Read A Strict Seduction Online

Authors: Maria Del Rey

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

A Strict Seduction (4 page)

BOOK: A Strict Seduction
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At last she cried out and her body shook as the wave broke. A moment later she felt him thrust deep into her backside, and then she felt her anus clench tightly around his throbbing cock as he spurted his come into her.

‘Will we do this again?' she asked later, when she had showered and dressed again.

‘Do you want to?' he asked casually, pouring her a drink.

Her body tingled all over, from the tips of her nipples bruised by his mouth, to her pussy to her backside. He had taken her from behind, violating her anally, brutally almost, and yet the memory of it made her feel nothing but excitement. ‘Yes, I want to,' she admitted quietly.

‘What if I want to fuck you like that again?'

She lowered her eyes guiltily. ‘If that's how you want me…'

He smiled and passed her a drink. ‘That's how I want you,' he told her. ‘I want to take you in every way I can.'

‘What about Sarah?'

He shrugged. ‘She'll not find out,' he assured her.

She nodded, accepting his word. She alternately felt guilty and excited. The two sides of her character were in conflict and yet the sense of excitement, the pure animal desire inside her, was growing stronger all the time.

‘Have you dressed as I told you?' Tom asked as Patti slid into the passenger seat beside him.

She half smiled and nodded. His instructions were becoming increasingly precise, and yet it excited her to comply. He twisted round in his seat and looked at her. ‘Show me,' he suggested calmly.

‘Tom! Not here,' she said, shocked at the idea. The car was at the kerbside in a street full of people.

‘Show me,' he insisted.

She glanced round at the busy street, and realised he wasn't joking. People were rushing by, some of them only inches from the car, and any one of them could see into it.

‘I can't,' she said softly. Her heart was beating fast and she could feel the first flush of red touching her cheeks.

He reached across and lifted her short skirt. Her face coloured instantly and she hardly dared to look down at herself. She was wearing black high heels, black stay-up stockings, and nothing else under the short grey skirt. It had been bad enough waiting in the breezy street, half afraid that a sudden gust would lift the skirt and reveal her nakedness to everyone. Now he held her skirt up and gazed at the triangle of hair around her pussy, and at the join of dark stockings and pale flesh.

‘Good,' he said simply, seemingly satisfied with what he saw. ‘And up top?' he added, releasing her skirt.

She smoothed down her skirt quickly and pulled open her jacket. Underneath she was wearing a simple white blouse and nothing else. Her breasts were almost visible through the translucent material; her nipples, already hard, were impressed on the tight fitting garment. She was almost naked, there for him to use and display as he liked. The thought made her feel aroused, making her nipples harden and her sex moist.

He smiled and then started the car. ‘Are you wet?' he asked, steering it into the long slow line of traffic.

‘Yes,' she admitted softly.

‘I like that,' he said, ‘you know how much it turns me on to know that you're wet.'

‘I've been wet all day,' she said.

The traffic lights ahead turned red, and as soon as Tom stopped the car he lifted her skirt again. Her discomfort was obvious, and it seemed to do nothing but spur him on. He stroked her pussy, touching a finger to her wetness and then trailing it across her thigh. She stared straight ahead, afraid that others would see what was going on, and yet she felt unable to resist. All morning she had dreamed of him, all morning she had been fantasising about what they would do together.

As soon as they drew up outside his flat she was out of the car. He came round and took her by the waist and pulled her closer to kiss her forcefully on the mouth. His hands slipped under her skirt and he held her there, out in the street, her naked backside almost on display.

‘Does that excite you?' he asked hotly.

She could not say the word ‘yes', so she nodded. He laughed and took her by the hand to lead her into the lobby. They rode up in the lift in silence, she standing with her legs apart while he eased his fingers between her pussy lips. The doors opened and she looked up suddenly, her heart racing with fear, but there was no one there.

Once inside his flat they kissed again. She opened her lips to him, let him take her there with his tongue the way he did with his cock. His hands explored her freely, caressing her behind, her thighs, her breasts and her pussy. Each touch of his fingers was pleasure that added to her arousal. He opened her blouse easily and took possession of her breasts, closing his fingers tightly over them so that her nipples were pushed out. He licked them in turn, wetting them in preparation, and then he whispered that she should go to the bedroom.

She removed her jacket and top but kept her skirt and her stockings on. She sat on the bed and waited, a knot of nervous fear in her tummy. Each time they met it was in secret, and each time he pushed her further, making her act ever more outrageously, ever more wantonly. He once asked if there were any limits, and though she was afraid of it, her answer had been a simple, solemn ‘no'.

He joined her a moment later, already naked, his thick cock jutting forward obscenely. She knelt down on the floor and looked up at him pleadingly, her eyes wide with desire, her lips parted in anticipation. He stroked her face gently, almost tenderly, and then took her by the arm and lifted her to her feet.

‘Not now,' he said softly, kissing her on the mouth and throat. He held her close, his hands travelling up and down her smooth back.

They stood by the side of the bed and kissed again before he took her by the hand and led her towards the window. She tried to cover her breasts but he lowered her hands. ‘I want the world to see you,' he told her, kissing her once more before turning her to face the window.

She closed her eyes and tried to turn away, but he took her face in his hands and forced her to look. They were within view of half a dozen buildings, flats and offices, some of them so close she could make out people sitting down at work or moving around their homes. And, she knew, just as she could see them they would be able to see her at the window, naked from the waist up. He kissed her from behind and then gently pushed her against the glass, pressing her face against it, and then her chest. Her nipples puckered at the contact with the cold glass, making them even more visible.

He reached down under her skirt and began to stroke her pussy, his fingers sliding up and down the wet groove, grazing maddeningly against her clit with each circuit. She sighed and opened her mouth to gasp as he bit her shoulder. He kissed and bit her there, his desire violently voracious as he finger-fucked her pussy. She moaned and cried out, all the time pressed flat against the glass, on display as she was violated. He lifted her skirt at the front and pressed her tummy against the glass so that her sex was also visible.

‘Look,' he said, lifting her chin so she could follow his direction.

Patti looked across and saw the unknown couple staring at her from one of the windows in the block opposite. They stared at her as though she were some strange, inhuman creature writhing at the window. She closed her eyes and trembled violently as she orgasmed suddenly, her pleasure screamed under glass.

At last Tom allowed her to step away from the window. She turned and collapsed into his arms. He kissed her tenderly and helped her to the bed, where she lay on her back, breathless. It took a moment before she realised she was alone. She sat up on one elbow and saw that the bedroom door was slightly ajar.

‘Was I good?' she asked, when Tom returned a moment later.

‘Very good,' he said quietly.

‘Yes, very good,' Sarah added, striding into the room.

Patti jumped up, the shock so sudden it took her breath away. She reached for her top but it had been taken away. She curled up at the top of the bed, covering her breasts, her face white with shock.

Sarah glared at her angrily. ‘So,' she said, an air of menace about her, ‘this is how you repay my friendship.'

Patti could not bear to meet Sarah's cold, accusing eyes. She looked beyond her to Tom, but he said nothing and his blue eyes gave nothing away.

‘Well?' Sarah demanded, ‘haven't you anything to say for yourself?'

‘I… I'm sorry,' Patti whispered weakly.

‘Oh, you will be,' Sarah warned coldly. ‘How long has this been going on?'

Patti shook her head, trying to dispel the image, hoping it wasn't true, that it wasn't really happening.

‘Answer me!'

‘Not long,' Patti replied hurriedly.

‘You lying bitch,' Sarah cried angrily. ‘And to think that I trusted you…'

‘It's not my fault…'

Sarah snorted derisively. ‘Do you really think I'm that stupid? Don't you know I can see what a slut you are? You've done everything you could to get Tom, haven't you? Come on, tell me you haven't been parading the streets with nothing on this morning. Tell me you haven't been acting the slut for him!'

‘It's not like that…' Patti sobbed, unable to hold back the tears that poured from her eyes. It wasn't like that at all…

‘It's too late for that,' Tom said, his voice as cold and hostile as Sarah's.

‘But Tom…'

He marched across to her and grabbed her by the arm. ‘Sarah knows everything,' he hissed.

Patti looked at Sarah and sobbed again. Things had gone so badly wrong… She had never started out with the intention of hurting her best friend, but somehow things had developed too far and too quickly.

‘Punish her!' Sarah snapped angrily.

Tom showed no hesitation. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Patti across his lap. His strong arms moved her into place, and then he pulled her skirt up over her waist to expose her backside.

‘This is what you deserve,' Sarah told her, standing closer, her shiny black heels cracking down hard on the floor.

‘Please… please…' Patti begged.

Tom lifted his hand high and brought it down in a wide arc that ended with a crack of sound that filled the room. Patti screamed at the impact of his hand against her bottom. The searing red pain burned through her and she bucked up, but that only lifted her bottom higher for the second stroke which hissed down through the air. She squealed and struggled but he beat her hard, his hand coming down alternately on each bottom cheek, spreading the red flush of heat and pain across the taut curves of her behind.

Sarah knelt down in front of them and took hold of Patti's shoulders, holding her down while Tom continued to spank with harder and harder strokes. Tears poured from Patti's eyes, but there was no let up. The rain of hard smacks came down all over her punished buttocks and the top of her thighs.

At last the spanking ceased and Patti lay across Tom's lap, her bottom raised high, patterned red and smarting terribly. And yet there was something else there. She could feel Tom's hard cock pressing into her hip, and his excitement was echoed inside her. The searing heat of punishment touched her pussy, the tingling pain subsiding into a wet heat of desire.

Sarah reached out and stroked her hand from Patti's shoulder down to the punished flesh. Her fingers travelled up and down slowly, moving from the reddest parts of Patti's bottom and then down towards her sex.

‘She's wet,' Sarah reported softly, a note of surprise in her voice as her fingers slipped into Patti's sex.

Patti closed her eyes and sighed. It was true, embarrassingly so. She felt aroused, excited and unable to deny the evidence that oozed from her pussy lips. Involuntarily she lifted her bottom higher, opening herself to Sarah's probing fingers.

‘Does that feel good?' Sarah asked softly, pressing her wet fingers up against Patti's hard clit.

Patti nodded. She had no words to speak with, the power of speech had gone and all she knew and understood was the power of her arousal. She looked round and Sarah's mouth was there, ready. They kissed once, softly, tentatively, and then again, stronger, hungrier. Sarah's tongue pushed into Patti's mouth just as her fingers pushed into Patti's sex.

Tom parted Patti's bottom cheeks with his hands and eased his fingers into the wetness too. He joined with Sarah to touch and stroke, tease and toy, and then he used his wet fingers to press against Patti's rear hole. She responded immediately, moaning her encouragement as his fingers entered her from behind. She closed her eyes and felt herself to be nothing but pleasure.

She was carefully eased to the floor, on all fours. Tom's fingers were insistent, slipping in and out of the tight rear opening, fucking her there while Sarah's fingers did the same between Patti's pussy lips. Sarah's kisses, exciting and passionate, moved from Patti's mouth to her breasts.

Sarah lay back on the floor and pulled her skirt away, revealing black panties pulled tightly between her pussy lips. She pulled them to one side, roughly exposing her sex which glistened with juices. She touched herself, wetting her fingers, which she pressed to Patti's mouth. Patti licked them clean, eager to taste her friend's pleasure. She understood what it was she needed to do. She knelt lower, lifting her bottom higher so that Tom could wet her anus with her own juices, and then she touched her lips to Sarah's pussy.

BOOK: A Strict Seduction
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