A Silence Heard (5 page)

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Authors: Nicola McDonagh

BOOK: A Silence Heard
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Uck! And uck again! What trashy males. I gulped down bile and lowered my head as if in shyness. But really it was to hide my angry countenance. I swear I heard inside my head, Marcellus, Wirt and Eadgard, scream out in indignation at what they were forced to passively witness.

“Darlene is fresh and without influence. Give her time to prepare so that she does not disappoint,” Kendra said, and from my lowered eye position, I thought I saw her toes curl when she uttered those misleading words.

“I understand and to be frank, relish the notion of waiting. I have a liking for the chase,” Alfred said and I felt the pressure of his lardiness on my arm cease. He stood and addressed his fellow philanderer, “Come Oswald. Let us go and discover some items of tastiness to tempt our fine companions with.”

“Excellent plan Alfred. Don’t go anywhere,” Oswald whispered into my ear and he too left my side.

I heard their heavy feet clomp away, raised my head and saw them disappear amongst the lush vegetation. Kendra stared at me and smiled. “Fear not, I shall endeavour never to leave you alone in the clutches of those repellent males. They have a look in their eyes that should not be there. Ladies rub and chat, nothing more.”

I smiled back and looked for my friends. Marcellus caught my eye and rose at once. As did Eadgard and Wirt, and all three, came hurrying over to where I sat.

“They not harm, Adara?” Marcellus said and sat next to me. I took his hand and he squeezed it gently.

“These Agros mean to do us hurt, do ye not think?”

“Figured that one out,” I said, pulled my hand away from Marcellus’s and stood.

He stared at me with a look of concern. His furrowed brow caused his owl-like features to take on the appearance of a nastier raptor and I felt a shiver that was not unpleasant, tiptoe down my spine. I gave him a soppy grin and the dark look vanished.

Kendra coughed.

“They play a game with us my dears, as we do they. Bide your time and inclinations until our relevance in all of this bubbles to the surface.”

“What do you mean?” Eadgard said.

She looked over her shoulder to where the Agros had exited and beckoned for us all to huddle close. We did and in said small circle listened to the portentous info that Kendra delivered. “On the scroll that the Abbot gave us is a message written in an ancient tongue. I know it a little. It is called Latino. To the best of my small knowledge, it pertains to this place as the ‘place of holding those of Meekness.’”

I tensed at Kendra’s words and noticed that Marcellus and Wirt clenched their hands.“ Do not draw attention to our collaboration. Stay as if we are all-a-wondering and delighted about our surroundings. Good, smile and turn your heads as I continue.” We did and faked an interest in the leaves of a particular tree. Bending low over its foliage so as to be able to hear Kendra’s whispered words. “Much is to be learned from our being here. Stay sharp and compliant. When things are less fraught I will try to fill in the few gaps still gaping.”

The door sighed open and we all turned to see Alfred emerge carrying a basket. He stopped beside a multi-coloured ground mat that lay underneath a spindly light green tree, just in front of where we stood. He plonked morsels of foodstuff upon it and gestured to us all to come over. We did, but not before exchanging a look of cahootiness.

“Excellent, you are keen to taste our delicacies,” Alfred said and half lay down on the floor covering, propping his torso up with his elbow. He supported his head with his right palm and with his left, patted the floor beside him. “Darlene, come sit by my side. The rest may recline where and whither takes their fancy. These scrumptious morsels are for one and all,” he said and swept his hand across the top of the food as though casting a spell.

I did not hesitate and thumped myself down next to him. It was an inelegant move, since I could not use my hands for balance, enclosed as they were. I wobbled too much and ended up leaning on Alfred’s shoulder. He purred like a kittle lapping moocream and placed an arm around my shoulder.

Despite my utter revulsion of said male, I forced a grin to appear on my face and looked all “Huffin’ hell and back” at my friends. Marcellus sat down hard next to me and Kendra softly let her bot settle next to Alfred. I relaxed a little in the knowledge that my pals were ready to defend me, just in case. Wirt and Eadgard remained standing, arms folded and utterly failing in their attempt to look relaxed.

The door whooshed again and in walked Oswald carrying a white oval bowl with a lid on top. He smiled when he saw how cosy we appeared and sauntered over to where we sat. Eadgard and Wirt stepped aside as he knelt before me, took off the lid, and held the dish under my nose. “Please, tuck in,” he said and offered me some grub.

I peered at the brown/black fungi and sniffed in their pungent aroma. My nostrils flared in pleasure, and moist filled my near salivating mouth. “’Shrooms cooked in garlic,” Oswald said and wafted them under my conk.

’Shrooms! My preferred choice of eats. Santy Breanna would cook them for us when we went a-camping in the only bit of park that was somewhat overgrown. The smell reminded me of home and I almost reached out for a sample, but shook my head instead.

“Are you sure Darlene? Are they not your favourite?”

I nodded and leant closer to the tempting titbits. Marcellus pulled me back and said, “How know this?”

Oswald sat back on his heels and shrugged. “Guess, just a guess. Do not all delight in the pungency of these fungi?”

“Nay. Not all. My mam cannot abide the things. Ye guess with too much conviction,” Wirt said and stood in front of Oswald, his chest puffed out and his face all glowing.

“My, my, sleek boy, no need to show such hostility. Perhaps you would care for some?”

Wirt took the proffered dish from Oswald and put it to his nose. The snout that smells out danger. He took a deeply sniff and closed his eyes, then let out a snort. “Nay, I shall not nosh on poisonous ‘shrooms,” he said and flung the plate and its contents across the space. They splattered hard against a tree trunk and slid slimy-like to the ground. Oswald stiffened and Alfred let go of me. Kendra stood and took Wirt’s hand in hers.

“Dear Wirt, do not be so foolish. I am sure you are mistaken. These kind gents would never offer guests tainted goods.”

“Of course not. We might become offended if an apology is not forthcoming,” Oswald said, and made his lips thin. He stood and stared straight into Wirt’s eyes.

Wirt said nowt and glared at Oswald over Kendra’s shoulder. She gripped him tighter and he focused onto her face instead.

“Wirt is tired from the arduous flight, as are we all. Perhaps some rest before we munch? I for one am still quite bilious from the thermo-drops we encountered and I dare say the others are too.”

“Very likely, I’m sure,” Oswald said and gave Alfred a shady look. Said male sucked in his cheeks, stood and joined his chum. He put his hands behind his back, lifted his chin and glared at us from drooped eyelids.

“Are you spurning our hospitality?”

“No. For sure kind sirs,” Kendra said and walked over to where they stood all stiff and glowering. She walked her fingers up the buttons of Oswald’s coat and continued, “As I explained, we are lagged from the journey. Becoming lost quite drains one. I know that I can speak for Darlene; we are as one in many ways. A little time for sleepybyes and once refreshed, we will be more eager to appreciate all the little things you might wish to offer. Is that not so Darlene?” she said and came to me.

I stared blankly for a sec, stood and let Kendra’s words become meaningful in my noggin. I opened wide my eyes. “What? Nah!” Kendra kicked me in the shins. “I mean, yep. Rightly so, I guess.”

She smiled and stroked my arm. “See. No harm done by Wirt's brief encounter with the hissies.”

Oswald made a “Humph” sound, pulled Alfred to one side and leant close to his ear. Marcellus stood next to me as did Wirt and Eadgard, and much as we wished to whisper our concerns we did not, and stood calm and fake-relaxed to further trick the Agros. They soon finished their covert chat and simpered back.

“Let what went before be as dust blown away in the wind,” Alfred said.

You nad, I thought.

“If you will allow us to offer some accommodation for a few hours, then perhaps your appetites will return?” Oswald said and stared in my direction.

“That is all we ask, dear gents. Please, lead on,” Kendra said.

The Agros nodded their heads and Alfred gathered up the basket and walked to the other end of the room. Oswald gave a faint snort, went to where Alfred stood, put his palm against the wall and it opened. My guess was that his fleshy hand bits were the key to all the portals in this underground abode. He beckoned for us to follow and off we traipsed out of the lush environment and into a dark corridor.

Chapter Five

Agro Hospitality

We stood in the blackness for a sec and I heard a loud single clap. Above our heads, a light-strip spluttered into action and the corridor was illuminated in a blaze of light. The floor was white and so bright that I could not look at it for long. So I let my gaze fall upon the walls, which were the colour of a winter sunset. In any other circumstances, I would have thrilled at this cheery place, but my heart and breathing quickened as I felt an uneasiness creep within me.

The Agros marched on ahead. Kendra slid her hand under my arm and we traipsed a few steps behind them. I looked over my shoulder and saw Eadgard, Wirt, and Marcellus follow quickly after us. Their faces were gloom-filled in the extreme. I tried to grin, to dissolve their look of antsy, but my mouth remained tight and straight. With a sigh, and all stiff and armpit sweaty, I carried on walking along the uncomfortable tunnel until a dark red wall came into view. We halted. Oswald let his palm hover over its surface.

“Behind this barrier are the guests quarters. Fitted out with all a visitor may require. If not, please do not hesitate to use your roomcomsystem to request further provisions. Alfred will escort the Ladies, and I will deal with the males,” he said.

He pressed the wall and it opened to reveal a dimly lit room full of flowers, ornate chairs, tables and cushions, arranged haphazardly about the place. It was oblong with a central round table made from the darkest, shiniest stained wood. There was a scent of damp spring grass that was more than inviting. If it were not where it was, I would have been keen to enter.

Oswald waved to Eadgard, Wirt and Marcellus. They exchanged serious looks, then followed him in. The Agro folded his arms, stood by the table and nodded all self-satisfied-like. My friends put their clenched hands behind their backs, and feigned interest in the furnishings, by touching some furniture and commenting on various aspects of the décor. Oswald seemed to take it on faceval and relaxed his suspish stance.

Alfred put down the basket by the entrance and nudged his way between Kendra and myself. He wrapped his arms underneath ours and escorted us into the room. Then he let go, bowed to Kendra and pulled me to one side. He steered me to a high-backed wooden chair stained a dark red, and pushed me down. I sat onto its thick cushion, leant my head against the flower carved back, and tried not to gag when Alfred put both hands on the arms and leant his face close to mine. I felt his hot breath upon my cheek and forced myself not to shudder. He whispered into my ear, “I’m giving you the best room we have.”

He pointed to an area of wall that was draped with garlands of small white flowers. “It is decorated with gold spider silk wallpaper. Adorned with fresh jasmine. A four-poster bed with real sheeple wool blankets and…a whirlpool tub.” He sniffed my neck and pressed his blubbery mitt against my thigh. “I’ll wait for you to settle, then return with extra tasty…”

“Poisoned ‘shrooms? Nah, no thanks,” I said and pushed him away with my muff.

I stood and tried to pass him, but he grabbed my arm, pulled me close and said loud so all could hear, “The fungus incident is forgot and that is that. All foodstuffs here are veritable. Sealed and pre-packed in sterile surroundings by our own top team of techs.”

His outburst caused the others to look our way. “Alfred, you sound like an infoboard on overdrive. No need to ram our hospitality down the throats of our guests,” Oswald said and head beckoned his accomplice to join him. He reluctantly let me go and stood by his pal. Marcellus came to me. I leant against his shoulder and felt Wirt put his hand in mine.

“Now, make peace with our most delightful and somewhat, unusual guests.”

“Apologies,” Alfred said, “I am merely sensitive to criticism of our produce.”

“With good reason if ye serve up toxic ‘shrooms.”

Alfred glowered. “You are too much prone to impudence, youth.”

“Wirt, no more,” Eadgard said and gave him a most thunderous glare.

He looked down and I shared a wide-eyed look with Marcellus, who moved away all awkward and stood by a giant floral cushion.

I swear the air inside this chamber turned quite solid for a sec. Then Oswald broke the raging silence with, “Gents, if you will allow?” He reached out and tapped the wall in three different places. With a hiss, three openings appeared and with them the smell of honeysuckle.

He walked from opening to opening, flicking his fingers into each orifice as if nowt much lay behind them. “The rooms are alike, but feel free to choose the one that suits each best. I would advise Wirt to enter the pink room,” he said and pointed towards a place that emitted a soft sunset glow. It has a sit down tub.”

Wirt let go my hand and all dreamy-like walked to where Oswald indicated. Said Agro gestured to another chamber. “Eadgard, perhaps the blue room? It boasts a nanoshaver that leaves the chin quite soft for many a moon and sun. Marcellus, I believe the white room would suit. It has a screen for observing untrue flicks.”

Marcellus grunted.

“All will suit,” Eadgard said and went to where my almost-beau stood. He touched his elbow and he nodded.

“And I? Do I reside in the corridor?”

“Kendra. You are not forgot. This room will, I think, suit you more than well.” Alfred winked at Oswald, who put his palm against the wall. There was a soft whoosh noise followed by the scent of hyacinth. So much sweet smelling air made me feel quite light of head and despite my repulsion for Alfred’s advances; I sucked it in and smiled.

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