A Sister's Hope (44 page)

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Authors: Wanda E. Brunstetter

Tags: #Fiction, #Christian, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: A Sister's Hope
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Martha and Luke went down beside him, each with their hands on John’s trembling shoulders.

Rosemary touched Roman’s arm. “Let’s move over there.” She motioned to the other side of the barn. “Let’s give Martha and Luke a chance to talk to John.”

Roman hesitated but finally nodded. He lit one of the gas lamps hanging from the rafters and followed Rosemary across the barn.

She stopped near one of the stalls and turned to face him. “Are you finally convinced that Luke’s not holding a grudge against you?”

He nodded and swallowed hard, unable to speak around the thick lump in his throat.

“What are you going to do about John?” she asked.

“What do you mean?”

“John needs help for his emotional problems. And he’ll have to pay for his deeds. Do you want me to phone the sheriff?”

Roman was about to reply when he heard a car pull into the yard. He opened the barn door and stepped out just as Sheriff Osborn got out of his car.

“Roman, what are you doing here?” the sheriff asked. “I heard that you took your wife up to Geauga County.”

“I did, but I left her with my brother and came back so I could keep an eye on my place.” Roman moved over to stand by the sheriff. “Did someone call and ask you to come over here?”

The sheriff shook his head. “I was out patrolling tonight, and since I was in the area and knew you were gone, I decided to swing by your place and check on things. Then I spotted two black trucks parked out by the road—one about a quarter of a mile from here and one on the other side of your driveway. It made me suspicious. When I came up the driveway, I spotted a car parked near your house.”

“That’s my sister’s car,” Roman said.

“Where is she?”

Roman pointed to the barn. “In there, with Martha, Luke Friesen, and John Peterson.”

The sheriff’s bushy eyebrows pulled together. “What’s going on?”

Roman drew in a quick breath and told the sheriff everything that had transpired since he’d caught Luke in the yard. He ended by saying, “John confessed to the attacks against us.”

The sheriff grunted. “I figured as much. I’ve been watching John for some time and waiting for him to make his next move so I could catch him in the act. He’ll pay for his crimes; I can assure you of that.”

“I won’t press charges against him—it’s not the Amish way,” Roman was quick to say.

“I realize that, but if John’s the one who killed Martin, then the state will press charges. He can’t be allowed to get away with the other things he’s done to your family, either.”

“I’m not saying he should get away with it,” Roman said. “I’m just saying I won’t press charges.”

The sheriff nodded. “Let me worry about the details.” He walked swiftly toward the barn, and Roman followed. They found John still on his knees with Martha, Luke, and Rosemary standing around him in a circle.

“John says he knows he’ll have to pay for what he’s done,” Martha said when she spotted the sheriff walking toward them with Dad at his side.

“You got that right,” the sheriff said with a nod. He read John his rights and handcuffed him. “I’ll drop by some time tomorrow to ask a few more questions,” he said to Dad as he led a very quiet and remorseful-looking John out of the barn.

“Flo. I’ve gotta get Flo,” John mumbled as he approached the sheriff’s car. “I can’t leave my dog alone.”

“Don’t worry about Flo,” Luke called to John. “I’ll take care of her for you.”

As the sheriff’s car headed down the driveway, Dad swiped a hand across his face. “Whew! After all this time of living in fear and
wondering when and where the next attack might occur, I can’t believe it’s finally over.”

“Maybe now things will get back to normal and we’ll know some peace,” Martha said.

“Speaking of peace,” Luke said, “I’ll need to make my peace with Toby, since I now know he had nothing to do with the attacks.”

“And speaking of peace—” Rosemary nudged Dad’s arm. “Isn’t there something you’d like to say to Luke?”

The rhythm of Martha’s heartbeat picked up as she waited to see how Dad would respond. He needed to apologize to Luke, but because Dad was a stubborn man, it was hard for him to admit when he was wrong.

Dad cleared his throat and took a step toward Luke. “My sister’s right: I do have something to say to you.”

Luke stared at the floor.

“I need to ask your forgiveness, Luke.” Dad’s voice quavered, and Martha wondered if he might break down in tears. This whole ordeal had to have been terribly stressful on him.

“No need to apologize,” Luke said in a voice barely above a whisper. “What’s done is done. It’s in the past now.”

Dad shook his head. “I do need to apologize. I was wrong about you, Luke, and I. . .I ask your forgiveness.”

Luke lifted his gaze and stared at Dad. He, too, seemed to be struggling with his emotions. “I accept your apology.”

“There’s something else I’d like to say,” Dad said.

“What’s that?”

“Now that John will be going to jail, his shop will be closing down. So, I. . .I was wondering if you’d like to come back to work for me.”

“Well, I—”

“Don’t worry. I’ve learned my lesson. I promise not to be so harsh and demanding. If you’ve got an idea you want to share about woodworking, I’ll listen.”

“Jah, I would like to come back to work for you, Roman.” Luke looked over at Martha and said, “But there’s something I’d like even more.”

“What’s that?” Dad asked.

“I’d like permission to court Martha.”

Martha held her breath as she waited for Dad’s reply.

Dad stood, mulling things over. Finally, he nodded and said, “You’ve got my permission, but on one condition.”

Luke tipped his head to one side. “What’s that?”

“That you sell your truck, get baptized, and join the church.”

Luke smiled. “No problem there. That’s exactly what I’d planned to do once my name was cleared.”

Martha threw herself into Dad’s arms and gave him a hug. “Now we just need to get Mom well so she can come home where she belongs.”

“That’s right,” Aunt Rosemary spoke up. “And if I’m not mistaken, you’ll probably need your mother’s help making a wedding dress soon.”

Martha’s cheeks burned hot as she looked over at Luke. She was relieved when he stepped forward and whispered in her ear, “You’re definitely going to need a wedding dress.”

Six months later

s Martha sat at the corner table with her groom and their attendants, her heart swelled with joy. She’d just become Luke’s wife, and now that the attacks were behind them, her family had finally found a sense of peace. Sheriff Osborn had come by the other day and given Dad a letter from John, who was still in jail. John admitted that he’d been drinking the night Martin was killed but said he hadn’t rammed the buggy with the intent of killing anyone. He also said he’d been reading his Bible every day and that his faith was growing. He’d also been getting some counseling, which was helping him deal with his past and the abuse he’d suffered from his stepdad. John ended the letter by saying that he planned to move back to Oregon when his jail time had been served, and he apologized for all the horrible things he had done.

Martha was glad John was doing well, and she knew that, despite what John had done, God wanted her to forgive him. She also knew that in order to heal, she must forgive.

She glanced across the room to where Mom and Dad sat talking with Luke’s parents. Although quiet and reserved, Mom was feeling much better these days. She no longer needed medication for her nerves, and the smile on her face as she leaned close to Dad told Martha that Mom was happy and at peace.

Martha shivered when Luke’s warm breath tickled her ear as he
leaned close and whispered, “Have you noticed how happy Cleon looks today? I think he was relieved when your daed said he was free to quit working at the shop with us and go out on his own with his honey and candle-making business.”

“I’m happy for Cleon and also for his brother Ivan. He and Amanda make a wonderful couple.”

Martha motioned to Grace, sitting beside Cleon with Daniel in her lap. “I’m also happy to see Grace looking so peaceful. Now that the attacks have ended and things are better between her and Carl Davis, she always seems to be wearing a smile.”

Martha glanced at the table where Aunt Rosemary sat beside her son and his wife. She was glad Ken and Sharon had been able to take vacation time and come to Holmes County for her wedding. Aunt Rosemary was all smiles as she visited with them.

“Did I tell you my cousin Ken and his wife are expecting a baby?” Martha asked.

“You have mentioned that a time or two,” Luke said with a chuckle. “I’m glad for them and will be even happier when our time comes.”

“Jah, me, too.” Martha’s gaze went to her aunt again. “Aunt Rosemary’s real good with kinner. I think she’ll make a fine grossmudder, don’t you?”

“I’m sure she will. She’s also a good cook, so she’ll probably do real well taking over your place at Irene’s with all the dinners she serves.” Luke motioned to Carl Davis, who sat on the other side of Rosemary with Anna by his side. “From what I hear, your aunt’s been seeing a lot of Carl lately, which may be another reason she’s wearing such a big smile today.”

“Maybe there’ll be another wedding in our family sometime soon.”

“You mean Rosemary and Carl?”

Martha nodded. “They seem to have a lot in common.”

Luke reached for her hand. “Like us, you mean? We both enjoy being outdoors, we like to go fishing, and we take pleasure in working together with the dogs in your kennel business.”

Martha smiled. “I appreciate the time you took to make me those new dog runs. Now, not only can I raise my dogs, but I can board and
groom other dogs, as well.”

He gently squeezed her fingers. “A man will do most anything for the woman he loves.”

Her cheeks warmed. No matter how long she and Luke were married, she didn’t think she would ever get tired of hearing him say he loved her.

“You two look happier than a couple of kids with a box of candy,” Toby said as he and Sadie stepped up to the corner table. “I’m glad everything’s worked out so well for you.”

“Jah, and for you and me, too,” Luke said with a nod. “For quite a while there, I thought our friendship might be over.”

Toby clasped Luke’s arm. “I feel bad for the trouble I caused. I don’t know how I could have ever thought you were behind the attacks on the Hostettlers.”

Luke grimaced. “I can’t believe I thought it was you, either.”

“That’s in the past, and we’ve made our peace, so let’s look to the future,” Toby said.

“Jah, I agree.”

As the men continued to visit, Martha turned to Sadie and said, “How are you feeling these days?”

Sadie’s smile seemed to light up the room. “Other than some bouts of heartburn and a bit of morning sickness, I’m feeling right as rain.”

“Are you getting anxious for your boppli to be born?”

“Oh, jah.” Sadie placed one hand on her bulging stomach. “February can’t come soon enough for me.” She leaned closer to Martha and whispered, “I’m glad things have worked out for you and Luke. You both deserve to be happy.”

“Danki.” Martha glanced across the room to where Ruth and Abe sat with their family. God had blessed Ruth when she’d married Abe.

Sadie nudged Toby’s arm. “Should we go back to our table now and let the bride and groom visit with their other guests?”

“Jah, sure.” Toby smiled at Luke. “I’ll talk to you later.”

Toby and Sadie had no sooner gone back to their table when Ray and Donna Larson stopped by. “We wanted to offer our congratulations on your marriage,” Ray said.

“And say how much we’re going to miss you, Martha, now that you won’t be our neighbor anymore,” Donna put in.

Martha smiled. “I won’t be living that far away—just a few miles down the road in the house Dad, Luke, and Cleon built for us on the backside of Luke’s folks’ property.”

Donna patted Martha’s arm. “Do come by and see us whenever you can.”

“We will,” Martha and Luke said in unison.

“We left your wedding present on the back porch,” Ray said. “It’s a birdhouse that will attract the martins that come into our area every spring.”

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