A Soul for Trouble (26 page)

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Authors: Crista McHugh

BOOK: A Soul for Trouble
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“No, I love it, but I don’t need any more enemies.”

His lips brushed against her forehead. “Don’t worry so much about her. Everyone in the palace knows Elslyn’s a spoiled bitch. If she dropped dead tomorrow, there would be great rejoicing.”

The gentle kiss soothed her more than his words, but she fought back a laugh. “So I’ve heard from Katie.”


“The maid you sent to help me this evening. She’s a delight.”

“I’m glad I caught her in the hall, then.” His lips trailed along the side of her face, and he tilted her chin up. “I want you to enjoy your time here.” She didn’t know if Kell’s touch or the tight laces of her dress made it difficult to breathe, but her head swam from lack of air. “Why is that?”

A quick grin flashed on his face. “Come deeper into the labyrinth with me and find out.” A little voice inside her head warned her not to trust him so easily, but she took his hand and followed him through the tall hedge maze.

“Yes, Prince Kell certainly has swept you off your feet.”
She stopped dead in her tracks, cursing under her breath. Leave it to Loku to remind her of her foolishness.

“Arden, are you all right?”

She struggled for air. Everything was happening too fast. She’d spent twenty-one years avoiding men, and now in the last few weeks she was intrigued by two of them.
“Loku, is this
part of your plan to drive me insane?”

“Nonsense. On the contrary, perhaps you’d be happier if you learned to play with fire and
feel alive for once instead of always playing it safe. The chaos of the unknown is what makes
life exciting.”

“And terrifying.”

“Take deep breaths,” Kell instructed. He brushed a few stray hairs from her face. “I suppose I shouldn’t have made you run in that dress.”

“He’s probably enjoying the sight of your breasts straining against your bodice.”
She pulled away and covered her chest with her hand. “It’s a bit tighter than I’m used to.”

“We’ll walk from here to the center.” His arm circled her waist, and they strolled down the path.

“You know how to get there?”

“Of course. I have this whole labyrinth memorized.”

She wondered how many other women had walked along this same path with him, anxiously hoping for a romantic tryst once they reached the center. “What will we do when we get there?”

“Whatever you want to do. There are still a few roses blooming, I’ve been told. And there’s a private arbor with a wide bench for you to rest on.” He didn’t need to mention he wanted to continue where they’d left off this morning. His promise of “later” still rung in her ears and made her pulse race.

“How about letting him fuck you into oblivion?”

Her cheeks burned at Loku’s suggestion.
“I’m not losing my virginity in the middle of a
labyrinth, thank you very much.”

His laughter vibrated through her mind
. “We’ll see about that.”
She took another breath, clearing her mind. She needed to focus on getting out of Ranello alive, not wondering if Kell was going to try and kiss her again.

The twists and turns grew tighter as they ventured deeper into the labyrinth, forcing her to press her body against his several times. She savored the hardness of his body. How would he compare to Dev if she saw him naked?

She shook the stray image from her mind. Why did Dev keep creeping into her thoughts like that?

The hedges opened to a wide circle. She backed away from Kell, taking it all in. The sweet smell of roses wafted in the breeze, mingling with the spicy scent of the fading gardenias. A vine-covered arbor sat next to a gurgling fountain in the center of the clearing, and lit torches bathed everything in golden firelight. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

“I’m glad you like it.” He led her to the bench under the arbor.

The sights, smells, and sounds of this little piece of paradise captured her attention and didn’t allow her to think of anything else. “What I wouldn’t have given to have a place like this growing up.”

“Why is that?”

They sat next to each other, their knees barely touching. “Wallus was very small. If I got into trouble or made a mistake, I had no place to hide.”

“You don’t like being the center of attention?”

She shook her head. “I absolutely hate it. Do you have any idea how many times I’ve tried to darken my hair or wished my eyes were brown just so I could blend in with everyone else?”

“Ah, but what makes you different makes you beautiful.” He stroked her hair, his gentle fingers not disturbing any of the pins Katie had so carefully placed in it. “The rare rose that blooms in winter.”

“Except that I’m an accused witch with—” She caught herself before she mentioned the chaos god living inside her. Kell didn’t need to know about all her eccentricities. She stared at her hands in her lap.

“With what? A cranky protector?”

She giggled in spite of herself. “That’s one thing.”

He inched closer to her. “A necromancer hunting you?”

The cold feeling of dread from this afternoon danced across her skin. “Please don’t remind me of him.”

“Then I won’t.” His hands caressed her arms. “You know you are safe here with me?”

“Am I?”

“Completely safe.” He kissed the hollow of her neck.

Sweet Lady Moon, this didn’t fit her definition of safe. Every touch threatened to unleash the wanton woman buried deep inside her. If he continued, she’d give into the reckless need building within her body. “Kell, I don’t want to be the next woman you toss aside once you’ve gotten what you wanted from me.”

He pulled away, and a cool breeze chilled her scorching skin. “I see my past bothers you.”

“You have a reputation for certain things.” Being a damned good lover was one of them.

Could she handle the aftereffects of their affair? Memories of her mother weeping into her silk gown still haunted her. She reached for her pendant and tried to push them aside.

“Do you believe people can change?” The cocky air he normally carried disappeared, making him appear just as scared and confused as she felt.

“Sometimes, if given the right motivation.” She cleared her throat. “I’m surprised you didn’t have an angry father demanding you marry his daughter.”

“Most of them throw their daughters at me. Besides, I always take precautions not to sire a child.”

Unlike my own father, whoever he was.

He ran his finger along her jaw. “You’re different than most of the ladies in there.”

“Why? Because I told you no?”

He laughed. “Partly, yes.” The levity left his face as he added, “I’m also a little envious of what my parents have and my brother, Therrin, and his wife have.”

“And what’s that?”

“Love, built on trust and respect. I’ve never truly seen two people so well-suited for each other. No head games, no politics. Just a man and woman who can’t get enough of each other.” Her mouth went dry. She wanted to trust this softer side of him. “Is that the truth, or are you just saying that to win me over?”

“Would I share it with you if it wasn’t true?”

“Why did you share it with me, then?”

“Because, I…” His brows knitted together like he was searching for the right thing to say.

He cupped her cheeks in his hands, stared at her lips like he wanted to kiss her again.

Her bodice felt too tight again. After this morning, she knew what he was capable of doing if he wanted.

Instead, he released her, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. The look she’d come to recognize as desire still smoldered in his eyes, mixed with the strange gleam she’d seen the night of the sword fight. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” His face struggled to contain his emotions while he waited for her answer.

“What are you afraid of, my Soulbearer?”

“Getting hurt in the end.”

“Do you think you could love him? Or is it Dev who holds your heart?”
Kell embodied danger. He’d known his share of women and, despite his words, a tiny shred of her still wondered if he meant what he said.

“But you don’t trust your heart with anyone yet, do you, my Soulbearer? Not even me.”

“What are you saying?”

“No rewards come without risk. If everything in life was simple, certain things would
never be cherished.”

“Kell, I…” Words failed her much in the way they failed him earlier. A plethora of emotions tumbled in her heart, making it almost painful to breathe. She wished she could let go of her fears, but there was too much at stake. Even if she was pardoned, how could she tell him about the chaos god living inside her?

“I understand.” Defeat creased lines into his cheeks, weighed down his shoulders.

“No, it’s not that—” she started to say, but when the hope returned to his dark eyes, she forgot what she was trying to tell him. Could he really care for her?

“What?” When she didn’t answer, he held her hand and whispered, “I’m glad you aren’t like the other women here.”

Her heart stopped. “Why?”

His eyes squeezed together as if he fought to stay in control of his desires. “Because for once, I don’t want to rush things. I want to know you want me for me and not because I’m a prince and you think it’ll help you escape sentencing. You already know I’ll fight for your freedom after you saved my life.”

Her mouth went dry when he accused her of trying to seduce him. But on the other hand, he sounded like he wanted more than just her body.

Before Arden could respond, voices filtered through the thick hedges. They wouldn’t be alone much longer.

“Let’s examine the roses, shall we?” He offered her his hand and led her to the bushes on their right.

She followed, lowering her head to inhale the bouquet of a deep red bloom just as a pair of lovers stumbled into the center of the labyrinth.

Kell cleared his throat, and they both jumped in surprise.

“Your Highness, we didn’t know…” The man’s voice trailed off when he spotted her.

“No need to apologize. We were just leaving.” He offered her his arm. “The arbor is all yours.”

She avoided eye contact with the lovers as she and Kell plunged back into the twisting paths of the labyrinth. Tomorrow morning, the whole palace would probably think she’d slept with the prince. But then she caught a glance of his profile and remembered the things he’d shared with her. She tightened her arm in his and smiled. Underneath his rakish swagger, Prince Kell had the makings of a true gentleman.

Chapter 27

The engorgement in Kell’s trousers subsided by the time they exited the labyrinth, much to his relief. The last thing he needed was for the entire court to know Arden had left him more frustrated than any woman he’d ever known. He silently cursed at stopping himself when he had her right in the palm of his hand. In the privacy of the labyrinth, it would have been so easy to steal another kiss from her, to press her soft body against his, to caresses those curves he longed to hold.

But when he saw the relaxed smile on her face, he knew he’d done the right thing. Holding back now would only strengthen her trust in him, maybe even give him a chance of finding what Therrin had. The prospect of that warmed his blood like the finest brandy.
Small battles
win the war
, he reminded himself.

They’d barely crossed the lawn before Dev ambushed them. “Where the hell have you been?”

“In the labyrinth,” she answered nonchalantly. Her ability to ignore her protector’s ire never ceased to amaze him.

“Since you left her alone to the vultures in there,” Kell interjected, “I decided to rescue her and show her the late-blooming roses at its center.”

The bright light from the throne room shimmered off her hair like sunlight. “It was very beautiful, Dev. The crimson ones are especially fragrant.”

“Your consideration is appreciated, Prince Kell,” Dev said through clenched teeth. He pulled her closer to him, staring at her lips as though making sure she hadn’t been kissed. The murderous fire in his eyes dimmed, and his face softened as he looked at her. “Trouble, get inside. King Heodis suggested we stay in our rooms until he makes up his mind.”

“For once, I’d have to agree with Dev. My father’s suggestions are to be treated like orders.” Kell brought her hand up his lips and kissed it. He didn’t want to stop there.

She nodded, licking her lips. Damn, did she know what such a simple gesture did to him?

“Thank you for showing me the labyrinth, Your Highness.” Dev tucked her hand in his arm and led her away.

Two guards silently filed in behind them when they entered the palace through another set of doors. As soon as she vanished from his sight, his muscles turned to warm wax. He returned to the throne room, dropping into a chair. Normally he only reached this level of exhaustion from a full romp under the covers.

Bynn approached him and gave a small bow. “Interesting turn of events, I hear.”

“How so?”

“Your father didn’t order them away in chains.”

Kell laughed, the last of the tension leaving his body. “I knew he wouldn’t make a rash decision.”

“What did Dev give him? Judging by the elf’s arrogant expression, you’d think it was some sort of blackmail.”

“It looked like a seal of some sort. Probably something Empress Marist gave him to legitimize his title.”

Bynn pulled up a chair and sat next to him. “Whatever it was, the king seemed pretty annoyed by the discussion when they emerged from the back room.”

“My father is always annoyed when someone tries to tell him what to do.”

“In the meantime, how did Arden like the labyrinth?”

“Oh, so now you’re calling her by her name?”

Bynn looked away and chuckled. “Yes, I admit I’d been a little hard on her.”

“Exactly what I’ve been trying to tell you this whole time. When are you going to get it through your thick skull that I’m right nine times out of ten?”

“When I forget about the one time you’re wrong.” He lowered his voice. “So, how was she?”

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