A Taste of Temptation (Love Spectrum Romance) (13 page)

BOOK: A Taste of Temptation (Love Spectrum Romance)
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“I was a mess back then.” He briefly stared at the picture before returning it to her. “What would make you dig up that thing?”

“I wanted to see what you were like in school. You look the same…you looked smart.”

“That’s the only thing I had going for me at Lawrence Denby High. Despite my past school records, they took a chance on me.” He gave an embarrassing smile. “Maybe I should have attended Al Capone High, or John Dillinger High.”

“That’s another thing, you make me laugh; something hard to do since I’m so serious.”

“I love making you smile. It really does something to me, Brandi.”

“I’m glad because I really want to please you, you know, do the right things now that I have a second chance with you. What more could a woman want in a man?”

“One without issues.”

“Everyone has those.”

“Not everyone has Greg for a brother and the parents I had.”

“Tell me about him.”

“Nothing really to tell. He and I are as far apart from one another that I think I would barely know him now.”

“That’s so sad. My brother is a pain in the rear but I love him nonetheless. I wish it were different for you.”

“Me, too, but I don’t want to be sad tonight. We can discuss Greg another time. Tonight is for you, only you. Order anything your heart desires.”

She stared into his eyes. “I already have that.”

Brandi finished a plate of lake perch with lemon sauce; Tim had the oysters in Almondine sauce with potato. Neither wanted dessert, but Tim had the waiter bring a box of chocolate hearts from the gourmet candy counter. They both had a piece; it was like a toast to a new relationship…a new love.

At the theater, they sat in the last row. There was one other couple in the same row but further down. Having Tim sitting that close to her made her whole body tingle. Her hand rested on his upper thigh, and she could feel the heat emitting through the fabric of his pants. His hand covered hers, moving it higher until the tenting between his thigh pressed against her palm. She massaged him, feeling his strength, his power, his hunger.

Tim moaned low to her advances, letting her take her liberties with him. He put his arm around her, holding her close, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair and body. His hand cupped her breast, tenderly massaging the puckered tip to an exquisite hardness, wanting to taste it, but settled for giving her tolerable pleasure. His lips sucked and caressed each tiny little finger.

Watching Tim stroke her fingers with gentle tongue swirls made her ache for him, saturating her panties. They kissed throughout the rest of the movie, and sat there after it ended just staring at each other in wonder that of actually being together.

They pulled in front of Brandi’s house and 1:30 in the morning. Tim asked: “Did you have a good time?”

“It was incredible.”

“I hope you weren’t disappointed that we didn’t go back to my house. I just want to go as slowly as possible.”

“I’m not disappointed. I had a wonderful evening with a man I have been dreaming about practically every night. We have time.”

“I hope not to give you nightmares.”

She kissed his cheek. “No silly. Every time I think of you, I get flushed. It feels so good.”

“You’re so beautiful; I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold off. You’re special to me, Brandi, unlike any other woman who’s been in my life.” He kissed her lips once more. “I had better get you inside.”

He walked her to the door, and waited until she was safely inside. Concern soon clouded the good vibrations he had felt all evening. Could he keep her happy, or would his past life intrude, and make her run from him?


Sunshine peeking through the blinds roused Brandi, and a smile instantly appeared. Remembering the wonderful evening she had spent with a man who made her world turn was the perfect way to awaken. Then her smile suddenly faded.
Was it a dream? Did I simply dream that Timothy Polaris kissed me last night, that we made out in the movie theater?
She sat up in bed, mumbling, “He had to be real. I can still smell his aftershave on my skin.” She looked at her nightstand and saw the box of half-eaten chocolate hearts. He was no dream; his arms had been around her and she still burned from his kisses.

Like a giddy schoolgirl, she grabbed the cordless and punched in Tiffany’s number, hardly able to wait telling her about her date with Tim. It rang three times before Tiffany’s sleepy voice came on. “Who is it?”

“Tiff, guess what?”

“Brandi? What could you possibly have to tell me at 8:30 on a Sunday morning?”

“Well, this might just wake you up. Tim took me out last night.”


“Tim! We went out last night.”

“Have mercy! You and pretty Timmy had a date? It’s about time.”

“Yes, it is.”

“You lucky broad. Where did you go?”

“We went to Northern Lakes Seafood. He brought me flowers, Tiff. Eric never gave me flowers.”

“Surely you knew about this date before last night. Why didn’t you tell me before now?”

“Because I wanted to keep my expectations low in case he cancelled.”

“He would never cancel on you. Hell, he left a university for you.”

“I know, but until things are set in stone, I won’t go overboard. You know that.”

“You said he took you where?”

“Northern Lakes.”

“That’s an expensive joint, girl. He must really care. None of my dates would have dared take me there. They couldn’t have afforded it because you know me, its got to be shrimp, lobster, crab, and a side helping of, yes, more shrimp! Tell me you had the oysters.”

“No, but he had them, and he was live last night, girlfriend.”

“Really? Did he throw down on you?”

“He was an absolute gentleman. He bought me candy, took me to the…”

“Can all that! Did you tongue dance with him or what?”

“Tiff! Well, yeah. What woman with common sense wouldn’t have kissed him? We made out in the movie theater. And that’s all you get.”

“Well, goodnight, Irene! Check you out, making it with the white Superfly of the entire city. He is jammin’, girl. You sure you didn’t do more than kiss him? I would have slammed him down on that car seat, and…”

“I get it! I know what you would have done to him and I don’t think he would have survived. For us, though, It was sweet and innocent.”

“Darn right! See, you don’t know how to take advantage of an opportunity.”

“With him I do. I want it to last, Tiffany. It was so magical last night; he looked so different, not like a professor, but like a regular guy.”

“Timothy Polaris ain’t no regular dude, girl! Sorry to burst your bubble.”

“I don’t mean that. It was like he was—Jacob Anthony Wells.”


“The name he gave me the first night I met him.”

“Yeah, I remember. Girl, you got a lot in store for yourself. Do everything this man tells you to do. If you don’t, I will. Get me?”

“He and I are going to my cousin Verdeen’s wedding next weekend, so eat your heart out.”

“Right, rub it in, why don’t you.”

“Shut up and get dressed. Aren’t we still going to the mall?”

“Yeah, catch you in a half-hour, and be ready, Brandi. My dad only lets me have the Hummer for two hours. He probably thinks I’ll sell it.”

“You’ve done worse.”

Both she and Tim were tired from dancing at Verdeen’s reception. They were quiet on the way back. Tim stared straight ahead. He looked so good in his tuxedo; his after-shave was so husky and manly, making her want him more and more. They had decided to put that part of life on hold until they both ready to go deeper into their physical relationship again. She pulled at his sleeve. “Did you have a good time at the wedding?”

“It was a lot of fun.”

“You sure? At times you looked bored.”

“Who could be bored with you around? I just didn’t know anyone there. You know how it is. Besides, weddings make me nervous.”


“My mother remarried, and that relationship was a disaster for my brother and me. The guy treated us exactly like what we were to him,
. There was no love between us at all. Then there was my marriage to Charlotte, another disaster.”

“I’m really sorry. Had I known, I wouldn’t have suggested the wedding. We could have done something else tomorrow.”

“No way. I wanted to be with you. It was your cousin’s wedding, and you couldn’t miss that.” He parked and faced her. “I’ll do anything to be with you.”

“We have worked pretty darn hard to be together, haven’t we?”

“Yeah, I’m in the game now; no sitting on the bench for me.”

“If this is any consolation, Verdeen told me that you were ‘hot-t-t.’ She said it just like that.”

“No one cared that I was the only white guy there?”

“Everyone thought you were great. Were you uncomfortable?”

“I had you there to keep my mind active, too active. You look, well, that dress you’re wearing is enough to make me lose it.”

“That’s why I wore it, and I caught the bridal bouquet, too. What do you think about that?”

“Good catch. One day you’ll be tossing it.”

“At our wedding?”

“Stranger things have happened.”

“I hope Tiffany catches it. She’ll need to be off the market, if she doesn’t marry before I do. Actually, she needs to be in an asylum for the sexually insane. You know, I had to peel her off me at the mall last weekend. She wanted every detail of our date. She’s got it bad for you.”

“Do you have it bad for me?”

She leaned over and kissed him. Her tongue danced with his briefly before pulling away. “Does that answer your question?”

“Yes, but I have more questions.”

“Walk me inside and you’ll get your answers. Mom and Dad haven’t left the reception yet.”

“What about Brian?”

“Staying the night with a friend.” She winked at him. “Let’s go.”

Once inside, he helped her out of her coat and then embraced her. “We’d better get in some really good kissing before your parents return.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Her arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, caressing his silk shirt, feeling his muscles flex as though they were rods of lightening—hot, wild, and dangerous. She ruled his every move, edging him on, feeling him pressing hard against her stomach.

Tim loosened his tie, then lifted her dress to finger the band of her panties. His fingers tickled her stomach as she responded to his advances. His hand slid inside the silk panties, stroking her skin, inching towards her core. “Keep doing that. Your hands are so strong.” She was moist for him, and he took advantage, dipping inside, feeling her throb against his fingers, slow, rhythmic movements in and out of her body.

He moaned, “I want you, Brandi. I know what we agreed on but…”

“I know, but not here.” The ringing phone startled them. He whispered in her ear. “Let it ring.”

Brandi pressed against him, not wanting him to stop. She ached for him as they kissed. Her body soon shuddered against his, holding on to him, clawing at his back as a rush filled her mind and body,
I love you, Tim.
She slowly broke from him, staring at him in awe. “You really are incredible.”

He kissed her shaking hands. “No, but you are. That was a heck of a good-night kiss, darling.”

“Sure was.” She re-buttoned his first two buttons, looking into his eyes. “I really think I’m falling hard for you, Timothy Edward. You’re the only man my eyes can see.”

Minutes later, they heard keys turning the lock on the front door. Mr. and Mrs. Miles stepped inside. Her mother smiled at the couple still standing in the middle of the floor. “I see you two beat us back.”

An embarrassed smile crossed Brandi’s face. “By seconds only.” It was definitely time for Tim to go before their faces gave them away. “Here’s your coat, Tim. Call me tonight. I’ve got practice early tomorrow for the championship game between Madison and East Pointe U.”

“You’ll do well. I’ll be there, too.”

She smiled and lowered her voice; her father was still standing within earshot. “Good, I can see you after the game.”

All he could do was smile. “Walk me to the door.” He looked at Mr. Miles, who was pretending to fix a crooked picture—with his coat still on. “It’s getting late, and we both have to get up early.”

Mr. Miles watched Brandi kiss Tim good night and waited until the door was closed before confronting her. “Brandi, about this Timothy guy. There are things about him that you should…”

“Yeah, isn’t he great? I’m crazy about him.” She started to run up the steps but her father stopped her again.

“Brandi. You and I need to talk about Timothy Polaris.”

“What is there to say about him other than he is all I’ve ever wanted?”

“You don’t know this guy the way you should.”

Brandi slowly walked back down the steps and looked her father square in the eyes. “Dad, I know you don’t want me dating white men, but this isn’t your decision. Tim and I are a couple now, and that’s all there is to it.”

“He has a past, honey, and…”

“He told me about his being arrested as a teen. We all have problems, and apparently he has worked through his. I don’t want to discuss this anymore, Dad.”

Mrs. Miles entered the room again as Brandi left. She stared at her husband with an
I can’t believe you approached her about him
kind of look. “You don’t need to talk to Brandi about Tim, Jeff.”

“She needs to know about him.”

“He will tell her, not you. If you keep hounding her, you will drive a wedge between you and your daughter. Don’t you know I would have left my parents’ house in a heartbeat had they said anything negative about you? She will, too. You don’t want your daughter to leave, do you?”

“No, that I don’t want. But she just doesn’t understand about him.”

“You need to drop this, Jeff. You run old issues into the ground. You always have.”

“Fine, it’s dropped. I just don’t want her hurt.”

“He won’t hurt her.”

He shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged his shoulders. “Can you make me some coffee? Add some scotch to it; I think I’ll need it.”

After the loss to East Pointe U, Brandi took an unusually long shower after everyone else left the locker room. Her Aunt Theresa drove her to the game and was waiting for her in the stands. Brandi needed to think about things. Everything seemed to be on her mind that night; the game, her life with Tim, even Eric’s juvenile actions were still on her mind. Eric had denied responsibility for the tire tracks across Tim’s lawn. But she wondered if he was behind that. He was always wrongfully accused—in his mind. He never faced things. But Tim was first and foremost on her mind that night, and every night. He was the reason she wanted everyone gone so she could walk from the dressing rooms with him and steal a juicy kiss. Theresa would just have to wait an extra five minutes to take her home.

When she stepped out of the shower, all activity had ceased, letting her know the place was still empty. She put on her stockings, bra and skirt. Before she could finish with the buttons on her blouse, the power went off—then the lights. Not being able to find her way in the darkness, she anxiously called out. “Hello, is anyone here? Is there someone in here?” When she didn’t get a response, her fear intensified. She began to feel her way around the walls until she got to the light switch. It immediately came on time enough to see a figure duck around the corner. “Hello?” Nothing. “Who is out there? I’m not kidding. I’ll get security. Eric, is that you?”

Tim stepped from the corner laughing. “If you get security, then the kiss is off.”

“Tim, you animal! What are you doing here? I thought you left home in tears like the rest of Madison’s crowd.”

“I was in the mood for one of my swims, since it was such a tough loss. Besides, I wanted to stay behind and see you.”

She ran into his arms, kissing him. He backed her against the wall moving his mouth up and down her neck. His hands did double duty trying to find a way around her bra. He slid the straps from her shoulders and fondled her breasts, making her call to him more and more.

Brandi could taste the perspiration on his skin. That excited her and made him feel and smell more primitive than he wanted to be. Her legs parted for him and his hands quickly moved between them, pressing her deeper into his erection. She pulled the T-shirt over his head and caressed each caramel-hued nipple then kissed his lips. Her words sounded choked as she tried kissing and talking at the same time. “God! I thought you would never get in here, and then scaring me to death with that little stunt of yours. You’re so bad.”

bad; bad enough to scare the panties right off you. Speaking of panties, where’s those cool red and white ones that makes me crazy every time I see them?”

“Part of a uniform…had to take them off. You can pull these off instead.” She moved his hand to her panty line, feeling his fingers enter her. Her voice lowered. “God! Don’t ever stop doing that to me.”

Suddenly, pleasing her became a second thought. He had to tell her, talk to her about what had happened earlier that evening, but he didn’t want to scare her. He also didn’t want her dead, so there was no backing out of what he had to say. His words might ruin their relationship, but she would be saved in the process—if they were lucky!

His mouth left hers. “Brandi, you know how I feel about you, don’t you? I mean…no woman’s ever made me feel the way you do.”

She saw worry in his eyes. “Yes, I know how you feel. I know how we both feel.” Her nose brushed his playfully. “Why are you so serious all of a sudden?”

“Nothing’s wrong, well…not exactly.”

Her fingers brushed his still-damp sideburns. “Not exactly?”

This was so hard for him to say; having to take Brandi out all the time instead of them being alone in his house for once. Everything seemed to be falling apart for him, just when his life was at its best. Getting over Charlotte, which Claire helped him do, would be a breeze compared with making it difficult for him and Brandi to be together.

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