A Sweet Deal (Crimson Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: A Sweet Deal (Crimson Romance)
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She blinked against hot tears and swallowed against the lump forming in her throat. Damn hormones. “Yes. Okay. I’ll do it.”

A gorgeous smile spread across his face. “Yes? You mean I don’t have to grovel or anything?”

She laughed and let him take her hand in his. “No groveling required. You’re right. It’s a good idea, and there’s no harm in getting engaged and giving it a try.”

“Now who’s taking the romance out of it?” He teased. He pushed his hand in an interior jacket pocket and produced a small black velvet box. He slid off the chair and kneeled in front of her. He flipped the box open and plucked the ring out, took her left hand, and looked up at her. “Yvette Cruz, will you marry me?”

“You bought me a ring,” she whispered, delighted despite herself, and struggled to remember why she’d ever said “no” in the first place. He slid the ring on her finger and she gasped. “It’s stunning, Richard. Oh my gosh, it’s beautiful.” The ring was easily two carats—a sparkling, brilliant, princess cut diamond solitaire set on a heavy gold band. Staring into the exquisite facets, she could almost forget that this wasn’t much more than a business arrangement.

“That’s why you said ‘no’ last time, right? No ring?” He joked with her, his eyes dancing as he looked up at her. It would be so easy to pretend that this was real, and a part of her wanted to do just that.

She laughed and wiped a tear from her cheek. “Yep, that’s why. I’m glad you got it right this time.” She took a deep breath. “All right, now for the tough part. Are you ready to face my parents?”

He stood and pulled her up beside him. “Absolutely. Now that we’ve got an engagement to report, it’s a piece of cake. If you had said no, I think I would’ve just camped out in here until your dad left. I couldn’t face him again.” He shuddered dramatically, causing her to giggle.

“He’s not that bad,” she said with a playful pat on his arm. Richard leveled her with an incredulous look. “Okay, he is that bad. Come on.”

She led Richard out of her library and into her living room to face her stone-faced parents and deliver the happy news.

• • •

“Rich! Long time no hear.” Robert’s voice boomed over the phone.

“Glad I caught you. I never know when you’re going to be busy partying with rock stars or trashing hotel rooms.”

The laugh on the other end of the line brought a huge grin to Richard’s face. Robert was an incredibly successful record producer in New York, worked with huge musical acts, and he was all business, the consummate professional. He’d never trashed a hotel room in his life, but the raucous laughter reminded Richard of the fun they always had together.

“You know me. It’s a crazy life.” Robert still had a smile in his voice. “So what’s up?”

“Something big happened, and I wanted to tell you first, but I saw Dad at work and ended up spilling it. I just couldn’t wait.”

“Well? Don’t keep me in suspense.”

Richard took a deep breath. “I’m engaged.”

“No freaking way!”

“And I’m going to be a father.”

“Are you serious? That’s incredible. Congratulations, man. I didn’t even think you were seeing anyone. Who’s the lucky lady?”

Dad hadn’t seemed too surprised that he was engaged, but then he had practically pushed Richard into it. That it was to Yvette was a bit of a shock, though. When he found out he was going to be a grandfather, he was so over the moon that he didn’t care who Richard married or how it happened. “Her name’s Yvette Cruz, and she works for that candy company that is negotiating with Dad about buying out our confections division.”

“What? And you didn’t go running in the opposite direction when you met her?”

“Well, yeah, that would’ve been logical. You’ll have to meet her, though, and then you’ll understand. She’s smart and funny, gorgeous, and of course, pregnant with my child.”

Robert laughed. “I can see why you’d marry this woman. What did Dad say? Is he cool with you marrying the enemy?”

“That’s the thing. He’s liked her all along. To him, selling off confections frees up resources for the divisions he really cares about. He and Yvette get along like two peas in a pod, and of course he loves the idea of being a grandfather, so he’s over the moon.”

“Me too, bro. I think I’ll make a great uncle.”

“Well, as long as you’re happy.” Richard teased.

“I can’t wait to meet her, but I don’t know when I’ll be in town again. We’ll have to figure something out.”

“You can’t come to the benefit?”

“I don’t think that’s going to work out. I’ll check my schedule and pick a weekend or something soon. It’s been too long.”

“It has. Just let me know.”

They ended the call, and Richard hummed to himself as he wandered around the house making room for Yvette’s things. Now that he’d told his dad and brother, it was real. Their enthusiasm was further proof that this was the right move, and he couldn’t wait to get started on their engagement.

• • •

A few days later, Yvette sat cross-legged on her bed, smoothing her hand over the thick comforter, as she watched Richard tape a box closed. “Are you sure you don’t want some help?”

He looked up at her with a sly grin on his face. “What are you saying? You don’t enjoy the view?”

She laughed and tossed a tiny throw pillow at him. “I’m enjoying the view just fine. I just thought you might want some help packing my things.” The truth was that she really did enjoy watching him from her vantage point. Richard looked positively edible in his soft black shorts and fitted grey t-shirt, the faintest hint of sweat popping up along his spine. Taut muscles moved beneath the bronzed skin of his forearms as he packed boxes and stacked them on top of one another. His toned, powerful legs begged for her touch, and her fingertips tingled at the thought of sliding her hands up his thighs. Those pregnancy hormones were working overtime again.

“I don’t want you lifting a finger today. Just sit there and look beautiful.” His sweet, genuine smile gave life to the butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

“Richard, I’m pregnant, not disabled.” She allowed herself a moment to appreciate his compliment. She was wary of his new attitude towards her, waiting for him to put up his wall of resistance, but his charm hadn’t slipped once since the day he proposed. He’d been open, friendly, and enthusiastic about the future, until she finally relented and started letting herself enjoy their developing relationship. Their easy chemistry was so genuine that she had almost decided to let herself give the engagement a real chance. Almost.

She’d promised herself to try to keep her wits about her, but it was growing more difficult the more time they spent together. Everything about him appealed to her lately, even more so since he had softened towards her, and everything he said was just right. It might be unwise to surrender to the relationship, but she was running out of reasons to stop herself. He hadn’t given her any reason to mistrust him. There’d been no early declarations of love, no hint of anything less than genuine, and no sign of his earlier wariness.

“I know that, sweetheart. Let me do this for you. I want to.” His voice was soft, and she warmed in reaction. The pet name, the sweetness—it was a lot to take in. “Save your energy for when we move your furniture.”

“You mean
we move my furniture,” she teased. Yvette wasn’t ready to move out of her house completely. The only thing worse than calling off the engagement would be if she had to move everything she owned back home with her. Until she was sure, her house would be standing ready for her.

He stood and stretched, revealing a sliver of bronzed skin between the top of his shorts and the bottom of his shirt. “No, I mean
. I’m making it my mission to win you over within the month. By the time the trial period is over, you won’t want an out.” He walked over to the bed and leaned over her, warmth from his body surrounding her.

Her voice was shaky with desire and nerves when she spoke. “Oh, really?”

“Yes, really. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of marrying you and building our family together. I’m happy to do whatever it takes to convince you as well.” He put an arm on either side of her and got close enough so that his lips almost touched hers. “How am I doing so far?” He whispered against her lips.

She swallowed, unable to find her voice. She nodded and squeaked out, “So far so good.” As a young girl, she had entertained plenty of fantasies of her future husband. He’d be someone strong, powerful, and brave. Once she fought cancer and learned that she didn’t need a man to rescue her, she figured out that she’d rather have someone smart and kind, maybe handsome, but definitely loving. Richard was smart and handsome, and he was becoming kind and loving. Could he eventually become her ideal man? He certainly met all the qualifications. The only thing missing was the mutual love she knew she’d need in a marriage. Maybe that could even come in time. For now, she could enjoy their developing relationship knowing that her family was satisfied and she had time to figure out what she wanted.

He gave her a rakish grin and captured her lips with his own. His kiss was soft at first, as he smiled against her lips and murmured. “Now that’s what I like to hear.”

He ran his fingers through her hair, coaxing her lips open with his. Surrounded by his warm masculine scent, she breathed deeply and returned the kiss. With an arm snaked around her back, he slid her towards the headboard until she lay on her pillow and joined her on the bed. Her heart beat faster, head spinning, as he straddled her hips and lightly ran his fingers up her sides until he reached her face. Bending over her, he supported his weight on his elbows and buried his face against her neck. Shivers ran down her spine as his breath whispered across her skin. She felt her body respond to his touch, her hips arching to meet him without conscious thought.

Richard unbuttoned her blouse, slowly, as he kissed her. She thrust her fingers through his dark hair and wriggled beneath him. Gone was the man who had sneered when he saw her, the man who spent a night with her merely to rid himself of his desire for her. He was gentle now, caring and tender. He had changed. She ran her fingers through his hair, luxuriating in the soft dark locks as his kiss opened up feelings she was tired of suppressing.

Having the trial engagement’s clear one month deadline in place made it so much easier to open up and enjoy everything their relationship had to offer. No more worries about giving up power or losing control of the situation, no winners or losers, just two people. Two people who enjoyed one another immensely.

Chapter Seven

The following Friday morning, Richard accompanied Yvette to her prenatal visit. They’d lived together a week, but nothing brought home the reality of the pregnancy like sitting in the obstetrician’s waiting room. She was serene, flipping through a fashion magazine as they waited. Richard, on the other hand couldn’t still his bouncing knee to save his life.

“Our appointment is at ten, right? What’s the hold up?” He whispered.

She laid a hand on his knee. “Relax. He’s not even fifteen minutes late yet. As long as he’s here and not stuck at the hospital with a delivery, we’ll go back any minute now.”

“If you say so.”

A nurse in pink scrubs poked her head through the doorway. “Ms. Cruz? We’re ready for you.”

“See? That wasn’t too bad.” She stood and he joined her, unsure for the first time since they’d arrived what he was supposed to do. “You can come back with me if you want.”

Of course he wanted to. Feeling an odd mixture of excitement and fear, he followed Yvette and the nurse down a short hallway, past closed doors and bustling nurses. They stopped in a small lab area where the nurse checked her weight, temperature, and vital signs before directing her to the restroom for another test. He was led to an empty exam room to wait, and he dropped onto the generic office chair beside a plastic model of the human uterus, complete with baby. Yvette returned with the nurse and settled onto the paper-covered table to answer more basic questions, and within moments, they were alone in the tiny room.

“They really check everything, huh?” Richard shifted in the chair and clasped and unclasped his hands.

“Yes, and I think it gets more involved the further on in the pregnancy I get.”

The doctor knocked and entered, greeting Yvette as he washed his hands in the tiny sink. Richard sat, feeling like an interloper, as the doctor and Yvette talked about the pregnancy. When she laid back on the exam table, the doctor invited Richard to listen as he positioned the Doppler wand over her abdomen.

“Will we see the baby? Can you tell if it’s a boy or a girl?” Richard leaned over the table to see what was happening.

“Not today. I’m just checking for the heartbeat. We’ll be able to determine the baby’s sex around the twentieth week.” The doctor moved the wand until it picked up a light sound. “There it is.”

It was fast, maybe too fast, and strong. Richard grabbed Yvette’s hand and squeezed as he looked into her eyes. “Oh my God, that’s our baby.”

“It’s hard to believe.” She smiled up at him, the moment stretching out between them.

He knew there was a baby, and he knew it was his. As much as Richard thought he’d come to terms with the fact, it wasn’t real until he heard the heartbeat. There in the tiny exam room, strumming along like a little bird, was his son or daughter. And the woman who would make him a father.

“It’s incredible.” He managed to choke the words out, his throat thick as he let the enormity of the truth fall over him.

“A miracle.” Her eyes shone in the room’s fluorescent light, holding his future and everything he’d ever wanted.

“All right, Mrs. Cruz,” the doctor began as he turned off the Doppler wand and she pulled her shirt back down. “Everything looks great, so we’ll see you again in a couple of weeks.”

“Thank you,” Richard answered for them both, though he didn’t look up from Yvette’s face.

She sat up, using his arm to help her. “Thanks for coming with me.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Anything you need, anything I can do, just say the word.”

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