A Storybook Finish (18 page)

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Authors: Lauralee Bliss

BOOK: A Storybook Finish
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coincidental, don’t you think?” Silence came over the line for a

moment. When her voice returned, it was soft and a bit curious.

“Jeff, would this have anything to do with your God?”

“My God? He’s your God, too. He’s everyone’s God.”

“You know what I mean. You were telling me how you

prayed to God to help you solve problems. Now look what’s

happened. Never in a million years would I have thought

Anson would show interest in me.” She broke down in tears.

“I thought I was an old shoe in his eyes. That’s why he left

me for another woman. I thought—I thought I wasn’t good

enough in the—well, you know what I mean. I hear about

guys who don’t love their wives anymore ‘cause they don’t feel

satisfied. I tried to do things right.”


“I did everything I thought I should do. Why is he coming

back, Jeff? Maybe he’s just tired of the old girlfriend now and

thinks it’s time for something new. I don’t want us to fall in

love again, only to have him walk out on me.”

: “Why don’t you come and visit me?”

“Visit you? What’s that got to do with Anson walking out

on me?”

“I’m just saying, maybe Anson and I could talk about

things. Get a family connection in the works. Might make it

harder for him to leave.”

“Jeff, you’re not even married. What words of wisdom

could you possibly offer?”

“I can tell you for a fact that the only way you two are going

to have a future together is if you let God take control of it.

That’s the problem. We think we have a handle on everything.

Only God holds the key to success in our lives. He

knows the past, the present, and the future.”


Once Jeff said these words, he realized his own lack of faith

in not allowing God to take control of his relationship with

Lindsay. He had allowed everything else to get in the way.

While he still believed he needed financial security before he

popped the big question, at least he ought to feel secure

enough knowing God would keep him on the right track.

“So what do you think?” Candy asked.

“I knew it. Typical male, never listening. Open your ears,

little bro. How about Thanksgiving?”

“You mean you want to come here for Thanksgiving? Sure,

that would be great! Then you can meet Lindsay. She’s one of

a kind.”

“I have to get going. Anson’s coming in an hour to pick me

up. I haven’t had a shower yet, and all my clothes are from the

nineties. I have nothing new to wear.”

“Candy, just be yourself and not someone else.”

“Hey, you know what? You’re an awesome brother.”

Jeff smiled before hanging up the phone. He would tell

Lindsay as soon as he could that no matter what happened,

with God leading them, they would be there for each other

through thick and thin, for better or for worse, until death do

them part.

169 “I can’t believe I’m back here!”

The grand hall appeared as majestic as she imagined—the

mosaics, the carved buttresses and statues, the winding staircase.

Her hand went to her heart. If only she were clad in

some glittering ball gown, wearing long gloves to her elbows,

with pearls wrapped around her neck and a tiara in her hair.

On her feet would be glass slippers, though she would make

certain they stayed put at midnight. Instead, she glanced

down at her simple outfit of pleated trousers, red turtleneck,

and blazer. She pushed the bag carrying her belongings up

over her shoulder.

“Hey, Miss Thomas, Mr. Wheeler wants to see you,” Jewel

said, running up to meet her.

Lindsay smiled at the young, carefree woman who had a

glow in her emerald eyes. Jewel had given her heart to the

Lord at the youth revival meeting they’d recently attended.

Lindsay and Jeff had taken several students to the revival and

found many of them responsive to the gospel message. They

rejoiced over the young people brought into the kingdom of

God. Robbie, though, refused to go and eventually dropped

out of school, much to their disappointment.

Lindsay now gazed again at the beautiful architectural displays

within the Library of Congress before turning to the

staircase. She climbed the steps one by one, until a vision

caught her in midstride. Her breath left her for a moment.


Jeff stood on the landing, holding what appeared to be a

flower in his hand. “M’lady,” he said with a bow, giving her a

long-stemmed, red rose.

Jewel giggled and poked Troy in the ribs. “Isn’t this romantic?”

Lindsay took the flower and something else that felt velvety

soft. She opened the palm of her hand to see a small box.

Tremors seized her at that moment. “Jeff,” she began. Lindsay

handed her rose to Jewel and opened the box with nervous

fingers. Inside was a small but beautiful diamond in a gold

setting, glittering in the light of the great hall. Her dream had

come true.

“This is what I like!” Troy hooted. “An engagement right

here in the Library of Congress.”

Jeff then got down on his knee. “Will you marry me,

Lindsay Michelle Thomas?”

Lindsay saw the croaking toad of Western High changed

into a handsome prince with his shining blue eyes that

reflected the love stirring within him. “Of course, Jeff Ryan


Jewel, Troy, and the rest of the class began to clap and

cheer, ignoring the visitors who passed by, staring curiously at

the intimate ceremony taking place. Even a guard patrolling

the area smiled at the scene.

“But,” Lindsay continued, “if you think for one moment I’ll

agree to a wedding ceremony inside the Lincoln Memorial,

you’ve got another guess coming.”

Laughter surrounded them until Jeff stepped forward,

gathered her in his arms and gave her a lengthy kiss. “‘I must

have done something good. …” He whispered the song

from the love scene in Sound of Music.

“Something very good.”

The End

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