myself into this mess? I looked impatiently at my watch,
10 minutes had passed, where the hell were they? I was at my third
drink when I saw Blake coming back alone. I felt my knees go weak.
Had David left? I already felt tears prickling my eyes.

don't look at me like that. What's wrong?”

David?”I had to swallow hard to manage to form the words. My
mouth felt so dry.

Bayne is waiting for you in the garden. You have tears in your
eyes.”Saying that, he raised his hand to my face and rubbed a
tear away. “I told him everything and I think he understood,
although I must say he's drunk.” He said chuckling. Relief
swept over me, so he hadn't left.

can I find him?” I asked impatiently.

go that way and turn left, he's under the gazebo.”

I gave my drink to Blake and
hurried into the direction Blake had given me. I turned left and saw
a gate. I walked past it and there in the middle of the enormous
garden I saw the gazebo Blake had told me about. Sitting on the
bench, I saw David. His tie was on the bench, his shirt half open. He
really seemed in a bad state. I walked slowly to him stopping just in
front of him.”

I whispered.

He lifted his head up and
looked in my eyes.

What do you want?” 

did Blake explain to you?”

yes, he did.. but I'm not sure if to believe him or not.”He
said running his fingers in his hair.

I love you. Please believe me.”

I bent down in front of him,
positioning myself between his legs and looked up in his eyes. I put
my hands on his  thighs to support myself.

give me another chance to prove you that it's you I want.” I

me, how? Will you accept to marry me at last and be Kylie's mother?
Will you forget Tyler once and for all?”

David I will. I promise.”

He smiled and stared down in
my determined eyes for what seemed like ages. Then he bent down and
his mouth found mine. His fingers combed my hair reaching for my nape
to pull me closer to him. My hands curved around his neck as I hugged
him me tight to me. I wanted to feel him mine. I had thought that I
had lost him. We kissed passionately, so passionately that I thought
I was going to die out of breath. David's hand had run down reaching
the slit I had behind and entering under the fabric of my dress
sending shocks throughout all my body. What was he doing? Usually he
was so reserved so... oh I couldn't help but to moan when I felt his
fingers between my thighs. He broke the kiss for a moment to catch
breath and to look in my eyes.

want you.” He said huskily. “Here and now.”

I looked around, there was
no one in sight. I nodded.

His mouth crushed down on
mine again, my lips quivered under his, my heart jolted. I felt his
strong hands grabbing my waist and pushing me into him making me sit
down on his lap. I could feel his arousal and I could see all the
desire in his eyes. I felt a little light headed. I began to kiss him
again feverishly pressing myself more into him. His hands were under
my dress again and he was trying to pull down my panties. Maybe it
was better if I stopped him and got away from there with him. We
could go to his house and make love there. I was afraid that someone
could see us.



here.. maybe we should go..we'll....”

But he shut my mouth with a
kiss. I had never seen him like this maybe to the exception of the
time we went to the sunfest. We were lost into each others' arms when
I saw a flashlight which appeared and disappeared an instant later.
Abruptly I wrenched my mouth away breaking the kiss and looked at

"What's wrong?”

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