A Strong Hand (30 page)

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Authors: Catt Ford

BOOK: A Strong Hand
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"Still a little pink and warm. Be grateful I'm not making you sit on your ass all day, pet." Damian chuckled.


A Strong Hand

by Catt Ford

"Thank you, sir."

Damian smiled at the rebellion in his sub's voice. "What are you doing on your knees, naked, wearing my collar and cuffs, pet?"

Nick opened his mouth and paused, thinking before he spoke. "Pleasing you, sir?"

good, pet." With a final caress to the shining curls, Damian returned to his desk and appeared to forget Nick's presence entirely, applying himself to his paperwork.

* * * *

Nick's mind churned, racing between anger, discomfort, embarrassment, and finally acceptance. He realized when he stopped fighting his desire to submit, he felt much more at ease. He achieved an almost Zen-like state of mind when he focused his attention on Damian, studying the ruggedly handsome face and fine physique.

The look of proud admiration in the deep blue eyes helped reconcile him to his position. And the office was warm enough that he was comfortable.

The photographer spotted the release of tension from Nick's body the moment that he accepted that he was Damian's for the day. He was breathing more easily, and his muscles relaxed.

Damian got up and patted Nick's head, feeling the boy lean against his leg. "Very good, pet. You begin to understand. Let go of all your considerations and give it all up to me."


A Strong Hand

by Catt Ford

He bent to stroke gently up the inside surface of Nick's thigh, watching the boy's cock stir with the caress. "You may take the pillow and sit on that chair."

Nick stood up shakily, grateful for Damian's hand on his arm, helping him to his feet. His knees were creaky and his arse was stiff from maintaining his position. He sank onto the chair, grateful for the pillow, and crossed his legs.

"No, pet. Open your legs. I want to see everything."

A flush spread over Nick's face. It wasn't as if Damian hadn't seen him naked before and in much more embarrassing positions, but being told to splay himself open, so that all his bits were exposed to Damian's glance, simply reinforced his submission.

It dawned on him that this was exactly what Damian wanted. It was difficult for him, but he managed to do it.

"Very pretty, pet," Damian praised him, and Nick arched imperceptibly, proud that he'd pleased the older man.

Nevertheless, it was shaping up to be a long day for Nick.

* * * *

After a delicious afternoon of teasing his pet with random touches and an occasional swat, Damian wrapped up his work and was surprised to discover that he'd actually accomplished more than he'd hoped to.

"Well, pet," he drawled. "Today was quite a treat for me.

And tonight I have a treat for you. Please put these on. Leave the collar and cuffs on."

Nick was instantly quivering with apprehension, wondering what Damian was going to require of him next.


A Strong Hand

by Catt Ford

"Yes, sir," he said softly. He rose to pick up the pile of clothing Damian had set on the desk. His eyes flew to Damian's questioningly. "I'm supposed to wear this out?"

"Sir," Damian suggested firmly.

"Sir, I'm supposed to wear these out?" Nick repeated. He really didn't want to go anywhere public dressed like this. And in the collar and cuffs!

"Yes, pet. And why do you suppose that is?"

"Because you say so, sir," Nick said with anxious resignation.

"Get dressed."

Nick pulled on the dark red leather pants he had modeled in the catalog. He'd forgotten just how low they sat on his hips and how tight they were. He buttoned the thin, white silk shirt to his throat, remembering when Damian had made him wear the collar under his shirt to the restaurant. He started to tuck the shirt into the tight trousers when Damian came over to him.

"No, pet," he scolded. "Not like that."

Damian pulled the shirt free, so that it hung loose over the trousers, and unbuttoned most of the buttons, exposing the collar and the smooth, golden chest. He left two buttons intact, just at Nick's waist. Nick didn't want to look down, afraid that when he moved, the dark trail that led down to his pants would show. Damian rolled each sleeve twice, exposing the cuffs encircling Nick's wrists.

"You look beautiful," Damian purred, stroking Nick's bare chest with the flat of his hand. He slid his hand under the shirt, finding a nipple easily and pinching it hard. Then he did 288

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by Catt Ford

the same to the other, smoothing the silk against the erect peaks. "Lovely. I'm almost tempted to add jewelry, but not tonight, I think."

Nick let out the breath he'd been holding with a huff.

Damian chuckled. He turned Nick around and ran his hand over the tight leather stretched over the taut curves of his ass.

"The boots, pet. Wait for me here," he commanded and vanished.

Nick sat down to pull on the boots. The leather was soft enough to fit over the ankle cuffs, hugging them so he could feel them when he took a step.

He gasped in admiration when Damian reappeared in the doorway. He was wearing the black leather trousers and a black leather shirt, molded tightly to his body, cut in a deep V

which showed off the hair on his chest. The dark leather enhanced his naturally commanding masculinity and Nick felt his cock swell with desire, trapped as it was in the tight confines of his pants. A strap dangled from Damian's belt and he held a leash in his gloved hands. Nick swallowed with fear and arousal; he wanted to feel those gloved hands on his body, sliding over his skin, bending him over, spanking him.... At the same time he was terrified that Damian was going to take him out in public at the end of a leash.

He considered saying one of his safe words, but hesitated, wondering if he really wanted this to stop.

Almost as if he'd read his mind, Damian approached Nick, letting the leash slide through his gloved fingers. "Your words, pet?"


A Strong Hand

by Catt Ford

"Yellow for slow down, London for stop," Nick repeated.

Damian hooked the leash to the ring in Nick's collar.

"Come along, pet."

Nick hesitated, pulling back against the leash. "Wh—where are we going ... sir?" he remembered to add.

"You will find out in good time, pet. I believe I gave you an order," Damian said with slight menace.

Nick followed Damian, praying that the other tenants of the building wouldn't see this. He was relieved when no one got onto the elevator with them. Damian punched the button for the basement, leading Nick into the garage beneath the building.

There were a few other cars parked there, but Nick couldn't see anyone as he peered around nervously.


Damian didn't respond, merely leading Nick to his car.


"Shh. No questions, pet."

Damian pushed Nick forward, so he was bent over the hood of the car. Uneasily Nick shifted, all too aware of his arse presenting a too tempting target for the Top, hoping Damian wasn't planning to spank him in the garage. He shut his eyes, imagining the echo of each slap bouncing off the concrete walls. If the other owners of the cars happened to come down, they wouldn't be able to miss what was happening.

He was very relieved when Damian opened the passenger door and tugged on his leash. "Up, pet. Get into the car."


A Strong Hand

by Catt Ford

Nick did as he was told, sedately buckling his seat belt with trembling hands. He realized that at night, through the tinted windows, even if people did look in, they would probably not realize he was wearing a collar and leash.

Damian got in and started the car, pulling out of the garage. "We are going to Crispin's club tonight, pet, as his guests. I've decided that you should get a glimpse of how other people play as part of your education."

Instantly Nick panicked, terrified that Damian would order him to undress or even punish him in front of other people.

He panted, desperate for air, unable to even say his words.

Damian pulled over and stopped the car, putting a comforting hand on Nick's thigh. "Deep breaths, babe.

Breathe for me. And then tell me what brought this on."

Nick gulped for air, trying to calm himself. This was Damian, he reminded himself, whom he'd been able to stop with his safe word. "You're not—not going to make me—

spank me in front—of ... of...."

Damian reached over and pulled Nick into a hug. "Of course not, baby. I'm not doing this to torture you. I want you to experience another aspect of this lifestyle and see if you enjoy it. You will remain fully dressed, and I won't spank you in front of anyone."

"Thank you," Nick said faintly, going limp in Damian's arms.

"Did you think I hadn't noticed that you don't enjoy that kind of display?" Damian murmured. "I want you to see what you're getting into, Nick, not make you miserable. Don't 291

A Strong Hand

by Catt Ford

worry. Remember, you're in control here. You can stop me with a word."

Nick nodded, getting his breathing back under control.

"Thank you, Damian."

"Just let me know if you want to leave, and we'll go immediately," Damian promised. "Think you can live through this?"

"Yeah," Nick said nodding. "Let's just get it over with."

Damian laughed. "It won't be that bad, Nick. You'll see.

You might enjoy going out to the club every now and then.

And now I think perhaps you'd better get back to calling me sir."

"Yes, sir," Nick said, feeling immensely relieved.

"That's my good pet."

* * * *

After Damian parked the car, Nick realized he was facing the walk into the club. Wearing a collar and leash. A very obvious leash. The silver links glittered under the streetlights like diamonds.

"Uncomfortable, pet?"

Nick nodded slowly, not turning to look at Damian, but the older man cupped his chin and turned him so their eyes met.

"The collar is my protection in there, pet. Do you understand?"

Nick's eyes dropped, and he said nothing.

Damian sighed. "I'm not doing this to upset you. You are a very beautiful boy, Nick, and a submissive. If I let you walk in there alone, with no sign that you have an owner, you might 292

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by Catt Ford

not like what would happen next. You wouldn't be hurt, but you might have to fend off a number of offers from some persistent admirers. I'm not going to put you in that position, understand? This way the other Tops will know that you already belong to me, and you'll be safe."

"Yes, sir," Nick said quietly.

Damian was frustrated; the connection they had while fucking seemed to disappear when Nick became speechless and uncomfortable.

"Talk to me, baby."

The endearment seemed to signal a break of scene for Nick and he was more able to speak. "Can't we just go home?"

"We won't stay long, babe, but Crispin invited us and Ashley will be there with Derek. I said I would bring you along. I'd like us to go in and say hello. Can you do that much for me?"

"Yes, sir," Nick said dejectedly.

"Good boy. Come on then." Damian got out, resigning himself to leading a sullen pet into the club, but knowing that no matter what his attitude, Nick would attract a lot of attention and he would be the envy of many of the Doms. Not that he was desirous of raising envy from others. He was far more concerned with Nick's discomfort.

He led the boy down the sidewalk briskly, not wanting to subject him to the stares of the curious when passersby caught a glimpse of the leash.


A Strong Hand

by Catt Ford

He opened the door and the burly security guard recognized him, allowing them to pass with a respectful,

"Good evening, Mr. Wolfe. It's good to see you again."

Damian nodded back and paused to allow Nick to look around the club. The kinkier scenes took place in private rooms in the back, so there were no slings, no slaves being fucked from both ends, and the stocks weren't visible.

However, two Doms appeared to be having some sort of competition, their subs bent over two tables receiving a counted number of strokes from the weapon of choice. Each Dom was whipping the submissive owned by the other, the idea being to see which sub cried uncle first.

A number of men were receiving discreet blow jobs in darkened booths and unclaimed subs were standing or kneeling against the wall, waiting to see if they would get lucky tonight.

Nick looked very shocked and a little scared. Damian put his mouth close to the boy's ear and said, "You belong to me, pet. No one will do anything to you."

"Thank you, sir," Nick whispered.

"When we get to the table, stand behind my chair, unless I tell you to sit, okay?"

Nick nodded and gave Damian a tight, uncomfortable smile. His face brightened though, when he caught sight of Ashley and Crispin sitting at a table. Crispin was most awesomely clothed all in leather, but unlike Damian, it was a tawny hue, suited to his coloring. Ashley wore dark blue leathers, tailored perfectly for him.


A Strong Hand

by Catt Ford

Damian almost laughed when Nick's face fell as he caught sight of Derek. The other boy was kneeling by Ashley's side, collared and leashed much like Nick, but his body was crisscrossed by leather straps. He wore leather pants, and a shirt unbuttoned like Nick's, and smiled cheerfully at Nick when he caught sight of him.

Ashley looked down and stroked Derek's hair. "You may say hello, puppy."

Nick was extremely grateful that Damian had chosen to call him pet, rather than puppy. He thought he might puke at that title, but Derek seemed very at ease and chatty now that he'd been given permission to greet his friend.

"Hey, Nick, isn't this cool? I never knew this club even existed, and I must have walked by it every day on the way to work. Exciting, isn't it?"

For all his protestations, Derek seemed to have embraced this new lifestyle with a cheerful enthusiasm that Nick envied.

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