A Snowy Night (5 page)

Read A Snowy Night Online

Authors: Layla Skylar

BOOK: A Snowy Night
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Joshua pulled away. He took a couple of steps and put aside the camera, and grabbed something

a condom

from his wallet, never taking his eyes from her nearly naked form.


m done with pictures.

Anna grinned.

When he returned it was to kneel with her on the soft rug, his naked flesh pressed against hers in a blissful haze of sexual greed. He was so warm, so tall, even kneeling he seemed to
tower over her. As if he

d just had the same thought, he stretched out on the rug and tugged her down next to him.

Instead, she stripped the last of the lace from her body, and straddled him, making her intentions known.

The firelight flickered gently as she moved down his body, taking the
head of his cock in her mouth again. But he groaned and pulled her up to kiss her on the mouth.


re too good at that, Anna. I want to be inside you when I spill.

heart beat faster
at hi
s forward declaration. Oh god, she couldn’t wait to have him inside her. She hadn’t been this aroused in a long time. Unconsciously, she tweaked her nipples, and his gaze dropped to watch her fingers.
He bit his lip, taking in her
motions with complete focus,
and her cheeks flushed as she clenched her pussy, too excited for words.

read her mind and
started to open
the foil
condom packet
. Just as swiftly, Anna took it from him. O
ne more excuse to feel the weight of his hard shaft in her palm, as she rolled it down his length.
He flexed as he sat up, and she felt the hard muscles of his stomach ripple as he wrapped his arms around her. She lifted up to her knees, poised above his cock in a tantalizing moment of suspense. This man was so delicious, the encounter so sudden and yet so comfortable – she felt like she’d known him far longer than a few hours.

Her eyes on his, Anna shifted so the head of Joshua
cock stroked into her slit. She flexed her hips to feel him slide along her
body, brushing her clit and se
nding fireworks all through her
as she pressed against him roughly, taking
, teasing

Joshua’s breath was ragged in her ear, and his hands roamed the mysteries of her curves. Everywhere he touched her she felt branded with his heat. When she’d had her fill of teasing him, she guided his cock to her core, and impaled herself on his rigid flesh.

Anna m
oaned as he filled her. T
hey fit together perfectly. His cock nestled inside her
pressed against the nerve-heavy walls of her pu
ssy, and she moved with him, in a rhythm old as time
. Damn, she was
so close to coming already.

“Jesus, Anna. You’re incredible.”

She could only whimper, her mind on his body crashing into hers as he held her fiercely, thrusting upward, god only knew how in this position. That masculine taking of control turned her on; it surprised her. She
hadn’t been with that many men,
she liked to lead. But with Joshua
, she didn’t know what to expect and the prospect of what he’d do to her next was more exciting than she’d ever expected. Just like in the kitchen
, he wasn’t gentle, or reserved. He wanted, and he took
. And it turned out she liked that

She arched her back in time with his
motions, and felt herself rise in
that surging pattern that leads to the
promised land. H
eat flushed
her cheeks, her
pulse pounded
. She opened her eyes and he was staring at her face, biting his lip again. Was he holding back?

Joshua smiled softly, and nuzzled her neck. Then he flipped her over on the rug and held one of her legs up at shoulder height, sighing as he e
ntered her again.
She sucked in a breath
as she shuddered
, his cock stroking her insides in an irresistible tide of sensation. She clutched his ass, forcing him closer, opening wider than she believed possible and taking all of him, her pussy filled to a near-torturous degree. “Oh, Joshua. Baby, you’re going to make me come.”

Yeah, I am.” Joshua grinned, but then his eyes went distant and he began a circular motion with his hips that startled her with its intensity. The head of his cock reached impossible depths, and each slow,
circular stroke left her reeling, unable to think of anything but the next time his body would connect with hers
like that
. She reminded herself to take a breath, and her lungs sucked desperately at the air, each breath leaving on a quivering moan.

Joshua knew exactly how to touch her. Who had taught him? She hadn’t known this was what sh
e wanted, but he provided. Oh, L
ord, did he provide.

“Oh, fuck! Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” Her fingers dug into his hips, her nails scoring his skin as she urged him on desperately. And then she crashed over that promised edge, hurtling at light speed, the pleasure bursting and taking
her senses in a swimming sea of rippling, powerful sensation. It went on and on, and as she came back to reality a bit, she felt her pussy spasm around Joshua’s cock.

Joshua kissed her, his tongue delving into the secrets of her mouth as his cock
plumbed the secrets of her sex. He nibbled on her lip, biting her hard enough to make her gasp, and make her nipples go suddenly and
wickedly hard. She rubbed her chest against his, the rough hair on his chest cruel and maddeningly arousing against her soft skin.

Joshua ran one hand around to her back, gripping her ass and forcing her
wider, so he could go deeper. I
mpossibly deep. Ripples became waves as Anna realized she’d come again. “Joshua!” she called out
as he reached
es she’d never allowed anyone. She was s
uddenly wide open for anything he wanted, if he’d only continue, if he’d only fill her like this again and again, make her body respond like this, as she’d never responded to anyone. Joshua was no stranger to her, and Anna was suddenly certain they’d have to
hundreds of t
imes before she knew all the facets of this man
, and that she wouldn’t let him go until she’d had her fill.

Joshua bent his head and captured one of her nipples, grinding his pelvis against hers in a mot
ion that was almost too rough. A
powerful surge of excitement
through her blood. His motion ground into her clit, and she arched against him, suddenly stilling as he rocked her right into the deep, dark well of pleasure that waited. And this time, he came as she did, groaning loudly into her ear, making her tingle with pleasure down that whole side of her body as her pussy pulsed around his throbbing cock.

“Anna,” he moaned, his face in her neck as he clutched her to him.
He pulled from her body, and kissed her cheek, his breath sweet and hot and making her nipples hard all over again. Joshua was pure sex to her. Somehow she’d known it from the first, in the kitchen. Now that she’d had him, she realized she wanted more, craved him more at this moment than when she’d taken him into her body. Was it just that he was an
amazing lover? Or was it fate
? It would take some time to tease out her sudden feelings for this man who’d just appeared on he
r doorstep.

Joshua rose, towering over her before he bent to reach for her hand, helping her stand on legs still wobbly from multiple intense orgasms. “So…about that guest bed. How about we skip that part? I’ll sleep in your room.” He kissed her, his hard body fitting to hers like he belonged there. Then he whispered in her ear. “That way, whenever I wake I can slip my hard cock in
to you, and make you come again and again.

When he leaned back and met her gaze with eyes still hot
for her
despite the fact he’d just come, she couldn’t deny that was exactly what she wanted. “Yes. Let’s go to bed.”




Read an Excerpt from Riding the Waves

Available Now for Kindle


Are you sure this is everything we need?

Elsie Matthews asked, eying the pile of gear her friend Amy Hanson had piled on the surf store counter.

Amy checked a list she

d helpfully prepared before hand. Some people had the planning knack, and others didn

t. That was for sure.


s it,

the planner informed her.

Elsie whipped out her rewards card. She was saving for a trip to Hawaii at the end of the school year.
Her final year of vet
The biggie. She was freaking out a little about how much her life would change in the next year. Thus the last-minute surf lesson on the Oregon coast.

Amy rolled her eyes as Elsie paid for the whole venture. What the heck? Her parents paid her credit card bill as long as she was in school, and Amy didn

t have any such sweet deal.

After all, Amy had planned this trip because Elsie needed it, not vice-versa.

They gathered up their bags and turned to go, but when Elsie turned it was smack into a well-muscled chest. She instantly backed up a pace, glaring up at the stranger. Her first impression was of a boyishly handsome man, obviously quite fit, with a two-day growth of reddish-brown stubble.

He grinned.


Did she know him from somewhere?

Hey, yourself,

she said, still feeling thrown off balance. She could swear she knew him, but the where, when, why, and how of it wasn

t coming back to her.

She hefted all of her new gear and made to slip past him. Instead, she managed to bump into him with what seemed to be every bag in her possession. Did they have to cram so many shelves into this place? She huffed, trying for some semblance of composure as she felt a blush rising to her cheeks.

She finally squeaked past and made it to the door, which Amy was helpfully holding open for her.

Have a good one, Elsie,

came his voice behind her. She looked back at him, but he was leaning on the counter and talking to the woman at the cash register. She tried again to place him, feeling like a jerk, but still couldn

t figure how they knew each other. Wouldn

t she remember him? He was hot.

It wasn

t until hours later, when she was having a second cocktail with Amy at a bayside restaurant, that Elsie placed the


she practically shouted.

We went to high school together.

Amy looked at her like she

d lost it.

No. We didn

t go
to high school together, hon.
met first year of vet school, remember? The whole Ethan thing?

She smirked.

I remember the Ethan thing,

Elsie admitted.

That boy was too smoking hot for his own good.

I know. He flunked out first year because he was taking all the ladies up on the sex. Too tired to do his homework.

Elsie giggled, the second martini hitting her. She felt a little hot, and just a little dizzy.
But also happy.
For tonight

maybe this whole weekend

she could ignore the decisions that had to be made, and how much her life would change after this year. It was the end of hiding behind books and school. She had to figure out exactly what she would be up to ten months from now. And she didn

t have the first clue how to get started.

But that was for later. She and Amy finished their drinks, and went back to their rooms. Elsie switched on the TV, but switched it off again a few minutes later. Her thoughts returned to the surf shop

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