A Tangled Web (Dangerous Secrets) (8 page)

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Authors: Rose Francis

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: A Tangled Web (Dangerous Secrets)
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“This is all your fault Damien!” Kimberly said, groaning as she held her stomach. “You caused this!”

For a moment, Kent was at a loss what to do. There was no way he wanted to give Damien the opportunity to escape, but he had to help Kimberly, and fast.

Kent ran over to her and helped her up.

“Kent, what are you going to do?” Damien asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Well Damien, I don’t know how to birth a baby, do you? Where’d you park your car? I kind of lost mine.”

Kent continued helping Kimberly towards the door.

Damien described the car’s position to him.

“Care to hand me the keys dumb-fuck?” Kent said.


“Just hurry up—this is an emergency! My child’s about to be born.”

child!” Damien said as he threw the keys weakly in Kent’s direction.

Kent held Kimberly with one hand while bending to pick up the keys with the other.

“I’m coming with you guys,” Damien said.

“The hell you are! You might actually need to see a doctor, but you’re definitely not coming anywhere near my baby. Hell, you’re too close now.”

“Why do you keep saying it’s your baby, huh? How do you know?”

“Because it is Damien. Now you stay here like a good boy and wait for help to get here. You’ll be waiting a while.”

Kent helped Kimberly to the car and into the backseat, then hopped in and started dialing—he had a number of calls to make.

Vivian didn’t answer but he left a message.

He began driving fast yet a little slower than usual since he was trying to be careful.

Kent gave a voice command for his phone to call the Jordan home next. Again, he left a message on the answering machine.

“Don’t forget Monique!” Kimberly moaned from the backseat, so Kent proceeded to call her too and let her know what was happening.

Then Kent made several other calls and tried to be vague about what he was doing, but Kimberly picked up two words.

“Father Williams? Who’s Father Williams?”

Kent didn’t answer. Instead, he called someone else and again tried to be vague.

This call he kept off of speaker, and spoke quietly, yet firmly.

“…Yeah well make it happen. I need it as soon as possible and by soon, I mean within two hours—I don’t know how long she’ll be in labor.”

He dropped the cell onto the passenger seat.

A contraction seemed to hit Kimberly and her arms reached out for him as he reached back with one of his. As their arms connected, she squeezed it.

“Oh god Kimberly, I wish I could do more at this point but we’re almost there honey. Is there anything specific I can do for you?”

“Yeah,” she said, taking a long breath that seemed to calm her down.

Kent put his hand back on the wheel.

“Tell me why you were talking about a Father Williams and a marriage license!”


There were people waiting for them when Kent pulled up to the hospital. Kimberly was immediately helped out of the car and taken in.

“We’ve got her Mr. Davenport.”

“She’ll be fine Mr. Davenport.”

“We’ll take good care of her and your baby Mr. Davenport!”

Kent expected nothing else.

He managed to clean himself up a bit so no one would ask any questions. Hopefully they’d all be too focused on Kimberly.

Once Kimberly was checked out, the doctors saw she wasn’t quite ready to give birth just yet and estimated she had a few more hours. As a result, Kimberly had a chance to see and talk to the people who came to support her.

Monique showed up with a radiant smile.

“Oh my god I can’t believe Kimberly’s having the baby, can you? My sister’s having her first child!” she said to Kent. “Hi Kim!” Monique said, hugging her. “How do you feel?”

A contraction hit Kimberly and she groaned in agony. Kent held her hand on the other side of the hospital bed and gently rubbed it when she was in pain. He kissed her on her forehead.

“It’s okay sweetheart,” he gently whispered.

“Does that answer your question?” Kimberly said, smiling.

Monique grinned.

“Oh Kim, I’m so excited—my niece or nephew’s gonna be here soon! What do you think you’re having? Kent you must be so excited!”

Kent smiled and kissed Kimberly’s hand.

“We’re having a son,” he said.

Kimberly looked at him.

“What? How do you…”

He winked at her.

“Trust me. Anyone wanna take bets?” he said, grinning.

Monique shook her head vigorously, and Kimberly smiled at him, shaking her head too.


When James and Vivian showed up, Vivian came straight up to Kimberly and rubbed her forehead.

“Kimberly honey—how are you feeling?”

“Why does everyone ask that!” Kimberly screamed through a contraction.

The doctor noticed how much closer together her contractions were coming.

“Okay people, show’s over. Time’s winding down.”

Kent kept looking toward the door and at his watch.

“No, not yet,” he said under his breath.

“No offense mom, Monique—I just want my baby’s father in the room. You guys can catch the next birth.”

Everyone was ushered outside of the room so that only the medical staff and Kent were left with Kimberly.

“Have you changed your mind about natural childbirth Miss Jordan?”

The address made Kent check his watch and the door again. He planned to change that title soon.

Kimberly squeezed his hand through a contraction, then turned to the doctor.

“Isn’t it a bit late for that?” she asked.

“Well…” the doctor began when they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Finally!” Kent said. One of the doctors went to the door and started telling the person on the other side they had to wait until it was all over.

“No!” Kent shouted. “Let him in!”

The doctor looked at him quizzically.

“Are you sure Mr. Davenport? Miss Jordan, are you okay with…”

“I said let him in,” said Kent. “Don’t worry, ‘Miss Jordan’ doesn’t mind, does she?” he looked at her.

Kimberly looked up at him.

“But Kent you’re not really…”

She squeezed his hand again, gritting her teeth against something in her body.

“Kimberly, he’s blind. He can’t see you, so no need to be so modest. Father, we should hurry.”

“Kent! You know that’s not what I meant. Can’t we just wait until…”

“Darlin’ I have nothing against bastards—well, except one who happens to be related to you…and me unfortunately—but my child will not be born into this world one, okay? We can do a big…thing later. With all the bells and whistles. All right love?”

He caressed her forehead.

“Father, let’s get busy. My child’s getting impatient.”

Kent pulled Kimberly’s engagement ring out of his pocket and slid it onto her finger asFather Williams did a fast version of his usual spiel.

“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Kent kissed Kimberly who was in one of her somewhat calm moments.

Then he said:

“Okay, just sign here sweetheart, I’ll take care of everything. My folks will take it from here.”

He felt his hand being squeezed.

“Mr. Davenport, this baby’s about ready. Father, we must escort you out now.”


Kimberly managed to sign in her next small break and Kent did the same handing it to Father Williams who was then escorted out.

Kimberly looked up at Kent and immediately reminded Kent of his dream. Even her next few words were the same:

“It’s almost here!” she said softly, squeezing Kent’s hand. “The baby…oh god Kent, it’s coming!”

He kissed her sweaty cheek and corrected her.

“‘He’ darlin’, it’s a ‘he’…”

“Kent!” Kimberly screamed.



The doctor had left.

Damien was in bed, slightly groggy from the pain killers for his broken jaw and other injuries.

His wounds had been treated, and he was bruised and swollen.

For a moment, he thought the drugs he’d been given made him hallucinate because he saw Luke Davenport walk into his room.

“Dear Damien,” Luke began, “looks like you failed.”

“Luke,” Damien said in greeting, as neutrally as he could manage.

Luke gave a false half-smile and continued.

know my grandson Kent is not far from here watching the birth of his child?”


“He’s pretty convinced it’s his.”

“Yeah well, he’s wrong. And I’m not letting him get away with this,” Damien said.

“And what do you plan to do to stop him?” he asked.

Damien looked at him through his one open eye.

“Well you’ll help me right? I mean you believe Kimberly and I should be together too…you’ll help me out with this won’t you?”

Luke laughed.

“Damien, you’ve been
much fun. You know, that whole scene at the cabin was absolutely hilarious.”

“You were watching us?”

“Of course! You know, you really gave me a great payoff for my investment in your life, watching from the sidelines. Especially when you ultimately committed incest…”

“But Kimberly and I aren’t really brother and sister right?”

Luke howled with laughter.

“But Damien, that’s the best part—you are!”

He continued laughing.

“What?” Damien said angrily. “You mean you misled me…”

“Damien, you misled yourself. I just made it easier for you to travel where you were already going.”

“I can’t believe you! How could you do this me? Your own grandson!”

“Damien come now. You already believe I would kill my other grandson, Kent, and my own daughter—you said that today. But you won’t believe I’d do something like this?”


“And let me just clarify something by the way. I was most disturbed that you seemed to think I’d kill Kent for you. What gave you that idea?”

“Well I know how much you oppose Kent and Kimberly being together, and how much you approved
and Kimberly being together, so I just thought…”

“Silly boy. You think I’d kill my own Caucasian grandson before I’d kill you? A half-breed? That makes no sense. I can always break up Kent and Kimberly and take away their child later…”


Luke sighed.

“If only Damien, if only. That would be the icing on the incestuous cake!” He started laughing again. “I really don’t know who the thing belongs to, but Kent’s pretty convinced it’s his. I suppose they’ll test it at some point and find out for sure.” He shrugged casually. “I’ll deal with them when the time comes. Anyway,” he said, walking right up to Damien and putting one hand on his shoulder.

Damien winced.

“I just wanted to thank you for the entertainment you’ve provided me over the years. Watching you battle it out on the streets, living in poverty and in fear of your life, from foster home to foster home, then eventually finding your sister, dating her, then falling in love with her. Making love to her...” Luke laughed again. “I couldn’t have planned that better myself! And when everyone found out you were siblings…” He shook his head, grinning, “...it was absolutely priceless. Oh and Damien, let’s not forget some months ago when you completely lost it and grabbed Kimberly and kissed her, feeling her up, not caring that you were related, almost about to rape her...” Luke was shaking with laughter now. “She almost got a restraining order on you after that! And you’re lucky Kent didn’t kill you then. But today, today is almost my all-time favorite: watching Kent beat the living crap out of you.” He sighed, hint of a smile remaining. “I’m gonna miss you Damien. You’ve been a great grandson, providing an old man with such entertainment and amusement. But well, I’m simply tired of you now—I guess I’ve used you up.”

Luke turned and went to the door but before walking out, turned back to Damien.

“Oh, I guess I should warn you—the police will be waiting for you when you’re discharged.”


“You didn’t think kidnapping was a crime? And I’m sure Kent and Kimberly can come up with some other charges against you.”

“But...you helped me with all of this!”

“Yeah you’re right, I should be worried too,” he said mockingly.

“But Kent assaulted me!”

“Can you blame him? You kidnapped the love of his life and his child.”

“But you’re gonna help me out of it right?” he asked. “Who called them anyway?”

“I did of course—trespasser!”

Luke grinned evilly.

“You—you won’t get away with this!”

“Damien,” Luke said, shaking his head. “I already have.”


“Okay Mr. Davenport, time to cut the cord,” said one of the doctors.

“You’re all mine now buddy,” Kent said as he did so.

Kimberly muttered:

“Hey, just ‘cause he’s no longer physically attached to me doesn’t mean he’s not gonna be mama’s boy.”

Kent scoffed.

“Yeah right, like my son’s gonna be a punk. No apron strings for you kiddo!”

Kimberly laughed and they both watched as the doctors whisked their son away.

“Well, I do have to feed him and you
how that’s going to be done,” Kimberly said, grinning slyly.

“Rats! You’re cutting in here junior. Those are mine.”

He smiled at his radiant wife.

The doctors brought the baby back over all wrapped up and placed him in her arms.

Soon, Kent wanted to hold him himself.

He turned to the doctor.

“Hey, can I…”

“Of course Mr. Davenport! Do you know how…?”

“Oh come now. I’m very proficient with my hands, right Kimberly?”

He winked at her.

She blushed.

The doctor still came over to help him.

“My boy,” said Kent gently, gazing at his son in wonder. “He’s so beautiful.”

He kissed the baby, feeling like his heart would burst with all the love swelling in it. Then he grinned at the two loves of his life: the brown-skinned beauty gazing at them both with love in her own sweet brown eyes, and his pale son looking up at him with eyes like Catherine’s.

“I’m almost jealous of all that love I see from you to him—I better watch you!” Kimberly said. “You might try to run away with my child!”

Kent chuckled.

“You know I’d never leave you,” he said seriously, making sure she knew he meant it.

Suddenly his dream came back to him, and he realized that Damien kidnapping the child could very well have been him instead, metaphorically ‘running away’ with his son. Then he thought—why did the dream connect them like that anyway? They both loved and wanted Kimberly, that was obvious, but was the dream telling him he was more like…
his brother
than he could imagine?

My brother
, he thought, and it hit him in a way it hadn’t before. Before, it meant nothing, but now, it stunned him he and Damien were genetically connected, and Damien was genetically connected to the woman they both loved and the child she just bore. Damien had lost all that had mattered to him, didn’t have much of anything to begin with. And neither of them knew their biological parents when they were younger in a way, and now Damien’s parents—both biological and adoptive—had no idea their son had almost been beaten to death...

Kent suddenly caught himself.

What the hell am I doing?
he thought.
Is this kid turning me soft?
Oh hell no junior, not this time.

Kent remembered the events of the past day and the past few months. Damien had been responsible for most of Kimberly’s pain for a long, long time. No, Damien had to pay for what he did to Kimberly and endangering his child.

Maybe I won’t do what I originally planned, but he will pay


Kimberly’s voice finally filtered through his thoughts.

“What are you thinking about? Doesn’t look like something good.”

Kent smiled, then bent to give her the baby.

As his head came close she whispered:

“Promise me you won’t do anything to him! Promise me you won’t kill him!”

“He’s my brother Kimberly. I don’t make it a habit of killing my siblings.”

He straightened up.

“Promise me Kent,” she said in her normal voice.

“Okay Kimberly, I won’t,” he managed to say with a straight face.

“Thank you,” Kimberly said, breathing deeply.

“Heck I can even make his stay in prison more comfortable,” he said.

Kimberly appeared to relax a moment, then looked at him suspiciously.


“Don’t worry Kimberly—I said I won’t kill him!”

“Don’t arrange for someone else to do it either!”

Kent laughed.

“Good idea, but I’ve got an even better one. You just don’t worry your sweet little head about it. We’ve got to concentrate on our baby now.”

That was enough to stop Kimberly’s prying as her attention was redirected to their baby. She gave him a look he recognized—she’d grill him later, but her questions would wait. Right now was about their son.

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